Female staff (non-Omanis)

Oman Medical College
College of Pharmacy & Health
September 2012
Faculty and Staff Handbook
1. Organization
 Organizational Chart .......................................................................... 5
 Mission Statement ............................. …………………………………………5
 Goals & Objectives ............................................................................. 5
 Code of Professionalism ..................................................................... 6
 Departments
 Academic
 Academic Registration and Admissions ................................. 8
 Administration and Marketing .............................................. 8
 Library and Information Services ........................................... 8
 Finance and Accounts ............................................................. 9
 Information System Administration ...................................... 9
 Quality Assurance ................................................................... 9
 Councils and committees
 College Council...................................................................... 10
 Curriculum Committee ......................................................... 10
 Academic and Professional Standards .................................. 11
 Quality Assurance .................................................................. 11
2. Job descriptions
 Dean, Associate Dean, HODs................................................ 12
 Academic ............................................................................... 13
 Registrar .................................................................................15
 Student Services .....................................................................17
 Quality Assurance, Administration .......................................17
 Finance .................................................................................. 18
3. Learning Resources ......................................................................... 20
4. Recruitments...................................................................................... 22
5. Faculty Recruitment Policy ............................................................ 23
6. Faculty Promotion Guidelines ...................................................... 24
7. Faculty Annual report...................................................................... 26
8. Faculty Evaluation Procedure ....................................................... 27
9. Staff Annual Evaluation .................................................................. 28
Policies and Guidelines
Examination Policy ..................................................................... 29
Proctoring Policies ...................................................................... 33
Academic Advising ..................................................................... 36
Attendance Policy ....................................................................... 37
Leave Policies.............................................................................. 38
Staff Education Policy ................................................................ 40
Guidelines for Research ............................................................. 41
Travel Policies ............................................................................. 43
Working Policies for Faculty & Staff .......................................... 46
11. Resignation ....................................................................................... 47
12. Grievance Policies ........................................................................... 48
13. Miscellaneous ................................................................................... 49
OMC Mission Statement
Oman Medical College is committed to educating medical doctors of the highest quality dedicated
to serving the health care needs of the international community and the
people of the Sultanate of Oman
CPHS Mission Statement
The College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences is committed to educating pharmacists and allied
health professionals of the highest quality dedicated to serving the health care needs of the
international community and the people of the Sultanate of Oman
To prepare students for the study and practice of pharmacy and health sciences in
To provide students with the basic science and clinical knowledge required for their
chosen field of study.
To improve students’ use of information technology and computers.
To help students become self-directed learners.
To foster student curiosity and inquisitiveness.
To prepare students for a lifelong commitment to other persons, their communities, and
their country.
To prepare students to become leaders in their communities.
To encourage professionalism and ethical behavior
Code of Professionalism
Oman Medical College Medicine and the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences embrace the
following Code of Professionalism for all students, residents, faculty, and staff. This Code
provides the foundation for proper lifelong professional behavior. It is the expectation that this
behavior will be consistently maintained at its highest level both inside and outside of the
professional training environment.
The nine primary areas of professionalism are defined as:
Honesty and Integrity
 Honesty in action and in words, with self and with others
 Reports to duty/class punctually and well prepared
 Completes all tasks on time
 Prompt, prepared, and organized
 Seriously and diligently works toward assigned goals/tasks
Respectful and Nonjudgmental Behavior
 Consistently courteous and civil to all
 Tolerates diversity in culture, country of origin, gender, sexual orientation,
religious preference, political views, age, ethnicity, and race
Compassion and Empathy
 Respects and is aware of others’ feelings
 Manages relationships and conflicts well
 Maintains personal and professional balance and boundaries
Skillful Communication
 Effectively uses verbal, non-verbal, and written communication skills that are
appropriate to the culture/setting
 Seeks feedback that the information provided is understood
Self-directed learning and appraisal skills
 Demonstrates the commitment and ability to be a lifelong learner
 Is honest in self-evaluation of behavior, performance, skills, knowledge, strengths,
weaknesses, and limitations, and suggests opportunities for improvement
1. Organization
1. Academic Departments
Each academic department will be managed by the Head of the Department, a senior faculty member with
previous administrative experience. Faculty members holding the rank of Professor, Associate or
Assistant Professor depending on previous experience and expertise will be recruited to fulfill the teaching
requirements of the department. In Natural Sciences, Pharmacy, Speech therapy and Counseling
Psychology a Ph.D. in a relevant discipline is a requirement, while in some disciplines and the General
Foundation Program a Master’s degree in sufficient for appointment as a Lecturer. The science
departments also require Laboratory Instructors to prepare the laboratory exercises, to explain the
experiments and to supervise the students in the laboratory. Laboratory instructors must have a BS
degree in the relevant discipline.
The major function of the faculty in each department is to teach courses in their area of expertise as
assigned by the Dean and the Head of the Department. As course director, the faculty member is required
to prepare the syllabus for the assigned course to be reviewed by the Quality Assurance Committee. The
faculty member will give lectures, provide tutorials for weak students, provide quality assessments,
interact with the IT faculty to develop interactive e-learning exercises and advise the Librarian on
required reference books/data bases for the Library. The faculty member has the authority to assign the
final grades in the courses taught with approval by the HOD and the Dean.
In addition to teaching, each faculty member will serve as academic advisor to students and meet with
them periodically. In addition, each faculty member must post office hours in which he/she will be
available to answer questions and help students.
Faculty will be asked to participate in student activities planned by the Student Council including acting
as chaperones for activities outside the college. In addition, faculty members will be appointed on a
rotating basis to serve on college committees.
Each year the faculty member must prepare an annual report on the form developed by OMC/CPHS,
which is reviewed by the HOD with the faculty member. The annual report and the comments of the HOD
are submitted to the Dean for review and placed in the personal file of the faculty member.
Faculty members are required to attend Faculty Development Sessions in order to improve their skills in
various areas including assessments (writing good MCQs) and preparing effective PowerPoint slides.
Faculty will be asked to help in the preparation of documents and interviews for the annual review of
OMC/CPHS by the MoHE, the biannual review by West Virginia University and any future external
accreditation reviews.
2. Academic Registration and Admissions Department
Members and functions
The Registration and Admissions Department is managed by the Registrar who is assisted by the
Assistant to the Registrar and administrative assistants. The major function of the Registration and
Administration Department is to supervise the admission of students, the maintenance of student
records, supervising examinations and providing academic support. Maintaining student records includes
the posting of grades on the official transcripts, providing signed transcripts to the Ministry of Higher
Education when required especially for the attestation of certificates upon graduation.
The Registrar oversees the accuracy of the grade sheets provided by each instructor and helps the Dean
who is the final authority on the grades received. The Registrar, the Assistant to the Registrar and the
Clerk all give advice on academic and non-academic affairs to students, their parents and faculty.
This office sets the timetables for all courses and examinations and with the Dean and Associate Dean
establishes the academic calendar for each year.
Each year the Registrar will evaluate the performance of those working under him using the Staff
Evaluation Form. He/she will meet with the employee to discuss their strengths and weaknesses and
suggest improvements. This report will be provided to the Dean who will place the report in the
employee’s file.
The Associate Dean will evaluate the Registrar by completing the Staff Evaluation Form and meeting with
him/her to discuss strengths and weaknesses and to suggest improvements in the function of the
Academic Registration and Admissions Department.
3. Administration and Marketing Department
Members and Functions
The Deputy Dean for Human Resources & Marketing is responsible for specific areas of human resources
including staff development, student recruitment (marketing), external relations including community
service, security, and managing the cafeteria. He/she reports directly to the Dean.
The Administrative Officer manages transport, parking and the hostel caretakers. Visa renewals and
obtaining immigration related approvals from the Ministries of Higher Education are also managed by the
Administrative Officer.
Campus facilities are managed by the Purchase & Stores Officer.
4. Library and Information Services
Members and Functions
The Director of the Library and Information Services manages the library including the development of
the library collection, maintenance of databases and interlibrary loans.
Three assistant librarians assist in the daily operations of the library. The Librarian is also responsible for
procuring textbooks requested by the faculty in their courses.
Each year the Library Director will evaluate the performance of the Assistant Librarians using the Staff
Evaluation Form. He/she will meet with the employee to discuss their strengths and weaknesses and
suggest improvements. This report will be provided to the Dean who will place the report in the
employee’s file.
The Dean will evaluate the Library Director by completing the Staff Evaluation Form and meeting with
him/her to discuss strengths and weaknesses and to suggest improvements in the function of the Library.
5. Finance and Accounts
Members and Functions
The Finance Manager maintains all college accounts, revenue collection and financial transactions.
He/she works with the Dean to establish the budget. This office is also responsible for purchasing and
estate managing. He reports to the Chief Coordinator and to the Dean.
An accountant, a purchasing agent and a clerk assist in the operations of the Finance and Accounts
Each year the Finance manager will evaluate the performance of the accountant, purchase officer and the
clerk using the Staff Evaluation Form. He/she will meet with the employee to discuss their strengths and
weaknesses and suggest improvements. This report will be provided to the Dean who will place the report
in the employee’s file.
The Chief Coordinator will evaluate the Finance Manager by completing the Staff Evaluation Form and
meeting with him/her to discuss strengths and weaknesses and to suggest improvements in the function
of the Finance and Accounts office.
6. Information System Administration
Members and Functions
The IT Systems Manager maintains the IT systems including the server and all the computers in the
college. He manages the web site and supports students and faculty. The IT manager is assisted by the IT
Network Assistant.
The IT system is managed by the Chief Coordinator who supervises the day to day operations and
provides staff evaluation of the IT personnel.
