The Nervous System 2003-2004Biology Regents 2003-2004Biology Regents Structure and Function of the Neuron • Neuron is the scientific name for a Nerve Cell. • Neurons consist of 3 basic structures: Cyton, or cell body. Dendrites- receive messages, impulses, and send them to the cell body. Axons- send messages away from the cell body. • Nerve impulses travel from one neuron to another across synapses, or spaces in between the cells. • The “jumping across” the synapse is facilitated (helped) by chemicals called Neurotransmitters. 2003-2004Biology Regents Parts of the Cell • Dendrites – Branched parts of a neuron that receive impulses from other neurons. • Cyton- Contains cytoplasm and the nucleus. Impulses pass through here to the axon. • Axon- Single long fiber that carries impulses away from the cell body. 2003-2004Biology Regents • A Neuron 2003-2004Biology Regents Myelin coating signal direction Axon coated with insulation made of myelin cells speeds signal signal hops from node to node 330 mph vs. 11 mph myelin coating Multiple Sclerosis 2003-2004Biology Regents immune system (T cells) attacks myelin coating loss of signal Synapse Junction between nerve cells – 1st cell releases chemical to trigger next cell – where drugs affect nervous system synapse 2003-2004Biology Regents Propagation of Nerve Impulses 2003-2004Biology Regents 1 2 1 5 Depolarization and repolarization. A, RMP results from an excess of positive ions on the outer surface of the plasma membrane. More Na+ ions are on the outside of the membrane than K+ ions are on the inside of the membrane. B, Depolarization of a membrane occurs when Na+ channels open, allowing Na+ to move to an area of lower concentration (and more negative charge) inside the cell-reversing the polarity to an inside-positive state. C, Repolarization of a membrane occurs when K+ channels then open, allowing K+ to move to an area of lower concentration (and more negative charge) outside the cell-reversing the polarity back to an inside-negative state. Each voltmeter records the changing membrane potential as a red line. Regents Biology Role of ion channels in maintaining the resting membrane potential (RMP). Some K+ channels are open in a "resting" membrane, allowing K+ to diffuse down its concentration gradient (out of the cell) and thus add to the excess of positive ions on the outer surface of the plasma membrane. Diffusion of Na+ in the opposite direction would counteract this effect but is prevented from doing so Regents Biology by closed Na+ channels. Regents Biology And the answer to how a nerve impulse is conducted… In the nervous system, signals are propagated by action potentials. An action potential is initiated when the dendrites are stimulated, and membrane potential decreases. As the signal moves down the axon of the neuron the voltage-gated sodium channels open, allowing an influx of positive ions. Next, the voltage-gated potassium channels open allowing less positive ions to exit the cell, thus restoring the cell’s negative charge behind the action potential. AP Biology Continued… The sodium-potassium pump works all the while to keep the interior of the cell negative by pumping 3 sodium ions out for every 2 potassium ions it pumps in. When the action potential reaches the end of the neuron, the neuron releases neurotransmitters into the synapse. These tiny particles exert their effect on the target cells in one of two ways: They can act to open voltage-gated ion channels by binding directly to the channel, or they can trigger a second messenger when they bind to a cell with a receptor-mediated ion channel. Regents Biology Types of Neurons Neurons can also be classified by the direction that they send information: ・Sensory (or afferent) neurons: send information from sensory receptors (e.g., in skin, eyes, nose, tongue, ears) TOWARD the central nervous system. ・Motor (or efferent) neurons: send information AWAY from the central nervous system to muscles or glands. ・Interneurons: send information BETWEEN sensory neurons and motor neurons. Most interneurons are located in the central nervous system. 2003-2004Biology Regents Reflexes Stimulus- a change in the environment. Response/Reactionhow the body reacts to a stimulus. Reflex Arc- the pathway that an impulse follows to illicit a response to a stimulus. 