American History - Edmore Public School

Lesson Plans
American History
Grade 8
Edmore Public School
Mrs. Newgard
Website includes online versions of the textbook.
Website for online self-check quizzes and various study materials.
SECOND HOUR: American History - 8
● Monday, January 26
○ Bell Ringer: CONSUMER
■ OBJECTIVE: Learn about the Native American relocation during the
● Vocabulary - relocate, guerrilla tactics
● Notes 11.2 (up until the Trail of Tears)
○ Watch “Trail of Tears” on Discovery Education
■ Assign:
● 11.2 Review - pg. 345, 2-6
● Tuesday, January 27
○ Bell Ringer: CONTINENT
■ OBJECTIVE: Discover a successful Native American resistance
movement and what happened after moving onto Native American
● Finish Notes 11.2
○ Assign:
■ 11.2 Review - pg. 345, 2-6
● Wednesday, January 28
○ Bell Ringer: COUP D’ETAT
■ OBJECTIVE: Test knowledge of Native American relocation during the
● 11.2 Review Due
● Vocabulary Due
● 11.2 Quiz
● Do pg. 346-347 together “Geography & History: Trail of Tears”
○ Assign:
■ Read 11.3 - pg. 348-351
● Thursday, January 29
Bell Ringer: ETHICS
■ OBJECTIVE: Learn about the economic issues that affected both
Jackson and Van Buren presidencies.
● Vocabulary - veto, depression, laissez-faire, log cabin campaign
● Notes 11.3
○ Assign:
■ 11.3 Review - pg. 351, 3-6
Friday, January 30
○ Bell Ringer: VOCAB QUIZ
■ OBJECTIVE: Test knowledge of the economic issues plaguing the
Jackson and Van Buren presidencies.
● 11.3 Review Due
● Vocabulary Due
● 11.3 Quiz
○ Reteaching worksheets - work in groups
■ Chapter 11 Test - Tuesday, February 3
Monday, January 19
○ No School - Teacher In-Service
Tuesday, January 20
○ Bell Ringer: REFORM
■ OBJECTIVE: Finish the interpretation of the primary document,
Declaration of Independence. Begin understanding of how the
government in the US began.
● Discuss Declaration of Independence
● Go over the first Presidency, early challenges, and the first
political parties
○ Assign:
■ Read 11.1 - pg. 334-339
Wednesday, January 21
○ Bell Ringer: SCARCITY
■ OBJECTIVE: Learn about how the 1820s and 1830s really shaped
political rights.
■ Declaration of Independence due
● Vocabulary - favorite son, majority, plurality, mudslinging,
landslide, suffrage, spoils system, secede
● Notes 11.1 “The Election of 1824” and “The Election of 1828”
○ Assign:
■ 11.1 Review - pg. 339, 2-5
Thursday, January 22
○ Bell Ringer: SUBSIDY
■ OBJECTIVE: Learn how the political system changed after Andrew
Jackson took the presidency.
● Notes 11.1 “Jackson as President” and “The Tariff Debate”
○ Assign:
■ 11.1 Review - pg. 339, 2-5
Friday, January 23
○ Bell Ringer: VOCAB QUIZ
■ OBJECTIVE: Test knowledge on how the 1820s and 1830s really shaped
political rights.
■ Vocabulary due
■ 11.1 Review due
■ 11.1 Quiz
● Together go over page 340 - Analyzing Primary Sources
● Read 11.2 - pg. 341-345
Monday, January 12
○ Bell Ringer: CONSENSUS
■ OBJECTIVE: Interpreting primary documents.
● Introduce the Declaration of Independence
● Understand the Preamble of the Declaration
Tuesday, January 13
■ OBJECTIVE: Interpreting primary documents.
● Underline unfamiliar words - look up
● Statement of Beliefs
Wednesday, January 14
■ OBJECTIVE: Interpreting primary documents.
● Go over the meaning of the Statement of Beliefs
Thursday, January 15
○ Bell Ringer: FILIBUSTER
■ OBJECTIVE: Interpreting primary documents.
● Start the Declaration of Independence “We, therefore, the
● Begin the list of complaints
Friday, January 16
○ Bell Ringer: VOCAB QUIZ
■ OBJECTIVE: Interpreting primary documents.
● Go over Declaration
● List of complaints
○ Assign:
■ Statement of prior attempts to redress grievances
Monday, January 5
○ Bell Ringer: INDIGENOUS
Tuesday, January 6
○ Bell Ringer: ALLEGIANCE
Wednesday, January 7
○ Bell Ringer: RECIPROCITY
Thursday, January 8
○ Bell Ringer: PREJUDICE
Friday, January 9
○ Bell Ringer: VOCAB QUIZ