Differences as compared to Indian GAAP Summary of Standards issued under IAS / IFRS • IFRS and IAS – 8 Standards under IFRS – 41 Standards issued under IAS, of which 29 are LIVE – balance have been withdrawn / superseded – Final Interpretation issued – 14 , of which 13 are LIVE (International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee) – SIC – 33 issued, of which 11 LIVE (Standing Interpretations Committee) – 4 Draft Interpretations are outstanding Slide 1 AS 2 – Valuation of Inventories Vs IAS 2 – Inventories Difference between IFRS and Indian GAAP Cost formulae Indian GAAP IFRS AS 2 requires that the formula used in IAS 2 prescribes same cost determining the cost of an item of inventory formula to be used for all needs to be selected with a view to inventories having a similar providing the fairest possible approximation nature and use to the entity. If to the cost incurred in bringing the item to it is different product / use, its present location and condition. However, different formulae may be there is no stipulation for use of same cost used formula in AS 2 as compared to IFRS. Deferred No guidance Excess over normal price is to Settlement be accounted as interest over basis the period of financing. Slide 3 Difference between IFRS and Indian GAAP Biological Assets Indian GAAP IFRS Generally done at COST. Fair Value less Estimated cost to sell Slide 4 AS 3 Cash Flow Statements Vs IAS 3 - Cash Flow Statements Difference between IFRS and Indian GAAP SME’s Indian GAAP IFRS Exemption for SME’s (Tier II No exemption for SME’s and III entities) Bank overdrafts AS 3 is silent. Generally Bank overdrafts are to be treated considered in cash flow from as a component of cash/cash financing activity equivalents under IAS 7. Interest and Dividend AS 3 mandates disclosure of IAS 7 allows interest and dividend paid / Received interest and dividend paid paid to be classified either under under Financial Activities only Operating Activities or Financing and received under investing Activities. (depends on a case to activities. (except for financial case basis) enterprises) Slide 6 Difference between IFRS and Indian GAAP Extraordinary Items Indian GAAP IFRS AS 3 requires disclosure of There is no longer any concept of extraordinary items. extraordinary items in IFRS Methodology to be used Generally for Listed Companies and Insurance Companies, Both Direct and Indirect are in use – more use of Indirect Method Indirect Method is must Restricted Cash – No specific disclosure Amounts not available requirements To be disclosed with explanations for group Slide 7 AS 4 – Contingencies and Events Occurring After Balance Sheet Date Vs IAS 10 – Events after the Balance Sheet Date Difference between IFRS and Indian GAAP Disclosure Indian GAAP IFRS Non Adjusting events t be Non Adjusting events to form part of disclosed only in Director’s Notes on Accounts to the Financial Report Statements Slide 9 AS 5 – Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Prior Period Items and Changes in Accounting Policies Vs IAS 8 – Changes in accounting policies, estimates and prior period errors Difference between IFRS and Indian GAAP Indian GAAP IFRS Change in accounting Effect of changes in Retrospective effect needs to be given policy accounting policy needs to by adjusting retained earnings. If be given in P&L possible, comparative information also prospectively – with needs to be modified and presented. opening impact also Where retrospective effect is not flowing thru current PL . No possible, to give effect from the year in changes in prior periods which it is practical / specific presented. (Alternate exemptions should be available Treatment per IAS) – Benchmark treatment not permitted Change in method of Change in accounting depreciation policy Change in accounting estimate Slide 11 Difference between IFRS and Indian GAAP Accounting for prior period errors Indian GAAP IFRS Effect given in current year with IAS 8 requires retrospective disclosures / no restatement of restatement of prior period figures prior years by restatement of opening balances of assets, liabilities and equity for the earliest period practicable – balance flows thru opening reserve Accounting pronouncement yet to come into effect No disclosure required Disclosure required. Also estimation of possible impact on adoption needs to be disclosed Slide 12 Difference between IFRS and Indian GAAP Proposed dividend – Accounting Indian GAAP IFRS Provision required as mandated Provision prohibited – accounted by statute. – accounted in the year in the year declared proposed Proposed Dividend – Disclosure Face of Income Statement – as Part of Statement of Changes in part of Appropriations of Profits Equity Slide 13 AS 6 Depreciation Accounting and AS 10 – Accounting for Fixed Assets Vs IAS 16 - Property, Plant and Equipment Difference between IFRS and Indian GAAP Basis