Name of Course: Master in QaÌÉ´ and Siyasah Shar‘iyyah ماجستير في القضاء والسياسة الشرعية :رؤية البرنامج ُ ُ الت ََحلِّي بالقيم ال َّ ُ يؤه زو ُده بقاعد ٍة متكامل ٍة من المعارف والعلوم ل ال َّدارسَ إلى ،ٍتعليم أكاديميٍ شرعي نح َو ِّ ٍ ِّ و ُي،خلقيَّة األساسيَّة َّ َّ َّ . ال ُمتعلِّقة بفقهي القضاء والسِّياسة الشرعية،الشرعيَّة Vision of the Course Towards an academically predisposed education in Islamic legal sciences that qualifies the student by equipping he/her with complete and comprehensive knowledge of Islamic legal sciences pertaining to judicial procedure and Islamic political theory in addition to fashioning he/her with fundamental Islamic ethical values. :رسالة البرنامج َّ َ ل ُيحق،الشرعيَّة ويدرُج في مراقي الوعي،ِّق قيم شخصيَّته المسلمة اعداد ال َّدارس في أحكام فقه القضاء والسِّياسة َّ .الشرع الحنيف وااللتزام بأحكام،بذاته ُّ تنمية ُقدرات الوعي وااللتزام لدى ال َّدارس من خالل َّ الشرعيَّة المتعلِّقة بالقضاء والسِّياسة تعرفه على القيم واألحكام َّ .الشرعيَّة ُّ ُ َّ َّ َّ ُ وتبصير ، ِّياسي الس الوعي ترشيد سبيل في يجتهد أن على ه ن عي ت تي ال ،ة ي والعمل ة ي لوك الس بالمهارات ارس د ال تأهيل ِّ ِّ َّ .الشباب بمعالم السِّياسة الشرعيَّة في اإلسالم فئات Mission of the Course To endow students with knowledge of the Islamic legal injunctions in judicial procedure and Islamic political theory, to realize a good Muslim personality and develop the level of conscience in addition to fostering the commitment to divine legal injunctions. To develop the faculties of conscience and commitment of students through knowledge of the Islamic legal injunctions pertaining to judicial procedure and Islamic political theory. To endow students with practical and behavioral skills that will assist in guiding the political conscience and enlighten the youth about the role and position of Islamic politics in Islam. :أهداف البرنامج ُ ليكونوا من ال،إعداد ال َّدارسين .مختصِّين في فقهي القضاء والسياسة الشرعية َّ ُ لدى الخريجين من خالل اطِّالعهم على الدراسات ال،الشرعية وتعميقها مقارنة في مجالي تنمية المعارف والعلوم .السياسة الشرعية والقضاء تأهيل الدارسين بفقه السياسة الشرعية والتي تمكنهم من التصدي للنوازل المعاصرة في مجاالت القضاء والحكم .والتشريع Objectives of the Course To prepare students to become specialists in the fields of judicial procedure and Islamic political theory. To inculcate in our graduates a thorough and mature knowledge of Islamic sciences through exposing them to comparative studies in the area of judicial procedure and Islamic political theory. To qualify students with a high proficiency in Islamic political theory to enable them to face contemporary issues in the areas of legal judiciaries, government, and legislation. َّ التعليميَّة (ثمرات َّ مخرجات ُ ال :)التعليم ً َ . قادرا على حمل مسؤولية العمل في مجال القضاء والفصل بين الخصوم ليكون تأهيل ال َّدارس َّ .الشرعيَّة في المجتمعات اإلسالمية نشر فقه السِّياسة .