UWWTD SIIF 2nd Workshop 24 October 2013 Structured Implementation and Information Frameworks Thematic aspects Proposal European Commission Directorate General for the Environment unit C.2 - Marine Environment & Water Industry • Updating frequency and implementation calendar • Proposal of changes in parameters • • • • • • • • • • Report - Contact Receiving areas Agglomerations UWWTP-Agglo UWWTPs Discharges points Compliance Forward looking aspects Agglomerations Forward looking aspects UWWTPs Forward looking aspects UWWTP-Agglo • Forward looking aspects template • Conclusion Updating Frequency and implementation calendar Updating Frequency Current situation • All mandatory parameters each two years for all agglomerations, • Choice between two reference years, Updating Frequency Proposal • Decrease the frequency of updating for compliant situation • Increase the frequency of updating for not compliant situation (at least each year for none SIIF country at least every six months for SIIF and PIA countries ?) • Proposal a clear agenda of what to do and when Proposal updating Frequency (first five years) Reference Date Reporter, report period, contact Article 15(4) Agglomerations, TPs, Discharges points Article 15(4) End 2014 (for ALL MS) Receiving areas Article 5.8, 5.4 and 6 Article 15(4) MS level Article 15(4) UWWTD information Article 15(4) Deadline 31 December 2015 End 2015 (for MS with not compliant situations) Deadline 31 December 2016 Deadline 31 December 2017 All information to be collected. All information to be collected. All information to be collected. Information regarding all agglomerations and or treatment plants, discharges points to be updated. Information regarding NC or PIA dependent situations to be updated. For some proposed new (or newly compulsory) parameters, e.g. incoming load BOD, only info for agglomerations larger than 100.000 p.e. is due. All information to be collected. End 2016 (for ALL MS) Information regarding NC or PIA dependent situations to be updated. Information regarding all agglomerations larger than 10 000 p.e and or treatment plants, discharges points to be updated. Information regarding NC or PIA dependent situations to be updated. Information regarding new sensitive areas All information to be collected. compliance UWWTD forward looking aspects Article 15(4)* National report Article 16 Implementation plans Art. 17 Other PRODUCTS Resulting from collected and assessed information. All information to be collected for countries adhering to the SIIF concept. Information regarding NC or PIA dependent situations to be updated. All information to be collected for countries adhering to the SIIF concept. All information to be collected. Online reports allowed for countries using a decentralized approach. Updated if necessary EC written REPORT EC SIIF Viewer National SIIF Viewer For some proposed new (or newly compulsory) parameters, e.g. incoming load BOD, only info for agglomerations larger than 10.000 p.e. is due. Information regarding NC or PIA dependent situations to be updated. Information regarding new sensitive areas All information to be collected. Information regarding NC or PIA dependent situations to be updated Resulting from collected and assessed information All information to be collected for countries adhering to the SIIF concept. End 2017 (for MS with not compliant situations) Deadline 31 December 2018 EC written REPORT EC SIIF Viewer National SIIF Viewer Deadline 31 December 2019 All information to be collected. Information regarding NC or PIA dependent situations to be updated. Information regarding NC or PIA dependent situations to be updated. Information regarding new sensitive areas All information to be collected. Information regarding all agglomerations and or treatment plants, discharges points to be updated. For some proposed new (or newly compulsory) parameters, e.g. incoming load BOD, only info for agglomerations larger than 2.000 p.e. is due. All information to be collected. All information to be collected. Information regarding NC or PIA dependent situations to be updated. All information to be collected for countries adhering to the SIIF concept. All information to be collected. Online reports allowed for countries using a decentralized approach. Updated if necessary EC SIIF Viewer National SIIF Viewer End 2018 (for ALL MS) Resulting from collected and assessed information. All information to be collected for countries adhering to the SIIF concept. All information to be collected. Online reports allowed for countries using a decentralized approach. Updated if necessary EC SIIF Viewer National SIIF Viewer EC written REPORT EC SIIF Viewer National SIIF Viewer Reference Date Proposal updating Frequency (routine situation) End 2019 (for MS with not compliant situations) Deadline 31 December 2020 Reporter, report period, contact Article 15(4) Agglomeration s, TPs, Discharges points Article 15(4) All information to be collected. Receiving