A 62 year old male presents for a new upper partial. He had his posterior teeth removed 22 years ago. The soft tissue in the tuberosity area is hyperplastic and touches the lower ridge when the patient closes. Using diagrams, describe a surgical procedure for tuberosity reduction. A 54 year old female presents for the fabrication of new complete dentures. She has been edentulous for 30 years. She is currently wearing her original set of immediate dentures which fit poorly. There is a I cm high by 1 cm wide by 5 cm long grooved soft tissue mass in the labial vestibule. The denture fits into the groove. On radiograph, the mandible is approx. 15 mm high in the anterior. Note a 3 item differential diagnosis for the soft tissue mass. 3 ___________________ ________________ ________________ What factors may have contributed to the bone loss? 3 ___________________ ________________ ________________ What treatment will the soft tissue mass require? 2 ___________________ ________________ How will you address “rehabilitation” of the ridge? 3 ___________________ ________________ ________________ Preprosthetic Surgery The Dentition Function Curve 120 Function (%age) 100 80 60 40 20 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 Age Dentate Partially dentate Edentulous Preprosthetic Surgery Objectives: 1. To understand the anatomy and physiology of the edentulous milieu including alveolar atrophy and its associated pathoses 2. To diagnose conditions that can be improved by preprosthetic surgical procedures 3. To treatment plan, design and execute preprosthetic surgical procedures The Dentition Function Curve The Dentition Function Curve 120 Function (%age) 100 A model for understanding dental function over time 80 60 40 20 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 Age Dentate Partially dentate Edentulous The challenge of edentulism Factors that impact on fit: anatomy 1. 2. 3. 4. Bone quantity Bone contour Muscle attachments Gingiva vs. mucosa Factors that impact on fit: anatomy 1. Bone quantity Factors that impact on fit: anatomy 2. Bone contour 3. Muscle attachements 4. Gingiva vs. mucosa Factors that impact on fit: physiology 1. Gingiva vs. mucosa 2. Lip / tongue habits 3. Salivary function 4. TMJ / muscle function Factors that impact on fit: physiology 1. Gingiva vs. mucosa Factors that impact on fit: physiology 2. Lip / tongue habits Factors that impact on fit: physiology 3. Salivary function 4. TMJ/ muscle function Parotid Submandibular Factors that impact on fit: pathoses 1. Hard tissue 2. Soft tissue Factors that impact on fit: pathoses 1. Hard tissue a. Dental caries b. Periodontal disease c. Infection d. Cysts and tumours Factors that impact on fit: pathoses 1. Hard tissue a. Dental caries b. Periodontal disease c. Infection d. Cysts and tumours Factors that impact on fit: pathoses 1. Soft tissue a. Ulceration b. Hyperplasia c. Dysplasia d. Carcinoma a d b c Factors that impact on fit: atrophy 1. Atrophy a. Decreasing bone b. Increasing soft tissue 1 3 2 4 Factors that impact on fit: atrophy 1. Atrophy a. Decreasing bone b. Increasing soft tissue Factors that impact on fit: atrophy 1. Atrophy a. Decreasing bone b. Increasing soft tissue Factors that impact on fit: atrophy 1. Atrophy: accelerated by inflammation a. Infection b. Poorly fitting dentures … friction c. Habits … clenching / bruxism Factors that impact on fit: atrophy The Dentition Function Curve 120 100 Function (%age) 1. Atrophy: end result … loss of support & retention 80 60 40 20 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 Age Edentulous Preprosthetic Surgery An attempt to reverse the trend … The Dentition Function Curve 120 Function (%age) 100 80 60 40 20 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 Age Edentulous Preprosthetic Surgery Procedures designed to optimize the retention, support, stability and comfort of prostheses by the selective modification of soft and hard tissues Preprosthetic Surgery Indications: compromized retention, support, stability or comfort of prostheses due to suboptimal hard or soft tissue anatomy or pathoses Preprosthetic Surgery Procedures span a spectrum from very simple to quite complex: a. extractions and alveolar osteotomy b. removal of pathoses c. gingivoplasty