of Valuation Basis of Revaluation Revaluation frequency Indian GAAP IFRS Generally COST. Historic Cost. Fair Value is more Revaluation possible prevalent Selection of few class on a Generally done for the entire class systematic basis is possible of assets No need to update regularly Need to update regularly if revaluation method is chosen Depreciation on Revalued Recouped from Revaluation Assets Reserve Income Statement Slide 15 Difference between IFRS and Indian GAAP Depreciation Indian GAAP IFRS Useful life – but usually Sch Useful life XIV rates followed Depreciation – change in Change in policy – Change in estimate – prospective method and residual value retrospective effect effect Residual value not revisited Residual value revisited AS 10 recommends but IAS 16 mandates component does not force component accounting Component approach accounting. Slide 16 Difference between IFRS and Indian GAAP Indian GAAP IFRS Recognition criteria Increase in future benefits beyond its Replacements are capitalised for subsequent original standard of performance / and replaced part is expenditure else expensed decapitalised. Repairs, maintenance Expense off Major repairs and overhaul and overhauling expenditure are capitalized as if it is a separate component. Site restoration No guidance. Guidance note on Oil & Provision mandatory and Gas, requires capitalization of site needs to be capitalised restoration cost Slide 17 AS 9 Revenue Recognition Vs IAS 18 – Revenue Recognition IAS 18 – Revenue Recognition Service income Discounting Indian GAAP IFRS AS 9 allows completed service In case of revenue from rendering of contract method or percentage services, IAS 18 allows only percentage of completion method. of completion method. At Cost – no discounting If amounts receivable after 12 months, receivable and sales accounted at discounted values Interest income / AS 9 requires interest income / IAS 18 requires effective interest method Expense Expense to be recognised on to be followed for interest income / a time proportion basis. expense recognition. Slide 19 IAS 18 – Revenue Recognition Indian GAAP IFRS Barter No guidance on barter Revenue on barter transactions recorded Transactions transactions. (except on dissimilar exchange. Guidance Note for dot.com companies) Multiple Element No guidance – but in practice For multiple element contracts, the Contracts done in same way as in IFRS. standard broadly requires that each element is fair valued and recognized when the underlying service is performed. Slide 20 AS 11 – Accounting for Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange rates Vs IAS 21 – The Effect of Changes in Foreign exchange rates IAS 39 – Financial Instruments : Recognition and Measurement IFRS 7 – Financial Instruments : Disclosures Difference between Indian GAAP and IFRS Indian GAAP IFRS Framework for AS-11 is based on the concept of IAS-21 is based on the concept of accounting for integral and non-integral operations. It functional currency v reporting foreign operations therefore provides guidance on what currency. It therefore provides operations are integral and what are guidance on what should be the not in respect of an enterprise. functional currency of an enterprise. Derivatives and No comprehensive guidance except for Hedge instruments are measured other financial interim clarification on forward at fair value instruments – exchange contract to hedge foreign Effective portion of gain/losses on Cash flow and fair currency risk of a firm commitment or hedges of net investment are value hedges highly probable forecasted transaction recognised in equity and ineffective portion is recorded in income statement Slide 22 IAS 21 - Amendments Effective date Key Changes 1/1/2006 • Deal with circumstance where a monetary item that forms part of an entity’s net investment in a foreign operation (i.e., net investment hedging in a foreign operation). • Exchange difference arising from such monetary item are reclassified to a separate component of equity in the financial statements. Slide 23 AS 12 – Accounting for Government Grants Vs IAS 20 – Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance Difference between Indian GAAP and IFRS Indian GAAP IFRS Capital Grants and Two broad approaches may be Revenue based grants are Revenue Grants followed in accounting for government deferred in the balance sheet and grants released to income statement to The capital approach under which the match the related expenditure they grant is treated as a part of are intended to compensate. Shareholders’ funds Capital based grants are deferred The income approach under which a and matched to the depreciation grant is taken to income over one or on the asset for the which the more periods grant arises Slide 25 AS 13 – Accounting for investments Vs IAS 39 – Financial Instruments : Recognition and Measurement IFRS 7 – Financial