LEA Funding Opportunities

LEA Funding Opportunities
Office of Special Programs
April 17, 2015
• OSP Sources of Funding:
– IDEA (Federal) (43YXX)
– State Aid for Exceptional Students (02Y1X)
– Out-of-State – state (02Y2X)
– Out-of-County – state (02Y6X)
– High Cost/High Acuity – IDEA (43Y3X)/state (02Y5X)
– Assistive Technology – IDEA (43Y3X)
– Technology Integration Specialist – IDEA (43Y3X)
– SLP Distance Education Program – IDEA (43Y3X)
• Annual LEA Application for Funding
– State Special Education (02Y1X)
– IDEA School Age Entitlement (43Y1X)
– IDEA Preschool Entitlement (43Y2X)
• Due July 1
Obligation and Liquidation-Timelines
Availability of IDEA Funds
FY 14
Obligation period
› July 1, 2013 – September 30, 2015
Ending liquidation date
› October 31, 2015
FY 15
Obligation period
› July 1, 2014 – September 30, 2016
Ending liquidation date
› October 31, 2016
FY 16
Obligation period*
› July 1, 2015 – September 30, 2017
Ending liquidation date
› October 31, 2017
*FY 16 funds may be obligated only after a plan is submitted and substantially
approved. Only 25% of grant award may be obligated through October 1, 2015.
Obligation and Liquidation
• Obligation – EDGAR §76.707
• Liquidation-The issuance of payment for an obligation.
Funds for Out-of-State Instruction
(County IEP Placed Students)
Funds for Out-of-State Instruction
(County IEP Placed Students)
$300,000 Available Each Year (Divided into two
semesters: July 1 - Dec 31 & Jan 1 - June 30)
 $150,000 available for each semester. Funds divided equally
between counties requesting reimbursement, but will not
exceed the total request made for reimbursement by a county.
 LEAs submit application for reimbursement for students
placed out of the state by determination of the district IEP
 Memo and application from OSP mailed electronically in
November or December of each year and applications are
due in January (1st Semester) and March (2nd Semester).
Receipts/copies of invoices for costs are then due in February
(1st Semester) and April (2nd Semester).
Funds for Reimbursement for the Education of
Students with Exceptionalities Placed by Other State
Agencies (Out-of-County)
Funds for Reimbursement for the Education of
Students with Exceptionalities Placed by Other
State Agencies (Out-of-County)
• $558,935 Available Each Year
 Funds are reimbursed prorated based on the individual
county’s request to the sum of all requests received. (For FY
14, counties received approximately 38% of amount
submitted for reimbursement.)
 LEAs submit application for reimbursement for students who
have been placed by DHHR or the Department of Juvenile
Services in counties that are not the students’ home counties.
 Memo and application from OSP mailed electronically in
March of each year and applications are due at the end of
High Cost/High Acuity Expenditure
Application is due once yearly and is for the preceding year expenses.
– Application for the 2014-2015 year is due July 31, 2015 for the
period July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015
– Training on the completion of the application will be offered at the
OSF Federal Programs Conference in Bridgeport on July 15th
during the afternoon breakout session.
• (Counties in attendance at that session will be given an extension on
the due date to Friday, August 21, 2015.)
Funds available for the 2014-2015 applications:
– $822,303 IDEA and $1,500,000 State
Funding for reimbursement is made from federal and state dollars so award will
come from two grants.
 All reimbursement funds must be expended for special education
 Only the state grant reimbursement may be expended for gifted
High Cost/High Acuity Expenditure
A district may request the use of funds from the High Need Expenditure/High
Acuity Fund for a student with a disability who meets the following criteria:
Is 3-21 years of age, inclusive;
Is currently eligible under Part B;
Has a current Individualized Education Program (IEP);
Is enrolled within the district requesting funds and receives special
education and related educational services in that district’s public school; or
has been placed in an out-of-state facility by the court system and receives
special education and related educational services; and
The cost for the student’s education is equal to or greater than $33,400
per fiscal year or $3,400 a month, based on 10 months
IDEA regulations, §300.704(ii)(3)(A)(2), state that the High Cost Expenditure Plan should ensure the cost of
the high cost student with a disability is greater than three (3) times the average per pupil expenditure in the
High Cost/High Acuity Expenditure
• Eligible expenditures are those for the 20142015 school year.
– Calculations of teacher salaries etc. must be
based on 2014-2015 caseloads.
• Pull this data for students you think may meet the
minimum expenditure criteria before information for the
2015-2016 year is entered.
• Some counties will use minutes served on IEP’s to
calculate percentages eligible for reimbursement. (IEP
minutes must be used to calculate reimbursement rate
for therapists, unless contractual.) If this is stored in
WVEIS, it should be pulled as well before new
information for next year is entered.