2003-2004Biology Regents What is a reflex? • A reflex is defined as an automatic, involuntary reaction to a stimulus resulting from a nerve impulse passing over a reflex arc. – The reflex arc is an impulse conduction route to and from the central nervous system; it is the smallest part of the nervous system that can receive a stimulus and generate a response. Regents Biology Types of Reflex Arcs • Ipsilateral – Reflex arc whose receptors and effectors are located on the same side of the body. • Contralateral – Reflex arc whose receptors and efectors are located on opposite sides of the body. • Intersegmental Contralateral – Different sensory receptors deliver stimuli at the same time, and the motor information leaves each segment on the opposite side of the CNS. Regents Biology With your group… • Think up one scenario that might elicit each type of reflex arc: – Ipsilateral – Contralateral – Intersegmental contralateral Regents Biology Structure of the Nervous System • Major division - Central vs. Peripheral – Central or CNS- brain and spinal cord – Peripheral- nerves connecting CNS to muscles and organs Central Nervous System Peripheral Nervous System Divisions of the Peripheral Nervous System Peripheral Nervous System Skeletal (Somatic) Autonomic Sympathetic Parasympathetic Peripheral Nervous System • Connects body to brain & spinal cord • 12 pairs of nerves from your brain (cranial nerves) • 31 pairs from your spinal cord (spinal nerves) – Bundles of sensory and motor neurons held together by connective tissue • Two divisions – Somatic – Autonomic 2003-2004Biology Regents 2003-2004Biology Regents Divisions of the PNS: Somatic Nervous System • Controls voluntary actions • Made up of the cranial and spinal nerves that go from the central nervous system to your skeletal muscles Autonomic Nervous System • Controls involuntary actions-those not under conscious control-such as your heart rate, breathing, digestion, and glandular functions 2003-2004Biology Regents Somatic System Nerves to/from spinal cord control muscle movements Sensory Neuron somatosensory inputs Both Voluntary and reflex movements Skin receptors Skeletal Reflexes simplest is spinal reflex arc Brain Motor Neuron Interneuron Muscle Autonomic System • Two divisions: – sympathetic – Parasympatheitic • Control involuntary functions – heartbeat – blood pressure – respiration – perspiration – digestion • Can be influenced by thought and emotion Sympathetic CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM SYMPATHETIC “ Fight or flight” response Release adrenaline and noradrenaline Increases heart rate and blood pressure Increases blood flow to skeletal muscles Inhibits digestive functions Brain Dilates pupil Stimulates salivation Relaxes bronchi Spinal cord Salivary glands Lungs Accelerates heartbeat Inhibits activity Heart Stomach Pancreas Stimulates glucose Secretion of adrenaline, nonadrenaline Relaxes bladder Sympathetic Stimulates ejaculation ganglia in male Liver Adrenal gland Kidney Parasympathetic • “ Rest and digest ” system • Calms body to conserve and maintain energy • Lowers heartbeat, breathing rate, blood pressure Sympathetic vs. Parasympathetic Autonomic nervous system controls physiological arousal Sympathetic division (arousing) Pupils dilate Parasympathetic division (calming) EYES Pupils contract Decreases SALVATION Increases Perspires SKIN Dries Increases RESPERATION Decreases Accelerates HEART Slows Inhibits DIGESTION Activates Secrete stress hormones ADRENAL GLANDS Decrease secretion of stress hormones Central Nervous System AP2003-2004 Biology Central Nervous System Brain • Consists of the Brain and Spinal Cord Spinal Cord Central Nervous System • Brain • Spinal cord 2003-2004Biology Regents Protections 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Skull and Vertebrae 3 protective layers called meninges Dura Mater (outer layer): consists of connective tissues, blood vessels, and nerves. Arachnoid Layer (middle layer): elastic and weblike Pia Mater (inner layer): contains nerves and blood vessels. Cerebrospinal fluid – – – – Regents Biology a clear watery liquid separates the middle and inner layers Acts as shock absorber exchange of nutrients between blood and nervous system The Brain • • • • Coordinates body activities Made up of approximately 100 billion neurons Uses 20% of bodies oxygen and energy Divided into three major parts– the Cerebrum – the Cerebellum – the Brain Stem (Medulla Oblongata, Pons) 2003-2004Biology Regents Brain has 2 Hemispheres • Left & Right sides are separate • Corpus Callosum : major pathway between hemispheres • Some functions are ‘lateralized’ – language on left – math, music on right • Lateralization is never 100% Corpus Callosum Right Hemisphere Left Hemisphere Each hemisphere is divided into 4 lobes Frontal Parietal Occipital Temporal Sensory Information sent to opposite hemisphere • Principle is Contralateral Organization • Sensory data crosses over in pathways leading to the cortex • Visual Crossover Left visual Right visual field field Optic nerves – left visual field to right hemisphere – right field to left • Other senses similar Left Visual Corpus Right Visual Cortex Callosum Cortex Contralateral Motor Control Movements controled by motor area Right hemisphere controls left side of body Left hemisphere controls right side Motor nerves cross sides in spinal cord Regents Biology Motor Cortex Somatosensory Cortex Corpus Callosum Major ( but not only) Medial surface of right hemisphere pathway between sides Connects comparable structures on each side Permits data received on one side to be processed in both hemispheres Aids motor coordination Corpus Callosum of left and right side Corpus Callosum • What happens when the corpus callosum is