7. Quality Assurance Department
As defined by the Ministry of Higher Education the QA Department has the following responsibilities:
 Encourage quality culture in private higher education institutions
 Raise awareness in private higher education institution about the importance of quality in higher
 Ensure quality standards in the higher education institution
Prepare reports and studies about the quality level at private higher education institution and the
programs offered by the institution
Conduct research and studies related to quality development in higher education institution
Design evaluation forms and tables that are detailed and comprehensive for data gathering and
analysis of quality standards
Ensure academic programs offered by private higher education institution meet the standard and
criteria of the Oman Accreditation Council.
Study the obstacles that might affect the application of quality assurance measures on private
higher education institution and attempt to resolve these obstacles
Establish and develop academic relations with other higher education institutions to develop the
private higher education sector
Follow up evaluation reports from affiliated university and ensure recommendations are applied
Councils and Committees
1. College Council
The College Council is chaired by the Dean and the following members: Associate Dean for Academic &
Student Affairs, Deputy Dean, HOD Pharmacy, HOD Natural Sciences, Director of General Foundation
Program, Director of Library & Information Services and the Registrar. As new programs are developed
the HODs of departments housing these programs will be invited to join the College Council.
The College Council meets once a month. The Dean sets the agenda after obtaining suggestions from the
members. The Minutes of the College Council are circulated to the faculty and staff after they have been
approved by members of the Council. Recommendations by the College Council for significant changes
will be presented by the Dean to the Governing Council that has final authority. The responsibilities of the
College Council include:
To approve academic policy decisions
To oversee the Quality Assurance Committee
To oversee the Academic & Professional Standards Committee
To assign Academic Advisors
To monitor and approve activities of the Student Council
To manage problems and issues as they arise
To discuss new topics and future directions of the College
To resolve issues requested by faculty, staff and students
2. Curriculum Committee
The Curriculum Committee is chaired by the Associate Dean for Academic & Student Affairs. The
members include the HODs of Pharmacy, Natural Sciences, and newly approved departments, the
Director of the Foundation Program, and 2 representatives from each of the departments.
The responsibilities of the Curriculum Committee include:
To review and approve course syllabi
To approve new courses or significant changes in course content
To ensure that course content and teaching methods reflect the mission and goals of the college
To review assessments to ensure that the material tested reflects the learning objectives of the
3. Academic and Professional Standards Committee
The Academic & Professional Standards is chaired by an HOD on a rotating basis. The members include 2
representatives from the Departments of Pharmacy, Natural sciences, and the newly approved
departments plus 2 representatives from the General Foundation Program. The Associate Dean and the
Registrar are ex officio members.
The responsibilities of the Academic & Professional Standards Committee include:
To review results of mid-term examinations and make recommendations to the Dean of students
who should be advised to withdraw from courses
To examine the academic performance of students after each semester and make
recommendations to the Dean regarding promotion, dismissal or academic probation of students
To review cases of alleged academic dishonesty or misconduct brought to it by its chair, as a result
of formal complaints lodged by faculty, staff, or students of the college
To make recommendations to the Dean regarding disciplinary actions to be taken, if required, for
academic dishonesty or misconduct.
4. Quality Assurance Committee
The Quality Assurance Committee is responsible for maintaining quality assurance in all academic aspects
of the college. The office is staffed by the Quality Assurance Officer who reports to the Chair of the
quality Assurance committee. The specific duties of the Quality Assurance Committee include the
To establish a culture of quality in the college
To develop quality assurance strategies and procedures
To review quality outcomes of strategies and make recommendations to the Dean
To administer and analyze computerized student evaluations of faculty and courses in a timely
To complete statistical analysis requested by the Ministry of Higher Education
To monitor students on academic probation
2. Job Descriptions
Duties and Responsibilities of the Dean
The Dean is the top-ranking person in the OMC/CPHS campus. He/she reports directly to the Governing
Council. The Dean will carry out the duties assigned to him/her by exercising the power delegated to
him/her by the council. The Dean is responsible for the prudent management of all academic and
administrative activities of OMC/CPHS. It is up to the Dean to uphold the academic quality of the college,
to lead and motivate the faculty and staff, and to ensure that sound and effective management policies are
developed, implemented, and maintained.
As the top-ranking official of the college, the Dean is also a vital link between the OMC/CPHS and its
affiliated partner, West Virginia University. The specific responsibilities of the Dean include:
To oversee the implementation of the pre-medical and pharmacy curricula as developed by West
Virginia University and approved by the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences Governing
To oversee student recruitment and admissions procedures.
To develop, implement, and maintain regulations relating to Academic Standards and student
To implement a policy for quality assurance for the academic program, as prescribed by the
To oversee the recruitment of faculty and staff.
To make work assignments for all faculty and academic staff on an annual basis.
To review research proposals and approve off-campus research.
To review the annual evaluation of faculty by the HODs and staff by their supervisors.
To maintain personal files for all faculty and academic staff.
To prepare an annual budget for the college within the framework of guidelines from the
Governing Council.
To ensure that all expenditures incurred are within the guidelines of the budget as approved by
the Governing Board.
To prepare reports for the Governing Council as required.
To notify the council in writing of any other matters he/she deems important to the academic,
administrative, or financial functioning of the premedical campus which do not fall within the
scope of the bimonthly reports.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Associate Dean for Academic & Student Affairs
The Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs of OMC/CPHS is responsible for all academic
matters with major emphasis on advising students and curriculum oversight. The Associate Dean for
Academic and Student Affairs reports directly to the Dean. His/her primary duties are:
1. To provide academic counseling to students
2. To provide leadership to the academic advisors and to work closely with them to monitor
student progress during the semester
To counsel students on academic probation regarding their courses
To plan and oversee student orientation
To manage the Office of Student Affairs
To act as advisor to the Student Council and to coordinate its activities
To chair the Curriculum Committee
To serve as an ex officio member of the Academic and Professional Standards Committee
To assist the Dean in planning new programs
To provide liaisons with the Ministries of Higher Education and Health
To help the Dean and Heads of Departments in recruiting, screening, and helping to select faculty
and staff for the college
12. To help the Dean in organizing college events such as graduation, seminars and conferences
The Heads of Departments have primary responsibility for leading their respective departments. They
report directly to the Associate Dean and indirectly to the Dean. Their primary duties include:
To supervise the faculty and staff of the department.
To maintain attendance records of all faculty and academic staff
To approve leave requests for faculty and lab instructors in their department
To supervise the scheduling of quizzes in the department
To meet annually with each faculty member to review and discuss the faculty member’s
annual report.
To provide annual evaluations of teaching faculty to the Dean.
To oversee the selection of teaching materials including laboratory equipment and supplies for
the department. To oversee the management of laboratory equipment.
To assist the Dean in the recruitment and evaluation of candidates for faculty and staff positions
in the department.
To share in the teaching responsibilities of the department.
To serve on the College Council.
To chair the Academic and Professional Standards Committee on a rotating basis
To perform any other tasks assigned by the Dean or Associate Dean.
The Head of the General Foundation Program has primary responsibility to prepare students for the study
of medicine, pharmacy and other health sciences in English. He/ She will report directly to the Dean of
OMC/CPHS. The primary responsibilities of the Head of General Foundation Program are:
1. To supervise the faculty and staff of the program.
2. To maintain attendance records of all faculty and academic staff
3. To develop goals for English as a Second Language training program appropriate for
students in the health sciences in consultation with the Dean and the Heads of the science
4. To select or prepare a test to be used to evaluate the English competency of all applicants.
5. To oversee the design and implementation of a curriculum in English as a Second Language
6. To ensure that the students attain the required skills in Basic and Pure Mathematics and in
Information Technology
7. To work with the other members of the department on the selection and/or preparation of
teaching materials
8. To meet annually with each faculty member to review and discuss the faculty member’s
annual report.
9. To provide annual evaluations of teaching faculty to the Dean.
10. To assist the Dean in the recruitment and evaluation of faculty and staff for the department.
11. To share in the teaching responsibilities of the department.
12. To perform any other tasks assigned by the Dean or Associate Dean.
Persons who are appointed as full-time teachers are given a title of Professor, Associate Professor,
Lecturer, or Laboratory Instructor/Supervisor, depending on educational achievement and teaching
experience. Teaching faculty report directly to the Head of the Department, and thus indirectly to the
Associate Dean and Dean. The duties of full-time teaching faculty are:
To take primary responsibility for the administration and teaching of one or more courses per
semester, including preparation of the syllabus, assessments and the assignment of a grade in the
To serve as academic advisor to those students assigned to him/her by the Associate Dean for
Academic and Student Affairs.
To serve on various committees and working groups within the college when requested to do so by
his/her Head of Department, the Associate Dean or the Dean.
To assist in the teaching of a course supervised by another faculty member when requested to do so
by the Head of Department.
To supervise, where appropriate, the support staff assigned to him/her by the Head of the
To perform any other tasks assigned by the HOD, Dean or Associate Dean.
Persons who are appointed as part-time teachers are given a title (Professor, Associate Professor,
Assistant Professor, or Lecturer (part-time) depending on educational achievement and teaching
experience. Part-Time Faculty report directly to the Head of the Department, and thus indirectly to the
Associate Dean and Dean. The general duties of part-time teaching faculty may include:
Taking primary responsibility for the administration and teaching of a course, including
preparation of the syllabus, assessments, and the assignment of a grade in the course.
2. Teaching within a course directed by another faculty member.
3. Supervising, where appropriate, support staff assigned to him/her by the Head of the Department.
4. To perform any other tasks assigned by the HOD, the Dean or the Associate Dean
Laboratory Instructors are responsible for preparing and maintaining the laboratories, instructing
students in correct laboratory techniques, and establishing health and safety guidelines in the
laboratories. He/ she will also maintain laboratory supplies and support the teaching staff. Laboratory
instructors report directly to the Head of the Department. Their duties include:
Laboratory preparation and maintenance
 Preparation of student workstations, laboratory materials and solutions prior to laboratory
 Maintaining laboratory equipment in proper working order including servicing when required
 Keeping an up-to-date inventory of chemicals and equipment and preparing purchase orders for
procurement of laboratory supplies
Conducting laboratory sessions
 Preparing learning materials and quizzes for laboratory exercises.
