Social Studies GR5 SLO

Name of Teacher:
HCPSS Student Learning Objective
Grade 5 Social Studies
Student Learning
Objective (SLO)
Learning Content
Instructional Interval
Evidence of Growth
Rationale for Student
Learning Objective
100% of students will demonstrate growth toward mastery of
the content of Social Studies as measured by performance on a
range of HCPSS-approved assessments and/or performance
Grade 5 students in Mrs. Jones homeroom
HCPSS Social Studies Essential Curriculum
School year 2012-2013 (one year)
-Administration of a HCPSS-approved baseline assessments
and/or performance tasks.
-Administration of formative assessments such as HCPSS
approved quizzes.
-Post-administration of a HCPSS-approved assessment and
performance tasks, such as a final History Lab assessment.
Student performance on a HCPSS-approved baseline
assessment and/or the History Lab pre-assessment.
Social studies content, skills, and processes are based on the
State Social Studies Standards. These standards increase in
rigor and complexity each year. They also require students to
use their English Language Arts skills in an authentic manner.
They are designed to prepare students for high school social
studies coursework and advanced level classes in history and
other social sciences, as well as preparing students so they can
participate responsibly in a diverse and changing world.
Students will show growth in the application of social studies
skills, processes, and content (as determined by HCPSS on
district measures/or determined by social studies team for
locally developed measures) on a range of summative
assessments and/or performance tasks.
All students who demonstrated mastery of 45% or fewer
learning targets at baseline will increase mastery to at
least 65% on a similar assignment by the end of the unit.
● All students who demonstrated between 46 and 55%
mastery at baseline will increase mastery to at least 70%
on a similar assignment by the end of the unit.
● All students who demonstrated between 56 and 69%
mastery at baseline will increase mastery to at least 75%
on a similar assignment by the end of the unit.
● All students who demonstrated between 70 and 79%
Name of Teacher:
mastery at baseline will increase mastery to at least 85%
on a similar assignment by the end of the unit.
● All students who demonstrated 80% or more learning
targets at baseline will maintain or increase level of
mastery on a similar or more complex assignment by the
end of the unit.
Criteria for Effectiveness
Highly Effective
More than 90% of
students meet
agreed upon
learning targets.
Between 75% and
90% of students
meet agreed upon
learning targets.
Less than 75% of
students meet
agreed upon
learning targets.
Provide opportunities for students to demonstrate their
understanding of social studies skills, processes, and
content by representing knowledge in multiple ways.
Examples include experiential exercises, processing
assignments, debate, political cartoons, teacher and/or
district-developed assessments, and formal and informal
Design instruction with the principals of Universal Design
for Learning in mind.
Provide ongoing formative assessments.
Reinforce instruction and integration of English
Language Arts objectives especially through the use of
historical thinking skills.