Neuro Examinations

32, female
Married with four children
Roman Catholic
from Laguna
The patient is a diagnosed case of
hypokalemic periodic paralysis since 1997 c/o
private MD. The patient is non-hypertensive
and non-diabetic.
Generalized body weakness
12 yrs PTC, the patient started to have
sudden onset of generalized body weakness
described as “nawawalan ng lakas ang buong
katawan”, (-)seizures, (-)fever, (-)headache,
(-) vomiting, (-) loss of consciousness, (-)
DOB. Consulted a private MD and was
diagnosed to have HPP. Patient was
maintained on Kalium BID.
Since being diagnosed with HPP, the patient has
been having intermittent bouts of generalized body
weakness, usually upon waking up, lasting for 1-2
days. The patient has been hospitalized 2x for IV
infusion of K.
2 weeks PTC, the patient had another
episode of generalized body weakness now
lasting for 3-4 days with note of increase
frequency of attacks (weekly). Patient self
medicated with Kalium tablets with
resolution of symptom after 4 days.
Persistence of intermittent episodes of HPP
prompted consult
Gen: (-)weight loss, (-)fever, (-) chills, (-)pallor
CNS: (-)headache, (-)seizures, (-)vomiting
HEENT: (-)blurring of vision, (-)difficulty of swallowing
Respiratory: (-)cough/colds, (-)chest pain, (-)orthopnea,
(-)paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, (-)hemoptysis
CVS: (-)chest pain, (-)palpitations, (-)easy fatigability
GIT: (-)vomiting, (-)constipation, (-)hematochezia,
(-) melena, (-) abdominal pain
GUT: (-) dysuria, (-) hematuria, (-) urgency, (-)frequency
MSS: (-)limitation of movement, (-)pain on exertion
Hema: (-)easy bruising, (-)bleeding tendencies
Endo: (-) polyuria, (-)polydipsia, (-)polyphagia
(-) DM, HPN, asthma, seizures
(-) previous surgeries
(-) known allergies to food and drugs
(-) similar illnesses
(+) DM - father
(-) HPN , goiter, kidney disease, liver disease
HS graduate, previously worked as a
saleslady, currently unemployed
Patient’s husband is a jeepney driver, nonpromiscious
Lives with husband and 2 children
Non-smoker, non-alcoholic beverage drinker
Menarche at 12 yo
Regular menstrual cycle lasting for 4-5days
consuming 2-3 pads per day ,
(-) dysmenorrhea
G2P2(2002) all via SVD c/o midwife with no
note fetomaternal complications
Alert, awake, coherent, ambulatory, not in
cardiorespiratory distress
BP: 110/ 80 HR 88 RR 20 Temp 36.8
HEENT: Anicteric sclera, pink conjunctivae,
(-) cervical lymphadenopathy,
(-) tonsillopharyngeal congestion, (-) anterior
neck mass, (-) neck vein engorgement
CHEST: Equal chest expansion, clear breath
sounds, (-) rales, (-) rhonchi, (-) wheezes
HEART: Adynamic precordium, distinct heart
sounds, normal rate regular rhythm, (-)
ABDOMEN: Flabby, normoactive bowel
sounds, soft, non-tender, (-) distended
abdominal veins, liver edge palpated 7 cm
MCL, spleen not palpated
EXT: Pink nailbeds, full and equal pulses, CRT
< 2 sec, (-) edema, (-)cyanosis, (-)clubbing
Neuro Examinations:
CN I – intact
CN II- pupils 3mm EBRTL
CN III, IV, VI – EOMS full and intact, brisk corneals
CN V – can smile
CN VII – no facial asymmetry
CN VIII – intact
CN IX, X – uvula midline, good gag
CN XI – good shoulder shrug
CN XII – tongue midline
MMTs: 5/5 on all extremities
Sensory: 100% on all extremities
Reflexes: ++
(-) dysdiadochokinesia, dysmetria
(-) nystagmus, ataxia
(-) clonus, babinksi
Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis
Serum K
> other tests that should have been ordered:
ECG, blood chemistry, CBC, urinalysis,
Kalium durules TID
Advised to increase intake of K-rich food
such as banana and watermelon
TCB once with results
Are there any meds that can prevent the
recurrence of the weakness?
Among adults with hypokalemic periodic
paralysis, is acetazolamide effective in
preventing episodes of weakness?
P: adult patients with HPP
I: acetazolamide
O: prevention of HPP
Thank You!