Template Template created createdby by Giorgio GiorgioCamilleri, Camilleri,March March 2006 2006 PLANNING FOR A GLOBAL ATM SYSTEM ICAO Air Navigation Bureau Radio Spectrum Seminar Cairo, Egypt June 2006 Presentation Outline • • • • • • • • • • • Historical Successes Global Air Traffic Management What is it How do we get there Eleventh Air Navigation Conference Partnering with Industry Global Plan (Initiatives) Achieving a global ATM system Regional Integration Measuring success 2 Historical: path toward Global ATM Global ATM 2010 and beyond Global Air Navigation Plan - 2006 Evolution in implementation continues 2006 Global Plan-initiatives (Industry roadmap) AN-Conf/11 Global ATM Operational Concept 2003 Transition strategies ATM system requirements Global Air Navigation Plan for CNS/ATM Systems accepted by Council 1998 Regional planning performance framework CNS/ATM regional planning & implementation SESAM-SESAR JPDO-NGATS SARPs, PANS & Guidance Material Global Co-ordinated Plan for transition to ICAO CNS/ATM Systems completed Assembly endorsed CNS/ATM systems AN-Conf/10 endorsed FANS concept FANS concept developed Progressive development 1993 1992 1991 1988 FANS Committee established 1983 3 Successes Standards and Guidance Material • Air Traffic Management – – – – ATM system requirements Transition strategies Performance framework PANS-ATM amendment for to allow use of systems other than radar for ATS – PANS-ATM amendment for use of GNSS for longitudinal separation – Comparative assessment between ADS-B and radar – RNP approach procedures 4 Successes Standards and Guidance Material • Communications – Draft SARPs and Manual on Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) – Significant amendment to AMSS SARPs – Introduction of elements of Internet protocol suite (IPS) in the ATN • Navigation – New SARPs and manual on the concept of performance based navigation – SARPs for GRAS and criteria for approach procedures with vertical guidance – SARPs for new GNSS signals (GALILEO-GLONASS, new GPS) • Surveillance – SARPs for Mode S and extended squitter 5 Global Air Traffic Management What is it, how do we get there SEAMLESS INTEROPERABILITY SAFETY 6 IT IS A Worldwide system that achieves interoperability and seamlessness based on: • Physical interconnectedness – Homogeneous ATM areas and Major Traffic flows • Common requirements, Standards and procedures – Integration (TMAs, aerodromes) – Performance based equipment carriage requirements • Seamless safety across all regions – – – – For all users during all phases of flight Provides for optimum economic operations Environmentally……. Meets security…….. 7 Physical Interconnectedness Major traffic flows-ATM Homogeneous ATM areas 8 Interoperability-Seamlessness, Equipment carriage Procedures, Integration, ATS-ATFM-ASM, Safety ATM operational concept Industry Roadmap (drive) Global Air Navigation Plan Initiatives (drive) Regional Air Navigation Plans (based on) Global Plan Initiatives Performance objectives Global Air Navigation Safety Plan Safety Management Systems Safety Oversight Audits Transparency 9 Eleventh Air Navigation Conference How we get there • Endorsed the global ATM operational concept • Requested ICAO to: – – – – – – – – develop ATM system requirements address interoperability and seamlessness define requirements for global AIM publish the operational concept amend the Global Plan harmonize interregional AN systems establish an ICAO air navigation database develop a performance framework 10 Eleventh Air Navigation Conference (ANConf/11) — Outcome • That States and PIRGs consider the Global Air Navigation Plan for CNS/ATM Systems as a catalyst for change, providing a global safety and interoperability framework while allowing regional or local adaptation to efficiently meet regional and local needs 11 Partnering with Industry ANC Industry Meeting – Conclusions • That those industry partners in a position to do so, work together toward the development of a common roadmap/global action plan, aimed at attaining operational benefits in the near to medium term for inclusion in the ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan 12 Partnering with Industry • To ensure that the capabilities and capacities offered through existing aircraft equipage, ATM infrastructure and ATC systems is utilized to the maximum extent possible • To deliver transitional benefits while we continue our evolution 13 Global Plan as a transition roadmap • Revised Global Plan developed on the basis of – Recommendations of AN-Conf/11 – Global ATM Operational Concept, which provides the target system – Industry Roadmap, which provides the near and medium industry requirements • Global Plan provides guidance on environment, business case, costs, human resources, etc. 14 Transition Strategy 15 Global Plan Initiatives (GPI) • Options for ATM improvements • Relate to ATM objectives in current version of Global Plan • Result in direct performance enhancements • Meet performance objectives • Based on Industry Roadmaps and current regional activities • Bring near- and medium-term benefits to aircraft operators 16 What is new in the revised Global Plan? No Current version New version 1 Covers only CNS and ATM Expands to related elements elements; known as Global ANP for such as AIS/AGA/MET thus CNS/ATM systems known as Global ANP 2 ICAO developed with indirect ICAO developed with direct participation from industry and participation from industry and States States 17 What is new in the revised Global Plan? No Current version New version 3 Extends to near-mid-long- term Restricted to near-and mid-term, with long-term to be addressed through