 Briefing students on the experiment to be performed in the laboratory
 Keeping accurate records of students’ attendance and academic attainments
Academic support and student assessment
 Assisting teaching faculty with proctoring of exams and quizzes
 Grading lab assignments, lab reports, short tests and examinations
Health and Safety
 Raising awareness of safety in the laboratory through clear sign-posting, including the safe
handling of hazardous materials
 Ensuring that chemicals and equipment are stored in their designated areas when not in use.
 Supervising the proper disposal of laboratory waste materials.
 Directing the cleaning of laboratory spaces, either during or outside sessions, to maintain the
highest level of cleanliness and safety
Other duties and responsibilities
 Providing training to new laboratory instructors or trainees.
 Maintaining the highest professional standards of the College
 Performing any other tasks assigned by the Head of the Department, the Dean or the Associate
The Registrar is primarily responsible for the preparation, maintenance and custody of all student records
from a student’s admission through graduation. The Registrar is also responsible for the generation of
academic reports and other information required by authorities. The Registrar will report to the Associate
Dean. The main duties of the Registrar are:
To oversee the proper collection, collation and maintenance of all records and forms
pertaining to the student recruitment, admissions, registration, course assessment,
academic advancement, and graduation
To oversee the publication of end-of- semester assessment results and issuance of
transcripts to the students
To oversee the preparation of reports and information required by the Ministry of Higher
Education or other authorities
To supervise the support staff working in the registry
To certify students for advanced placement exams
To oversee the timetabling of classes, examinations and to assist in preparing teacher and
room schedules with the HODs and the Associate Dean
To help organize and oversee orientation of new students
To perform data analysis and graphics as required
To help prepare and make presentations at exhibitions
To perform all such duties as directed by the Dean and Associate Dean
The Assistant Registrar provides high level administrative support to the Registrar for the
day-to-day operation of the Registrar’s Office and reports directly to the Registrar. The main
duties and responsibilities of the Assistant to the Registrar are:
To direct student admissions and review the accuracy of all documents required for
To oversee the collection, collation and maintenance of all records and forms pertaining
to student recruitment, admission and registration
To liaise with the Ministry of Higher Education regarding academic issues including the
Admissions Center, providing data requested by the Ministry of Higher Education, and
overseeing the attestation of certificates
To assist the Registrar with grade entry and timetable preparation
To compile examination grades for review by the Academic & Professional Standards
To schedule examinations and assign proctors
To interact with parents and students who visit OMC/CPHS, answer telephone calls and
To help prepare and make presentations at exhibitions.
To perform all such duties as directed by the Registrar, Dean or Associate Dean
The Administrative Assistant in the Registrar’s Office is under the supervision of the Registrar,
who will assign the duties, which include:
To receive admissions inquiries from candidates and parents, distribute admissions
forms, and keep a record of admissions inquiries.
To interact with parents and students who visit OMC, answer telephone calls and e-mails
To oversee the proper collection, collation and maintenance of all student attendance
To identify students who have missed 15% of classes, send warning letters to them and
inform the Associate Dean
To administer advanced placement exams as requested by the registrar
To maintain the files containing documents of students’ admission and progress in the
To remove key documents from student files at the end of their retention.
To help prepare and make presentations at exhibitions.
To perform other secretarial duties as requested by the Registrar or the Assistant
The Student Counselor is responsible for counseling students as they adjust to college life and help them
develop responsibilities for their academic success. He/she reports to the Associate Dean for Academic
and Student Affairs. Specific duties of the Student Counselor/Student Affairs Officer include:
To develop and manage a counseling unit of the college.
To advise students regarding study skills, time management and test taking
To work closely with the academic advisors to assist students needing academic help.
To serve on the Academic & Professional Standards Committees.
To serve as a member of the teaching faculty where required
To perform all other duties assigned by the Associate Dean or the Dean.
The Student Affairs Officer is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the well-being of students while
they are enrolled at Oman Medical College. He/she reports to the Associate Dean for Academic and
Student Affairs. Specific duties of the Student Counselor/Student Affairs Officer include:
To monitor the progress of students on academic probation in consultation with the Dean
and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.
To organize and supervise the Student Council including election of officers
To organize and supervise cultural, social, religious and sport activities of students
To provide students with information about college activities
To advise students involved in Graduation and White Coat ceremonies
To help students find housing, health insurance and financial aid
To help private students renew visas by coordinating with the PRO
To perform any other tasks assigned by the Associate Dean or the Dean.
The Quality Assurance Office has the primary responsibility to maintain quality in the college including
academics, student support, faculty development, facilities, research and community relationships. The
Quality Assurance officer will develop strategies and procedures to achieve quality and oversee their
implementation. The Quality Assurance Officer reports to the Dean. His/her duties include:
To establish an office of Quality Assurance at the Bowshar campus of OMC
To develop, implement and oversee quality assurance procedures
To review outcomes of quality assurance procedures and make recommendations to the Dean
To prepare a Quality Assurance Manual
To review the Student Handbook and the Faculty & Staff Handbook
To act as Examination Coordinator by supervising the review of exams, photocopying and storage
of examinations, providing copies of exams to the chief Proctor and establishing deadlines for
submission of grades
7. To serve as a member of the Risk Assessment Group
8. To handle grievances raised by faculty or students
9. To administer and analyze computerized student evaluations of faculty and courses
10. To perform any other tasks assigned by the Dean, the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs or the
College Council
The Deputy Dean for Human Resources & Marketing is responsible for human resources, marketing and
external relations including community service, security, and managing the cafeteria. He/she reports
directly to the Dean. Specific duties of the Deputy Dean include:
To develop a comprehensive human resources policy for the campus.
To prepare and organize staff and faculty development activities
To plan and implement student recruitment (marketing) strategic plan
To develop external relations including community service programs for faculty, staff and
To manage the cafeteria by working with the oversight committee and reviewing complaints made
by students
To chair the Risk Assessment Group
To perform any other tasks assigned by the Dean
The Administrative Officer is responsible for the following:
Transport and parking
Supervision of the drivers and PRO
Visa renewals and obtaining immigration related approvals from the Ministries of Higher Campus
facilities are managed by the Purchase & Stores Officer.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Manager: Finance & Accounts
The Manager of Finance & Accounts is responsible for giving technical assistance with the College’s
budget planning, for supporting the organization in managing its resources effectively and securing value
for money. The major responsibilities of the Manager include:
Managing the organization’s financial administration, ensuring controls are in place to
maintain the security and accuracy of financial information.
Delivering appropriate financial and management reporting to internal and external
stake holders
Monitoring compliance with internal controls, statutory guidelines and good practice
Controlling day-to-day financial transactions including invoices, purchase requisitions,
GL, cash flow management and banking arrangements.
Maintaining effective financial procedures with transparent, auditable process and
Maintaining positive relations with the College’s bank(s) and auditors; and
Managing the purchase of new learning, and all other resources.
Budget preparation
Managing income and expenditures
Helping in preparation of the budget
Financial reporting
Budget planning & income for special events of the College
Duties and Responsibilities of the Accountant
The Accountant is responsible for assisting with the College’s day to day accounting activity. This mainly
 Collection of fees
 Handling creditors invoices & payment
 All employee related transactions data entry (Leave, sick & resignation)
 Assisting Finance Manager in purchases - quotation comparisons
 Assisting Finance Manager in financial reporting.
The main responsibilities of the Accountant are to:
 reconcile and maintain GL accounts, general ledger operations
 assist with monthly closings and financial reports
 assist with accounts receivable, accounts payable transactions and payroll administration
 assist with preparation and coordination of the audit process
 assist with implementing and maintaining internal financial controls and procedures
The Accountant is also responsible for purchasing and supplies. His/her responsibilities include:
 To verify & compile the quotations from potential suppliers of book and non-book resources and
 To take responsibility for the availability of an appropriate level of reserve stock of essential basic
 To receive invoices for goods and services received and processing it for payment.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Purchase & Estates Officer
The Purchase and Estates Officer will carry out all purchases and procurements of materials as per
requirements based on the College’s budgeted expenditure. He/she will also manage the up keep of the
college campus and the hostels. The major responsibilities include:
 Purchase of petty and capital items
 Liaison with all service contractors of College
 Supervising the hostel maintenance
 Estates management
As Purchase Officer
Purchases of all Lab consumables and all other current needs for the smooth running of the institution.
Obtaining of quotations from potential suppliers of book and non-book resources and equipment,
cost comparison, negotiation and placing orders as per policies of the institution.
Ordering of stationery and ensure its proper economical use.
Estates management
Supervising major and minor building repairs with strict quality control and timely completion of
Monitoring the use of the College’s vehicles;
Keeping records of servicing and maintenance of the College’s vehicles;
Evaluate the operation of the cleaning and lawn maintenance contractors.
Managing the furniture requirements so that classrooms, laboratories, other teaching areas,
offices and other areas are always ‘fit for purpose’
Supervising the hostel’s routine maintenance ( electrical, plumbing & other estate related issues)
Supervising the Cafeteria contractual conditions from time to time by checking the quality of food
and other related issues arising from there.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Accounts Clerk (Finance)
The major responsibilities of the Accounts Clerk involve attending to all finance and accounts related
tasks including:
The collection of tuition fees
Liaison with Ministry of Higher Education on matters of student scholarship and
Maintaining register of monthly stipends to Students received from MOHE
Assisting in managing the employee database.
Preparing statistical, and/or technical reports to be sent to MOHE on students
Prepare student data base in Arabic as per the sponsorship from MOHE
Update Social security status of national staff in connection with the PASI.
Assist accountant in collection of hostel and tuition fees.
Preparing all Arabic correspondence of Finance Office.
Prepare staff database in Arabic.
