The United States Of America Skylor Ou Yang Location -The United States of America (U.S.) is located south of Canada and North of Mexico, right between the North Pacific Ocean and the North Atlantic Ocean . -It consists the total area of 3,794,101 square miles, which 6.76% is covered by water. States in the U.S. There are 50 states in the U.S. They are: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South and North Carolina, South and North Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming. Government The federal government of the United States is the national government of the constitutional republic of fifty states that is the United States of America. The federal government comprises three distinct branches of government: a legislative, an executive and a judiciary. These branches and their various powers are delineated in the U.S. Constitution; the powers are specified in greater detail in laws enacted by Congress. The seat of government of the United States is in Washington, D.C., a geographical area that is not located within any state. This has led to "Washington" commonly being used as a metonym for the U.S. federal government. Physical Features Rivers: - Mississippi River Mountains: -Rocky Mtns. -Appalachian Mtns. 5 Great lakes: -Lake Michigan -Lake Superior -Lake Ontario -Lake Huron -Lake Erie The Great Salt Lake The Great Salt Lake is the largest U.S. lake located west of the Mississippi River. Located in Salt Lake City, the Great Salt Lake is also the 4th largest terminal lake in the world. The Great Salt Lake has no fish. The largest aquatic critters in the Great Salt Lake of Utah are brine shrimp and brine flies. The Great Salt Lake of Utah has also earned its reputation as one of the largest migratory bird magnets in Western North America. A Chilean Flamingo by the name of Pink Floyd spends his winters on the Great Salt lake of Utah. He enjoys hanging out with the gulls and swans, and dining on the brine shrimp Races Whites Native American African American Hispanic Languages The main language spoken in the U.S. is American English. There are also languages commonly spoken such as Spanish, German. The native Americans has their own language as well. Appearance The dressing style for Americans is known for casual and comfort. Cloth shops such as Forever 21, Aeropostale, American Eagle and A&F, etc. The average price of clothes in the U.S. are usually cheaper comparing to clothes in Europe and other Asian countries. Education Education in the United States is provided mainly by government, with control and funding coming from three levels: federal, state, and local. School attendance is mandatory and nearly universal at the elementary and high school levels (often known outside the United States as the primary and secondary levels). Students have the options of having their education held in public schools, private schools, or home school. In most public and private schools, education is divided into three levels: elementary school, junior high school (also often called middle school), and high school. In almost all schools at these levels, children are divided by age groups into grades. Post-secondary education, better known as "college" or "university" in the United States, is generally governed separately from the elementary and high school system. Architecture Federal Style- Massachussets State House Neo-Gothic Style- Woolworth Building Houses in Utah Unlike Shanghai and the other cities in Asia, most people in Utah live in condos. Condos normally include a garage, a basement, several rooms, a front yard and a backyard. Condos are normally low, with 2 floors and a basement. People also put trampolines in the backyard. Climate The United States includes a wide variety of climate types due to its large size, range of geographic features, and non-contiguous arrangement. In the contiguous United States to the east of the 100th meridian, the climate ranges from humid continental in the north to humid subtropical in the south. The southern tip of Florida is tropical. The Great Plains west of the 100th meridian are semi-arid. Much of the Rocky Mountains, the Sierra Nevada, and the Cascade Range are alpine. The climate is arid in the Great Basin, desert in the Southwest, Mediterranean in coast al California, and oceanic in coastal Oregon and Washington. Climate of Utah • The climate of Utah is generally semiarid to arid. Temperatures are favorable along the Wasatch Front, where there are relatively mild winters. At Salt Lake City, the normal daily mean temperature is 52°F (11°C), ranging from 28°F (–2°C) in January to 78°F (26°C) in July. The record high temperature, 117°F (47°C), was set at St. George on 5 July 1985; the record low temperature, –69°F (–56°C), in Peter's Sink, on 1 February 1985. The average annual precipitation varies from less than 5 in (12.7 cm) in the west