AMERICAN HISTORY 1800 - 1945 Tereza VARGOVÁ Contents • • • • • • • The Anglo-American War The Monroe Doctrine Indian Removal Act Trail of Tears Mexican-American War California Gold Rush Civil War Contents • • • • • Spanish-American War World War I World War II Possibly Interesting Facts Quiz Louisiana Purchase • acquired from France => US nearly doubles in size The Anglo-American War • 1812-1814 • US declared war on June 18, 1812 • reasons: – trade restrictions – the impressment of US merchant sailors into the Royal Navy – British support for Native American tribes against European expansion The Anglo-American War • resolved by the Treaty of Ghent, signed on December 24, 1814 – both parties returned occupied land to its pre-war owner and resumed friendly trade relations The Monroe Doctrine • 1823 • James Monroe, 5th president • goals: – to free the newly independent colonies from European interventions – avoid situations which would make the New World a battleground for the Old World powers The Monroe Doctrine Indian Removal Act • systematic efforts to remove the Native American tribes from the Southeast • passed on May 28, 1830 • US territory west of Mississippi to be divided into districts for tribes to replace the land they were removed from • strongly supported by non-native people in the South Indian Removal Act • The Seminole Wars – 1835-1842 – most tribe members killed, others relocated, a tiny fraction allowed to remain Trail of Tears • series of forced relocations of Native American nations • relocated peoples suffered from exposure, disease and starvation while enroute • many died before reaching their various destinations (2,000-6,000 out of 16,543) Mexican-American War • 1846-1848 • followed the 1845 annexation of Texas • US declares war in hopes of acquiring California and other territory in the Southwest • resolved by the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo – forced Mexican cession of California and parts of the Southwest California Gold Rush • 1848-1855 • gold found at Sutter‘s Mill in California • reaches its height the following year => ‚fortyniners‘ • after the boom: anti-foreign and racist attacks, genocide on Native Americans California Gold Rush Civil War the Union the Confederacy Civil War • 1861-1865 • to determine the survival of the Union or independence for the Confederacy • cause: slavery • January 1861 – seven slave states declared their secession from the US and formed the Confederate States of America Civil War Civil War • ended with the surrender of Confederate commanding genereal Robert Lee on April 9, 1865 • five days after the surrender, US president Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth • followed by Reconstruction (1865-1877) – a period of readjustment Spanish-American War • 1898 (ten-week affair) • result of US intervention in the Cuban War of Independence and the mysterious sinking of USS Maine • resolved by the Treaty of Paris – Spanish Empire surrendered control of Cuba and most of its land in the Caribbean region World War I • US declared war on Austria-Hungary on April 6, 1917 • did not officially join the Allies • major contributions in terms of supplies, raw material and money • US signed separate treaties with Germany and its allies World War II • a series of Neutrality Acts was passed • major contributions in terms of supplies, raw material and money • Pearl Harbor attacked while negotiations were taking place => US entered the war against Japan • July 1945: Japan refused to accept unconditional surrender World War II • August 6, 1945: an atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, three days later another one on Nagasaki • August 14, 1945: Japan accepted the surrender terms • September 2, 1945: Japan and the Allies signed the surrender agreement Possibly Interesting Facts • Homestead Act of 1862 – allowed settlers to claim 160 acres of unoccupied public land after they have lived on it for five years • 15th amendment (1870) – prohibits the denial of the right to vote based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude • 19th amendment (1920) – prohibits the denial of the right to vote based on sex Possibly Interesting Facts • US acquires Alaska from Russia • March 30, 1867 Possibly Interesting Facts • the Bureau of Investigation established in 1908 • name changed to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 1935 Possibly Interesting Facts • The Panama Canal – ship canal connecting the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean – officially opened on August 15, 1914 Possibly Interesting Facts • The Star-Spangled Banner – made the national anthem on March 3, 1931 Possibly Interesting Facts • Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 – introduced 40 hour work week – established a nation minimum wage – prohibited most employment of minors in oppressive child labor Possibly Interesting Facts • United Nations established in 1945 • Headquarters in Manhattan, New York City Thank you for your attention! References • • • • various Wikipedia pages Quiz Quiz • Indian Removal Act meant: A) the removal of Indians from India B) nothing, really C) moving India to the US D) the removal of Native Americans from the Southeast Quiz • Indian Removal Act meant: D) the removal of Native Americans from the Southeast Quiz • The Monroe Doctrine said: A) the US is no one‘s business B) the US is everyone‘s business C) everyone‘s welcome to colonize land D) the land belongs to the Native American nations Quiz • The Monroe Doctrine said: A) the US is no one‘s business Quiz • Civil War was fought between: A) West and East B) US and UK C) North and South D) Midgard and Asgard Quiz • Civil War was fought between: C) North and South