cut? • Sensory inputs are still crossed • Motor outputs are still crossed • Hemispheres can’t exchange data The ‘Split Brain’ studies • Surgery for epilepsy : cut the corpus callosum • Roger Sperry, 1960’s • Special apparatus – picture input to just one side of brain – screen blocks objects on table from view Verbal left hemisphere Nonverbal right hemisphere The ‘Split Brain’ studies Picture to right brain “What “Using “What yourdid did left hand, you see?” Pick up you what see?” you saw.” can’t name the object left hand can identify by touch • Picture to left brain – can name the object – left hand cannot identify by touch ?? I saw an Verbal Nonverbal Verbal apple. leftleft right hemisphere hemisphere hemisphere Localization of Function Frontal Parietal Occipital Temporal Occipital Lobe • Input from Optic nerve • Contains primary visual cortex – most is on surface inside central fissure • Outputs to parietal and temporal lobes Occipital Lobe Visual Lobe Temporal Lobe Contains primary auditory cortex Inputs are auditory, visual patterns speech recognition face recognition word recognition memory formation Outputs to limbic System, basal Ganglia, and brainstem Auditory Cortex Temporal Lobe Parietal Lobe Receives inputs from multiple senses contains primary somatosensory cortex borders visual & auditory cortex Outputs to Frontal lobe hand-eye coordination eye movements attention Somatosensory Parietal Cortex Lobe Frontal Lobe Contains primary motor cortex No direct sensory input Important planning and sequencing areas Broca’s area for speech Prefrontal area for working memory Frontal Lobe Working Broca’s Memory Area Motor Cortex Parts of the Brain Regents Biology Functions of Different Parts of the Brain • Brainstem – Integration of respiratory and cardiovascular function • Cerebellum – Coordinates Movement • Cerebral Hemispheres – Skilled movement, reason, learning, memory Regents Biology • Thalamus – Control of skeletalmuscle coordination – Awareness • Hypothalamus – Hormones – Balance – Emotions – Thermoregulation • Limbic System – Emotions – Learning Cerebrum • • • • • Largest part of the brain Thinking Memory is stored Movements are controlled Impulses from the senses are interpreted. 2003-2004Biology Regents Cerebrum specialization • Regions specialized for different functions • Lobes frontal – frontal parietal • speech, control of emotions – temporal • smell, hearing – occipital • vision – parietal • speech, taste reading 2003-2004Biology Regents temporal occipital Gray Matter vs. White Matter • Gray Matter – Absence of myelin in masses of neurons accounts for the gray matter of the brain – Cerebral Cortex • White Matter - Myelinated neurons gives neurons a white appearance – inner layer of cerebrum Regents Biology Cerebellum • Responsible for the coordination of muscles and is the center of balance 2003-2004Biology Regents 2003-2004Biology Regents Medulla • Center of heart beat, respiration, and other involuntary actions 2003-2004Biology Regents Other Structures inside the Brain • Thalamus – receives messages from sensory receptors; relays information to proper regions of cerebrum • Hypothalamus - Regulates hunger, thirst, fatigue, anger, etc… – Control of pituitary for endocrine function Regents Biology Section 35-3 Cerebrum Thalamus Pineal gland Hypothalamus Cerebellum Pituitary gland Pons Medulla oblongata Regents Biology Spinal cord The Spinal Cord • Extension of the brain stem • Bundles of neurons that carry impulses from all parts of the body to the brain and from the brain to all parts of your body 2003-2004Biology Regents The Peripheral Nervous System Your brain and spinal Somatic cord are and connected Autonomic to the rest Systems of your The body by peripheral the nervous peripheral system has nervous two major system. divisions. The PNS is made up somatic of 12 pairs system of nerves controls from your voluntary brain It actions. called is made up cranial of the nerves, and cranial and 31 spinal pairs from nerves that your go from spinal the cord called central spinal nervous nerves. to system Spinal your nerves are skeletal made up of muscles. bundles of The sensory autonomic and motor system neurons controls bound involuntary together by actionsconnective those not tissue. For under this conscious Research reason, controla Visit the single such as Glencoe spinal your heart Science nerve rate, can Web site at have breathing, impulses digestion, going and to m forfrom more and glandular information the functions. brain at about the the These same two nervous time. divisions, Some system. nerves along with Make a contain the central brochure only nervous outlining sensory system, recentup neurons, make medical and your some advances. contain body's only motor nervous neurons, system. but most nerves contain both types of neurons. 2003-2004Biology Regents Cranial and Facial Nerves • How the sensory input from the world around us reaches our brain… • And how our brain sends information to our face and sensory organs… Cranial Nerves Regents Biology