September 2011- Eng 9- Mrs. Morrow Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri LABOR DAY 5 No School 6 Due: Ibis vocab. HW: p. 605 #3-6. Read “The Scarlet Ibis” (594). 12 Due: “Marine Corps” worksheet. PPT: “Marine Corps” HW: Study for vocab quiz. Quiz: “Ibis” and “Marine Corps” vocabulary words. HW: Read “Gift of the Magi” p. 151. Magi Vocab WS. 20 Quiz: “Magi” and “Dangerous Game” vocabulary. HW: Read “Utterly Perfect Murder” p. 799. 26 Guidance Visit 8 Due/discuss: Ibis p.605 Q’s. Lit terms packet due. PPT: Scarlet Ibis. HW: Read “Possibility of Evil”; “Evil” WS. Due: “Evil” WS. PPT: “Possibility of Evil” HW: “Marine Corps” vocab.. 14 15 13 19 Due: Game reading WS. PPT: Dangerous Game. HW: Study for vocabulary quiz. 7 Due: Magi vocab. PPT: Gift of the Magi. HW: Read “Marigolds” (p. 75); p. 85 #1-5. Late Start 27 Guidance Visit 21 “Perfect Murder” WS in groups. Discuss HW: Read “The Bass, The River”. 28 Due: Short Story Review WS. Test: Short Stories. Due: p. 85 # 1-5. PPT: Marigolds. HW: Dangerous Game vocabulary. Due: cover, notebook, letter, inventory. Demo Warm-ups. Relationships discussion activity. HW: Ibis Vocab. Literary terms packet. 9 Due: “Marine” vocab. Pre-reading p. 635. Read “Marine Corps.” HW: Finish reading “Marine Corps” and do worksheet. 16 Due: Game vocab. Read “Most Dangerous Game” (p. 38) Reading worksheet. 22 Due: “The Bass, The River”. “The Bass, The River” worksheet in groups. Discuss. HW: Short Story Review WS. 29 Due: Brainstorm WS. Read sample essays/highlight PPT: Relationship Essay Sample. HW: Outline. Early Release 23 Introduce essay. Notes: Intro, Body Paragraphs/Transitions, Conclusion PPTs. HW: Brainstorm WS. 30 Paragraph Planner graphic organizer. Demo Work on outlines in class (due Mon). Short Stories 2 1 Syllabus, folders, textbooks, note cards. HW: Book cover, notebook, letter, reading inventory. October 2011- Eng 9- Mrs. Morrow Mon Tue 3 Due: outline. Work on rough drafts (handwritten) in class. HW: Rough draft (typed). 18 24 Due/review Parts of speech packet. 12 Quiz: Nouns/Verbs. Finish Pronoun PPT. HW: Pronoun WS. Finish Prepositions PPT. HW: Prep WS; memorize 30 preps for quiz. Late Start 26 Test: Parts of Speech. 31 P-T Conferences 14 NO SCHOOL 20 PPT: Conjunctions & Interjections. HW: Conj/Interjection WS. Finish reading novels over the weekend! Due: Novel Project Impromptu writing in computer lab. P-T Conferences 13 19 7 Due: Relationships Essay Pre-Test: Parts of speech. Analyze results. Work on Parts of speech Knowledge Builder in groups. Quiz: Pronouns. Due: Pronoun WS. PPT: Adjectives/Adverbs. HW: Adj/Adverb WS. Forensics presentation. Due/Quiz: Prep WS. 26 View Grammar Rock. 6 Due: hand-written rough draft. Peer editing. 21 Due: Conj/Interjection WS. Work on Parts of Speech Review packet. 27 Teacher Convention No School 28 Teacher Convention No School Parts of Speech 11 17 Fri 5 Work on rough drafts (hand-written) in class. Correct Noun/Verb WS. PPT: Pronouns. Quiz/Due: Adjective/Adverb WS. PPT: Prepositions. Thu 4 Work on rough drafts (hand-written) in class. 