Dixieland – The Heart of Jazz

Individual Learning Plan
(Three of these Individual Learning Plans are to be completed for the unit [one as a group and two individually]. One lesson of the three may be Direct Instruction, and the other two must involve another
instructional model/method.)
Name: Carling Futterer
Team Name:
State Learning Standards- Arkansas Curriculum Frameworks
Statement: M. 4. 5: Utilize technology to listen to, analyze, describe, and evaluate music and musical performances.
M.4.5, M.5.2, and M.5.3
M. 5. 2: Recognize that musical development is a continuum influenced by historical and technological events.
M. 5. 3: Recognize that events in society and music are interrelated.
Student Learning Goals: (Objectives)
What will students know and be able to do?
Students in beginning choir will identify instruments used in Dixieland Jazz using
prior knowledge and the new information with 100% accuracy.
What evidence supports what the students know and can do?
The instrument ID will show that they have properly identified the
instrument they see. An in-class exercise will show me that they can identify
that instrument with what they hear.
What level (i.e., Remember, Understand, Apply,
etc.) of Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy is reached?
Factual: ______X_____________
Conceptual: __________________
Procedural: ________________
Metacognitive: ________________
Mark NA if not applicable to lesson.
Resources: “A History of Western Music” by Burkholder, Grout, and Palisca
Exceptionalities Modifications:
My students whom have ADHD will need extra
time and reminders to stay on task. This time
will be built into the lesson for the whole class.
My talented students will be encouraged to
perform as a soloist if they so choose to.
Students in beginning choir will identify techniques and styles used in
performances of Dixieland Jazz with help from the teacher with 90% accuracy.
Preparing for Teaching and Learning
Materials: YouTube for musical examples, New Orleans PowerPoint, Instrument
ID worksheet,
Parts of your lesson plan
5 minutes
10 minutes
10 minutes
13 minutes
12 minutes
Process/ Debriefing/
1 minute
Real Learning for engaging learners (What will you do for each part of your
Bell Ringer: As a class, compile a list of styles talked about in jazz thus far.
Model/ method and Multiple Intelligences:
Direct Instruction, Pair-Share
Musical/Rhythmic, Visual/Spatial, Interpersonal, and Verbal/Linguistic
PowerPoint over New Orleans/Dixieland and Early Jazz
Complete Instrument ID worksheet
Listen to Jelly Roll Morton and discuss the instruments and techniques used.
piano, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, banjo, double bass, drums
improvised solos, bent pitches,
Listen to Louis Armstrong and discuss the instruments and techniques used.
piano, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, banjo, and drums
improvised solos, bent pitches,
Take up their ID worksheets and prepare them for the bell.
Feedback to Students: I will give correction in class and grade their work to
return to them.