Registration of Omani employment with PASI.
Maintain immigration documents of expat employees (Visa & R/C).
3. Learning Resources
Director, Library & Information Services
The Director of the Library manages the day to day operation of the college Library. She/he will plan,
direct and evaluate the existing Library services, propose further developments in these services for the
benefit of students, monitor the workflow and provide leadership to maintain an orderly, responsive and
efficient operation. The main duties and responsibilities include:
Library management:
 Organize the Library so that the environment is conducive to learning.
 Maintain the system in the Library for accessing, cataloguing and loaning books and other
learning resources.
 Aid students and faculty in using references
 Train and supervise the library support staff to ensure that goals and objectives are met
successfully and services delivered effectively.
Carry out the annual stock taking of all library resources and make appropriate purchases, in
consultation with others within normal budget guidelines.
Learning resource development:
 Support the academic programs of the College, as required.
 Plan the strategic development of the learning resources in the Library.
 Collate periodic orders for books and other learning resources.
Extension service
 Maintain inter library loan services so that books and journals from other library collections are
available to OMC/CPHS staff and students.
 Revise the Library’s website so that it remains current at all times.
 Maintain the Library’s professional links with online services from WVU and WHO.
Audio Visual
All lecture halls and laboratories are equipped with audiovisual equipment including a computer with
internet access and a projector. The Information Technology Administrator is responsible for maintaining
the audiovisual equipment and updating the software when required.
Access to SOLE (WVU)
Students and faculty have access to SOLE, an e-learning environment provided to the OMC/CPHS in the
affiliation agreement. Interactive e-learning activities are supported by SOLE.
Shared Folders on the Intranet
The intranet at the OMC/CPHS has shared folders for each course with access given to students registered
for the course. The shared folder contains the most recent edition of the syllabus that may have changed
during the semester due to unexpected holidays. Each faculty member places the PowerPoint slides for
each lecture in the shared folder so that students can access information that they may have missed in
class. Assignments and other information regarding the course are also posted on the shared folder.
4. Recruitments
Oman Medical College and the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences lays great importance in
recruiting a cadre of committed, knowledgeable, motivated and efficient staff to deliver quality education
and to provide personal support to its students. The Human Resources Policy of the College of Health
Sciences is built on the following set of six strategies:
Recruitment of high quality staff: To recruit the best qualified persons, experienced in their
special domains, and giving equal opportunities to a large pool of applicants without any sort of
Staff Retention: Appropriate policies will be set to motivate and retain staff hailing from
diverse background.
Performance Appraisal, Rewards and Recognition: A mechanism for staff performance
review, talent recognition and rewarding excellence will be established. This strategy will be
implemented consistently across the College.
Professional Development: This strategy is aimed to update the skill, knowledge and
professional competence of employees as determined during the performance appraisal and as
per the dynamic needs of the college.
Sound Employee Relations: This strategy will maintain good relations with all college staff in
tune with the institution’s declared values and practices.
Overall Staff Wellbeing and Support:
To address people related issues through an
effective agency and structure created by the college.
Selection Process
The recruitment process generally starts with the determination of current and immediate future needs of
staff in accordance with the teaching schedule and plans. This is followed by writing the job descriptions
and initiating the search process. This process will include, but not limited to placing of advertisement in
appropriate publications; posting the advertisement on the OMC/CPHS website; and reaching potential
applicants through institutional contacts. Qualified applicants are then short-listed and interviews held to
prepare a panel of names for making offers of appointment depending on vacancies available.
Every staff of the College will have a designation that reflects the general job description specifying
primary duties assigned to each position and the education and experiences required for discharging the
specified job functions.
Grading and Job Descriptions
Job descriptions are written with focus on the job functions, the responsibilities of the position and the
line management structure. A job sometimes includes multiple roles and the descriptions are written
accordingly. The job descriptions are useful in the staff recruitment process, performance appraisal,
promotion policies and the determination of staff benefits.
Terms of Recruitment
Criteria adopted for the recruitment of staff include:
The applicant must meet minimum qualifications and requirements set forth in the job
Present a satisfactory past job record.
Demonstrate a proper and correct attitude and commitment.
Show evidence of personal and professional development.
The Dean of OMC/CPHS is responsible for the management of all academic and administrative activities
of the College. It is the duty of the Dean to uphold the academic quality of the College, to lead and
motivate the faculty and staff, and to ensure that sound and effective management policies are developed,
implemented and maintained.
The Governing Council, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors and in consultation with West
Virginia University, shall be the competent authority for the selection and appointment of the Dean.
The Dean shall be the authority for the appointment of Associate Dean/s, Deputy Dean/s and the Heads
of Department after a due process of selection
5. Faculty Recruitment Policy
Identification of faculty needs for the coming academic year – replacement of faculty who are
leaving or faculty needed to teach new areas in the curriculum
Deadline: By December if possible
(Action: Dean and Department Heads)
Placing of advertisement in appropriate publications after discussions with the CFO regarding
financial implications and cost-benefit
Place equivalent advertisement on the OMC/CPHS website
(Action: Dean and CFO)
Initial screening of applicants
Reject unsuitable applicants; no Ph.D., not in discipline requested
Keep a log of all applications received and of all applications rejected
(Action: Dean’s Executive Secretary)
Review of CV’s by Search Committee of faculty with expertise in the discipline
Minimum of 3 members on committee
Rank CV’s as A (excellent) B (acceptable), C (marginal)
(Action: Search Committee nominated by Dean)
Dean reviews comments of Search Committee
Discusses the rankings with committee members
Dean makes final decision as to which candidates to interview
(Action: Dean)
Interviews by Dean, faculty members and/or administrators
In person if possible taking into account financial considerations
Candidates are ranked by interviewers
(Action: Dean, CFO and Associate Dean)
Dean begins negotiations with top-ranked candidate and makes final offer within guidelines of
OMC/CPHS and subject to budget considerations
(Action: Dean and CFO)
The offer letter is forwarded to the Deputy Dean. The candidate is introduced to the PRO who
works with the candidate to complete the necessary documents including the application, the
attested certificates required, health certificates, preparing the application with the Ministry of
Higher Education, and obtaining the Visa. The Deputy Dean reviews the final portfolio for legal
compliance and forwards it to the Ministry of Higher Education. The dean writes the final
(Action: Dean, Associate Dean)
7. Faculty Promotion Guidelines
Faculty in the Sciences:
The rank of Assistant Professor is entry level requiring a Ph.D. plus 2 years of teaching experience in
colleges or universities and significant research productivity.
Associate Professor (from Assistant Professor)
5 years service at rank at OMC/CPHS
Good-Excellent evaluations of teaching by HOD, peers and students
Evidence of scholarly activity
Publications in peer-reviewed journals, meetings attended, posters presented
Professor (from Associate Professor)
5 years service at rank at OMC/CPHS
Good-Excellent evaluations of teaching by HOD, peers and students
Evidence of scholarly activity
Significant publications in peer-reviewed journals evidenced by international recognition
Faculty without Ph.D.s/ Instructors
The rank of Lecturer is entry level requiring a Master’s degree plus 2 years of teaching experience.
Senior Lecturer (from Lecturer)
5 years service at rank; Good-Excellent evaluations of teaching by HOD, peers and students;
Participation in college activities including committees plus attendance at conferences and workshops is
Documentation offered by candidate for promotion
For promotion to any rank, a candidate will provide a file providing examples of his/her contributions to
OMC/CPHS. For instance, this file may contain examples of syllabi of courses developed by the candidate,
examinations given, and educational projects to indicate the candidate’s approach to education.
Published manuscripts, abstracts or meeting/workshop agendas should also be included to indicate
scholarly activity. Committee assignments and other service activities to OMC/CPHS, Oman or the
profession may also be included.
Procedure for Promotion
A faculty member may request that he/she be considered for promotion by April 30 in the spring
semester. The candidate will provide the file discussed above. A committee of three chaired by a member
of the candidate’s department, but not the HOD, will evaluate the credentials of the candidate both in the
file presented by the candidate and his/her personal file, which should contain both student and peer
evaluations of his/her teaching as well as other documents supporting the efforts of the faculty member.
For promotion to Professor, the committee will obtain evaluation(s) from external experts in the
candidate’s field. The committee will make a recommendation to the Dean who will then make the final
decision. Generally, the promotion will take effect on the starting date of the next academic year or in
some instances when the candidate’s contract ends.
7. Faculty Annual Report
Academic Year ------------------Faculty Member:
1. Teaching:
Course/Lecture Activity (Indicate which semester)
Conference or
b. New Course Development
2. Committees
3. Meetings Attended (indicate if presentation made):
a. International
b. Local
4. Publications:
a. Full-length Articles Published, in Press or submitted
5. Editorial activity (Member of editorial boards, Reviewer for national professional
6. Other Activities (Any activities not included above. (Sabbaticals, patent applications,
awards and honors, consultantships)
7. Goals for the coming year
8. Faculty Evaluation Procedure
(Approved by Dean’s Executive Council, December 19, 2006)
Annual Report completed by faculty member in May
Annual report reviewed by Head of Department (HOD)
HOD meets with faculty member to discuss report and goals for the year. HOD provides an
overall evaluation using the descriptors: excellent, good, satisfactory or unsatisfactory
HOD writes report to the Dean. A copy is given to the faculty member.
Heads of Departments
Annual Report completed by HOD in May
Annual report reviewed by Dean
Dean meets with HODs to discuss report and goals for the year
Dean writes report to place in HODs personal file. A copy is given to the HOD. Dean provides an
overall evaluation using the descriptors: excellent, good, satisfactory or unsatisfactory
Faculty Personal Files
Offer letter describing duties
Annual report indicating courses taught and scholarly activity
HOD annual evaluation with descriptors such as excellent, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory
Student and peer evaluation of teaching
Faculty members can add material to the file, which may be important for judging their productivity.