Instruments : Disclosures Difference between Indian GAAP and IFRS Indian GAAP IFRS Framework for No equivalent standard. AS-13 IAS 32 and 39 deal with accounting for deals with investment in a limited financial instruments and financial instruments manner. Foreign exchange hedging entity’s own equity in detail is covered by AS-11. including matters relating to hedging. Classification of If classified as held to maturity or Long-term investments are investments loans and receivables, they are carried at cost less carried at cost. Unrealized gains impairment, if any and losses on “Fair value through Current investments are profit or loss” classification is carried at lower of cost and recognized in the income statement fair value and on “Available for sale” classification is taken to equity Slide 27 IAS 39 - Amendments Effective date Key Changes 1/1/2006 • Cash flow hedge accounting of forecast intragroup transactions – foreign currency risk of a highly probable intragroup forecast transaction is qualified as the hedged item. – any gain or loss previously recognized in equity should be reclassified to profit or loss. • Fair value option – restrict the use of the option to designate financial instruments as at fair value through profit and loss. • Financial guarantee contracts – any financial guarantee contract issued by an entity is included within the scope of IAS 39 (unless for insurance contract that may fall within the scope of IFRS 4). Slide 28 AS 14 – Accounting for Amalgamations Vs IFRS 3 – Business Combinations Difference between Indian GAAP and IFRS Pronouncements Indian GAAP IFRS AS 10, AS 14, AS 21, AS 23, AS IFRS 3 27 Pooling Method Permitted under AS 14 if certain Prohibited conditions are fulfilled Valuation of Acquiree Generally book value, though Only fair value fair value is allowed under AS 14 as an alternative in the case of purchase method and AS 10 Valuation of Acquiree – Not valued if not in the books of Valued even if not in the Intangible Assets the acquiree books of the acquire provided fair value can be measured reliably Slide 30 Difference between Indian GAAP and IFRS Valuation of Acquiree – Indian GAAP IFRS Not valued Valued Amortisation over 5 years Amortisation prohibited. unless a longer period can be Impairment test mandatory Contingent liabilities Goodwill justified Negative goodwill Capital reserve P&L account Slide 31 AS 15 – Employee Benefits Vs IAS 19 – Employee Benefits Difference between Indian GAAP and IFRS Actuarial gains and losses Indian GAAP IFRS Recognized upfront in the Allowed to be deferred income statement Employee Share Compensation expenses for Compensation expenses for Compensation share options are recorded share options are recorded either based on intrinsic at fair value of share or the value or based on fair value options granted using the option pricing model VRS deferral Permitted Not permitted Slide 33 IAS 19 Employee Benefits • Additional recognition option for actuarial gains and losses for defined benefit schemes. – No corridor within which movements need not be recognized. – No smoothing of the impact over the average remaining working lives of employees. – The alternative option of presenting the comprehensive SCE as a primary statement is no longer available. • The physical layout of the additional disclosure requirements can be challenging to the preparers in terms of the volume and narrative forms. Slide 34 AS 16 – Borrowing Costs Vs IAS 23 – Borrowing Costs Difference between Indian GAAP and IFRS Indian GAAP IFRS Accounting for Capitalisation in relation to Benchmark treatment – Borrowing cost qualifying assets expense off. However, option available to capitalise in relation to qualifying asset Disclosure of AS 16 does not require such IAS 23 requires disclosure of capitalization rate disclosure. capitalization rate used to determine the amount of borrowing costs Slide 36 IAS 23 - Amendments Effective date Key Changes 1/1/2009 • Eliminates the option to recognise all borrowing costs on qualifying assets immediately as an expense. • Scope exclusions for: – Qualifying assets measured at fair value – Inventories that are manufactured, or otherwise produced, in large quantities on a repetitive basis. Slide 37 AS 17 – Segment Reporting Vs IAS 14 – Segment Reporting Difference between IFRS and Indian GAAP Indian GAAP IFRS Treatment of AS 17 is silent on the aspect of If JV based on proportionate consolidation, then associates and treatment in consolidated financial segment reporting is matched with the total JV’s in CFS statements. reported numbers. JV/associate equity accounted is allocated to a predominant segment or else would be disclosed as a reconciling item Reportable Under AS 17, no external customer is IAS 14 provides that a business segment can be Segment required to constitute a segment treated as reportable segment only if, inter alia, majority