SAE PowerPoint - Pennsylvania FFA

Pennsylvania Department of Education
SAE Guidelines
July 2009
Supervised Agricultural Experience
The SAE program is education.
It is hands-on, real-life agricultural
career preparation experiences tied to:
 agricultural science curriculum
 student aptitudes and interests
 student career and educational goals
 the agricultural industry
It ties together the entire agricultural
education experience.
~You Tube video clip: National FFA SAE~
Read this carefully!
Help Wanted:
Landscape maintenance worker.
Operate a lawn mower and power blower.
Need a person who can work without
Experience required.
Call 555-7743 today.
Looking for the right person….
Are you the ONE they are looking for?
Horticulture Opening
Dependable person
to handle over the counter
sales in a busy garden center.
Pay is $7.50 an hour.
Neat appearance important,
along with the ability to work
with people.
Experience in working
with plants a must.
Call 555-2396 for an interview.
What was the SAME in all three ads?
Each advertisement wanted
the person to be experienced.
People who have experience
have the edge in landing a job.
How do you get experience
without first having a job?
How do you get a job
without first having experience?
What can YOU do NOW
to be qualified for a job in the future ?
How can YOU gain experience?
Gaining Experience
Through Hands On Learning
SAE Defined
Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE)
programs consist of planned practical
activities conducted outside of class time,
in which students develop and apply
agricultural knowledge and skills.
PDE Approved SAE Definition
• PDE considers a SAE enterprise acceptable if it will
correspond to a recognized National FFA Proficiency Award
area. See proficiency descriptions at:
• PDE Chapter 339 SAE hour option definition:
Make The Connections
Agricultural Education has thrived by implementing teaching
methods that utilize three interconnected educational components.
It is the student’s involvement in all three Agricultural Education
components: classroom instruction, FFA and SAE, that challenges the
student and develops the three skill domains.
The THREE Circles and You
Agricultural Education develops the student’s
cognitive mental skills ( Knowledge ) through
classroom instruction.
The FFA student organization component
develops the student’s affective skills,( Attitude),
through structured leadership and career
development activities and events.
The student’s psychomotor skills, commonly
called manual or physical skills ( Skills) , are
developed through the supervised agricultural
experience program (SAE).
How can a SAE help me?
 Develops skills that can be used in getting a job
 Provides the opportunity to earn money
 Develops skills that can be used in starting your
own business (entrepreneurship)
 Helps develop management skills
 Develops computer skills
More SAE skill development
 Improves analytical and decision-making skills
 Learn record-keeping skills
 Teaches responsibility
 Provides the opportunity to explore career options
 Offers ideas for your Graduation Project
Still More SAE Skills……
 Develops knowledge and
skills that could be helpful
in college, as a hobby, or
for recreation.
 Provides the opportunity to
win awards. FFA
proficiency awards are
based on the SAE program.
In addition to winning
awards, money can be won
at regional, state, and
national levels.
You Tube video clip:
~Student Tomato SAE~
SAE: Planning For Success
Plan Your Work
Work Your Plan
SAE Career Ladder
• A “word ladder” is an
activity where one letter in
a word is changed, in order
to form a new word.
•J O B
• __ __ __
• You change one letter at a
time until you have a new
• __ __ __
• See if you can change SAE
into JOB.
•S A E
• __ __ __
Goal Setting Techniques
Once you have planned your SAE project,
turn your attention to developing several goals
that will enable you to be successful.
Goals should be SMART
- specific, measurable, agreed upon, realistic and time based
To check the progress of your goal setting you might hold
SAE project evaluation meetings with the key members of
your SAE team: teacher, parents, employer….
The acronym SMART has a number of slightly different variations,
which can be used to provide a more comprehensive
definition for goal setting:
S - specific, significant, stretching
M - measurable, meaningful, motivational
A - agreed upon, attainable, achievable, acceptable, action-oriented
R - realistic, relevant, reasonable, rewarding, results-oriented
T - time-based, timely, tangible, trackable
This provides a broader definition that will help you to be
successful in both your SAE and personal life.
Quality SAE Program Measurements
Five factors that define a quality SAE program:
1. Documented
Students maintain an accurate and analytical set of
records. Students develop an understanding of
managerial practices and identifies alternatives based
on his or her records.
2. The SAE is curriculum based
Students use knowledge gained from instruction in
planning their SAE. Students use knowledge and
skills gained from agricultural and academic
principles to arrive at SAE project end products.
Quality SAE Measurements
3. The SAE is student managed
Student applies classroom-learned skills in real-world
settings with student initiating and controlling decisions.
4. The SAE is planned and comprehensive
Students experience skills that meet or exceed
curricular expectations, accomplishing goals and is
managed with a collaboration of student, teacher, and
5. Student receives recognition
Recognition can begin with academic recognition for
SAE accomplishments and develop into FFA degree
recognition and develop further into state and national
recognition through FFA proficiency awards and Record
Book competitions.
Types of SAE Enterprises
Practicum Skills
SAE Growth
While an SAE program may contain just one type of
activity, the goal should be to show growth each
year, either by improving or expanding your
original project or adding an additional SAE.
This maximizes learning and your opportunities
for FFA awards and recognition.
Entrepreneurship SAE
The student plans, implements, operates,
and assumes financial risks in a farming
activity or agricultural business for an
entrepreneurship SAE.
In entrepreneurship programs, the student owns the
materials and other required inputs and keeps
financial records to determine return to investments.
Entrepreneurship Examples. .