Examples include invitations to meetings or letters praising their work on a committee.
Faculty members have access to their personal files; however, the files cannot be removed from the Dean’s
(Note: Disciplinary letters remain in file for 3 years)
9. Staff Annual Evaluation
Staff Performance Appraisal
Employee’s name: ………………………………………
Designation: ………………………………..
Code No.: ………
Date of joining: ………………
Performance Assessment
Satisfactory Improvement
1. Ability to perform assigned tasks
2. Quality of work achieved
3. Communication skills
4. Knowledge of job
5. Self motivation – takes initiative in new tasks
6. Cooperative attitude – attends meetings
7. Punctuality / works steadily throughout day
8. Participates in OMC activities; (graduation, etc.)
9. Works well in a team
10.Acts professionally at all times
For Supervisory Positions
1. Manages recourses
2. Skill in influencing others
3. Trains/develops subordinates
4. Ability to make decisions
5. Analytical skills
Reporter: …………………………............
Comments by Employee
Date: ………………
Signature: …….…………
y tnmmmoCnyM ybtotnmmmoC
Title: ……………………………
Date: …………………
Signature: ……………
10. Policies and Guidelines
a. Examination Policies
The continuous assessment of learning outcomes is performed by in-class evaluations including quizzes,
mid-term and final examinations and out-of-class assignments such as presentations, case study
presentations, group discussions, role playing and seminar presentations. The teaching of courses and
the formal assessment of an individual student’s progress are the most critical activities in which the
College is engaged.
The policies for examinations including quizzes will be administered by the Quality Assurance
Officer. A separate secure “Examination Room” contains the photocopy machine, secure storage
facilities, the Scantron grading machine and a computer for use by faculty to type examinations securely.
The Quality Assurance Officer will supervise all of the various activities involved in examination
preparation, grading and posting:
1. Scheduling of examinations ( mid-term and final )
2. Scheduling and monitoring the review of examinations
3. Scheduling meetings of the Exam Review Committee
4. Supervising the photocopying and secure storage of examinations
5. Distributing the exams to the Chief Proctor prior to the examination
6. Marking /grading examination answer books (MCQs by Scantron in the Examination Room)
7. Review of grades by HOD, Registrar, Dean and Academic and Professional Standards Committees
Scheduling examinations
The academic calendar and planned class schedule in each subject will give the tentative dates of the midterm and final examinations. The Quality Assurance officer will supervise the preparation of the time
table of quizzes, mid-term and final examinations (schedule) before the start of each semester. The exam
schedule will also be posted on the OMC web site at least 3 week prior to the exam period.
The Quality Assurance Officer will supervise the preparation the detailed proctoring schedule with date
and time of examination, place of examination (Lecture Halls), number of students appearing in each case
with names of chief proctor and proctors. The instructor shall be not given proctoring duty of his /her
subject. The proctoring schedule will be disseminated to the faculty by the Associate Dean at least one
week before the examination week and posted on the OMC web site. The HODs will assign proctors for
Writing examinations and quizzes
The faculty shall take utmost care in preparing questions for quizzes and exams to ascertain that the
learning outcomes stated in the syllabi are met in the exam. The questions will be prepared stressing the
Learning Outcomes described for each lecture in the Course Booklet and will be comprised of both
multiple choice and short answer questions as described in the respective syllabi. During the writing of
the exams, faculty should ensure that all exam questions are stored on a flash-drive. Faculty will prepare
the answer key for the questions (MCQ and short answer- questions).
Review of Exams and quizzes
The hard copy (not softcopy) of the exam/quiz will be reviewed by a colleague who is an expert in the field
or has sufficient knowledge of the subject to review the questions. The reviewer will check the spelling and
grammar, repetition of questions, clarity of questions, distribution of marks etc. After making necessary
corrections, the hard copy used for reviewing will be destroyed. The Quality Assurance Officer will
receive the title page for each mid-term and final exam prepared by a faculty member
containing the signature of the colleague who has reviewed the examination.
Exam Review Committee
The Quality Assurance Officer will schedule a meeting of the Exam Review Committee, a group of faculty
members with expertise in the topics taught at the Bowshar campus, which will conduct a second review
of all mid-term and final examinations. Unacceptable formats of multiple choice questions will be
highlighted, revisions in ‘lead in’ statements of MCQs, which are not clear or are too long will be
suggested. In addition, grammatical and spelling errors will be corrected.
Photocopying of exams
The Quality Assurance Officer will supervise the photocopying of the revised exams. The exams will be
placed under lock and key in a secure cabinet in the Examination Office under the supervision of the
Quality Assurance Officer.
Preparation of Grade sheet
The Faculty should prepare the grade sheet one week prior to a final exam to ensure that all other
components of students’ grades are complete, accurate, and in conformity with the course grading policies
as published in their course syllabus, in preparation for submitting final course grades. During this time
the faculty should make every effort to be available to answer student questions during their study days.
Duties of Chief Proctor
Fifteen minutes before the scheduled start of an examination, the Chief Proctor will obtain the
examinations from the Examination Coordinator and sign that he/she has received them. The Chief
Proctor is responsible for maintaining security of the exams prior to distribution to the students.
The protocol for conducting and proctoring examinations is as follows:
 For examinations, students may be divided into groups and assigned to specific rooms. They may
also be given a specific number that will determine their seat assignment in the examination room
where they must sit.
 No personal belongings may be brought into the examination room; including but not limited to
reference materials, personal pagers, books, bags, calculators (when not permitted), mobile
phones, PDA’s, tissues or food. Prohibited items will be confiscated and handed over to the
 Students must not talk or communicate in any way with other students while in the examination
 Students must not start writing in an examination until signaled to do so by the instructor or
 No student may start an examination more than 15 minute late. Late comers will not be given
extra time. Students who arrive more than 15 minutes late will be barred from the examination
room and will receive a zero for the exam.
 Students are not permitted to leave the examination room during the first 15 minutes of the exam.
Students who leave the examination room during an examination will not be allowed to reenter it.
Examination papers are not to be removed from an examination room.
Students are required to complete their examination in ink, felt tip or ballpoint pens. The use of
pencils, except for completion of computer answer sheets and drawings, is not permitted.
Students are not allowed to ask questions during the examination. However, if an error is spotted
in the examination paper, this can be brought to the attention to the proctor.
Students must cease writing once it has been announced that an examination is finished.
Students who miss a quiz or exam due to illness or injury
Students will not be allowed to make up quizzes or assignments missed because of illness or injury. If a
student misses the first quiz, the grade that the student receives on the mid-term will be counted as the
total marks for the first quiz and the mid-term combined (42.5% of total). If a student misses the midterm exam, the grade on the final exam will be counted as the total marks for both the mid-term and the
final exam (70% of total). Similarly, if a student misses the second quiz, the material on the final
examination will be counted as the total marks for the second quiz and the final exam (57.5%).
Students who are not allowed to take the final exam
All students in the course are allowed to take the final exam even if their overall grades in that course
suggest that he/she will fail the exam. The only students not allowed to take the final exam are those who
have missed more than 20% of the lectures as described under Attendance Policy.
Special excuses
Students are allowed to make up examinations or assignments missed due to deaths in the family. Three days
are allowed for the death of a father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother, son or daughter. Two
days are allowed for the death of an uncle, aunt or cousin. Presentation of proof of death from the relevant
authority is required.
The Examination Coordinator will monitor the grading of exams by the following schedule..
Day of the exam or following day:
The answer sheet for the Multiple-Choice Questions will be graded by the Quality Assurance Officer using
the Scantron in the Examination Office. The results will be submitted to the instructor and tabulated. The
instructor should promptly grade the short-answer questions.
Two days after a scheduled exam: Grade sheets should be completed and reviewed by the Head of
the Department. The grade sheet must include:
 An Excel spreadsheet with all students’ individual marks shown.
 A statement (‘chart’) of the percentage grade thresholds applied for each letter grade category. (It
is expected that grades will usually follow the College’s stated grade thresholds.)
 A written explanation of the reasons for deviating from the normal College grading thresholds, if
this has taken place.
 A histogram of the final “unofficial” grade distribution
Three days after a scheduled exam: The Heads of Department must submit a signed hard copy with
its soft copy to the Registrar by noon. The Dean will then review the individual grade sheets for each
course and sign them. The Dean will discuss with the instructor and HOD any grades that may be
Faculty must NEVER discuss the probable (unofficial) overall course grade with a
student! Any attempt by a student to get the instructor to tell them their grade must be met with
a polite refusal, with the explanation that it is against the College’s policy. Faculty who give out
unofficial grades will be reprimanded. Furthermore, they will not be backed up by the College if a
dispute later arises with parents or the Ministry of Higher Education over a difference between
the “unofficial” grade and the later official one. On the other hand, faculty who refuse to give out
grades will receive the full backing of the College against student/parent complaints.
Do not submit grades by intranet e-mail. It is too easy for important information to fall into the
wrong hands. (There can also be doubts later about whether grades were actually sent by this
The Quality Assurance Officer will monitor the reviewing and posting of grades in the following schedule.
Posting of exam/quiz grades
The Quality Assurance Officer will post the Exam grades on the OMC web site after approval of the Head
of the Department and the Dean’s office.
Saturday after exam week: The Quality Assurance Officer will ensure that all grade sheets are
completed and given to the Registrar’s office. Faculty must submit a copy of the final examination to the
Quality Assurance Officer.
Tuesday: The HODs will schedule meetings of the individual Academic and Professional Standards
Committees to review all grades and to submit their recommendations to the Dean for approval and
Wednesday: After a check that all required assessment sheets and course materials have been
submitted properly according to College policy, individual faculty members will be permitted to take their
Semester Break or Annual Leave.
Posting of final grades: The final course grades will be posted on the OMC web site within two weeks
after the end of each semester. Only course grades posted by the Office of the Registrar are considered as
official course grades. In order to maintain confidentiality, results are posted by students’ pin numbers
rather than by their names. To access grades on the college website, the pin number is required to sign in.