of its revenue is earned from sales to external customers. Vertical AS 17 does not make any distinction IAS 14 encourages reporting of vertically Segments between vertically integrated integrated activities as separate segments but segment and other segments. does not mandate the disclosure. Slide 39 AS 18 – Related Party Disclosures Vs IAS 24 – Related Party Transactions Difference between IFRS and Indian GAAP Indian GAAP IFRS Whether post employment AS 18 does not The definition of related party under benefit plans are related include this IAS 24 includes post employment parties? relationship. benefit plans (e.g. gratuity fund, pension fund) of the enterprise or of any other entity, which is a related party of the enterprise. Definition of relatives of Key AS 18 covers The definition of related party under Management Personnel relatives of KMPs. IAS 24 includes close members of the (KMP) Relatives are as families of KMPs as related party as defined under well as of persons who exercise control Companies Act. or significant influence. Slide 41 Difference between IFRS and Indian GAAP Indian GAAP IFRS Definition of AS 18 read with ASI-18 excludes KMP’s under IAS 24 includes any director KMP non-executive directors from the whether executive or otherwise i.e. non- definition of KMP’s. AS 18 does not executive directors are also related party. specifically cover indirect authority Under IAS 24, if any person has indirect and responsibility, eg, non-executive authority and responsibility for planning, chairman. directing and controlling the activities of the enterprise, he will be treated as a KMP Compensation AS 18 read with ASI 23 requires IAS 24 requires compensation to KMPs to to KMP disclosure of remuneration paid to be disclosed category-wise including KMPs but does not mandate share-based payments. category-wise disclosures. Slide 42 Difference between IFRS and Indian GAAP Disclosure of Indian GAAP IFRS AS 18 contains no such stipulations. IAS 24 mandates that no disclosure should be RPT on Arms made to the effect that related party Length transactions were made on arms length basis unless terms of the related party transaction can be substantiated. Exemption from AS 18 provides exemption from No concession is provided under IAS 24 where disclosure in disclosure where confidentiality is disclosure of information would conflict with the case of required by a statute or a regulator. duties of confidentiality in terms of statute or confidentiality regulating authority. conflict Slide 43 Difference between IFRS and Indian GAAP Indian GAAP IFRS Definition of AS 18 includes control over The definition of “control” under IAS 24 is “control” composition of Board of Directors in restrictive on the count that it does not include the definition of “control”. control over composition of Board of Directors Disclosure of No such disclosure requirement is IAS 24 requires disclosure of terms and terms and contained in AS 18. conditions of outstanding items pertaining to conditions related parties Threshold for AS 18 prescribe a rebuttable IAS 24 does not prescribe a rebuttable significant presumption of significant influence presumption of significant influence influence if 20% or more of the voting power held by any party Transactions Transactions between state between state controlled enterprises are not controlled required to be disclosed under AS- enterprises 18. No exemption. Slide 44 IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures • Removal of the exemptions covering parent-only financial statements. – Increase burden on groups with large number of subsidiaries. • Disclosures for state-controlled entities. – Significant implications in jurisdictions which caused the disclosures to be cumbersome. • Expanded definition of related party. – The entity’s system may not support identification of all transactions and balances. Slide 45 IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures • More specific disclosure requirements regarding the disclosure of the entity’s parent and ultimate parent. – This may be a sensitive disclosure as the entity’s ultimate controlling party may not be a corporate but an individual. • More specific disclosure requirements covering the compensation of key management personnel. – These additional requirements exist independently of any local laws or regulations. Slide 46 AS 19 – Leases Vs IAS 17 - Leases Difference between IFRS and Indian GAAP Indian GAAP IFRS Accounted upfront Deferred over the lease period Lease of Land & AS -19 – “Accounting for Leases” Under IAS 17 it has been clarified Buildings scopes out lease agreements to that in a combined lease, lease of Brokerage expenses use lands. Hence, the classification land and buildings need to be criteria are applicable only to considered separately. The land buildings as separate asset. element is normally an operating lease