areas Article 5.8, 5.4 and 6 Article 15(4) Information regarding NC or PIA dependent situations to be updated. Information regarding new sensitive areas MS level Article 15(4) UWWTD compliance information Article 15(4) UWWTD forward looking aspects Article 15(4)* National report Article 16 Implementatio n plans Article 17 Other PRODUCTS Information regarding NC or PIA dependent situations to be updated. End 2020 (for ALL MS) Deadline 31 December 2021 All information to be collected. Information regarding NC or PIA dependent situations to be updated. End 2021 (for MS with not compliant situations) Deadline 31 December 2022 All information to be collected. Deadline 31 December 2023 All information to be collected. Information regarding NC or PIA dependent situations to be updated. Information regarding all agglomerations and or treatment plants, discharges points to be updated. Information regarding NC or PIA dependent situations to be updated. Information regarding NC or PIA dependent situations to be updated. All information to be collected. Information regarding new sensitive areas Information regarding new sensitive areas Information regarding all agglomerations larger than 100 000 p.e and or treatment plants, discharges points to be updated. All information to be collected. Information regarding NC or PIA dependent situations to be updated. End 2022 (for ALL MS) Information regarding NC or PIA dependent situations to be updated All information to be collected. Information regarding NC or PIA dependent situations to be updated. Resulting from collected and assessed information. Resulting from collected and assessed information All information to be collected for countries adhering to the SIIF concept. EC SIIF Viewer National SIIF Viewer All information to be collected for countries adhering to the SIIF concept. All information to be collected for countries adhering to the SIIF concept. All information to be collected for countries adhering to the SIIF concept. All information to be collected. Online reports allowed for countries using a decentralized approach. All information to be collected. Online reports allowed for countries using a decentralized approach. Updated if necessary Updated if necessary EC written REPORT EC SIIF Viewer National SIIF Viewer EC SIIF Viewer National SIIF Viewer EC written REPORT EC SIIF Viewer National SIIF Viewer Proposal of changes in parameters Proposal change in parameters report – reportperiode – contact • Deletion of five parameters Fieldname Label/Explanation Explanation rptMStateValue Member State rptCulture Culture code rptFormRA Indication of type of receiving area Parameter (Fieldname) Reported Year (repReportedPeriod) Parameter (Fieldname) Fax (conFax) Parameter can be automatically filled by ’rptMStateKey’ Only relevant for import/ export functionality Only relevant for import/ export functionality Explanation Parameter can be automatically filled by ’repSituationAt’ Explanation The Fax-number is seldom used Proposal change in parameters Receiving areas Reorganisation of the block on account of shortcomings with the relevant dates and parameters • Deletion of three parameters Parameter (Fieldname) Indication of application of Art. 5(4) (rcaArt54Applied) Root of corresponding GIS- data file Last date of designation or revision/ in case Art. 5(8) and 5(2-3) is applied: Starting date of application of Art. 5(2-3) (rcaDateDesignation) Explanation In case a MS applies Art. 5(4), the starting date of application of Art. 5(4) (rcaDateArt54) has to be provided. The indication of this parameter makes the mere indication of application of Art. 5(4) redundant Not relevant as the link between receiving areas reported via tabular data and GIS-files on sensitive areas can be established via the ID of the area (no need for the root of corresponding GIS- data file) This parameter will be replaced by other parameters (see proposal for new parameters) Proposal change in parameters Receiving areas • Addition of nine mandatory parameters Parameter (Fieldname) ID of the successor (historical data management) Date of designation: Art. 5(2,3) – criterion a (N) Date of designation: Art. 5(2,3) – criterion a (P) Date of designation: Art. 5(2,3) – criterion b Date of designation: Art. 5(2,3) – criterion c Starting date of application of Art. 5(2,3) – criterion a (N) Starting date of application of Art. 5(2,3) - criterion a (P) Starting date of application of Art. 5(2,3) - criterion b Starting date of application of Art. 5(2,3) - criterion c Proposal change in parameters Receiving areas The situation will be clearer for everybody and do not need lots of work. There will be a very low update of this information only when new sensitive areas are designated or when there is a merge of several sensitive areas. When using article 5.4, the load has to be updated every 4 years when the situation is compliant and every 2 years in not compliant situations. It will be