Ch 5 Powerpoint - Gilbert Public Schools

Preparing for Birth
Child Development
Chapter 5-1
A Healthy Pregnancy
• For a healthy pregnancy, a woman needs to:
Eat a well-balanced diet
Exercise moderately
Get plenty of sleep
Manage stress
Get proper prenatal care
A Healthy Pregnancy
• Select the correct answer:
• If a woman thinks she might be pregnant, she
should get tested
In a week or two
Never! Ignorance is bliss.
• Correct answer is…
A Healthy Pregnancy
• Think about the signs of early pregnancy.
• Think about how a woman’s body typically
changes during the month.
• What do you notice????
A Healthy Pregnancy
• How can you tell for sure if you are pregnant?
• Home pregnancy tests
– Very accurate, especially
with POSITIVE readings
• Blood test
– 100% accurate
• How soon can you tell?
• Using early morning sample, you can sometimes tell
by first day of expected (or missed) period
A Healthy Pregnancy
• Proper medical care…
• for the duration of pregnancy is CRITICAL
to the health of the baby
• Make an appointment with an OB/GYN
– OB = Obstetrician
• Specializes in pregnancy and childbirth
– GYN = Gynecologist
• Specializes in non-pregnant women patients
A Healthy Pregnancy
What happens at the first exam?
Weight / blood pressure / pulse / respirations
Discuss your medical history and family history
Take another urine test
– Confirms pregnancy
– Tests for infection and diabetes
• Possibly…
– Blood test
– Pelvic measurements
– Ultrasound
• Also…
• Confirm due date!!!
A Healthy Pregnancy
• When is the due date?
– 9 months and 1 week from the
first day of the last menstrual
• How often are babies born
on their “due date?”
– 5% of the time! 1 in 20 babies
• What time frame is still considered
full term and normal?
• 2 weeks before or after due date
A Healthy Pregnancy
• How often do you go to the doctor?
– 8 weeks – 6 Months - Monthly
– 7th & 8th Month - Twice a month
– 9th Month on – Weekly
• What happens?
– Test urine
– Measure your belly
– Check weight/vitals
– Listen for heartbeat
A Healthy Pregnancy
• Gestational Diabetes
– Can cause baby to be heavier
than normal
– Blood test between 24 – 28 weeks
• Preeclampsia
– High blood pressure during pregnancy
– Can cause low birth weight
& liver, lung and kidney failure
– Doctor may prescribe bed rest,
medication or induce labor
Nutrition During Pregnancy
• Good nutrition…
• is the single MOST important requirement during
• All pregnant women should…
• Take a prenatal vitamin
• How many additional calories does a woman
need each day?
• 300 additional high quality calories
A Healthy Pregnancy
• How much weight do pregnant women gain?
• According to “experts:” 25 – 35 pounds
• Mrs. Wilhite’s experience: 25-60 pounds
Personal Care and Activities
• What else should you do to be healthy during
• Get plenty of rest
• Exercise
• Practice good hygiene
– Floss!
Discomforts of Pregnancy
• Nausea and/or vomiting
– “morning sickness”
– Usually clears by 4th month
• Sleepiness
– More common during 1st and
3rd trimesters
– 2nd trimester, get a burst of
More Discomforts…
• Heartburn
• Shortness of Breath
– pressure on the lungs, esp. in
last trimester
• Varicose Veins
– Twisted, enlarged veins
• Muscle Cramps in the Legs
• Low Back Pain
Linea Nigra
Preparing for Parenthood
Chapter 5.2
Child Development
Preparing for Parenthood
• When you become a parent, your role in life
changes. Discuss with a partner how each role in
your life may change when you are a parent.
