COLLIN COLLEGE COURSE SYLLABUS COURSE INFORMATION Course Number: MATH 1332 Course Title: Math for Liberal Arts I Course Description: Topics include logic, sets, graphs and applications of functions, mathematics of finance, probability and statistics. Other topics may include voting theory, sequences, geometry, graph theory, and mathematical systems. This course is NOT intended to prepare students for calculus, business, or engineering courses. Course Credit Hours: 3 Lecture Hours: 3 Prerequisite: Meet TSI college-readiness standard for Mathematics; or equivalent Student Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course the students should be able to do the following: 1. Identify, graph and solve problems involving functions. (Empirical/Quantitative Skills) 2. Understand the basic concepts of sets and logic. (Critical Thinking and Communication Skills) 3. Demonstrate knowledge of basic concepts in financial management. (Critical Thinking and Empirical/Quantitative Skills) 4. Use basic concepts of statistical reasoning to summarize data and form conclusions. (Critical Thinking and Communication Skills) 5. Find the probability of an event and formulate mathematical or management decisions from the information. (Critical Thinking and Empirical/Quantitative Skills) Withdrawal Policy: See the current Collin Registration Guide for the last day to withdraw. Collin College Academic Policies: See the current Collin Student Handbook. Americans with Disabilities Act Statement: Collin College will adhere to all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations as required to afford equal educational opportunity. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the ACCESS office, SCC-D140 or 972.881.5898 (V/TTD: 972.881.5950) to arrange for appropriate accommodations. See the current Collin Student Handbook for additional information. INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION Instructor’s Name: Office Number: Office Hours: Jamie von Holstein LH123 (Suite LH117) 11:00 - 1:00 MW 10:00 – 11:00 TT Others by appointment LH123 LH123 Phone Number: 972-377-1621 Email: Class Information: Section Number: P01 Meeting Times: MWF 9:00am – 9:50am Meeting Location: LH116 Supplies: Textbook: Mathematical Ideas, by Miller, Heeren and Hornsby, 13th Edition Online Homework: MyMathLab access Graphing Calculator: TI 84 recommended TI Nspire is only allowed if using the 84 faceplate TI 89, TI 92, or any other calculator with CAS is not allowed Attendance Policy: Attendance is expected and necessary for success in this class. If you are unable to attend class, it is your responsibility to obtain missed material/notes. You are expected to come to class with your paper, pencil, and calculator. Class notes are available for printing through my website. You are responsible for printing these and bringing them with you to class. Courtesy and respect for your fellow students and for any teachers, student instructors, or staff you come in contact with is expected at all times. Students are expected to conduct themselves in class in such a way as to not interfere with or disrupt the educational process. That includes being on time and not texting in class. If you cannot participate positively in class, you will be asked to leave. ALL electronic devices (cell phones, laptops, IPods, IPads, etc) must be turned off during class. Method of Evaluation: 20% Online Homework There will be online homework assigned through MyMathLab. You can buy an access code separately, buy it bundled with the textbook, or use it with “temporary access” with a 17 day grace period if you are waiting on financial aid. You will be responsible for registering online using this access code. The two lowest homework grades will be dropped. The course ID will be given out on the first class day. 10% Quizzes In-class quizzes will make up this component. They may be group quizzes or individual quizzes. Quizzes must be done in pencil . They will be timed and no makeup quizzes will be given. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped. If a quiz is taken at the beginning of class, it will not be handed out more than 10 minutes after the start of class. Quizzes might not be announced in advance. 50% Test Average from 5 Tests (15% each) Six tests will be given, and the lowest test grade will be dropped. MAKEUP EXAMS ARE NOT GIVEN. Cheating on an exam results in a zero. 20% Comprehensive Final Exam The final exam is mandatory. If you do not take it, you will receive a zero. Final grade is based on the following: Percentage Grade 89.5 – 100 A 79.5 - 89.4 B 69.5 - 79.4 C 59.5 - 69.4 D 0 - 59.4 F Additional Instructor Information: Important Dates to Understand: Census Date (Feb 1, 2016) - If you drop before the census date, you will not receive a “W”. The course will not appear on your transcript. Last Withdrawal Date (March 18, 2016) - If you drop after the Census Date but before the Last Withdrawal Date, you will receive a “W”. After the Last Withdrawal Date, you CANNOT drop the class. You will receive the grade you earn in the class (A,B,C,D,or F). College Repeat Policy: It is very important that students realize that this course can be repeated ONLY ONCE. This includes a grade of “W”. Section 51.907 of the Texas Education Code: A student is limited to SIX withdrawals (W’s) for their entire college career. This includes any course a transfer student has withdrawn from at another Texas institute of higher education. Additional Math Resources: I.) Math Lab at all campuses: Staffed with student tutors, as well as some faculty tutors Student solution manuals are available, if you do not want to purchase one. TI calculators are available for use in the lab. Private tutor list is available in the Math Lab. You are responsible for contacting any private tutor and making the arrangements. Preston Ridge Campus Math Lab F148 972-377-1639 Spring Creek Campus Math Lab D203 972-881-5921 Central Park Campus Math Lab C220 972-548-6896 II.) Access Office (F109) Provides FREE individual tutoring and/or online tutoring ( up to 2 hours a week). See my website for the Tutor Request Form. Or get more info by calling 972-881-5898. III.) Library Calculators can be borrowed for up to 4 hours. Contact Library personnel to confirm. IV.) Please check your cougarmail daily. Tentative Schedule Spring 2016 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Intro, MyMathLab 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.3 Quiz 2.4 2.4 Test I 11.1 11.2 Quiz 11.3 11.5 Quiz Test 2 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 Test 3 Week 8 Spring Break Week 9 8.4 8.5 Week 10 8.6 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Week 17 Spring Holiday Test 4 13.1 13.2 13.2 Quiz 13.3 13.4 Quiz Test 5 3.1 3.2 3.3 Quiz 3.4 3.5 3.5 Test 6 Review FINAL EXAM Symbols and Terminology of Set Theory, Venn Diagrams and Subsets Set Operations and Cartesian Products Surveys and Cardinal Numbers Surveys and Cardinal Numbers Basic Concepts of Probability Events Involving “Not” and “Or” Conditional Probability, Events Involving “And”, Expected Value Visual Displays of Data Measures of Central Tendency Measures of Dispersion, Measures of Position Measures of Position The Normal Distribution Functions, Linear Functions Quadratic Functions, Applications, Graphs, and Models Drop Date 3/18/14 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions, Applications, and Models The Time Value of Money Consumer Credit Consumer Credit Truth in Lending The Costs and Advantages of Home Ownership Statements and Quantifiers Truth Tables and Equivalent Statements The Conditional The Conditional and Related Statements Analyzing Arguments with Euler Diagrams Fri May 13, 9:00 am - 11:00 am