possible for a MS to give this information every year if there is a new compliant situation. Proposal change in parameters Agglomerations Deletion of two parameters Parameter (Fieldname) Explanation Parameter will be replaced by other Date of the relevant deadline of UWWTD or parameters (see proposal for new Transitional Period (aggPeriodOver) mandatory parameters) When will the total generated load of the Parameter will be replaced by other agglomeration be collected through parameters (see proposal for forward collecting systems or addressed through looking aspects) IAS? (aggForecast) Proposal change in parameters Agglomerations Shift of three parameters to the MS level Parameter (Fieldname) Proposed future assessment What are the measures based on: Dilution rates (aggDilutionRates) What are the measures based on: Capacity in relation to dry weather flow (aggCapacity) What are the measures based on: Acceptable number of overflows per year (aggAccOverflows) What are the measures based on: Dilution rates, capacity in relation to dry weather flow, acceptable number of overflows per year This is measures which have to be taken at national level, or at least at regional level for some MS ? It has to do with the implementation plan. Proposal change in parameters Agglomerations Add nine new mandatory parameters Parameter ID of the successor (historic data management) Date of the relevant deadline of UWWTD or Transitional Period – Art. 3/ Art. 4/ Art. 5/ Art. 6 Date of compliance for Art. 3/ Art. 4/ Art. 5/ Art. 6 There are no difficulties to fulfill the dates of relevant deadlines which are well known for each country. To add dates of compliance for each agglomeration needs more effort but when it is done it will change every 30-40 years. The date can be the deadline if there is no other information. This information is useful to calculate automatically the compliance Proposal change in parameters Agglomerations Proposal to add two voluntary parameters Parameter Name of the municipalities/ communes of this agglomeration Population (inhabitants) of an agglomeration These parameters are useful for a general approach to know the sanitation situation of a territory and for local approaches when you have to build a new treatment plant and collecting system or if you want to know if your sanitation system is in link with the population. This is a voluntary proposal for compliant situation because it is not easy for MS which calculate the load of the agglomeration with the entering load of a treatment plant to have this information. It could be mandatory for not compliant situations. The names of the municipalies and communes of the agglomeration are stable informations. The frequency of updating population inhabitants in a compliant country is very low. The definition of what is the population has to be precised. Proposal change in parameters Agglomerations Proposal to change the assessment of six parameters Parameter (Fieldname) Comments on significant changes of the generated load compared to the previous reported load (aggChangesComment) Rate of generated load of agglomeration addressed through IAS (% of p.e.) (aggC2) Rate of generated load of agglomeration not collected through collecting systems and not addressed through IAS (% of p.e.) (aggPercWithoutTreatment) IAS - in situ and/ or transported to UWWTPs by trucks: How much in % of generated load of agglomeration with primary/ secondary/ more stringent treatment (aggPercPrim/Sec/StringentTreatment) Proposal : the comments on significant changes could be mandatory when there is : • • • an increase of more than 20% and more than the size of the TP, a change of threshold and treatment objectives a difference of more than 30%. Proposal : if the rate of the load adressed through IAS is more than 10% of the load of the agglomeration then it could be mandatory to fill the last three parameters for all agglomerations Proposal : if the generated load of agglomeration not collected through collecting systems and not addressed through IAS is more than 2%, the agglomeration could be not compliant article 3. (no more treshold of 2 000 p.e ?) Proposal change in parameters Agglomerations Change the statut of four parameters (voluntary to mandatory) Parameter (Fieldname) Type of collecting system: combined, separated or both? (aggSewageNetwork) Is best technical knowledge to limit pollution applied? (aggBestTechnicalKnowledge) How much raw sewage has been discharged through combined sewer overflows (CSOs) in the year reported: m3/y (aggSewerOverflows_m3) How much raw sewage has been discharged through combined sewer overflows (CSOs) in the year reported: p.e. (aggSewerOverflows_pe) Proposal : Mandatory for agglomerations with a progressive implementation (each two years) depending from the size of the agglomeration. The information could be the result of an average year (e.g. measured or estimated over four-five years) Important parameter to be able to