Growing a garden or an agronomic crop
A group of students growing a crop of
Raising rabbits, pigs, sheep, or cattle
Running a pay-to-fish operation
Owning and operating a lawn care service
Operating a Christmas tree farm
Having a pleasure horse
Placement SAE
Placement or employment
SAE programs involve the
placement of students on
farms or in agricultural
businesses to provide a
This is done outside of normal
classroom hours and may be
paid or non-paid.
Placement Examples. . .
Working in a florist shop
Working at a riding stable
Working in a small animal hospital
Placement on a farm
Working in the produce or meat
department of a grocery store
Working in a small engine repair shop
Working after school at a farm
supply store
Conservation SAE
Conservation SAE’s
involves the student
studying wildlife
and the environment
(soil, water, air,
renewable resources)
and conducting
research and
activities to improve
the environment and
provide habitat for
projects usually
include multiple
BMP activities
throughout the
Conservation Examples. . .
 Place bird feeders and maintain a log of birds seen
 Research and plant a butterfly garden
 Make casts of animal tracks
 Raise pheasants or quail
 Plant evergreens and apple trees for wildlife food and cover
 Join a watershed group and conduct a stream
 Develop a PowerPoint to identify trees and wildlife
common to your area and use it to study for FFA CDE’s
Conservation Project Opportunities
The Pennsylvania Game
Commission provides
regional and state level
monetary awards for
outstanding conservation
They PGC Wildlife
Conservation Officers also
serve as technical advisors
for SAE projects.
Improvement SAE
Improvement SAE
projects include a
series of learning
activities that improve
the value or
appearance of the place
of employment, home,
school, or community;
the efficiency of an
enterprise or business;
or the living conditions
of the family.
The improvement project can occur at home, school or
in your community. It can be paid or volunteer time.
Improvement Examples. . .
Landscaping the home
Building a pasture fence
Remodeling and painting a room
Overhauling a piece of ag equipment
Building or reorganizing a workshop
Renovating and restocking a pond
Computerizing the records of an agricultural business
Practicum Skill SAE
Practicum Skill projects allow students
to gain knowledge through:
•Non-experimental research
•Exploring various areas of agriculture
•Exploring agricultural careers
Practicum Skill Examples. . .
 Develop a marketing plan for an agricultural commodity
 Write a series of newspaper articles about the environment
 Design a land use plan for your school district
 Develop a landscape design for a community park
 Attend an agricultural career day
 Attend a county or state conservation camp
School Related Practicum Skill Examples. . .
Work in the school greenhouse or land lab
Serve as a school lab assistant
Develop and/or maintain the FFA chapter Web site.
Develop and/or participate in the recycling program
Plant a butterfly garden at an elementary school
Research SAE
Research SAE include in depth activities where the
student plans and conducts a major agricultural
experiment using the scientific process.
The purpose of the experiment is to
provide students “hands-on”
experience in:
•Verifying, learning, or demonstrating
scientific principles in agriculture
•Discovering new knowledge
•Using the scientific process
Research Examples. . .
Comparing the muscle and bone anatomy of a chicken wing to
a human hand
Determining the impact of different levels of enzymes on meat
Comparing three rooting hormones on root development
Determining if phases of the moon have an effect on plant
Determining the strength of welds using different welding
SAE: Which one is for you?
Decision TIME!
What will your SAE project(s) be????
After reviewing this PowerPoint,
talk to your parents and agriculture teacher and
decide the type of SAE that will work for you.
Your SAE Record Book
After you decide which type of SAE you will do:
With your agriculture teacher’s supervision, decide
if you will be doing your records by hand
(paper and pencil) or electronically on the computer.
With your agriculture teacher’s help, select the appropriate
record book(s) to match the type of SAE you have selected.
Each SAE type will have a different record book format.
All record books can be downloaded from the PA FFA website:
SAE Record Book Layout
Download the appropriate records sections to your computer
from the PA FFA Web site.
Remember every SAE record book MUST include a Common
Pages section (see notebook format below).
Three Ring Notebook Format
-SAE notebook colored tabs are available from the PA Association of Ag Educators
Tab 1:
Tab 2:
Tab 3-5:
Tab 6:
Tab 7:
Planning (Common Pages download)
Enterprise 1
Additional Enterprises 2-4
Summary (Common Pages download)
Leadership (Common Pages download)
Awards and Recognition
Pennsylvania FFA SAE
Record Book Competitions
Events are held on the local and state level. See
the PA FFA website for scorecards and all
required record keeping forms.
Mid Atlantic Farm Credit and Ag Choice
$250 for the top record book in each of the four
FFA regions.
$500 for the top record book in PA.
These awards are presented on stage at the PA
FFA Summer Convention in June.
Research SAE Project
Your research project is eligible
for competition in the
Agri science fairs
at the FFA state and national
levels, as well as at your local
Conservation SAE
Project Opportunities
The PA Game
Commission offers
awards for outstanding
projects and Record
FFA Proficiency Awards
State and National FFA Proficiency Awards
Students with outstanding record books are encouraged to
complete a National FFA proficiency award application.
 State Regional Proficiency winners receive $25 and a plaque.
 State Proficiency winners receive $100 and a plaque and
represents PA in national competition.
Go to the National FFA website for a list of proficiency areas and
SAE Resources
1. Classroom discussion, Ag Sci textbook and videos
2. Upperclassmen FFA Members
3. PA FFA Handbook (on PA FFA website)
4. National FFA Student Handbook
5. National FFA Official Manual
6. PA FFA website:
7. National FFA website:
8. PA Department of Education SAE Guidebook