to over 40 in (102 cm) in the mountains, with Salt Lake City receiving 16.5 in (42 cm) per year during the period (1971– 2000). The annual snowfall is about 59 in (150 cm) and remains on the higher mountains until late summer. Summer vs. Winter in Utah Influences on Human Because of the physical features and climate of Utah, people living in Utah enjoy doing sports. People go hiking and camping on the mountains throughout the year. People also enjoy skiing down the mountain. There are also people who would enter the desert and try to survive there. Human Interaction- Cars Under the influence of cars as a big transportation, a useful invention- Drive Thrus – appeared in fast food restaurants. Drive Thrus allow drivers to purchase and pick up food without the hassle of having to get outside the car. Technology • 1784-Bifocals Bifocals are eyeglasses whose corrective lenses contain regions with two distinct optical powers. Benjamin Franklin is credited with the invention of the first pair of bifocals in the early 1760s, though according to the Library Company of Philadelphia, the first indication of Dr. Franklin wearing his double spectacles comes from a political cartoon printed in 1764. Many publications from that period onward refer to Dr. Franklin's double spectacles, including his first reference to them in a letter written in Paris, France on August 21, 1784 that was addressed to his personal friend, English philanthropist George Whatley. 1796-Cupcakes A cupcake, fairy cake, patty cake or cup cake is a small cake designed to serve one person, frequently baked in a small, thin paper or aluminum cup. As with larger cakes, frosting and other cake decorations, such as sprinkles, are common on cupcakes. The earliest reference of cupcakes can be traced as far back as 1796, when a recipe notation of "a cake to be baked in small cups" was written in American Cookery by Amelia Simms. However, the first mentioning of the term cupcake was in “Seventy-five Receipts for Pastry, Cakes, and Sweetmeats” in 1828 in Eliza Leslie's Receipts cookbook. 1853-Potato Chips Potato chips, also known as crisps in British English, are thin slices of potato that are deep fried or baked until crispy. Potato chips serve as an appetizer, side dish, or snack. The basic chips are cooked and salted, and additional varieties are manufactured using various flavorings and ingredients including seasonings, herbs, spices, cheeses, and artificial additives. The original potato chip recipe was invented by chef George Crum at Moon's Lake House near Saratoga Springs, New York, on August 24, 1853. Soon after potato chips are invented, it attracted a great amount of children and adults. It is now the most popular snack throughout the U.S. 1861-Jelly Beans Jelly beans are a small bean-shaped type of confectionery with a hard candy shell and a gummy interior which come in a wide variety of flavors. The confection is primarily made of sugar. The Turkish Delight, a Middle Eastern candy made of soft jelly, covered in confectioner's powder, with roots dating to biblical days, was an early precursor to the jelly bean that inspired its gummy interior. However it is generally thought that jelly beans first surfaced in 1861 when Boston confectioner and inventor William Schrafft urged people to send his jelly beans to soldiers during the American Civil War. It is now one of the kids’ favorites . 1898- Candy Corn Candy corn is a confection in the United States and Canada, popular primarily in autumn around Halloween, that mimics the shape and coloration of corn kernels—a broad yellow end, a tapered orange center, and a pointed white tip. Candy corn is made primarily from sugar, corn syrup, artificial coloring and binders. It is generally thought that George Renninger, an employee of the Wunderlee Candy Company, invented candy corn in the 1880s. However, the earliest references credit the Goelitz Confectionery Company, now known as the Jelly Belly Candy Company, for introducing candy corn or "chicken feed" to the American public in 1898. 1908- Candy Apples Candy apples, also known as toffee apples outside of North America, are whole apples covered in a hard sugar candy coating. While the topping varies from place to place, they are almost always served with a wooden stick of sorts in the middle making them easier to eat. Toffee apples are a common treat at autumn festivals in Western culture in the Northern Hemisphere, such as Halloween and Guy Fawkes Night because these festivals fall in the wake of the annual apple harvest. Dipping fruits into a sugar syrup is an ancient tradition. However, the origin of the red candy apple is attributed to Newark, New Jersey candymaker who conceived the idea of dipping apples into a red cinnamon candy mixture he had on hand. In addition, dipping apples in hot caramel a 1950s American invention attributed to Kraft salesman Dan Walker. 