10 PPT: Nouns; Verbs. HW: Noun/Verb WS. Wed November 2011- Eng 9- Mrs. Morrow Mon Tue Wed Start of 2nd Quarter 7 TKM Presentations 8 14 Due/quiz/discuss: chapters 1-8. HW: Read 9-14 by Thursday. (Mrs. M absent) Reading/work day (Mrs. Morrow absent). 22 28 29 10 30 11 17 23 18 Great Depression video. 24 Thanksgiving Break 4 Due/quiz: 1-8 Vocab WS. Discuss TKM Opinionnaire. Begin filling in character list. HW: 9-14 Vocab Wed. Due/quiz/discuss: 9-14. HW: Read 15-18 by Wed. Due: 19-24 Vocab WS. Due/discuss Character WS. HW: 25-31 Vocab WS. Character Poster (due Tuesday). Due: character poster. Due/quiz/discuss: 19-24. Quiz: vocabulary 15-24. HW: Read 25-31 by Friday. Morrow absent – conference Early Release Conduct research in English Lab. HW: Work on project. Reading day. 16 Due: 9-14 Vocab WS. HW: 15-18 Vocab WS. Due/quiz/discuss: 15-18. HW: Read 19-24 by Tuesday. In Someone Else’s Shoes WS in class. 9 Late Start 3 Conduct research in English Lab. HW: Work on project. PPT: TKM Background (w/guided notes). Character list, study guides, novels. HW: Read 1-8 by Mon; 1-8 Vocab WS Friday. 15 21 Due: 15-18 Vocab WS. Characterization WS (Atticus & Scout). HW: 19-24 Vocab WS. 2 Conduct research in English Lab. HW: Work on project. TKM Presentations. Fri 25 Thanksgiving Break To Kill a Mockingbird 1 Introduce TKM Research project. Form groups/choose topics. PPT: Perfect PowerPoint. HW: Research topics. Thu December 2011- Eng 9- Mrs. Morrow Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Finish Courage/Injustice WS. Work on Moral Development WS in class. HW: Theme WS. Due: 25-31 Vocab WS. Courage, Injustice & Hypocrisy WS in class. Review day (answer study guide questions and complete character list). 6 Test: TKM. Mrs. Morrow in CLC Training12 Work on handwriting rough drafts in class. 13 14 20 15 16 Due: typed rough draft. Peer Editing. 22 TKM Video. 28 Winter Break 9 Due: Brainstorm Chart (end of hour). HW: Begin rough drafts. Work in English computer lab. 21 TKM Video. 27 Winter Break 8 PPT: Sample Essay w/Labels. Due: hand-written rough draft. Work in English computer lab. TKM Video. 26 Winter Break Introduce essay. HW: Brainstorm Chart. Work on rough drafts in class. 19 Due: TKM Essay. 7 23 Winter Break 29 Winter Break 30 Winter Break TKM Essay 5 2 Due/quiz/discuss: 25-31. Due/discuss Theme WS. January 2012- Eng 9- Mrs. Morrow Mon Tue Wed 3 Notes: Simple, complete, and compound subjects and verbs. HW: WS. 9 Due: Sentence Types WS. Notes: Complements. HW: WS. Semester Exam Review. 16 PPT: prepositional phrases. HW: prep. phrase WS. 30 Due/quiz: gerunds WS. Finish gerunds PPT. PPT; gerunds vs. participles. HW: gerund WS; ger vs. participle WS. 24 Due/quiz: prep. WS. Re-teach prep phrases while reviewing homework. 31 Due/quiz: gerund & ger vs. participles WS. PPT: infinitives. HW: infinitives WS. 12 Diagram WS p. 46-47, 48 in class. More diagramming practice WS in class. 18 Exams – 5, 4, 3 PPT: appositive phrases. HW: appositives WS. 13 Due: Parts of Sentences Review. Test: Parts of Sentences. 