Following weeks: The Dean’s office will prepare dismissal and warning letters to inform students who
are placed on academic probation. The Associate Dean will ensure that the students have received letters
regarding their progress.
Appeals: Students may submit, in writing, a formal appeal against their course grade/dismissal to the
Chair of the respective Academic & professional standards Committee within the first two
weeks of the following semester.
b. Proctoring Policies
This proctoring protocol has been developed to ensure the integrity of the examination process for
students enrolled in the college. This protocol provides guidelines to meet a minimal standard for the
college; it does not restrict individual departments or courses from implementing stricter guidelines.
Staffing Recommendations
1 Chief Proctor
1 Proctor for every 30 examinees
*Minimum of 2 proctors per room of 30 or more examinees.
Chief Proctor
 Faculty member other than the course instructor
 Not related to any examinee
 “A responsible, organized, detail-oriented individual who is respectfully assertive in directing the
attention and cooperation of the examinees.”
 Familiar with the OMC/CPHS proctor protocol, knowledgeable of testing procedures.
 Brings exam kit containing tissues, a stapler, pens, pencils etc
 Faculty or Staff
 Not related to any examinee
 “A responsible, mature, confident and respectfully assertive” individual.
 Familiar with the OMC/CPHS proctor protocol, knowledgeable of testing procedures.
Cancellation or rescheduling an examination
Considering the possibility of a weather or facility emergency, it is recommended that the Course Director
or the Registrar’s office develop a means of communications (e-mail or SMS message) with all examinees
for the purpose of confirming the administration of the exam as scheduled.
Registration – identifying and admitting examinees
Examinees sign-in on a roster containing their printed name provided by the course.
Chief proctor observes the signing of the roster.
No personal belongings may be brought into the examination room; including but not limited to
textbooks, reference materials, personal pagers, mobile phones, PDAs, tissues or food.
The Chief proctor will read the instructions for the exam and ask students to bring prohibited
items such as mobile phones to the front of the room for safe keeping during the exam.
If prohibited items are observed during the examination, these items will be confiscated and
brought to the Dean’s office.
Admission of late arrivals
It is the expectation of the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences that all examinees are to arrive
on time for the examination. No student may start an examination 15 minutes after the start of the
exam. Late comers will not be given extra time to complete the exam. Students who arrive more than
15 minutes late will be barred from the examination room and will receive a zero for the exam.
Administration of examinations
At a minimum, examinees must sit in every other seat and directly behind the student in the row in
front. A course instructor may make a seating plan, which should be followed by the Chief Proctor. In
some cases, students are given assigned seats to prevent cheating. A few chairs at the front of the
room should be left empty for suspected cheaters.
Timing of Examination
 A visible countdown timer or clock will be used
 The proctor should provide a 30 minute and a 10 minute “end of exam” warning.
Early Dismissal
 The examinee leaving prior to the end of the exam must turn in all examination papers to the
proctor and cannot re-enter the examination room.
The Chief proctor must collect the exams from the course instructor 15 minutes prior to the examination
time. All proctors should arrive at the examination room 15 minutes before the start of the exam to
distribute the exams, to direct students to their assigned seats and to help in taking attendance. Proctors
should be present and attentive at all times, observing the examinees from different angles of the room.
Proctors should frequently walk through the room without disturbing the examinees to observe the
security of the room and the examinee seating areas noting that:
 Examinees have nothing on their desks or laps except the appropriate test administration
material specific to the exam.
 No one is making written notes of the exam.
 No one is using written materials.
 Examinees are not communicating with one another in any way.
 Examinees are not using inappropriate electronic devices, e.g. watches with computer or memory
capability, PDAs, etc.
 Examinees stop answering questions at the call for “Stop”.
After the exam is completed, the Chief Proctor must collect the exams, and verify that the number of
exams is equivalent to the attendance list. The Chief Proctor will give the collected exams and the
attendance sheet to the course instructor.
Managing irregular incidents
Irregular incidents by examinees include, but are not limited to:
 The copying, giving or receiving of unauthorized information or making unauthorized notes
 Continuing to write after the exam has been concluded
 Disruptive behavior
If irregular incidents occur, the proctor should:
Confirm the observation with at least one other proctor
 Notify the chief proctor of the incident
 Allow the examinee to complete the exam
If the irregular incidents continue, the proctor should move the examinee to a secure location that will
ensure no disruption to other examinees, and report the incident to the Student Affairs Advisor.
Handling suspected cheating
Upon completion of the exam, the Chief Proctor must submit a report of the incident to the Student
Affairs Advisor, beginning the process outlined in the Student Handbook, page 30 entitled “Procedures
for Handling Dishonesty or Misconduct”.
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Academic Dishonesty & Misconduct Reporting
Student Name: _______________________________________________
OMC/CPHS ID # ____________
Subject Code: ____________
Date of Incident: ______/______/_______
Placer of incidence: ________________
Report of Incidence by Instructor / Chief Proctor & Proctors:
Name(s) & Signature(s) of reporting persons:
Date :
Student’s Statement:
(student’s signature) with date
[A student has right to appeal against charges as outlined in the pages 36-37 of the Student Handbook &
Course catalog 2008-2010
Please submit the report to Head of the department immediately after the examination for necessary
action. Attach evidence of cheating / malpractice if available.
Name and signature of HOD
c. Guidelines for Academic Advising
Consistent with the overall mission of OMC/CPHS, a major objective is to nurture and challenge students
to grow to their fullest potential. Academic policies and procedures support a philosophy that is both
student-centered and supportive of holistic-development. The goal of academic advising is to assist
students in planning meaningful academic programs to obtain the desired degree. Academic Advisor
provides a highly personal and supportive environment in which students can pursue their educational
goals. The Guidelines for Academic Advising serve as a framework to enhance and improve the advising
process and interactions between students, faculty and administrators.
The advisor and advisee should develop an educational plan to ensure that the following regulations are
 courses are taken in the proper sequence
 pre-requisites for each course have been completed prior to registering for the course
 courses are taken in accordance with the curriculum for the desired degree
 all procedures are within the rules and regulations set by OMC/CPHS
The vision of OMC/CPHS for academic advisement goes beyond the course selection outlined above and
involves the overall welfare of the student. We understand that students need to be advised in the areas of
personal and intellectual growth, time management, and career choices. Students are ultimately
responsible for the successful completion of curricular requirements and should frequently check their
transcripts to ensure that they are making progress towards fulfilling degree requirements. Pursuing a
degree places an awesome responsibility upon students and consequently faculty, staff and the
administration should assist in every way possible to ensure the successful completion of graduation
requirements for all students.
Responsibilities of the Advisor
Be available to students on a regular basis and be conscientious about posting and adhering to a
schedule of office hours for advising advisees
Maintain a record of advisee information. This information may include curriculum sheets,
failure to appear for appointments, any academic difficulties, or decision to change program
Establish personal relations and rapport with advisees and help resolve academic difficulties.
Discuss long-range educational and vocational goals and assist in planning appropriate academic
Be familiar with resource materials (such as the Student Handbook) that may answer questions
about academic and non-academic policies and procedures.
Be knowledgeable of resource persons and refer students to the appropriate person for
information and advice (Deans' offices, Registrar's office, tutorial services, career resources, etc.)
Be informed about personal counseling programs
Be aware of resources and opportunities available to facilitate in-class and extracurricular
Send occasional invitations to advisees encouraging them to come in for discussion and
performance reviews
Responsibilities of the Students
Schedule and attend regular appointments with your advisor each semester
Be prepared for each appointment with questions or material for discussion
Be an active participant in the advising experience
Ask questions of your advisor, if you do not understand an issue or if you require any clarification
in rules and regulations from Student Handbook.
Keep a personal record of your progress in meeting your academic goal
Organize all official documents so that you may be able to access them when needed
Complete all assignments or recommendations from your advisor
Share and clarify your personal values and goals with your advisor
Be knowledgeable about programs, policies and procedures at OMC/CPHS
Accept responsibility for your decisions
d. Attendance Policy for Students
Students are expected to attend all scheduled course activities including lectures, laboratories, scheduled
group study sessions, and exams. Attendance is taken in every class. Signing the attendance sheet for
another student who is absent is a form of Academic Dishonesty. Students studying medicine and
pharmacy are expected to demonstrate the highest ethical standards of their chosen professions. Faculty
submit the attendance sheets to the Registrar’s office.
Attendance reports are available from the secretary in the Registrar’s office. Students are responsible for
checking their attendance record at regular intervals. The following points are important policies
regarding attendance to be borne in mind by the faculty.
If a student misses more than 15% of the scheduled classes for any reason, s/he will receive a
warning letter.
If a student misses more than 20% of the scheduled activities in a course for any reason (excused
and unexcused combined), s/he will receive an F in the course.
Assignments turned in late because of an unexcused absence will either be penalized or not
accepted according to instructor policy as documented in the course syllabus.
OMC/CPHS has zero tolerance for lateness. Students who arrive late to class will not be allowed into the
classroom and will be marked absent.
e. Leave Policies
Annual Leave
All the staff, teaching and administrative, are entitled to 30 days paid leave on completion of 335 days of
continuous service. The teaching faculty are expected to take their leave in the summer after classes are
completed and before the start of the next academic year. Administrative staff may take leave at any time
during the year provided that his/her duties are covered. The full annual leave entitlement should be
taken. No annual leave may be carried over into the following year. Any unused leave at the end of the
year will not attract financial compensation.
Semester Break Leave for Faculty
The teaching staff is entitled to a total of 15 days of leave, which they must take during the breaks
between the fall/ spring semesters and the spring semester/summer session.