unless title passes to the lessee at the end of the lease term. The buildings element is classified as an operating or finance lease by applying the classification criteria. Slide 48 AS 20 – Earnings Per Share Vs IAS 33 – Earnings Per Share Difference between IFRS and Indian GAAP Discontinued Operations. Indian GAAP IFRS AS 20 does not require any such IAS 33 requires separate separate computation or disclosure disclosure of basic and diluted EPS for continuing operations and discontinued operations Share based payments AS 20 does not contain any such IAS 33 deals with computation provision. The Guidance note of EPS in case of Share based issued by ICAI on “Employee Share payment transactions. Based Payments” deals with the same Treatment of written put AS 20 is silent IAS 33 prescribes treatment of options and forward written put options and forward purchase contracts purchase contracts in computing EPS. Slide 50 Difference between IFRS and Indian GAAP Indian GAAP IFRS Changes in Accounting AS 20 does not prescribe such IAS 33 requires changes in Policy treatment. accounting policy to be given retrospective effect for computing EPS, which means EPS to be adjusted for prior periods presented Impact of extra-ordinary AS 20 requires EPS/DEPS with and Not applicable since IAS items without extra-ordinary items to be prohibits disclosure of extra- disclosed separately ordinary items Treatment of application Under AS 20, application money IAS 33 is silent money held pending held pending allotment should be allotment included in the computation of diluted EPS Slide 51 AS 21 – Consolidated Financial Statements Vs IAS 27 - Consolidated financial statements Difference between IFRS and Indian GAAP Preparation of CFS Indian GAAP IFRS Mandatory for listed companies Mandatory for all as per SEBI rules enterprises (certain exceptions) – Minority Interest holders informed / not listed (or) process of listing / ultimate parent company prepares CFS Separate Financial Are required to prepare Only if local regulations so Statements separate financial statements as require. per statute Slide 53 Difference between IFRS and Indian GAAP Indian GAAP IFRS Exclusion of subsidiary a)Long term restriction Dissimilar activities and from consolidation b)Acquired and held with an hence not consolidated is not intention to dispose possible Over composition of Board of This clause is not there Directors. For voting rights not under IFRS. These kind of considering concurrently voting rights are also exercisable voting rights considered to determine Control 51% holdings Consolidation based on Maximum gap – 6 months Maximum gap – 3 months Non- coterminous period Slide 54 Difference between IFRS and Indian GAAP Indian GAAP IFRS Disclosed separately from Disclosed separately in liability and equity equity Goodwill determination Based on carrying value Based on fair value Special Purpose Vehicles No specific guidance If substance of relationship Minority Interest can be proved, then SPVs are also consolidated Slide 55 AS 22 – Accounting for Income Taxes Vs IAS 12 – Income taxes Difference between IFRS and Indian GAAP Basic approach Indian GAAP IFRS Timing Difference Temporary Difference i.e. Balance sheet i.e. Income approach Statement approach DTA on unabsorbed Virtual certainty Convincing evidence (Probable) depreciation and supported by carry forward losses convincing evidence Fringe Benefit Tax Shown in Income Included as part of Expenditure which results in Statement along FBT with Taxes after PAT Slide 57 Difference between IFRS and Indian GAAP Indian GAAP IFRS Credit for Minimum Shown as DTA created Alternate Tax Paid Recoverable under Loans and Advances Disclosure Face of BS – Net Generally Non Current / notes should give those Position items expected to reverse within 12 months / after 12 months Reconciliation of Tax To Statutory Rate Provision not required Required as part of Notes Slide 58 AS 23 – Accounting for Investments in Associates in Consolidated Financial Statements Vs IAS 28 - Investment in Associates Difference between IFRS and Indian GAAP Indian GAAP IFRS Determination of significant Potential voting rights not Potential voting rights influence considered currently exercisable considered Maximum gap – 3 mths Consolidation based on No specific period specified. Non- coterminous period Only consistency required Disclosure Not so much details of Detailed disclosure Associates expected requirements are there for Significant Associates Slide 60 Difference between IFRS and Indian GAAP Indian GAAP IFRS Goodwill determination Based on carrying value Based on fair value Impairment If decline in value of Under IAS 28 it is investment in an associate necessary to subject the is permanent, provision for investments in diminution to be made. associates/joint ventures to Impairment testing is not the test of impairment required under AS 23 Slide 