quantify the untreated UWW discharges. Implementation of WFD, MSFD, BWD, protection of shellfish and water activities… e.g. With this information it could be possible to quantify the reduction of litter discharged through the combined sewer overflows. Proposal change in parameters UWWTAgglos Deletion of one parameter Parameter (Fieldname) Rate of generated load of agglomeration transported to this UWWTP by trucks (%) (aucPercC2T ) It could be more useful to have information about the rate of the entering load of the treatment plan, which can disturb the operating, in the UWWTD block. Proposal change in parameters UWWT Deletion of 22 parameters Parameter (Fieldname) Explanation In cause of failure: Major accidents (uwwAccidents) Major accidents are not relevant for non-compliance In cause of failure: Further information on cause of failure (uwwInformation) Main reasons for non compliance are bad design or bad management, therefore, this parameter is considered as not relevant More stringent treatment (uwwOtherTreatment) Redundant parameter Explanation for closing of the UWWTP/What happened with the wastewater since last reporting exercise (uwwHistorie) Will be covered in the section ‘Forward looking aspects’, and there is the parameter ID of successor Other type of more stringent (uwwOther) Redundant parameter Incoming loads BOD-tot Calculated (uwwBODIncomingCalculated) Incoming loads BOD-tot Estimated (uwwBODIncomingEstimated) Incoming loads COD-tot Calculated (uwwCODIncomingCalculated) Incoming loads COD-tot Estimated (uwwCODIncomingEstimated) Incoming loads N-tot Calculated (uwwNIncomingCalculated) Incoming loads N-tot Estimated (uwwNIncomingEstimated) Incoming loads P-tot Calculated (uwwPIncomingCalculated) Incoming loads P-tot Estimated (uwwPIncomingEstimated) Discharged loads BOD-tot Calculated (uwwBODDischargedCalculated) Discharged loads BOD-tot Estimated (uwwBODDischargedEstimated) Discharged loads COD-tot Calculated (uwwCODDischargedCalculated) Discharged loads COD-tot Estimated (uwwCODDischargedEstimated) Discharged loads N-tot Calculated (uwwNDischargedCalculated) Discharged loads N-tot Estimated (uwwNDischargedEstimated) Discharged loads P-tot Calculated (uwwPDischargedCalculated) Discharged loads P-tot Estimated (uwwPDischargedEstimated) Will be replaced by only one parameter for incoming and discharged load of BOD, COD, Ntot and Ptot, each and one parameter, indicating the method used to determine the load (measured, calculated, estimated) Proposal change in parameters UWWTP Addition of one new master data, two new voluntary parameters and one mandatory parameter Parameter (Fieldname) ID of the successor (historic data management) Explanation Explanation: see table Agglomerations Proposal: Master data This information is relevant for the water experts to know which technology is in place in each country. Crossing this information with other data of the database will help to lead sanitation policy in Europe and each country. Sewage treatment technology On the long-term a pre-defined list could be provided to the MS (e.g. MBR, SBR, biological filter, extended aeration activated sludge, other activated sludge, lagoon, aerated lagoon, rotated biological contactor, reed bed filter, trickling filter, physico-chemical clarification, decantation,…) Proposal: voluntary data This information is relevant for the water experts to know which technology is in place in each country. Crossing this information with other data of the database will help to lead sanitation policy in Europe and each country. Sludge treatment technology On the long-term a pre-defined list could be provided to the MS (e.g. dewatering, aerobic stabilization,…) with a progressive implementation (each two years) depending from the size of the agglomeration (see table in chapter 3) Proposal: voluntary parameter Rate of entering load transported to this UWWTP by trucks (%) Mandatory parameter for agglomerations, where the fraction of total generated load transported to this UWWTP by truck is >20%with a progressive implementation (each two years) depending from the size of the agglomeration (see table in annex 1) Proposal change in parameters UWWTP change of status/ assessment for thirteen parameters Parameter (Fieldname) Current status/ assessment Incoming load BOD-tot measured (uwwBODIncomingMeasured) Incoming load COD-tot measured (uwwCODIncomingMeasured) Incoming load N-tot measured (uwwNIncomingMeasured) Incoming load P-tot measured (uwwPIncomingMeasured) Discharged load BOD-tot measured (uwwBODDischargedMeasured) Voluntary parameters Discharged load COD-tot measured (uwwCODDischargedMeasured) Discharged load N-tot measured (uwwNDischargedMeasured) Discharged load P-tot measured (uwwPDischargedMeasured) Method used to determine the incoming and discharged loads Proposal : Proposal to denominate these parameters to ‘Incoming load BOD-tot’, ‘Incoming load COD-tot’, etc. and to include one general parameter, which gives