Spanish Letters & Numbers - Spanish for the Workplace

Spanish Letters & Numbers
Renee Wann
 Introduction to Spanish Alphabet
 Numbers in Spanish
 Pronunciation
 Fill in the Blanks
 The Spanish alphabet is remarkably similar to the one
we English speakers know and learned as
 The only difference is that the Spanish alphabet has
four additional letters.
 You will also become familiar with how numbers are
pronounced in Spanish.
Spanish Alphabet
Spotlight on the new letters
 The four letters that are unique to the Spanish alphabet are:
 Practice saying these letters out loud.
 It may take a while to get the hang of trilling the double-r.
Spanish Alphabet Video
 Here is a link to a fun video that plays the alphabet
song in Spanish to help you with pronunciation and
memorization of the letters.
Spanish Numbers
 Here is a chart with the
numbers 0-40.
 In addition, the chart
includes numbers by tens
from 50-100.
 Finally numbers are listed
by the hundreds from 1001,000.
Spanish Numbers Video
 Click on the link below to see a video for a Spanish number
 This will aid in pronunciation so feel free to say the
numbers out loud!
 In the following slides we will work on activities
related to the alphabet and numbers in Spanish.
Letter Pronunciation
Say the following vowels out loud:
a – ah
e – ay
i – ee
o – oh
u – oo
Fun with Numbers
 Answer the following questions by writing the
number out in Spanish. Post the answers in the fun
with numbers forum.
 If you have three dogs then adopt two cats, how many
animals do you have?
 What is your phone number?
 If your daughter is 25 , how old will she be next year?
 What is the current national debt of the U.S.A.?
 There is a five question, multiple-choice quiz that covers the letters and
numbers you learned in this tutorial.
 You have two opportunities to submit the quiz.
 You must receive a score of at least 80% to pass.
 The results will be automatically sent to the Human Resources department
to be inserted into your personnel file as proof of completion.