ATM operational concept 4 Focuses on objectives & systems Relates to Performance 5 P (paper)–based E (electronic)–based 18 What is new in the revised Global Plan? No Current version New version 6 Provided passive harmonization 7 Implementation based objectives and systems 8 Does not support planning tools for Number of planning tools its implementation (software, web-based, project mgt, etc.) available on 19 Ensures active harmonization 45 45 objectives have been refined and aligned to performance based 23 Global Plan Initiatives Approach to implementation The approach to implementation of GPIs builds on: • progress already achieved • experience gained by PIRGs in the previous cycle of CNS/ATM systems implementation process • existing capabilities of the air navigation systems; and • successful regional implementation 20 Global Plan Initiatives (GPI-5) Area Navigation (RNAV) and Required Navigation Performance (RNP) Scope: The incorporation of advanced aircraft navigation capabilities into the air navigation system infrastructure. Related ATM objectives: Application of required navigation performance; Application of required surveillance performance; Reduced longitudinal separation; Reduced lateral separation 21 Example of GPI RNAV and RNP Area of Application Simplification, reduced costs for operators and ANSPs Nav accuracy Designation of navigation standard: Current situation Designation of navigation specification: PBN concept (new) 10 RNP 10 RNP 10 4 RNP 4 RNP 4 EnRouteContinental 5 RNP 5 Basic RNAV RNAV 5 En Route Continental and Terminal 2 USRNAV type A RNAV 2 RNP 2 Terminal 1 USRNAV type B and P-RNAV RNAV 1 RNP 1 Oceanic/ Remote 22 RNAV and RNP Seamlessness 23 Global Plan Initiatives (GPI-4) Alignment of upper airspace classifications Scope: The harmonization of upper airspace and associated traffic handling through application of a common ICAO ATS Airspace Class above an agreed division level. Related ATM objectives: nil 24 Global Plan Initiatives (GPI-1) Flexible use of airspace Scope: The optimization and equitable balance in the use of airspace between civil and military users, facilitated through both strategic coordination and dynamic interaction. Related ATM objectives: Airspace desegregation/flexible use of airspace 25 Global Plan Initiatives (GPI-9) Situational awareness Scope: Operational implementation of data link-based surveillance. The implementation of equipment to allow traffic information to be displayed in aircraft supporting implementation of conflict prediction and collaboration between flight crew and the ATM system. Improve situational awareness in the cockpit by making available electronic terrain and obstacle data of required quality. Related ATM objectives: application of data link; Functional integration of ground systems with airborne ; ADS; ADS-B; SSR Mode S 26 Global Plan Initiatives (GPI-10) Terminal area design and management Scope: The optimization of the terminal control area (TMA) through improved design and management techniques. Related ATM objectives: Application of RNP; Functional integration of ground systems with airborne systems; Independent IFR approaches to closely spaced runways; Curved and segmented approaches; Application of data link; WGS-84 27 Global Plan Initiatives (GPI-17) Implementation of data link applications Scope: Increase the use of data link applications. Related ATM objectives: Application of data link; Functional integration of ground systems; with airborne systems; ATS inter-facility data communication (AIDC) 28 Global Plan Initiatives (GPI-18) aeronautical Information Scope: To make available in real-time, quality assured electronic information (aeronautical, terrain and obstacle). Related ATM objectives: Functional integration of ground systems with airborne systems; ATS-inter-facility (AIDC) communications 29 Global Plan Initiatives (GPI-23) Aeronautical Radio Spectrum Scope: Timely and continuing availability of adequate radio spectrum, on a global basis, to provide viable air navigation services (communication, navigation and surveillance). 30 Global Planning Methodology Manage Assess Elaborate Estimate Implement Start: review user needs (e.g. capacity, delays, routes, etc) Identify Homogeneous areas/Traffic flows Review National Plans Requirements Estimate New economic parameters List Regional States/FIRs Set Strategies/Objectives Develop/Refine Implementation mechanisms Elaborate/Refine scenarios Evaluate Acceptation by Users Survey Present supporting infrastructure Perform/Integrate Initial CBA/Sensitivity Analysis Amend Regional Plans Survey Human resources Evaluate Acceptation by Users Develop Human resources Traffic / Air movements Statistics & Forecasts Assess Costs & Revenue parameters Estimate Human resources requirements CNS/ATM Planning Methodology 31 Perform Implementation tasks End: validate and monitor Work Programme (iterative process) Identification of “gaps” in performance • GPIs evaluated against these gaps to identify those that would most appropriately provide the operational improvements necessary to meet performance objective(s) • development of scenarios for implementation of initiatives, cost-benefit analyses of the various scenarios and preliminary development of infrastructure support requirements • Additional steps: development of implementation plans and funding profiles, further review of human resource requirements to support the identified initiatives, followed by further cost-benefit analyses • National and regional implementation plans developed or amended based on the selected initiatives • Planning tools will assist planners in carrying out the above steps 32 