Welcome to Ancient Egypt 6th Grade Social Studies Course: 87T01 – Virtual Field Trip Carol LaBella NYCAL01@aol.com Click here for packing supplies • • • • • • • • • Itinerary Passport and Ticket * Timeline * Map * - Geography Nile River Overview - Tour of Egypt Mummies Tombs – Pharaohs Pyramids Hierogryphics *(included in your package) Facts , pictures and short video of Egypt – use your notebooks to write down 3 basic facts from video and information – Click on Passport Timeline Click on the picture to the right Using the timeline complete the Timeline in your package( double click on blue line Where is Egypt? Take out your completed map of Egypt Physical Geography affected the growth of Ancient Egypt Physical Geography affects the growth of Ancient Civilization Importance of the Nile River Click on Title • Click on picture of People in the Nile River http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/photos/freshwaterwaterscapes/#/freshwater-waterscapes-9_33432_600x450.jpg Destination: Egypt Fasten your seatbelts! Click on the picture to the right for takeoff to Egypt! Egyptian Mummies Click on the picture of the mummy to the right. In your notebooks write 3 – 5 facts from the article Egyptian Tombs Times Square Museum – King Tut Exhibit – now closed – click below for video and pictures from Museum Short video overview on Egyptian Tombs – Write 3 – 5 facts you learn from this video – click above Pyramids of Ancient Egypt Tour Click on picture Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Writing What does the word hieroglyph mean? Hieroglyphs is made from two Greek words: hieros meaning holy glyphe meaning writing So hieroglyph means holy writing. Rosetta Stone click on picture for more information Click on picture above Citations • • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Citations Mr. Donn Ancient Egypt; http://egypt.mrdonn.org/ Ancient Egypt Book; Eyewitness Books & Clip Art CD. 2/2008. Ancient Egypt. United States: DK Publishing, 2008. Numerous. Print. Time line: "Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery for Kids." Web. 17 Aug 2011. <http://www.schoolsliaison.org.uk/kids/access/egypt/timeline_egypt.htm>. Gift of the Nile http://egypt.mrdonn.org/geography.html Maps: (www.egyptweb.norfolk.gov.uk); "Ancient Eqypt Map." Edhelper.com. Web. 17 Aug 2011. <edhelper.com/ancient egypt>. Photo; Nile River: http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/photos/freshwater-waterscapes/#/freshwater-waterscapes9_33432_600x450.jpg "Importanace of Nile River." Ancient Eqypt for Kids. Web. 17 Aug 2011. <http://egypt.mrdonn.org/geography.html>. "Anicent Egypt." Woodlands School-Ancient Egypt. Web. 17 Aug 2011. <http://www.woodlandsjunior.kent.sch.uk/Homework/egypt/mummies.htm>. National Geographic "Destination: Egypt." National Geographic. Web. 17 Aug 2011. <http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/player/places/countriesplaces/egypt/egypt-overview-dest.html>. "Tombs of Ancient Egypt." National Geographic. Web. 17 Aug 2011. <http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/player/places/countries-places/egypt/tombs-of-ancient-egypt.html>. Egypt - Pyramids." National Geographic. Web. 17 Aug 2011. <http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/player/places/countriesplaces/egypt/egypt-pyramids-dest.html>. "Discovery Education." Ancient Egypt. Web. 17 Aug 2011. <C:\Users\user\Documents\VFT\Africa_s_Nile_River__the_Equator__and_the_Kalahari_Desert__.asf>. 1. (I am a member through my school of this site) Ancient Egypt." Web. 17 Aug 2011. <http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/Homework/egypt/rosetta.htm>. "King Tut video." Times Square Discovery Museum. Web. 17 Aug 2011. <http://www.discoverytsx.com/exhibitions/kingtut>. Word Documents – attached – made by Carol Fischer LaBella Clip art from Microsoft Word and Eyewitness Book listed above (Clip art CD was included in purchase).