Earthworm Lab Preview

Frog Lab Preview
Frog External Features:
Frog skin
 Smooth and moist
 Takes in oxygen
 Absorbs water through the skin and can also lose water through skin.
 Sight – 3 lids, 2 are upper and lower (color of skin), 1 is transparent.
 Retract in head to help push food down
Nostril – Smell only, can not use for breathing.
Tympannum – (eardrum) for hearing
Mouth – large, has vomerine teeth.
Front legs
 Digits not webbed
 Used for grasping
Hind legs
 Powerful muscles for jumping
 Digits webbed for swimming
Frog Body Systems
Circulatory System – How the blood circulates through the body.
Heart - RED – pumps blood.
Blood Vessels
Artery – RED – carries blood from the heart to the body.
 Oxygen rich blood.
Vein – BLUE – carries blood from the body to the heart.
 Oxygen poor blood.
Spleen – BROWN – has a few jobs
associated with specific blood cells.
Frog Body Systems
Respiratory System – How the frog breathes.
Lungs – PINK / PURPLE – Used to take in oxygen while on land.
Skin – Used to take in oxygen while in water.
Nervous System – How the frog senses and feels things.
Brain – Enclosed in the skull.
Spinal Cord – Enclosed in the spine.
Frog Body Systems
Reproductive System – Making more frogs.
Male –
Testis – make sperm
Sperm Duct
Female –
Ovary – make eggs
** Eggs may be visible in a female frog during
Frog Body Systems
Reproductive System – Making more frogs.
Female –
Ovary – make eggs
** Eggs may be visible in a female frog during
Frog Body Systems
Digestive System – Taking in food and breaking it down.
Mouth – takes in food; anterior end.
Pharynx - BEIGE – muscular tube leading to the esophagus.
Esophagus – BEIGE – tube going from the pharynx to the stomach.
Stomach – BEIGE – stores food.
Small Intestine – BEIGE – main organ in
Large Intestine – BEIGE – Absorbs water
and stores wastes.
Cloaca – releases wastes.
Frog Body Systems
Digestive System – Other structures to help break down food.
Liver – BLUE – 3 large lobes that produce a substance called bile.
Bile helps to digest fats.
Gallbladder – LIGHT GREEN – stores bile. On the underside of the liver.
Pancreas – YELLOW – produces enzymes for digestion. This is hard to
Frog Body Systems
Urinary System – Filters excess water and toxins out of body.
Excretory System – Gets rid of wastes.
Kidneys – BROWN / BLUE – Remove wastes from the blood. This also
excretes urine.
Bladder – BEIGE – Stores urine.
Cloaca – Urine exits the body.
Cloaca – means sewer. This is where the
waste, urine, sperm and eggs exit
the body.
Other Structures
Fat Bodies – YELLOW / GREEN – Helps
insulate frog.