Honors American History, Dual Enrollment Pacing Guide Mrs. M


Honors American History, Dual Enrollment Pacing Guide

First Nine Weeks

Unit 1: The Emergence of Modern America

Moving West (August 7- August 22)

Mrs. M. Mann

The New South & The New West

The Great West and the Agricultural Revolution, Chapter 26 (Kennedy & Cohen)

Son of the Morning Star (Hyde & Sanders)

Native Americans


TEST #1 - Tuesday, August 26

Industry & Labor (August 25- September 9)

Political Paralysis in the Gilded Age, Chapter 23

Industry Comes of Age, Chapter 24


The Gilded Age

Political Machines

Labor Unions

TEST #2 - Tuesday, September 9

Immigration, Urbanization & Early Reform (September 10- September 24)

Old v. New Immigration

America Moves to the City, Chapter 25

Progressivism & the Republican Roosevelt, Chapter 28


New Year’s Day, 1907 (Hyde & Sanders)

DE QUIZ #1 (Chapters 23-25)

TEST #3 - Wednesday, September 24

Imperialism - WWI (September 25- October 10)

Spanish American War

Empire & Expansion, Chapter 27

Wilsonian Progressivism at Home and Abroad, Chapter 29

International Causes of WWI

DE QUIZ #2 (Chapters 26-29)

First Nine Weeks EXAM (October 6-10)

DE EXAM on Unit 1

Second Nine Weeks

Unit Two: World Wars and the New Deal (1917-1945)

The Great War (October 13- October 21)

The War to End War, Chapter 30

Molly Maguires, (Hyde & Sanders)

TEST #4- Tuesday, October 21

The Roaring Twenties: Economic Boom & Crash (October 22- October 31)

American Life in the Roaring Twenties, Chapter 31

The Roaring Twenties, (Hyde & Sanders)

The Politics of Boom & Bust, Chapter 32

DE QUIZ #3 (Chapters 30-32)

The Great Depression & New Deal (November 3- November 13)

Hoover & the Great Depression

The Great Depression & New Deal, Chapter 33

TEST #5- Thursday, November 13

World War Two (November 14- December 19)

FDR & the Shadow of War, Chapter 34

America in WWII, Chapter 35

First Battles-Pearl Harbor

The Home Front

Pearl Harbor – Victory

DE QUIZ #4 (Chapters 33-35)

TEST #6- Friday, December 12

First Semester EXAM (December 16-19)

DE EXAM on Unit Two