Start of Leave for Faculty
Faculty responsible for teaching and grading may not take leave, either annual or semester break, until
the Wednesday after exam week is finished in the fall and spring semesters and the summer session. This
policy will permit scheduling exams in all disciplines on the final day of exam week and provide sufficient
time for the exam and semester grades to be reviewed by the HODs, the Exam Review Committee and the
Academic & Professional Standards committee before the faculty member goes on leave.
Protocol for Obtaining Leave
A person who wishes to take leave must first inform their HOD or supervisor and obtain his/her signature
of approval. Faculty must also obtain the Dean’s signature on the leave form. The Dean (or supervisor for
staff) will forward the signed form to the administration for filing and computer entry.
When returning from any leave, the individual must have the form signed by his supervisor or HOD and
then must go in person to give the form to either the Finance Manager or the Accountant. The reporting
at the Finance Department will be considered as the rejoining date.
Sick Leave
Under the terms of staff contracts, and consistent with The Oman Labour Law, an employee has the right
to paid sick leave, on condition that it does not exceed either ten continuous or separate weeks during the
year, as follows:
 first 14 days on complete salary;
 second 14 days on three-quarter salary;
 third 14 days on half salary;
 Next 28 days on quarter salary.
Any absence for sick leave must be documented by the production of a medical certificate.
There is no entitlement for sick leave unless the sickness of the employee is proved by a medical
Emergency Leave
Employees are entitled to up to six days’ emergency leave with pay during the year for any unforeseen
circumstance that occurs but shall not exceed two consecutive days. The employee must provide a
justification for the emergency leave. Examples include 1) adverse weather conditions, 2) serious
accidents, 3) children severely injured and hospitalized.
Maternity Leave
Female staff who have completed at least one year of continuous service are entitled to maternity
leave with pay for up to 50 days, as decreed by The Oman Labour Law. The period of leave will start either
shortly before the delivery of the child or on the day of birth, as circumstances require. A maximum of
three maternity leaves are permitted. The payment of salary after the second week of absence is as
described for ‘Sick Leave’ above.
Application for maternity leave must be submitted to the Dean at least 90 days before the expected
delivery date and be supported by a physician’s certificate.
Special Leave
A faculty or staff member is entitled to special leave with pay as follows. Permission must be obtained
from the Dean for special leave.
Three days in case of marriage to be granted only one time during the period of service.
Fifteen days during the year for the purpose of sitting for an examination in case of an Omani
worker who is a part-time student at a school, institute, college or university in Oman.
Fifteen days for the performance of Al-Haj (pilgrimage) once throughout the period of service,
provided that the employee has completed one year of service at the college.
One hundred and thirty days for a working Muslim wife in the event of her husband’s death
Three days leave are allowed in the event of the death of a husband, wife, son, daughter, mother,
father, grandparent, brother, or sister; two days are allowed in the event of the death of an uncle
or an aunt. Presentation of proof of death from the relevant authority is required to obtain leave.
Islamic Holidays
In regard to Islamic Holidays, the Dean will decide in consultation with the administration and the HODs
whether the college will adhere to the schedule of the government or private sector depending on the
effect of these holidays on the academic program. These days are generally only confirmed by the
Government a day or two before the actual day of the holiday. The dates of these holidays will be
announced as soon as they are determined.
Travel Policy for Professional Development
Oman Medical College encourages faculty and staff to attend conferences, workshops and academic
courses for professional development, subject to the guidelines below. Faculty and staff will be allowed 5
days per year for travel to international and national meetings.
f. Staff Education Policy
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences encourages staff to continue their education in order to improve
their skills and knowledge in the workplace. The College has no scheme to allow any staff or faculty to
pursue such studies on a full time basis; as such practice would be detrimental to the normal functioning
of the College and has heavy cost implications. However, in some cases, the College had encouraged the
staff to enroll for higher degrees in institutions located in the Muscat capital region, preferably for parttime courses. Such persons were allowed limited absence from the normal working hours of the College
on condition that such arrangement will not have any cost implication and that their current duties will be
suitably adjusted. As the College receives more and more applications for such releases, it has become
necessary to evolve appropriate policies in this regard to safeguard the interests of the College.
Accordingly, all such releases from now onwards will be as per the following policies and subject to the
fulfillment of conditions:
Staff members must have completed a minimum of two years of service at OMC/CPHS before
applying for released time to continue their education.
Requests for limited release from normal work should be submitted to the head of the department
where the staff is working at least 3 months prior to the date of commencement of the course. The
HOD will review the request from the exigencies of the department and will forward it to the
Dean with proper recommendations.
Staff members should submit along with requests for limited leave of absence proof of
registration and time table of classes.
The maximum allowable time of release from normal work shall be limited to 25% of normal
working hours. This can be spread over the entire week and it shall be the responsibility of the
HOD to keep track of the staff’s absence.
The limited absence of the staff should not lead to appointment of a substitute staff and the
recommendation of the HOD should confirm that such absence of the staff will not affect its
normal working.
Normally, only one staff member in Chemistry, Biology and Pharmacy will be allowed to avail the
limited release facility at any time.
The HOD shall maintain a log book detailing the periods of absence of the staff for study
The College will have no liability to bear any expenses connected with the studies undertaken by
the staff.
The College reserves the right to deny permission to any staff to pursue higher studies availing
limited absence, if such absence is against the interest of the college.
Staff members who take extensive leave to obtain the MS degree will sign an agreement to
continue working at OMC/CPHS for two years after completion of the degree.
Obtaining an advanced degree does not guarantee a promotion or a higher salary.
g. Guidelines for Research at Oman Medical College/ College of
Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Research is the search for knowledge or a systematic investigation to establish facts. Scientific
research relies on the application of the scientific method that exploits man’s inherent curiosity to
discover basic principles of nature thus making possible practical applications. Oman Medical College was
established to educate students in the fields of Medicine and Pharmacy but over the years has matured to
the stage at which energies can be focused on initiating research. The College has provided the required
infrastructure and the basic equipment to initiate research. Current research activities are centered in the
fields of Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmacokinetics, Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmacology, Microbiology and
herbal medicines.
The role of the Research Committee
The Research Committee was established in February 2010 to support, promote, enhance and coordinate
the research activities at the college and will serve as ct as a central coordinating body for research
activities of the college.
Establishment of Research Culture for our Students
One of the goals and objectives of OMC/CPHS is “to foster student curiosity and inquisitiveness”. The
Research Committee will create a research culture for our faculty and students by:
 Promoting an acceptable research environment.
 Developing a code of Practice for students and supervisors.
External Funding
Oman Medical College has been approved by the Oman Research Council to receive funding for Research
proposals. Interested faculty members have been assigned numbers for online submission of proposals.
Guidelines for Research
The College Research Committee has developed guidelines for research at OMC/CPHS which provide a
platform for achieving the goals of the college for faculty and students in both medicine and pharmacy.
Presentation or publication of research undertaken
 Faculty members who wish to present research papers in scientific meetings/conferences should
submit a copy of the abstract to the research committee for approval before submitting it to the
conference organizers.
 The certificate of attendance (photocopy) of the symposia/ meetings should be submitted to the
Research Committee after the meeting.
Presentation of research by faculty members at international or national meetings
 Faculty members are encouraged to research studies at international conferences outside
Oman provided that the paper is accepted for presentation. A copy of the travel request
form including the abstract must be submitted to the Dean as per the Travel Regulations.
Faculty members are encouraged to attend conferences or workshops in Oman, which are
relevant to their discipline and will help them develop professionally. The faculty member
must submit a travel request to the Dean as per the Travel Regulations.
Research Proposals to the Research Council
 The research committee will review proposals prepared by the faculty for submission to
the Research Council and make suggestions/corrections for improvement. The Dean’s
signature will be required on any application submitted for funding. The Finance
Manager will provide guidance in the preparation of the budget and other financial
Research Projects by Pharmacy and Medical students
 The research committee will review proposals prepared by the faculty before submission
for review and choice by the pharmacy and/or medical students.
Documentation of research activity by OMC/CPHS faculty
 A small paragraph summarizing their research interests of faculty members indicating
where and when they obtained a Ph.D. and including a list of research papers/ review
articles/popular articles published in peer reviewed journals in the past five years will be
published on the Research tab of the OMC/CPHS web site.
h. Travel Policy for Professional Development
Oman Medical College encourages faculty to attend conferences and workshops for professional
development, subject to the guidelines below.
For travel outside Oman or to attend conferences in Oman, the faculty member must submit a travel
request in writing to his/her HOD. The request must include the following:
 A copy of the invitation letter to speak and/or the letter indicating that a submitted abstract has
been accepted for presentation.
 A copy of the abstract
 Information about the event in the form of a brochure or flier
 Plans to cover the teaching responsibilities of the faculty member
 The potential benefits to the faculty member and to OMC
 The number of meetings attended in the past 3 years.
The request must be approved with recommendations by the Head of the Department and
submitted to the Dean for final approval.
When the travel request has been approved by the Dean, the faculty member must complete a Travel
Expense form (see attached) that includes the dates duration and location of the conference, workshop or
academic course plus estimated expenses for registration, transportation, lodging, and meals. The Dean
will forward the approved Travel Request to the Finance Officer who will make the travel booking.
Upon returning from the travel, the following receipts must be presented for reimbursement by OMC:
Registration, Transportation –Airfare and petrol receipts for faculty who drive to events
Lodging – up to a maximum of 60 RO per day
Meals & local transport– up to a maximum of 30 RO per day
Maximum reimbursement allowed in GCC countries: 100 RO Outside of GCC: 250 RO
After the conference workshop or course, the faculty member must:
 Submit a report within one week to his/her HOD and the Dean outlining the benefits of the
meeting to the individual and OMC
 After receiving the report the HOD and the Dean will advise the faculty member to make a
presentation to share the experience gained by attending the Conference/workshop to an
appropriate audience.
(Note: A faculty member will receive support for international travel only every 2 years.)
