Fall 2015 Earth Science Currituck County High School Instructor: Ms. Ashley Farris ● ● ● ● ● Room: E17 Phone: (252) 453-0014 ext. 3081 Email: ashleyfarris@currituck.k12.nc.us Website: http://msfarrisscience.weebly.com/ Remind 101: This is a site that I use to send out messages about tests or other reminders. If you wish to receive these messages, you can sign up by texting the number 81010 with the class code @ad81d3 Please feel free to contact me at any time with any questions! The website provided above will be updated frequently with class assignments, announcements, and study material. Course Description: This course is designed to introduce you to concepts in Earth and Environmental Science as defined by the Common Core Essential Standards for Earth Science. Topics studied within this course will include astronomy, the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, and human impact on the planet. As a science course, scientific questions, ideas, and discussions are welcome and encouraged! I expect all students to do their best work and keep up with assignments. Students should come to class prepared and ready to work. If a student misses an assignment, they are expected to complete the make-up assignment in the given amount of time. In order to prepare students for college and the work force, I hold them accountable for their actions and expect them to take responsibility for their own behavior. Grades are not given, they are earned, and the grade on the student’s report card will be a reflection of the work they put into the class. Classroom Procedures: 1. Be seated and working on your warm up at the bell, with all materials out and ready. 2. Please ask questions-but raise your hand! Questions/comments will not be addressed if they are shouted in class. 3. Be quiet and listening when others are speaking. Everyone deserves respect! 4. Turn in work by passing papers forward through rows. Work from absences can be found in the makeup work folder and are the responsibility of the student. 5. Use the restroom before or after class whenever possible. If you must use the restroom in class, it cannot be within the first or last 15 minutes of class, or while taking notes. Students will be given four restroom passes for the semester. A pass must be used in order to use the restroom unless an emergency arises. Any student leaving the room will sign the in/out sheet. 6. Keep electronic devices put away unless instructed! You may keep the phone in your bookbag or the pencil pouch provided at your desk. If you have an emergency and need to use a phone, notify Ms. Farris. Phones out when they are not supposed to be will be handed in to the front office. 7. Complete the daily exit ticket on a sticky note, found in your desk pencil pouch. 8. Wait for me to dismiss you-not the bell! Students should be in seats when the bell rings to be dismissed. Labs: Labs are graded both on the completion of the lab activity and completion of the discussion/summary questions that go with it. Any student who is behaving in a way that may cause harm to another student will be asked to sit out and given an alternate assignment. Please sign and return the attached lab safety sheet. Students must returned a signed safety sheet before they will be able to handle lab materials. Required Materials: 1. Your Chromebook and charger (please bring it to class every day) 2. Binder with 5 dividers for Bellringers, Notes, Tests/Quizzes, Labs, and Classwork/Homework. I will check the class notebooks often to help you stay organized. 3. Paper and Pencil/Pen All other materials used (such as colored pencils, markers, construction paper, etc.) will be available in the classroom for student use. If you have trouble getting any of the materials listed, please see me. Grading: Tests and Major Projects: 50% Quizzes/Labs: 30% Classwork: 20% The grading scale has changed from a seven point scale to a ten point scale. Under the new scale, grades and grade point average calculations will be applied as follows: A: 90-100 = 4.0 B: 80-89 = 3.0 C: 70-79 = 2.0 D: 60-60 = 1.0 F: <59 = 0.0 Missing/Late/Makeup Work: Students who fail to complete an assignment by the due date will still be allowed to complete the work up to 3 days after the assignment is due, with points deducted for each day late (10%, 30%, and 50%, respectively). Anything turned in after the 3rd day will not be accepted, as is school policy. Students who are absent will be given 2 days to return missed work before the above deductions are put in place. Tests and quizzes can be made up during tutoring, or after school by appointment. Tutoring: Anyone whose average falls below a 70 will be assigned to a mandatory tutoring session during Power Hour. If additional tutoring is required, this can be done after school by appointment. Tutoring in my class is held on Wednesdays and Fridays during A Lunch. Academic Integrity: Although I encourage student collaboration and discussion, all student work should be done individually. Any cheating, plagiarizing, etc. will result in a zero on the assignment and referral to administration. All school discipline guidelines will be followed regarding cheating. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. I look forward to an excellent semester! :) Student Information Sheet: Please Sign and Return! Student Name: ____________________________________________ Home/Parent Phone Number(s):________________________________ Best Hours to Use? (______) Parent/Guardian Email: ______________________________________ Which method of communication is preferred?_____________________ Do you have any allergies/medical concerns I should be aware of?______________________________________________________ Are you a member of any school clubs/teams? ____________________ Have you signed up for Remind 101 to receive class updates? ________ Are you able to access the class website? ________________________ I have read and understand the syllabus for Ms. Farris’ Earth Science course. ________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date ________________________________________________________ Student Signature Date I have read and understand the lab safety information attached to the syllabus. ________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date ________________________________________________________ Student Signature Date