1914-Fortune Cookie A fortune cookie is a crisp cookie usually made from flour, sugar, vanilla, and oil with a "fortune" wrapped inside. A "fortune" is a piece of paper with words of faux wisdom or a vague prophecy. In the United States, it is usually served with Chinese food in Chinese restaurants as a dessert. The message inside may also include a list of lucky numbers and a Chinese phrase with translation. Contrary to belief, the fortune cookie associated as a Chinese invention is a fallacy. In 1914, the JapaneseAmerican named Makoto Hagiwara of the Japanese Tea Garden in San Francisco, California introduced the fortune cookie and is thus recognized as its inventor. 1924-Cheeseburger A cheeseburger is a hamburger with cheese added to it. Traditionally the cheese is placed on top of the patty, but the burger can include many variations in structure, ingredients, and composition. The term itself is a portmanteau of the words "cheese" and "hamburger." The cheese is usually sliced, and then added to the cooking hamburger patty shortly before the patty finishes cooking which allows the cheese to melt. Lionel C. Sternberger is believed to have invented the “cheese hamburger” in the 1920s in the Northeast portion of Los Angeles County. It is now sold in every fast food restaurant throughout the world. 1927-Corndogs The corn dog, pogo, dagwood dog, pluto pup or corny dog is a hot dog coated in cornbread batter and deep fried in hot oil, although some are baked. Almost all corn dogs are served on wooden sticks, though some early versions were stickless. Although a contending topic as numerous claims of the origins of the corn dog have surfaced, the earliest reference to what resembles a corn dog appeared in U.S. patent 1,706,491 filed in 1927 by Stanley S. Jenkins and issued in 1929. 1928-Bubble Gum Bubblegum is a type of chewing gum especially designed for blowing bubbles. Bubblegum was invented by Frank Henry Fleer in 1906, but was not successful; the formulation of Fleer's "Blibber-Blubber," was too sticky. In 1928, Walter E. Diemer invented a superior formulation for bubble gum, which he called " Double Bubble." 1930-Chocolate Chip Cookies A chocolate chip cookie is a drop cookie which features chocolate chips as its distinguishing ingredient. The traditional recipe combines a dough composed of butter and both brown and white sugar with semi-sweet chocolate chips. Ruth Wakefield of Whitman, Massachusetts invented chocolate chips and chocolate chip cookies in 1930. Her new cookie invention was called the "Toll House Cookie" which used used broken-up bars of semi-sweet chocolate. Uno (card game) Uno is a card game played with a specially printed deck. Using colored playing cards, he game involves playing the legal card with the highest point value. This is a simple way to minimize points held in the hand at the end of the round, but fails to account for the utility of holding wilds and draw fours near the end of the game. Electric Guitar An electric guitar is a guitar using pickups to convert its metal string vibration into electricity. This is amplified with an instrument amplifier. The output is altered with guitar effects such as reverb or distortion. The earliest electric guitar, known as a "frying pan", was a hollow bodied acoustic instrument with tungsten steel pickups invented by George Beauchamp and Adolph Rickenbacker in 1931. The electric guitar was a key instrument in the development of musical styles that emerged since the late 1940s, such as Chicago blues, early rock and roll, rockabilly, and 1960s blues rock. Electric guitars are used in almost every popular music genre. 1887-Gramophone Records A gramophone record, commonly known as a record, or a vinyl record, is an analog sound storage medium consisting of a flat disc with an inscribed, modulated spiral groove. The groove usually starts near the periphery and ends near the center of the disc. Ever since Thomas Edison invented the phonograph in 1877, it produced distorted sound because of gravity's pressure on the playing stylus. In response, Emile Berliner invented a new medium for recording and listening to sound in 1887 in the form of a horizontal disc, originally known as the "platter." 