Reach Every Student Through Differentiation Corners Differentiated Activity G O TO T H E C O R N E R T H AT B E S T D E S C R I B E S YO U R L E A R N I N G S T Y L E A N D S H A R E W I T H T H E PA RT I C I PA N T S I N YO U R C O R N E R : Prior experience with Differentiated Instruction An example of how your learner preferences affect your learning and teaching What is your Mathematical Learning Style? • The Mastery Style: People in this category tend to work step–by–step. • The Understanding Style: People in this category tend to search for patterns, categories, and reasons. • The Interpersonal Style: People in this category tend to learn through conversation and personal relationship and association. • The Self-Expressive Style: People in this category tend to visualize and create images and pursue multiple strategies. Mathematical Learning Students who favor the Mastery style learn most easily from teaching approaches that emphasize step-by-step demonstrations and repetitive practices. They struggle with abstractions, explanations, and non-routine problem solving. Students who favor the Understanding style learn most easily from teaching approaches that emphasize concepts and the reasoning behind mathematical operations. These students struggle with work that emphasizes collaboration, application, and routine drill and practice. Mathematical Learning Students who favor the Interpersonal style learn most easily from teaching approaches that emphasize cooperative learning, real-life contexts, and connections to everyday life. This group struggles with independent seatwork, abstraction, and out-of-context, non-routine problem solving. Students who favor the Self-Expressive style learn most easily from teaching approaches that emphasize visualization and exploration. These students struggle with step-by-step computation and routine drill and practice. What is Differentiation? “At its most basic level, differentiating instruction means “shaking up” what goes on in the classroom so that students have multiple options for taking in information, making sense of ideas and expressing what they learn… a differentiated classroom provides different avenues to acquiring content, to processing and making sense of ideas, and to developing products so that each student can learn effectively.” (Carol Tomlinson, 1999, p.1) Today’s Student Diverse Students Reasons for DI Gap in achievement levels Focused and coherent curriculum Increased student expectations Higher demand for mathematical skills Teachers differentiate by: WHAT we want students to learn and HOW we give them access to it. HOW a student makes sense of the learning. WHAT a student makes or does that SHOWS he/she has the knowledge, understanding, and skills that were taught. Know your Students Learner Profiles Interests Readiness • Student learning styles • Interviews • Questionnaires • Formal/informal assessments • Anecdotal records Create a Responsive Learning Environment Know your learners More than desk alignment Provide a safe place to make mistakes and learn from them Meet your learners “where they are” Think about how you can Make Math Irresistible! Learning Goals DIFFERENTIATION… is the proactive acceptance of and planning for student differences, including their readiness interests learning profiles Teachers can respond to student differences by differentiating content process products environment while always keeping in mind the guiding principles of respectful tasks ongoing assessment & adjustment flexible groups Differentiating Instruction C - R- A “ … ALLOWS ALL STUDENTS TO ACCESS THE SAME C L A S S R O O M C U R R I C U L U M B Y P R O V I D I N G E N T RY P O I N T S , L E A R N I N G TA S K S , A N D O U T C O M E S T H AT A R E TA I L O R E D TO THE STUDENTS’ NEEDS.” (HALL, STRANGMAN, & MEYER, 2003) Concrete Representational Abstract “I actually think that the most important thing that teachers should be thinking about is not the activity that they choose, it’s the questions they ask.” “Love Learning with Dr. Marian Small” video 5:51 minutes Developing Mathematical Thinking with Effective Questions To help students build confidence and rely on their own understanding, ask… To help students learn to reason mathematically, ask… • To check student progress, ask… • To help students collectively make sense of mathematics, ask… • To encourage conjecturing, ask… To promote problem solving, ask… To help when students get stuck, ask… To make connections among ideas and applications, ask… To encourage reflection, ask… “Beyond One Right Answer” Dr. Marian Small “DIFFERENTIATING INSTRUCTION IS A GREAT WAY TO MAKE MATH MEANINGFUL FOR ALL. IT'S JUST A QUESTION OF THE QUESTIONS TEACHERS POSE.” Consider the following two scenarios. Do they sound familiar? Scenario 1: Scenario 2: A teacher decides that she wants a A teacher is working on teaching math lesson to focus on two-digit by two-digit multiplication. She finds an appropriate problem for the students to work on. Although she knows that six or seven students still struggle with the concepts involved in multiplying by even a single-digit number, she presents the problem to all students, making sure that the struggling students receive help from herself or other students. fact families. He asks students to describe the fact family for 3 + 4. One student offers a response: 3 + 4, 4 + 3, 7 - 4, 7 - 3. The teacher records this on the board and checks that other students concur. The whole episode takes less than five minutes, only one student responded, and now the teacher needs to set up another activity. Two Beliefs That Need to Change …all students should work on the same problem at the same time (Scenario 1) each math question should have a single answer (Scenario 2) Both scenarios reflect common practice among many hardworking and capable teachers. But what else can teachers really do? An Idea Takes Root BackgroundTwo “universes collided” whenever the research of one of Dr. Small’s graduate students (the kinds of questions that math teachers ask during instruction) and what she was working on at that time (researching the various phases of student development in each strand of mathematics). Dr. Small noticed that there was potential in using questioning as a way to differentiate instruction in a classroom with groups of students at different levels. What emerged was the delineation of two core techniques for differentiating instruction in mathematics in a meaningful, but manageable way. Open-Ended Questions Teachers create open questions by allowing for a certain level of ambiguity. Students may initially be a little uncomfortable with ambiguity, but they almost always ‘warm up to’ and appreciate the latitude that the ambiguity allows. Parallel Tasks Focusing on the same “big ideas”, but different levels of difficulty Strategy 1: Strategy 2: • Teacher may let students • Pose common questions for all choose between two problems which have been written with different levels of difficulty. students to answer. The teacher could ask questions, no matter which task the student(s) completed. • The questions focus on common elements; however, asking students to describe their specific strategies gives opportunities to differentiate. Louisiana Believes Department of Education Video Library 7th Grade Summary: High School Summary: In this 7th grade Math lesson, students categorize expressions, equations, and inequalities and discuss how they know how to categorize them. (video 5:30 min.) By the end of the class, to be able to simplify rational expressions. Video Notes/Reflection (video 9:28 min.) Video Notes/Reflection Differentiation using Tiered Lessons “TIERED ACTIVITIES ARE REALLY QUITE ESSENTIAL. THEY ARE ALMOST THE MEAT AND POTATOES OF DIFFERENTIATION.” ( T O M L I N S O N ) What is Tiered Instruction? Teachers use tiered activities so that all students focus on essential understandings and skills but at different levels of complexity, abstractness, and openendedness. By keeping the focus of the activity the same, but providing routes of access at varying degrees of difficulty, the teacher maximizes the likelihood that: 1) each student comes away with pivotal skills & understandings 2) each student is appropriately challenged. When Tiering Instruction: Adjust the… o Level of Complexity o Amount of Structure o Materials o Time/Place o Number of Steps o Form of Expression o Level of Dependence Example of a tiered lesson K-2 Open-Ended Probes How do you describe a cube to someone who has never seen one? The answer is 87. What could the question be? How is measurement used in your home? How might we write numbers if we didn’t have zeroes? Imagine you are trying to help someone understand what three- tenths means. What pictures could you draw to be helpful? How many different pictures can you make? Strategies for Subject: Mathematics - Statistics Grade: Twelfth Standard: Data Analysis and Probability from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Principles and Standards for School Mathematics Key Concept: Key Concept: Students are knowledgeable, analytical, thoughtful consumers of data. Generalization: Students formulate a question that can be addressed with data and collect, organize, and display the data. Background: This lesson would be an end-of-course culminating activity and should be completed in groups consisting of two to four students. Students choose a tier according to interest in a question and decide to use a survey, observational study, or experiment to answer the question. Directions for all the tiers are the same. Students determine a question they would like to answer, decide on a appropriate means for data collection, and prepare a presentation of the information to share with the class. The presentation should include a complete analysis of the data and the answer to the question of interest. However, a variety of presentation methods would be appropriate, e.g., a poster, a PowerPoint display, a written report, or a radio/TV show interview. This lesson will take a number of days to complete as students will need time to decide on a question, collect the data, analyze the data, and prepare the presentation. You will also need 1-2 days for students to make their presentations. This lesson is tiered in process and product according to interest. The tiers could be based on the questions or the products. Those listed here represent the products produced. Tier 1: Poster Tier II: Power Point Tier III: Written report Tier IV: Radio/TV Assessment: Assessment: A rubric for each product should be based primarily on neatness, organization, accuracy of the information, and accuracy of the statistical analysis. The rubrics should be given to the students at the beginning the lesson since the decision on which product will be made after selecting a question. Sample Model Lesson Framework Whole Math Message/Warm – Up Whole Lesson Part Student Activity Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Whole • Share Time Misunderstandings vs. Reality Misunderstandings Differentiation is a set of instructional strategies. It’s adequate for a district or school leader to tell or show teachers how to differentiate effectively. Differentiation is something a teacher does or doesn’t do. Differentiation is just about instruction. Reality Differentiation is a philosophy – a way of thinking about teaching & learning – it is a set of principles. Learning to differentiate requires rethinking of one’s classroom practice through assessment and adjustment. Most teachers in a classroom for one day DO pay attention to student variations, put very few proactively plan to address all student differences. Differentiation is inseparable from a positive learning environment, curriculum, and flexible management. It’s well to remember that: THINGS TAKE TIME