Digital Resource Committee Minutes June 11, 2014 Via Go To Meeting Attendees: Donna Liss – Ebsco Heather Teysko – Califa Tanya Novak – Califa Evena Shu Jacqueline Petri Kim Smith Kathy Shields Brad McCulley Trent Garcia Chris Hendel Genesis Hanson Mark Graham Yvonne Reed Richard Page Julie Sowles David Campbell Renee Romanoff Stephanie Archer Kim Sheppard Barbara Eales Amanda Faust Heather started meeting at 10:01 No formal roll call, went through attendee list 1st meeting in 3 years Purpose is to get caught up on resources Donna from Ebsco will present on two new Ebsco Products; Flipster & Rosetta Stone Flipster Not for public, for public libraries only Currently have 87 titles, adding more, goal is to have 300 by end of 2014 There is 1 authentification, done via patron’s library card Donna demoed Flipster, how it would work on a computer Will get 1 year of back issues (eventually?) Features not available on ipad are: back issues, search features & printing On ipad do have finger flip and zoom capabilities Works on iPad and iPad min working on getting an Android app Pricing No platform fee or packages Choose publications pay for cost of annual subscription plus a 5% subscription fee Based on population Are discounts if library subscribes to Ebsco Master File, Academic Search & Academic Premiere? There is some limited access, made clear on quotes which ones those are There are children’s magazines, not sure how many or what the titles are Rosetta Stone Available 24/7 & on mobile apps, iOS and Android Unlimited access Level 1 courses in 30 languages 50 hours of fundamental instruction Core lessons in 4 areas Focused activities to refine grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation Interactive immersion approach Tanya – Vendor Updates – They have a pilot program with public libraries to test out remote access Currently we’re offering licenses for staff use one Could also make it available to city staff for city training would need library’s help to market, coordinate that Geography database, has National Geographic maps Starwalk Kids Children’s ebooks Treehouse Looking at: Digitalia RDA Toolkit Enki 130 publishers Califa was at Book Expo with 4 other consortiums We’re going after independents; they are very interested in working with libraries Proud of broad collection. Looking for someone to assist? With collection development Contra Costa is testing own collection option Resources – 2 urls For pricing contact Heather PLP – getting it for free now, what will cost be in Jan? Shared Collections NetLibrary Should still have general collection Getting billed by Ebsco Any issues with it contact Heather myIlibrary Now recorded books, but separate from recorded books Still exists Summer 2012 was last purchase Asking them for stats and fees Safari Time Outs Each library can set their own Contact proquest support Round Robin Vendor Fair August 28 Half are new vendors Would like Streaming movie / audio vendors Hoopla Kanapy Alexander Street Press, Criterion collection Kathy – Palo alto Added Center Foundation network partners Can only be in-house and only at one location Will be signing up 2 video online products, not sure which ones Trent – SFPL Treehouse Digitalia Implementing Sierra , upgrading ILS Moving to bibliocommons Laurie San Jose Treehouse Driver’s Test CA DMV product, free Barb – Ventura Hoopla Freegal – expanded to streaming Adjourned 10:50