the method to determine the load ‘Method used to determine the incoming and discharged loads’. Mandatory for agglomerations with a progressive implementation (each two years) depending from the size of the agglomeration. Important parameters to be able to quantify the actual performances of the TPs and the discharges. Directly in link with the implementation of WFD, MSFD, BWD, international Conventions and Commissions, protection of shellfish and water activities… Proposal change in parameters UWWTP Change of denomination and status/ assessment for thirteen parameters Parameter (Fieldname) Current status/ assessment Volume of waste water treated (m³/y) (uwwWasteWaterTreated) Voluntary parameter Method used to determine the volume of waste water treated (uwwMethodWasteWaterTreated) Voluntary parameter In cause of failure: Bad design or dimensioning (uwwBadDesign) In cause of failure: Bad performance (uwwBadPerformance) Mandatory parameter Proposal : denominate the first and second parameter to ‘Volume of waste water treated and partially treated in the WWTP (m³/y)’ and ‘ Methode used to determine the volume of waste water treated and partially treated in the WWTP (m3/y) ’ Mandatory for agglomerations with a progressive implementation (each two years) depending from the size of the agglomeration. Important parameter in term of pressure and directly in link with the parameters from the previous slide. Proposal to combine the two last parameters into the following mandatory parameter ‘In cause of failure: Bad performance/ bad design or dimensioning’ Proposal change in parameters UWWTP Change the statut of one parameter (voluntary to mandatory) Parameter (Fieldname) Identification whether it is the existing UWWTP (in operation) or a collecting system without UWWTPs (uwwCollectingSystem) Current status/ assessment Voluntary parameter Proposed future status/ assessment Mandatory parameter. This information is important when there is a direct discharge without any treatment Proposal change in parameters Discharges Points Through this block, It could be possible for MS to add information on discharges points of untreated urban waste water of the collecting systems and not only of the UWWTPs. It is also possible to add information on several Discharges points of the UWWTPs especially of discharged points of untreated urban waste water. This information has to do with the good implementation of the directive during dry and wet weather. This information is also relevant because this discharges may be responsable of the pollution of the receiving water (e.g bad ecological status, microbiological pollution of bathing and shellfish areas, marine litter). The proposal is to have a progressive implementation depending from the size of the agglomeration but with a threshold of 10 000 p.e to identify the main pressure. Proposal change in parameters Discharges Points Deletion of seven parameters Parameter (Fieldname) Select degree of sensitivity of receiving area (dcpTypeOfReceivingArea) Are there surface waters available? (dcpSurfaceWaters) ID of WFD groundwater body (dcpGroundWater) ID of WFD sub-unit (dcpWFDSubUnit) Reference date of WFD groundwater body (dcpGroundWaterReferenceDate) Reference date of receiving water (dcpReceivingWaterReferenceDate) Reference date of WFD sub-unit (dcpWFDSubUnitReferenceDate) Proposal : The only links useful are receiving areas, WFD waterbodies and districts. With this information it will be possible to make links with the WFD database. Proposal change in parameters Discharges Points Addition of six new mandatory parameters Parameter (Fieldname) ID of the successor (historic data management) EffluentFlowType Explanation Explanation: see table Agglomerations Proposal: Master data This parameter shall describe the type of effluent from the discharge point and make clear, how wet weather is considered. It is proposed to fill this parameter with one of the predefined values (List of values - LOV): Treated effluent – dry and wet weather, partially treated storm water Treated effluent – dry and wet weather Treated effluent – dry weather Treated effluent – dry and partially treated wet weather Partially treated effluent – dry and wet weather Untreated effluent – dry and wet weather in the UWWTP Untreated effluent – dry and wet weather in the collecting system Partially treated effluent - dry and wet weather in the collecting system Proposal: Progressively master data (to be discussed with the MS, whether information is available). Name of the WFD waterbody Name of the WFD river basin district Names of WFD waterbodies and WFD river basin districts will be more familiar to the users of the UWWTD SIIF, than IDs. Proposal: Master data Proposal change in parameters Discharges Points Addition of six new mandatory parameters Parameter (Fieldname) Volume of untreated waste water (m³/y ) Does the discharge affect the objectives of other relevant Directives (e.g. MSFD, WFD, BWD,…)? (UWWTD