تمكين الدارسين من التصدي للنوازل المعاصرة في مجاالت القضاء والحكم والتشريع Learning outcome of the Course To qualify students with the capability of shouldering the responsibility of working in the area of legal judiciaries and mediating between disputing groups. To propagate Islamic political theory in Muslim societies. To enable students to face contemporary issues in the areas of legal judiciaries, government, and legislation Duration of Program: Programme Type Master Full-time Master Part-time Master Full-time Master Part-time Structure Structure B (24 credit hours + Thesis) Minimum Duration Maximum Duration 3 (Three) Semesters 8 (Eight) Semesters 1 ½ (One and half) Academic Year 4 (Four) Academic Year 12 (Twelve) Semesters 6 (Six) Academic Year 12 (Twelve) Semesters 6 (Six) Academic Year 16 (Sixteen) semesters 8 (Eight) Academic Year 6 (Six) Semesters 3 (Three) Academic Year Structure C 45 credit hours (Inclusive of Case Study/Project paper) 4 (Four)Semesters 2 (Two)Academic Year 8 (Eight) Semesters 4 (Four) Years Requirement of credits to obtain qualification: i. Structure B : 24 credit hours + Thesis ii. Structure C : 45 credit hours (Inclusive of Case Study/Project paper) Entry Requirement: A relevant Bachelor degree (Honours) with good grades from MEDIU, or any other institutions of higher learning recognised by the university; or Any other certificate that is recognised as equivalent to a Bachelor degree (Honours) or other relevant professional qualification and experience that are recognised by the University. A relevant General Bachelor degree (without honours) with at least one year working experience, and If deemed necessary, an applicant may be interviewed and/or required to sit for an entrance test in order to determine his eligibility for admission to a specific programme. The department of faculty may, with the approval of the University Academic Council (UAC), require the applicant to satisfy additional conditions for admission to a specific programme. Language Requirements Arabic Language Applicants interested to enrol in programmes where the medium of instruction is in Arabic must pass the MEDIU's Arabic Placement Test (APT). Structure B (Coursework + Thesis) Mode of Learning :Full Time YEAR 1 Code GMET5053 GUFI5063 GQDH5023 GFIQ5193 Semester 1 Subject Research Methodology مناهج البحث Foundation of Islamic Jurisprudence 1 1 أصول الفقه Introduction to Islamic Political Theory )المدخل للسياسة (إلى السياسة الشرعية Islamic Criminal Law فقه الجنايات Total Cr Hr Semester 2 Subject Islamic Law of Transaction فقه المعامالت Judicial Procedures نظام القضاء Cr Hr Code 3 GFIQ5173 3 GQDH5033 3 GFIQ5183 Islamic Family Law (Fiqh al-Usrah) فقه األسرة 3 3 GQDH5043 Islamic Law of Evidence طرق و وسائل اإلثبات 3 12 Total Cr Hr YEAR 2 Code Semester 1 Subject Thesis رسالة ماجستير Total Cr Hr Cr Hr 12 12 Note: Requirement of credits to obtain qualification: Structure B : 24 credit hours + Thesis (12 credit hour) Cr Hr 3 3 12 Mode of Learning :Part Time YEAR 1 Code Semester 1 Subject Cr Hr Code GMET5053 Research Methodology مناهج البحث 3 GQDH5023 GUFI5063 Foundation of Islamic Jurisprudence 1 1 أصول الفقه 3 GFIQ5193 Total Cr Hr 6 Semester 2 Subject Introduction to Islamic Political Theory )المدخل للسياسة (إلى السياسة الشرعية Islamic Law of Transaction فقه الجنايات Total Cr Hr Cr Hr 3 3 6 YEAR 2 Code GFIQ5173 GQDH5033 Semester 1 Subject Islamic Law of Transaction فقه المعامالت Judicial Procedures