High Cost/High Acuity Expenditure
Important Note: OOS Court-Ordered Students will not meet the minimum
expenditure criteria of $33,400 this year for reimbursement under the high
cost/high acuity funding. However, OSP has reserved $250,000 in another
funding source for reimbursement to those that submit applications. The same
application will be used. The potential reimbursement amount is as follows:
Tuition withheld from FY15 special education funding per student
Less Average State Aid Per Pupil (2014-2015 year)
Less Credit from Prior Year Charges Per Student (Applied 2015 year)
Total Expenses Eligible for Reimbursement
Last year expenses were reimbursed at approximately 46% of amount requested. If
reimbursement under high cost/high acuity funding were permitted, reimbursement
per student would equal approximately $2,162 per student.
Minimum Reimbursement with $250,000 set aside if applications are submitted for
133 eligible students = $1,879/student. (Applications were received for 85 OOS
students last year. If applications submitted remain at that number for this year, the
amount of reimbursement could be as high as $2,941 per student.
High Cost/High Acuity Expenditure
Will OOS students be eligible in future years?
Answer depends on certain variables:
• Amount expended in total on OOS students.
• Average per pupil expenditure
• Number of OOS students
In years that OOS students do not qualify, when financial
resources are available, OSP will set aside $250,000 to provide
reimbursement of cost to counties for the court-ordered OOS
High Cost/High Acuity Expenditure
Why OOS students do not meet the minimum expenditure criteria for 2015:
Costs have declined, students have increased, and avg. per pupil amount
2011-Estimate of OOS cost: $4,400,000
Number of OOS students: 126
Total cost per student: $34,920
2015-Estimate of OOS cost: $3,650,000
Number of OOS students: 134
Total cost per student: $27,238*
*Does not meet minimum expenditure criteria of $33,400
for FY 2015
High Cost/High Acuity Expenditure
2016 High Cost/High Acuity Plan
• In accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education
Improvement Act (IDEA 2004), §300.704 (c)(3)(i), the Office of
Special Programs (OSP) will continue to annually review, and
amend as necessary, the IDEA State Plan for High Cost and
High Acuity Funds.
• The review for Plan Year 2016 will be held this summer.
Representatives from each LEA are encouraged to
– Email Sheila Paitsel at sgpaitsel@k12.wv.us to submit your
name if you want to participate in this review. To assure
adequate representation, others may be contacted for
participation as well.
Assistive Technology
• $100,000 Available Each Year
• Provides reimbursement for the purchase of
assistive technology devices. An invoice must
be submitted with the application.
• Counties are required to ensure that assistive
technology services and/or devices are a part
of the student’s Individualized Education
Program (IEP).
Assistive Technology
• A revised application is made available each
July and may be submitted at any time
throughout the year once expense is
incurred. Contact Annette Carey or Valerie
Wilson for additional information. Application
is available on the OSP website.
acarey@k12.wv.us or vwilson@k12.wv.us
Assistive Technology
Special Education Technology
Integration Specialist
• $100,000 Available Each Year
• This program is available to K-12 special education
teachers and speech language pathologists who are
in a co-teaching situation or in a position to share
resources and skills with other teachers in schools.
• Applicants must be willing to provide at least 8 hours
of professional development to their staff.
• 15 special educators who meet the criteria for
application will be selected to participate in the
Special Education Technology
Integration Specialist
• Funding provided can be used to pay
costs for necessary equipment, stipends,
substitutes, travel, conference fees and
other costs associated with the candidates’
participation in the required professional
• Applications due April 24, 2015
• Valerie Wilson – vwilson@k12.wv.us
Special Education Technology
Integration Specialist
Speech-Language Pathology
Distance Education Program
• $100,000 Available Each Year
• In an effort to address the shortage of certified speech-language
pathologists (SLP) in WV schools, the WVDE has collaborated
with the University of Cincinnati to implement a distance
education program.
• The program is designed for speech assistants working in the
schools who have a BA degree and need to complete an MA
program in order to become fully certified.
• The supplemental funding is provided to the counties to be used
to support the speech candidates in several ways, including
tuition reimbursement, textbooks and materials, etc.
• Applications due May 15, 2015
• Kathy Hudnall – khhudnal@k12.wv.us
Speech-Language Pathology
Distance Education Program
Other funding from OSP
• $5,000 grants recently issued to support
educator participation in OSP professional
initiatives (may be used for stipends,
travel, substitutes, and other related
resources). Must be obligated by 9/30/15.
Office of Special Programs
(304) 558-2696
Shana Clay – sdclay@k12.wv.us
Office of Internal Operations
Janice Hay – jehay@k12.wv.us