Travel Policies for Conferences in Oman
 Two faculty members will be allowed to attend conferences scheduled on working days.
Faculty who wish to attend a conference must submit a travel request to their HOD as described
 The HOD will recommend two faculty members to the dean indicating the reasons that they will
benefit from attending the meeting. Faculty who have been invited to speak at the meeting will
automatically be given permission to attend. Other factors involved in the decision of the HOD
should include the number of meetings attended by the individual faculty member in the past two
years as well as the expertise of the faculty member.
 The Dean will review the recommendations of the HOD before giving final permission for the
faculty member to attend the meeting.
OMC will reimburse the faculty for the registration fee.
Travel Request Form
Name and title:_______________________________________________________
Title of conference, workshop, or academic course: ___________________________________
Site: ___________________________
Dates: __________________________
Estimated Expenses:
Travel Airfare:
Travel Petrol:
Lodging (Maximum 60 RO):
Meals & Local Transport (Maximum 30 RO):
Maximum RO 250
Traveler’s signature
HOD’s signature
_______________ ______________________
Dean’s signature
i. Working Policies for Faculty & Staff
The salary structure in the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences will be framed to give every staff
member regular compensation in accordance with his/her placement on a salary scale and as per contract
of employment. Apart from the basic salary, every staff member will receive allowances towards housing,
utilities and travel to and from the college. Senior faculty and staff will be eligible for family status in
Official Travel Policies
The rules governing travel for official purposes out of Oman allows air travel in economy class and
accommodation and daily allowances to cover the expenses incurred by the staff at the destination point.
Working hours
Regular working hours at the college are from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm from Saturday through Wednesday.
Classes are scheduled for 50 minutes starting at 8:00 am with the last class scheduled at 3:00 pm.
Laboratories of 3 hours duration are scheduled in both the morning and afternoon but are completed by
4:00 pm. The weekends are Thursday and Friday. Teaching faculty in the sciences are assigned 9 contact
hours per week including lectures, tutorials, laboratories and problem-based learning session. Teaching
faculty in English are assigned 12 contact hours per week of classroom teaching. In addition, each
faculty member must have posted office hours in which he/she MUST be available to
answer questions and help students. Part-time faculty are assigned the teaching hours for the
individual course plus one hour per week for office hours.
In addition to teaching, each faculty member will serve as academic advisor to students and meet with
them periodically.
The duties of all employees, both faculty and staff, are described earlier in this document. If a faculty or
staff member does not perform their duties as described or if a person refuses to perform a task directed
by his supervisor, the following sanctions will be imposed. First, the employee will be counseled by his
supervisor and where appropriate also by the Associate Dean or the Dean. Repeated poor performance
will result in the writing of a warning letter by the employee’s supervisor, which will be discussed with the
employee and placed in his/her personal file.
If an Omani receives three warning letters, he/she can be dismissed with 30 days notice. If a non-Omani
has received a warning letter and has had several discussions about his/her performance with the
supervisor, he/she can be dismissed with 3 months notice.
Disciplinary decisions
If proof has been obtained that an employee has behaved inappropriately at the college, he/she will
receive a warning letter that will be placed in their personal file. If appropriate, the employee will be asked
to obtain professional counseling. If a male or female employee is wearing inappropriate clothing, their
supervisor and/or the dean will discuss the Dress Code established by the college with the employee and
request that he/she adhere to the rules. A warning letter will also be placed in the employee’s file. Further
violation in the rules will result in termination of the employee’s contract.
Avoidance of the Contract
If a faculty or staff member does not follow the conditions of the contract, a warning letter will be placed
in his/her file and the supervisor will discuss the conditions stipulated in the contract. Further avoidance
of the contract will result in dismissal as discussed above.
Termination (cases, causes and mechanisms)
Under certain circumstances faculty or staff will be immediately terminated provided that sufficient proof
has been obtained. For example, if a male faculty or staff member socializes inappropriately with girl
students, his employment will be terminated. If a faculty or staff member gives one or more students a
copy of an exam before the scheduled examination or provides detailed information about which topics
these students should study, he/she will be immediately terminated. Employees terminated under these
circumstances will not receive any benefits.
Termination of employment and benefits after
When appropriate, the yearly contracts of faculty members may not be renewed for the following
academic year. Reasons for non-renewal of a contract include continued ineffective teaching by a faculty
member despite repeated counseling and warning letters from the HOD and Dean. Other reasons include
removal of the subject taught from the curriculum or hiring a new faculty member with expertise in the
subject such that two faculty members are not required to teach that subject. Faculty members will be
given 3 months notice and will receive benefits prescribed by Omani law depending on the number of
years of employment.
j. Resignation - Protocols
Faculty or staff member writes a letter of resignation addressed to the Dean three months prior to
the proposed date of leaving the college. (Omanis require one month notice).
2. Dean acknowledges the letter in writing and provides a copy to the Finance Department.
3. The Finance Manager prepares the final settlement.
4. The faculty or staff member has an exit interview with the Head of Department and the Dean (or
Associate Dean).
5. The faculty or staff member returns their photo ID, remote control for gate and keys.
End-of-Service Benefits
Every staff member who has completed one year of continuous service will be entitled to end - of –service
benefits at the termination his/her contract or upon separation. This benefit is determined in accordance
with the following provisions in the Oman Labour Law:
15 (fifteen) days basic salary for each of the first three years of continuous service.
30 (thirty) days basic salary for each year of continuous service beyond the initial 3 (three) years.
The terminal year’s basic salary will be reckoned as the basis for payment of the terminal benefits.
An employee who resigns before completing one year of service will not be entitled to end-of-service
10. Grievance Policies
A grievance is a formal complaint based on an incident that the individual feels is unfair. Oman Medical
College is committed to developing and maintaining an effective grievance handling system that is easily
accessible to all its students and staff. The aim of the grievance committee is to resolve issues promptly,
objectively with complete confidentiality and in a fair manner. The views of the aggrieved member will be
treated with respect and complete confidentiality.
Before filing a formal grievance with the Grievance committee, the aggrieved faculty/staff must first
attempt to resolve the grievance by meeting with his/her HOD or Supervisor and the Associate Dean. The
Grievance Committee is only to be addressed after failing to come to a resolution from the above
mentioned parties.
Guidelines for the Grievance Committee:
(1) The Grievance Committee will consider all grievances submitted in writing. By filling in the
Grievance Form for Staff (available at the library or next to the “Grievance Box” placed next to the
Associate Dean’s office).
(2) The Grievance Committee will consider only individual grievances raised by staff and faculty.
Family members or friends are not authorized to raise a claim on behalf of the aggrieved person.
(3) The Grievance Committee will not consider any grievance of general applicability or grievance
received from a group of faculty or staff members.
Procedure for addressing grievances:
(1) The aggrieved staff will submit the grievance in writing by completing the Grievance Form for
Staff, which is available in the library or next to the “Grievance Box” placed next to the Associate
Dean’s office.
(2) The aggrieved staff will place the petition in the “Suggestion Box”, which will be checked at the
end of each week by the Associate Dean’s Assistant.
(3) After receipt of the petition on Wednesday, the Associate Dean’s Assistant will arrange a meeting
of the Grievance Committee within the following week. The aggrieved staff will be informed that
his/her petition has been received via email.
(4) The Grievance Committee will investigate the grievance, discuss the issues with the concerned
parties, refer to the relevant documents and make a final resolution within 10 working days.
(5) If deemed necessary, the Grievance Committee will call in the aggrieved staff for further
(6) After a decision has been reached by the Grievance Committee the aggrieved staff will be
informed of the final resolution via email.
(7) The Dean will be kept informed of the final resolutions reached by the Grievance Committee after
each case.
11. Miscellaneous
A public phone is located outside the Bowshar campus building on the southwest corner. Students are,
also, free to bring GSMs to campus and to use them on their own time. However, the use of GSMs during
class is disruptive to the teacher and classmates. Therefore, GSMs must be turned off (or turned to
“silent” and not used) during class. Students who receive or place calls during class will receive a
warning on the first offense. Repeat offenders will have their GSMs confiscated for the remainder of the
day. Mobile phones must be given to the proctors during examinations (See section on Proctoring of
Faculty/Staff Lounge
A room with a refrigerator and a microwave has been provided where faculty and staff can have their
lunch and tea/ coffee breaks.
Health Care Policy
Omani staff are covered by the Omani national health care service, but the College has arranged for
expatriate staff to receive free health care treatment for routine illnesses as well as for minor injuries at:
Al Bashayer Clinic – located in Al Khuwair
Badr Al Samaa Polyclinic located in Al Khuwair and Ruwi
The following medical expenses are not covered by the college:
 Eyeglasses or contact lenses
 Cosmetic surgery
 Child-birth or pregnancy-related treatments
 Orthodontic treatment
Dress Code
Faculty and Staff of OMC/CPHS are expected to adhere to a dress code that would reflect a high standard
of personal appearance and is sensitive to the cultural norms of the Sultanate and as such should be neat,
professional, comfortable - and modest.
The following guidelines are intended to be helpful and not overly prescriptive. However, alternative
standards may not be appropriate as an example to students in class and may be offensive within an
Islamic society.
Male staff (non-Omanis)
§ should wear a shirt with a collar (T-shirts are not acceptable)
§ are encouraged to wear a tie, but are not required to do so
may wear a jacket, but are not required to do so
should wear sensible shoes (sandals are not sufficiently formal)
should not wear tight trousers, shorts or denims.
Female staff (non-Omanis)
§ may wear a dress or blouse/skirt, but not with a sleeveless top or very short sleeves or
low-cut neckline
§ may wear a dress or skirt, but not with long slits nor reaching higher than the knee
§ may wear a wrap-around skirt if it is secured with a kilt pin
§ may wear trousers, but these should not be tight, denim or shorts
The different styles of dress for women always present greater potential for difficulty than the range of
styles in men’s clothing.