نظام القضاء Total Cr Hr Cr Hr Code 3 GFIQ5183 3 GQDH5043 6 Semester 2 Subject Islamic Family Law (Fiqh al-Usrah) فقه األسرة Islamic Law of Evidence طرق و وسائل اإلثبات Total Cr Hr Cr Hr 3 3 6 YEAR 3 Code Semester 1 Subject Thesis رسالة ماجستير Total Cr Hr Cr Hr 6 6 Code Semester 2 Subject Thesis رسالة ماجستير Total Cr Hr Note: Requirement of credits to obtain qualification: Structure B : 24 credit hours + Thesis (12 credit hour) Cr Hr 6 6 Structure C (Coursework + Project Paper/Case Study) Mode of Learning :Full Time YEAR 1 Code GMET5053 GUFI5063 GQDH5023 GFIQ5193 Semester 1 Subject Research Methodology مناهج البحث Foundation of Islamic Jurisprudence 1 1 أصول الفقه Introduction to Islamic Political Theory )المدخل للسياسة (إلى السياسة الشرعية Islamic Criminal Law فقه الجنايات Total Cr Hr Semester 2 Subject Islamic Law of Transaction فقه المعامالت Judicial Procedures نظام القضاء Cr Hr Code 3 GFIQ5173 3 GQDH5033 3 GFIQ5183 Islamic Family Law (Fiqh al-Usrah) فقه األسرة 3 3 GQDH5043 Islamic Law of Evidence طرق و وسائل اإلثبات 3 Total Cr Hr 12 12 Cr Hr 3 3 YEAR 2 Code GFIQ5223 GFIQ5253 GUFI5123 Semester 3 Subject Contemporary Legal Issues قضايا فقهية معاصرة Islamic Legal Maxims (Qawaid Fiqhiyya) القواعد الفقهية Objectives of Shariah مقاصد الشريعة Total Cr Hr Cr Hr Code 3 GUHD5183 3 GUFI5073 3 GFIQ5273 9 Semester 4 Subject Studies in the Sciences of Sunnah دراسات في علوم السنة Foundation of Islamic Jurisprudence 2 2 أصول الفقه Administrative, Financial, and Economic Systems النظام اإلداري والمالي واالقتصادي Project Paper/ Case Study دراسة قضية/بحث فصلي Total Cr Hr Note: Requirement of credits to obtain qualification: Structure C : 45 credit hours (Inclusive of Case Study/Project paper) Cr Hr 3 3 3 3 12 Mode of Learning :Part Time YEAR 1 Code Semester 1 Subject Cr Hr Code GMET5053 Research Methodology مناهج البحث 3 GQDH5023 GUFI5063 Foundation of Islamic Jurisprudence 1 1 أصول الفقه 3 GFIQ5193 Total Cr Hr 6 Semester 2 Subject Introduction to Islamic Political Theory )المدخل للسياسة (إلى السياسة الشرعية Islamic Law of Transaction فقه الجنايات Total Cr Hr Cr Hr 3 3 6 YEAR 2 Code GFIQ5173 GQDH5033 Semester 1 Subject Islamic Law of Transaction فقه المعامالت Judicial Procedures نظام القضاء Total Cr Hr Cr Hr Code 3 GFIQ5183 3 GQDH5043 6 Semester 2 Subject Islamic Family Law (Fiqh al-Usrah) فقه األسرة Islamic Law of Evidence طرق و وسائل اإلثبات Total Cr Hr Cr Hr 3 3 6 YEAR 3 Code GFIQ5223 GFIQ5253 Semester 3 Subject Contemporary Legal Issues قضايا فقهية معاصرة Islamic Legal Maxims (Qawaid Fiqhiyya) القواعد الفقهية Total Cr Hr Cr Hr Code 3 GUFI5123 3 GUHD5183 6 Semester 4 Subject Objectives of Shariah مقاصد الشريعة Studies in the Sciences of Sunnah دراسات في علوم السنة Total Cr Hr Cr Hr 3 3 6 YEAR 4 Code GUFI5073 GFIQ5273 Semester 3 Subject Foundation of Islamic Jurisprudence 2 2 أصول الفقه Administrative, Financial, and Economic Systems النظام اإلداري والمالي واالقتصادي Total Cr Hr Cr Hr 3 Code Semester 4 Subject Project Paper/ Case Study دراسة قضية/بحث فصلي Cr Hr 3 3 6 Total Cr Hr Note: Requirement of credits to obtain qualification: Structure C : 45 credit hours (Inclusive of Case Study/Project paper) 3