19 Exams – 2, 1 25 Due: Unusual Subjects WS. Quiz. Notes: Sentence Types. HW: WS. 20 No School – In Service 27 26 Due/quiz: appositives WS. PPT: participial phrases. HW: participial phrases WS. Due: Participle WS. PPT: gerunds. HW: gerunds WS. Phrases, Clauses, Sentences Start of 3rd Quarter 23 11 17 6 5 Subject-Verb Quiz. Notes: Unusual Subjects. HW: WS. Due: Objects WS. Quiz. Guided Notes: Diagrams. HW: Understanding Diagrams WS. Parts of Sentences Review. Exams – 8, 7, 6 Due: Semester Review packet. Review in class. 4 Finish the rest of TKM video. Due: simple, complete, compound S-V WS.. 10 Due: Complements WS. Quiz. Notes: Objects. HW: WS. Fri Parts of Sentences 2 Winter Break Thu February 2012- Eng 9- Mrs. Morrow Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Due/quiz: infinitives WS. PPT: Placement of Phrases WS. HW: Placement of Phrases WS. 7 Phrases, Clauses, Sentence Structure Test. 13 Phrase, Clause, Sentence Re-take Test. Handout: Shakespeare’s words. 14 Due: drama vocab. Iambic Pentameter activity. Choose Act 1 roles. Read p. 989. 20 Due: Perfect Mate WS. Read Act 1. Late Start 27 9 Finish Intro PPT. View Shakespeare Intro Video. Act 1 Vocab WS due Tues. HW: Perfect Mate WS. Finish reading Act 1. HW: Act 1 WS. Read Act 2. HW: Act 2 Vocab WS. 17 Due: Marriage Journal. Read Act 1. 23 Due: Act 1 WS. View Act 1. 29 10 PPT: Shakespearean language with activity. HW: Drama vocabulary. CLC Training 3rd,4th 16 22 28 Read Act 2. 15 Read Act 1. HW: Marriage Journal. 21 Act 1 Vocab WS. Read Act 1. Quiz: Act 1. Choose Act 2 roles. Read Act 2. HW: Act 1 Summary paragraph. Frosh Open House 8 Review test from yesterday. PPT: R & J Intro. with guided notes. 3 PPT: sentence structure. HW: clauses and sentence structure WS. 24 No School – In Service Romeo & Juliet 6 Due: Clause/Sentence WS. Fill out Review Chart. HW: Study for test 2 Due/Quiz: Placement of Phrases WS. PPT: clauses. HW: clauses WS. March 2012- Eng 9- Mrs. Morrow Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri P-T Conferences 1 Due: Act 1 rough draft. Read Act 2. Peer edit Act 1 summaries. 5 Due: Act 1 summary and Act 1 vocab. Finish reading Act 2. HW: Act 2 WS. 6 Due/Quiz: Act 2. View Act 2. 12 Due: Ipod paragraph Finish Act 3. Begin viewing Act 3. HW: Act 3 WS. 13 14 Late Start 27 Introduce Drama Project, form groups, brainstorm ideas. 15 21 22 Test: Romeo and Juliet. Due: Review WS for extra credit. 28 Work on drama projects with groups. Due: Insult Letter. Read Act 3. HW: Ipod Playlist paragraph. Shakespeare presentation 3rd and 4th hour. Intro R & J Essay. HW: Brainstorm WS. 16 Choose Act 5 roles. Begin reading Act 5 Early Release 23 Due: Brainstorm WS. Outline WS. PPT: Integration Quotations. HW: Rough draft. 29 Work on drama projects with groups. 9 UW student observation 30 Work on drama projects with groups. R&J Essay/Drama Project 20 8 Read Act 3. HW: Insult Letter. Finish Act 4. Due: Act 4, 5 WS. View Act 4, 5. HW: Study for test; Review WS for extra credit. Start of 4th Quarter 26 Work on hand-written rough drafts in class. Choose Act 3 roles. Read Act 3. Due/quiz: Act 3 WS. Finish viewing Act 3. Begin reading Act 4. 