Business Planning and work programme D - Efficiency : Enhance the efficiency of aviation operations View Key Perfromance Indcators Mapped to ICAO Deliverables D.1 - Develop, coordinate and implement air navigation plans that reduce operational unit costs,facilitate increased traffic (including persons and goods), and optimize the use of existing and emerging technologies. D1.1 - Revise Global Plan Vince Galotti D1.1.1 - Operation Concept ATM Requirements Vince Galotti D1.1.2 - Operation Concept - functional architecture Jim Nagle D1.2 - Work Programme to Vince Support Implementation Galotti D.2 - Study trends, coordinate planning and develop guidance for States that supports the sustainable development of international civil aviation 33 D2.1 - ATM Operational requirements - SARPs Vince Galotti D2.2 - Implementation Guidance and Support Jim Nagle Business Planning and work programme Work Programme to Support Implementation Click here to add new Programme/Project Unique-ID Letter ID Associated Programmes Manager 137 ASIA Effciency Work Programmes - ASIA Region LALIT SHAH View Status Report 138 AFI-0106 Optimize AFI Route Structure DRAZEN GARDILCIC View Status Report 139 AFI Establish Regional Effciency Objectives LOT MOLLEL View Status Report 34 Optimize AFI Route Structure Click Here to Add a New Deliverbale Associated Outputs Output Measure Target Date Effciency in North South Route in AFI Region Improved Major Traffic Flow Length Reduced by ~25NM 01/06/2006 Associated Risks Ref Number Risk Impact Likelihood Action Impact Likelihood Associated ICAO Deliverables ICAO and Industry agree to draft new route structures 01-06- VINCENT GALOTTI 05 ICAO : 45881.0 Delivered DELIVERED Monitoring Agency Operational in Region (GPI-2 RVSM) 01-10South Africa 05 Delivered DELIVERED AFI States agree to New Route Strucutre 01-04AFI 06 Delivered DELIVERED VHF Com in Congo (GPI-22)Operational 01-04Dem. Rep. of Congo 06 Delivered DELIVERED A/C Approval (90% of Traffic) 01-04State of Registry 06 On Target All ATC Trainined 01-05- DRAZEN GARDILCIC 06 ICAO : 55508.0 PLANNING PHASE Optimized South Africa to European Major Traffic Flow, Operational 01-06- DRAZEN GARDILCIC 06 ICAO : 55508.0 On Target 35 Focus for NAM/CAR-GREPECAS • Optimize ATS route structure in both terminal and en-route airspace – – – – – – – GPI 4 Alignment of upper airspace classifications GPI 5 RNP and RNAV implementation (RNAV 5) GPI 7 Dynamic and flexible ATS route management GPI 8 Collaborative airspace design and management GPI 10 Terminal area design and management GPI 11 RNP and RNAV SIDs and STARs GPI 12 FMS based arrival procedures • Improve demand and capacity balancing – GPI 6 Air traffic flow management • Enhance civil/military coordination and cooperation – GPI 1 Flexible use of airspace • Align upper airspace classification – GPI 4 Alignment of upper airspace classification • Implement RNP approaches – GPI 5 RNP and RNAV implementation (RNAV 5) 36 Measuring success • Success of ICAO – Business Plan and timelines • Success of the Global air navigation system – – – – – – capacity efficiency environment flexibility interoperability safety 37 Expectations Global Air Navigation Plan System Expectations Supported by Global Plan Initiatives Maintain Operational Safety Avoid Occurrences Security Improve System Operational Performance Physical Security Minimize Costs Enable Transition Harmonize Global Interoperability Environment Infrastructure Time value of benefit Communications Noise Equipage Scalability Navigation Emissions Transition Cost benefit equity Surveillance Capacity Information Security Delay Access O &M Databases Predictability Data exchange Flexibility Performance Based Regulation Efficiency Efficiency Strategic Objective Focus Areas 38 Current Global Plan Baseline • The current Global Plan provides a static representation of the ATM Enhancement timeline • The regions have incorporated this format into their CNS/ATM implementation plans • Although this static format was useful to provide a survey and planning framework it does not provide adequate visibility of current implementation status. 39 Global Plan Transition • A stated objective of the updated Global Plan is the transition to a living document • A dynamic reporting system will allow management visibility into the current status of program activities • A common reporting format will allow ICAO to a establish measurable progress at both global and regional levels. 40 •Provides consistent information for performance measurement •Automates & integrates Business Plan processes The Global Air Navigation Plan is an Implementation •Produces Framework the baseline that ... for measurable •Shares achievements and common data implementation & processes of the ICAO ATM Operational Concept 41 Efficiency Objective: Implementation of a seamless, global air traffic management system that will enable aircraft operators to meet their planned times of departure and arrival and adhere to their preferred flight profiles with minimum constraints and without compromising agreed levels of safety. Supported by Global Plan Initiatives that: Maintain Operational Safety Ensure Separation Security Physical Security Information Security Improve System Operational Performance Minimize Costs Enable Transition Harmonize Global Interoperability Infrastructure Time value of benefit Communications Noise Equipage Scalability Navigation Emissions Transition Cost benefit equity Surveillance Capacity Delay Access O&M Databases Predictability Data exchange Flexibility Efficiency Environment Performance Based Regulation Efficiency Metric Elements 42 Thank you for your attention !!! 43