61 AS 24 Discontinuing Operations Vs IFRS 5 – Non Current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations Difference between IFRS and Indian GAAP Indian GAAP IFRS Criteria Single Plan as approved Disposed / Held for Sale Disclosure Separate from Continuing Operations – Single Line items on Face of Valuations face of Income Statement (Tax PL; analysis as part of Notes – effected); detailed disclosure for both Years for Income Income Statement in Notes and no Statement and CY for BS. No disclosure for BS restatement pf PY BS required Governed by the respective Standards Carrying Value / Fair Value less Cost to Sell Slide 63 AS 25 Interim Financial Reporting Vs IAS 34 – Interim Financial Statements Difference between IFRS and Indian GAAP Indian GAAP IFRS Presentation of Statement of No such disclosure is required Under IAS 34, minimum Changes in Equity (SOCIE) under AS 25, since the concept of components of Interim Financial in Interim Financial Report SOCIE does not prevail under Report includes – SOCIE Indian GAAP Change in accounting policy AS 25 requires recognition of Under IAS 34, in case of any impact in the current financial year change in accounting policy, only. However, for SEBI quarterly figures of prior interim periods of results changes in accounting the current financial year and policies are retroactively restated. comparable figures of corresponding previous periods to be restated. Slide 65 AS 26 – Intangible Assets Vs IAS 38 – Intangible Assets Difference between IFRS and Indian GAAP Revaluation Indian GAAP IFRS Not permitted Permitted for intangibles with active markets Intangibles having Not specifically mentioned. No amortisation; only indefinite life Amortisation required impairment required Amortisation 10 year rebuttable No presumption assumption Business Combination - Intangibles recognised Intangibles not in Consolidation based on carrying value acquiree’s book should also be recognised Slide 67 Difference between IFRS and Indian GAAP Impairment testing Indian GAAP IFRS AS 26 requires test of impairment to IAS 38 does not require any be applied even if there is no impairment testing if there indication of that asset being impaired are no indications of for following assets: impairment. However, for -Intangible asset not yet available for intangible asset having use indefinite useful life, -Intangible asset amortized over > 10 years impairment testing needs to be done annually or whenever there are impairment indicators. Intangible Asset ‘held There is no such stipulation under AS Under IAS 38, if Intangible for sale’ 26. Asset is ‘held for sale’ then amortization should be stopped Slide 68 Difference between IFRS and Indian GAAP R&D expenditure Indian GAAP IFRS AS 26 is silent on this Under IAS 38, R&D expenditure that relates to an in-process R&D project acquired separately or in a business combination shall be accounted as Intangible asset Slide 69 AS 27 –Financial Reporting in interests in Joint Venture Vs IAS 31 – Investment in Joint Ventures Difference between IFRS and Indian GAAP Indian GAAP IFRS Method of Accounting for joint Proportionate Proportionate consolidation or ventures consolidation equity method Accounting for subsidiary Accounting for Accounting for subsidiary where where joint control is subsidiary where joint joint control is established established control is established through contractual agreement through contractual should be done as joint venture, agreement should be ie, either proportionate done as subsidiary – consolidation or equity ie, full consolidation accounting Slide 71 AS 28 – Impairment of Assets Vs IAS 36 – Impairment of Assets Difference between IFRS and Indian GAAP Allocation of Goodwill Indian GAAP IFRS No such requirement. Goodwill acquired on business combination is allocated to each CGU Slide 73 IAS 36 Impairment of Assets • Disclosure requirements on goodwill are more detailed. – Detailed narrative description for the impairment are required which would prove to be challenging and sensitive to the preparers. – Comprehensive and complex disclosure requirements relating to impairment losses or reversal of impairments losses during the period. – Comprehensive and complex disclosure requirements relating to estimates used in measuring recoverable amounts for CGUs containing goodwill or intangible assets with indefinite useful lives. Slide 74 AS 29 – Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets Vs IAS 37 – Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets Difference between Indian GAAP and IFRS Onerous Contract Indian GAAP IFRS Required for accounting Provision required periods commencing 1 April, 2006 Discounting Prohibited Required Restructuring provision Provision based on legal Provision based on obligation constructive obligation Disclosure not permitted Disclosure required Contingent asset Slide 76 Questions? Slide 77