19 Finish reading Act 5. HW: Act 4, 5 WS. 7 2 No School – ParentTeacher Conferences April 2012- Eng 9- Mrs. Morrow Mon Tue Wed 2 Drama presentations. 3 Drama presentations. 9 No School – Spring Break No School – Spring Break Due: R & J Essay w/receipt. PPT w/guided notes: How to Read a Poem. 23 Read/analyze: “Hanging Fire,” “Caged Bird.” HW: Review for poetry test. 30 Due/quiz/discuss: 1-2 WS. HW: Read 3-4 by Thurs. with study guide. 24 Test: Poetry. 11 No School – Spring Break Late Start 18 Due: Poetry Terms packet and “Firework” WS. Read/analyze: “Woman With Flower.” 25 PPT: OM&M (w/WS). HW: Read chapter 1-2 by Monday; 1-2 WS. 6 No School – Spring Break 12 No School – Spring Break 13 No School – Spring Break 19 Read/analyze: “The Journey,” “The Road Not Taken.” HW: Finding Poetic Devices WS. Shakespereare’s Bday 26 View BBC Video Clip with Character WS. Discuss Pre-Reading Q’s. HW: OM&M Vocab WS. 20 27 Of Mice and Men (11) & CLC Training. Sub plans: poetry terms packet. Poetry clips on my webpage. HW: “Firework” WS. 17 5 Self-editing in class. Poetry 4th: Fri 4 Due: rough draft. Peer editing in class. 10 16 3rd Thu Read/analyze: “A Poison Tree,” “Fireworks.” Reading day. May 2012- Eng 9- Mrs. Morrow Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 Due: OM&M Vocab. Setting WS in class. 2 Loneliness WS in class. 7 Due/quiz/discuss: 5-6 WS. Dreams WS. 3 Due/quiz/discuss: 3-4 WS. Quiz: OM&M Vocab HW: Read/WS chapters 5-6 by Monday. 8 9 Test: Of Mice and Men. Symbol/Theme WS in class. HW: Study for test tomorrow. Fri 10 PPT: Subject-verb agreement (158-160). HW: subject-verb WS. Due/quiz: Indefinite Pronoun WS. PPT: Compound Subject WS. HW: Comp. Subj WS. 15 Due/Quiz: Compound Subject WS. PPT: Problem Subjects (166-69).HW: Problem Subject WS. 21 Due/quiz: Pronounantecedent agreement WS. PPT: Indefinite PronounAntecedent (193-94). HW: Indef. Pronoun WS 29 Test: Agreement and Usage HW: Semester review packet (10 extra credit points on the exam if completed). 16 Due/quiz: Problem Subject WS. PPT: Pronoun Cases (18085). HW: Pronoun Cases WS. 22 Due/quiz: Indef. Pro. WS. PPT: Reference Problems (196-97). HW: Reference Problem WS 28 No School – Memorial Day Late Start 17 PPT: Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement (190-91). 23 Due/quiz: Ref. Problem WS. PPT: Commas (25255). w/guided notes. HW: Comma WS. Morning Assembly View Of Mice and Men. 11 Due/quiz: subject-verb WS. PPT: Indefinite-Pronoun Subjects. HW: Indef. Pronoun Subjects WS. 24 Due: Commas WS. Agreement, Usage, and Punctuation review worksheet. View Of Mice and Men. Due/quiz: Pronoun Cases WS. PPT: Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement (190-91). HW: Pronoun Agree WS. Early Release 25 Due: review worksheet. Usage Rules Review worksheet (five extra points on test if complete by test day). 31 30 18 Usage & Punctuation (13) 3-4:30 Student Teacher Training 14 4 Power WS in class. Fill out first half of Dreams WS in class. HW: Finish Dreams WS. June 2012- Eng 9- Mrs. Morrow Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 View Of Mice and Men. 4 Semester Review. 5 Exams – 1, 2, 3 6 Exams – 4, 5, 6 7 Exams – 7, 8 8 No School - Inservice