– Spouse (husband or wife)
– Student
– Volunteer
– Employee
– Sister or brother
– Daughter or son
Preparing for Parenthoood
• Choose a pediatrician
– Doctor who specializes in treating children
• Feeding your baby
– Breastfeeding (Nursing)
– Formula (Bottle)
• Both options
– have advantages and disadvantages
– provide vital nutrients to an infant
• Advantages
– Best source of nutrition for the baby
– Gives the baby some immunity against diseases
– Creates a bond through physical closeness with
the mother
– May boost brain development
– Reduces baby’s risk of allergies
– Causes fewer digestive upsets
• Advantages, Continued…
– Speeds the return of the mother’s uterus to
normal size
– Reduces the mother’s risk of later having breast or
ovarian cancer
– Reduces the risk that the mother will feel
– Is conveniently available at all times
– Is free, though a nursing mother needs additional
• Disadvantages
– Prevents father from participating in the feeding
– Baby has to be fed more often
– In rare cases, may be medical reasons that suggest
breast-feeding is not desirable
– May be painful for some mothers
– May be difficult because of work schedule
• Advantages
– Allows father to participate in feeding
– Allows mother to have a more flexible schedule
– Eliminates concern about mother’s diet or
medications she takes
– Babies need feeding less often
• Disadvantages
– Can be expensive
– Does not give the baby any natural immunity to
– Involves a greater chance of baby developing
– Creates risk that baby may not be given close
physical contact during feeding
Preparing for Parenthoood
• You will need to…
• make decisions about who will care for the
• What options are there?
– Stay at home parent
– Relative
– Child Care Center or Provider
Preparing for Parenthoood
• You will need to make a budget.
• Fixed expenses
– Rent
– Car payments
– Taxes
• Flexible expenses
– Food and household
– Clothes
– Entertainment
Preparing for Parenthood
• Stuff you NEED
– Crib and mattress, sheets
– Diapers and wipes
– Baby soap and washcloths
– Sleepers
– Receiving blankets
– Bottles/ formula (if not nursing)
– Car seat
Preparing for Parenthood
• Stuff that is nice, but you don’t need:
– Changing table and pad
– Dress up clothes
– High chair and bibs
– Baby bathtub
– Stroller
– Designer jeans, shoes
Useful stuff?
Car Seat Safety
• Car Seat Safety
– Infants must be rear-facing until
12 months and 20 pounds
• Where is the safest place for an
– rear middle seat
• At what age is it safe for a child to ride in the
front seat?
• 12
Car Seat Safety
– Videos
– Why Car Seats are Important
– Story
Childbirth Options
Chapter 5.3
Child Development
Childbirth Options
• What is prepared childbirth?
– Involves reducing pain and fear during the birth
process through education, breathing and
conditioning exercises
• Labor
– process of the baby moving out of the uterus and
into the vaginal canal to be born
• Delivery
– The actual birth
Childbirth Options
• Childbirth Education Classes
– Offered at hospitals, doctor offices, private
• What do you learn at these classes?
– Breathing techniques and conditioning exercises
– Prenatal development
– What to expect during labor and delivery
– How to make a birth plan
– What to expect after the baby is born
Childbirth Options
• Who will deliver the baby?
– Obstetrician
– Qualified to handle any emergencies or complications
– Family Doctor
– Some GP’s deliver babies but if complications arise,
they contact an OB
– Certified Midwives
– Trained to assist a woman in childbirth
– CNM (Certified Nurse Midwife) – also Registered
Childbirth Options
• Where will baby be born?
– Hospitals
• Most babies in America are born in the hospital
• Prepared to handle almost any emergency
– At Home
• Only recommended for women with uncomplicated
pregnancies with low risk of complications
Childbirth Options
• Where will the baby be born?
• Alternative birth centers
– Home like environment
– Emphasize prepared,
natural childbirth
– Do not offer pain medication
– Midwives usually handle births in these centers
– Most accept only mothers with low risk of
Childbirth Options
• What are the benefits of an alternative birth
– Nearby hospital is on call if there are any
– Cost less than a hospital
– Parents leave with babies sooner (24 hours)