and frenectomy d. tuberosity reduction e. alveoplasty and torus removal f. vestibuloplasty with soft tissue graft g. bone grafting??? h. orthognathic surgery Preprosthetic Surgery a. Extractions for caries, periodontal disease, infection, etc. Preprosthetic Surgery a. Extractions…flap, bone removal, section Preprosthetic Surgery a. Extractions…flap, bone removal, section Preprosthetic Surgery a. Extractions and alveolar osteotomy … removal of proclined incisors and osteotomy of labial plate of bone Preprosthetic Surgery a. Extractions & and alveolar osteotomy … removal of proclined incisors and osteotomy of labial plate of bone Preprosthetic Surgery a. Extractions and alveolar osteotomy … removal of proclined incisors and osteotomy of labial plate of bone Preprosthetic Surgery b. Removal of pathoses…cystic, traumatic, hyper-plastic, dysplastic, etc. Preprosthetic Surgery c. Gingivoplasty or frenectomy for flabby ridge tissue or high frena that interfere with support or retention Gingivoplasty Preprosthetic Surgery c. Frenectomy 1 3 2 4 Preprosthetic Surgery d. Tuberosity reduction Canoe shaped wedge Undermine Close Preprosthetic Surgery d. Tuberosity reduction 1 4 2 3 Preprosthetic Surgery e. Alveoplasty or torus reduction to alleviate pain from point loading or allow for path of insertion Preprosthetic Surgery e. Alveoplasty: flap…recontour…close 5 1 3 2 4 Preprosthetic Surgery e. Alveoplasty: flap…recontour…close 1 5 4 2 3 Preprosthetic Surgery e. Torus reduction: flap…recontour…close 5 1 4 2 3 Preprosthetic Surgery f. Vestibuloplasty: ridge extension … move muscle attachment and retain with soft tissue graft Preprosthetic Surgery f. Vestibuloplasty: ridge extension … move muscle attachment and retain with soft tissue graft Preprosthetic Surgery f. Vestibuloplasty: move muscle attachment and retain with soft tissue graft 5 1 4 2 3 Preprosthetic Surgery f. Vestibuloplasty: Mandibular palatal graft vestibuloplasty 6 months PO 6 months PO Pre-op 12 months PO 12 months PO Preprosthetic Surgery f. Vestibuloplasty: Maxillary palatal graft vestibuloplasty 6 months post-op Preprosthetic Surgery f. Vestibuloplasty: Mandibular split thickness skin graft vestibuloplasty 12 months PO Preprosthetic Surgery f. Bone grafting: replacement of bone loss to alveolar atrophy … benefit ??? Preprosthetic Surgery f. Bone grafting: process … graft donor site f. Bone grafting: process … graft site Preprosthetic Surgery f. Bone grafting: replacement of bone loss to alveolar atrophy … benefit ??? … typically ALL of the newly grafted bone is gone within 5 years … unless … supported by implants + = Details to follow… A 62 year old male presents for a new upper partial. He had his posterior teeth removed 22 years ago. The soft tissue in the tuberosity area is hyperplastic and touches the lower ridge when the patient closes. Using diagrams, describe a surgical procedure for tuberosity reduction. Canoe shaped wedge Close Undermine A 54 year old female presents for the fabrication of new complete dentures. She has been edentulous for 30 years. She is currently wearing her original set of immediate dentures which fit poorly. There is a I cm high by 1 cm wide by 5 cm long grooved soft tissue mass in the labial vestibule. The denture fits into the groove. On radiograph, the mandible is approx. 15 mm high in the anterior. Note a 3 item differential diagnosis for the soft tissue mass. 3 ___________________ ________________ ________________ What factors may have contributed to the bone loss? 3 ___________________ ________________ ________________ What treatment will the soft tissue mass require? 2 ___________________ ________________ How will you address “rehabilitation” of the ridge? 3 ___________________ ________________ ________________ Preprosthetic Surgery Objectives: 1. To understand the anatomy and physiology of the edentulous milieu including alveolar atrophy and its associated pathoses 2. To diagnose conditions that can be improved by preprosthetic surgical procedures 3. To treatment plan, design and execute preprosthetic surgical procedures Preprosthetic Surgery The Dentition Function Curve 120 Function (%age) 100 80 60 40 20 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 Age Dentate Partially dentate Edentulous