Annex I.B.4) Proposal : The first parameter could be compulsory only for agglomeration of more than 10 000 p.e or for discharges in collecting systems and for treatment plans with a load entering of more than 10 000 p.e. . MS could provide either the value of the reference date either an average value of the last five years The discharges of the agglomeration have to be compliant with the objectives of the other relevant directives. It is important to know if the infrastructure of the agglomeration is sufficient or not regarding this different aims (e.g. BWD, WFD, MSFD, shellfish, Natura 2000,…). A progressive implementation of the last parameter is a way to identify in the WFD program of measures what is relevant or not. Proposal change in parameters Discharges Points Change the statut of one parameter (voluntary to mandatory) Parameter (Fieldname) Indicate the number of overflows each year in case the parameter ‘EffluentFlowType’ is filled with ‘Untreated effluent – dry and wet weather in the UWWTP’ or ‘Untreated effluent – dry and wet weather in the collecting system’ Proposal : It could only be mandatory for agglomerations of more than 10 000 p.e and discharges in collecting systems which can discharge a load of more than 10 000 p.e. MS could provide either the value of the reference date either an average value of the last five years Proposal change in parameters Discharges Points Change of the denomation of two parameters Parameter (Fieldname) Reference date of the WFD waterbody (dcpWaterBodyReferenceDate) Reference date of the WFD river basin district (dcpWFDRBDReferenceDate) Explanation Instead of ‘reference date…’ these parameters should be renamed to ‘Version of….’ Proposal change in parameters Industries (voluntary) Propose to add one new compulsory parameter Parameter (Fieldname) ID of the successor (historical data management) Proposal change in parameters MS level Deletion of two voluntary parameters Parameter (Fieldname) brief text information on the fate of generated wastewater that does not receive any treatment (aggInfoFateWithoutTreatment) Number of inhabitants connected to treatment plants (mslInhabitantsUwwtp) Proposal : the number of inhabitants connected to treatment plants are replaces by three parameters depending from the size Proposal change in parameters MS level Addition of seven new mandatory parameters Parameter (Fieldname) Km of combined sewer system Km of separeted sewer system Investment costs in TPs and collecting systems Operating costs in Tps and collecting systems (without depreciation of the investments) Number of inhabitants connected to primary treatment plants Number of inhabitants connected to secondary treatment plants Number of inhabitants connected to more stringent treatment plants Proposal : Only at national level, these paremeters are useful at national level to conduct any national policy and for forecasting aspects. The Number of inhabitants are directly in links with the eurostat questionnary. To be reported every two years or four years depending from the compliance. Proposal change in parameters MS level Addition of four new voluntary parameters Parameter (Fieldname) Investment costs in TPs Investment costs in collecting systems Operating costs in Tps Operating costs in collecting systems Proposal : Only at national level, these paremeters could be useful to have a more accurate view of the investments and operating costs. Proposal change in parameters MS level Change the statut of seven parameters (voluntary to mandatory) Parameter (Fieldname) Number of inhabitants connected to IAS (mslInhabitantsIAS) Number of inhabitants not connected to collecting system nor served by IAS (mslInhabitantsWithoutTreatment) Number of inhabitants connected to collecting systems (mslInhabitantsCollSyst) Number of inhabitants connected to treatment plant serving agglomeration smaller than 2,000 p.e. (mslInhabitantsUwwtpAgglo2) Number of inhabitants connected to collecting systems serving agglomeration smaller than 2,000 p.e. (mslInhabitantsCollSystAgglo2) Number of inhabitants connected to collecting system or treatment plant serving agglomeration smaller than 2,000 p.e. (mslInhabitantsIASAgglo2) Number of inhabitants in agglomeration smaller than 2,000 p.e. (mslInhabitantsWithoutTreatmentAgglo2) Proposal : to be reported every two years or four years depending from the compliance Proposal change in parameters Compliance information Addition of eleven ten mandatory parameters Parameter (Fieldname) Parameters ‘Compliance as regards waste water collection (Art. 3)/ waste water treatment (Art. 4)/ (Art. 5)/ (Art. 6) at reference date’ ‘Compliance as regards waste water treatment installation (Art. 4/ Art. 5/ Art. 6) at reference date’ ‘Compliance as regards waste water treatment performance (Art. 4/ Art. 5/ Art. 6) at reference date’ Proposal : These parameters will be automatically calculated with the other parameters Proposal change in parameters