The Great Gatsby Research Circles Your group will be researching sources over your chosen topic. All of your sources should support your topic in connection with the themes, symbols, plot, characters, setting, etc. of the novel. Using these sources your group will be creating a Multi-Genre Project (MGP) related to your topic. (MGP instructions to follow) TOPIC: ____________________________________________________ GROUP MEMBERS: ____________________________________________________________ Each group will get their own project page on the Wikispace on which you may post findings, notes, ideas, and where you may also discuss your project in the discussion board. For your selected research topic your group will need to find: 2 Credible articles - newspapers, journals, magazines, online database 2 Media sources – websites devoted to topic, videos, commercials, social media, etc. 2 creative/visual representations– art, photograph, comic, etc. 1 other literary work related to the topic –poems, short stories, novels, books Use the table below to plan and distribute work among your group members. ARTICLES MEDIA SOURCES CREATIVE/VISUAL LITERARY WORK After you have found the 7 sources listed above, you will need to analyze the information in each source. Using this information you will create an ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY (AB) (Instructions to follow) that covers the important information presented in each source. Each person responsible for each type of source will be responsible for their portion of the AB. DUE: ___________________________________________ When you have completed the ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY, you are ready to begin your MULTIGENRE PROJECT. The first part of your MGP is a title page and focus statement. This is a short paragraph that will tell your reader where your research was focused and what you want your Artifacts to demonstrate as a whole. This needs to accompany a title page with your group members’ names and your topic. (More specific examples/instructions to follow.) The Great Gatsby Multigenre Project A multigenre project is a creative, nontraditional way to present information discovered through research. For this project, your group will be creating 8 MULTIGENRE ARTIFACTS that presents the information you found in your research in relation to The Great Gatsby. Each artifact should reflect the plot, themes, symbols, characters, setting of the novel while relating to the topic of your research. Your group may choose any 8 genres to complete for your project and may distribute the work however you choose, but ALL MEMBERS will be responsible for all parts of the project. Attached is a list of possible genres, but you may have other ideas. Please run these by me! Must have: 8 Different Genres At least 2 Written At least 2 Creative At least 2 Media YOU MAY HAVE (but are not required) ONLY 1 BROUGHT ITEM *YOU MAY ONLY HAVE 1 BROUGHT ITEM! ALL OTHER GENRES MUST BE ORIGINAL, STUDENT CREATED! I want this project to be fun and creative. This project allows for individuality and use of specific areas of talent and interest. Please take advantage of this while conducting effective and informative research. GENRE/ARTIFACT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. AREA OF EMPHASIS/CONNECTION TO TGG PERSON RESPONSIBLE Multigenre Artifact Ideas Written Letter to the Editor Chart or Diagram with Explanation and Analysis Journal Entries Obituary, Eulogy or Tribute Personal Letter News Program Story or Brochure or Newsletter Greeting Card Announcement Time Line or Chain of Events Schedule/Things to Do List Map with Explanation and Tabloid Article Survey Inner Monologue Representing Directions Ransom Note Internal Conflicts Advice Column Classified or Personal Ads Personal Essay Dialogue of a Conversation among Two or More People Autobiographical Essay Letter or Correspondence/Persuasive or Biographical Summary Critique of a Published Source Speech or Debate Historical Times Context Essay Textbook Article Science Article or Report/Business Article or Restaurant Description and Menu Travel Brochure Description Poster Diary or Journal Creative/Visual Invitation Greeting Card Advertisement Poetry Brochure Found Poem Cartoon Song Lyrics Book Jacket Short Scene from a Play with DVD or VHS Cover Notes for Stage Directions CD Cover Short Scene from a Movie with Scrapbook Notes for Camera Shots Wedding, Graduation or Special Short Story Event Invitation Adventure Magazine Story Ghost Story Myth, Tall Tale, or Fairy Tale Talk Show Interview or Panel Advocacy Letter Analysis Report Local News Report Birth Certificate Local News Report Pop-Up book Review and Poster for a Movie, Book, or TV Program Comedy Routine or Parody Board Game or Trivial Pursuit Picture book with Answers and Rules Comic Strip or Graphic Novel excerpt Collage Billboard Picture w/ Paragraph Photo Gallery/Album Original Drawing, Painting, etc. Magazine or TV Advertisement or Bad Lip reading (within context of Infomercial research or novel) Power Point Presentation Blog Informational Video Podcast Web Site Video Book Trailer Social Media (i.e.; Facebook, Movie Trailer Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Animoto Stick Figure Animation – Pivot THE POSSIBILITIES ARE Model Vine, etc) Pattern Blueprint Media Prezi Glogster Soundtrack/Playlist Chat/Text Message Conversation ENDLESS!!!! If you have any other ideas, run them by me first! Project Checklist ________7 Sources _______ 2 Articles _______ 2 Media _______ 2 Visual/Creative _______ 1 literary work ________ Annotated Bibliography ________ Title Page and Focus Statement _______ Artifact 1 _______ Artifact 5 _______ Artifact 2 _______ Artifact 6 _______ Artifact 3 _______ Artifact 7 _______ Artifact 4 _______ Artifact 8