Forward looking aspects agglomerations (for not compliant situations) Addition of sixteen new mandatory parameters for agglomerations and collecting systems Parameter (Fieldname) Measure and related costs: Does the measure/ related cost refer to: new construction/ rehabilitation/ up-grade Name of the institution in charge of the UWW management Forecasted number of inhabitants of the agglomeration Forecasted generated load of the agglomeration Forecasted names of the municipalities/communes of the agglomeration Forecasted rate of gen. load of agglomeration collected through collecting system (% of p.e.) Forecasted rate of gen. load of agglomeration addressed through IAS (% of p.e.) Forecasted rate of gen. load of agglomeration not collected through collecting systems and not addressed through IAS (% of p.e.) Parameter ‘Start of planning (mm/yy)’ or ‘Estimated year of start of planning (yyyy)’ Parameter ‘Start of work (mm/yy)’ or ‘Estimated year of start of work (yyyy)’ Parameter ‘Date of completion of work (mm/yy)’ or ‘Estimated year of completion of work (yyyy)’ Parameter ‘Date of compliance of collecting system (mm/yy)’ or ‘Estimated date of compliance collecting system(yyyy)’ – to be discussed with the MS Capital investment planned (€) for collecting system: It might be good to provide MS some basic drop-down menu specifications of what costs entail (construction only; incl. capitalised operation, VAT, etc…) to make the costs comparable. Name of EU fund planned to be used: collecting system (if any) (planned) EU-funding: collecting system (€) Comments Proposal change in parameters Forward looking aspects UWWTPs (for not compliant situations) Addition of fifhteen new mandatory parameters for UWWTPs Parameter (Fieldname) Measure and related costs: Does the measure/ related cost refer to: new construction/ rehabilitation/ up-grade Name of the institution in charge of the UWWTP Forecasted entering load of the UWWTP (p.e.) Forecasted rate of entering load transported to this UWWTP by truck (%) Forecasted organic design capacity (p.e.) Forecasted treatment type: 1, 2, 3N, 3P, 3NP, 3other (please specify in the parameter ‘comments’) Parameter ‘Start of planning of UWWTP (mm/yy)’ or ‘Estimated year of start of planning of UWWTP (yyyy)’ Parameter ‘Start of work of UWWTP (mm/yy)’ or ‘Estimated year of start of work of UWWTP(yyyy)’ Parameter ‘Date of completion of work of UWWTP (mm/yy)’ or ‘Estimated year of completion of work of UWWTP (yyyy)’ Parameter ‘Date of compliance UWWTP (mm/yy)’ or ‘Estimated date of compliance UWWTP)’ Capital investment planned (€) for UWWTP : It might be good to provide MS some basic drop-down menu specifications of what costs entail (construction only; incl. capitalised operation, VAT, etc…) to make the costs comparable. Name of EU fund planned to be used: UWWTP (if any) (planned) EU-funding: UWWTP (€) Comments Proposal change in parameters Forward looking aspects UWWTP-Agglo (for not compliant situations) Addition of one new mandatory parameters for TPs Parameter (Fieldname) Forecasted rate of load of agglomeration collected in collecting system and entering that treatment plant Forward looking aspects and compliance template Forward looking aspects and compliance template A way to disseminate and use the information at national and EU level Could be a spreadsheet with several sheets (compliance, current situation and forward lookin aspects of the collecting systems, UWWTPS and receiving areas) Has to be in link with the templates of article 17 and in case of infringement procedures to facilitate the exchange of information and the collection of data and to avoid several different formats Conclusion of the 24th October proposal Conclusion of the 24th October proposal Change of frequency depending from the size and the compliance, Deletion of 58 parameters (30 mandatory and 18 voluntary), Addition of 39 parameters (32 mandatory, 7 voluntary) without forward looking aspects and compliance check, Change from voluntary to compulsory of 27 parameters with a progressive implementation depending from the size, Addition of 9 parameters with the compliance block (automaticaly calculated), Addition of 32 parameters with the forward looking aspects block The proposal template to disseminate the information at EU and national level will depend from the choice of parameters Conclusion of the 24th October proposal First estimation of the decrease of data collection for UWWTD reporting exercise • For a 100% compliant country decrease of the work between 30% (first five years) and 45% (routine situation) • For a 95% compliant country without SIIF decrease of the work between 25% (first five years) and 40% (routine situation) • For a 80% compliant SIIF country decrease of the work between 5% (first five years) and 20% (routine situation) • For a 60 % compliant SIIF country increase of the work between 0% (first five years) and 15% (routine situation) Thank you for your attention.