1887-Slot machine A slot machine is a casino gambling machine. Due to the vast number of possible wins with the original poke card based game, it proved practically impossible to come up with a way to make a machine capable of making an automatic pay-out for all possible winning combinations. The first "one-armed bandit" was invented in 1887 by Charles Fey of San Francisco, California who devised a simple automatic mechanism with three spinning reels containing a total of five symbols – horseshoes, diamonds, spades, hearts and a Liberty Bell, which also gave the machine its name. 1902-Teddy Bear A teddy bear is a stuffed toy bear. They are usually stuffed with soft cotton and have smooth and soft fur. It is an enduring form of a stuffed animal that has become a collector's item. The first teddy bear was invented in 1902 by Morris Michtom, owner of a Brooklyn toy store, who was inspired by Clifford Berryman's political cartoon Drawing the Line in Mississippi that depicted President Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt on a hunting trip in Mississippi who spared the life of a Louisiana black bear cub. Michtom asked for and received President Roosevelt’s permission to use his name for the hand-sewn bears called "Teddy bears" that he invented and his wife helped 1832-Morse Code Morse code is a type of character encoding that transmits telegraphic information using rhythm. Morse code uses a standardized sequence of short and long elements to represent the letters, numerals, punctuation, and special characters of a given message. After many years of development, an electrical telegraph came to exclusively refer to a signaling telegram, as an operator makes and breaks an electrical contact with a telegraph key, resulting in an audible signal at the other end produced by a telegraph sounder which is interpreted and transcribed by an operator. Baseball As the United States' de facto national sport and pastime, baseball is a bat-and-ball sport played between two teams of nine players each. Many historians attribute baseball's origins to the English sports of stoolball and rounders as well as to the 18th and 19th century North American sports of Old Cat and Town ball, all early precursors to baseball. However, the bat-and-ball sports played in the United States, Europe, or elsewhere in the world prior to 1845 did not resemble the standard of modern day rules as to which baseball has continuously used ever since the mid-19th century. In 1845, Alexander Cartwright wrote the official and codified set of regulated rules of baseball formally known as the Knickerbocker Rules. Cartwright's original 14 rules were somewhat similar to but not identical to rounders. 1869- American Football American football, known in the United States simply as football, is a spectator sport known for combining strategy with competitive physical play. The objective of the game is to score points by advancing the ball into the opposing team's end zone. The ball can be advanced by carrying it (a running play) or by throwing it to a teammate (a passing play). Points can be scored in a variety of ways, including carrying the ball over the opponent's goal line, catching a pass thrown over that goal line, kicking the ball through the goal posts at the opponent's end zone, or tackling an opposing ball carrier within his end zone. The winner is the team with the most points when the time expires. 1887-Softball • As a bat-and-ball team sport, softball is a variant of baseball. The difference between the two sports is that softball uses larger balls and requires a smaller playing field. Beginning as an indoor game in Chicago, softball was invented in 1887 by George Hancock. Racquetball Racquetball is a racquet sport played with a hollow rubber ball in an indoor or outdoor court. Joe Sobek is credited with inventing the modern sport of racquetball in 1950 (the outdoor, one-wall game goes back to at least 1910 in N.Y.C.), adding a stringed racquet to paddleball in order to increase velocity and control. Unlike most racquet sports, such as tennis and badminton, there is no net to hit the ball over, and unlike squash no tin (out of bounds area at the bottom of front wall) to hit the ball above. Also, the court's walls, floor, and ceiling are legal playing surfaces, with the exception of court-specific designated hinders being out-of-bounds. American Art American art encompasses the history of painting and visual art in the United States. In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, artists primarily painted landscapes and portraits in a realistic style. A parallel development taking shape in rural America was the American craft movement, which began as a reaction to the industrial revolution. Developments in modern art in Europe came to America from exhibitions in New York City such as the Armory Show in 1913. Previously American Artists had based the majority of their work on Western Painting and European Arts. After World War II, New York replaced Paris as the center of the art world. Since then many American Movements have shaped Modern and Post Modern art. Art in the United States today covers a huge range of styles. Entertainment During teenage years, teenagers (especially boys) enjoy playing video games as their common hobby. Video/ PSP/ X-box games such as Halo, Call of Duty, Assassin’s creeds hold large markets in the U.S. Friends would get together on weekends and spend all night playing video games. Technology The iPhone is a line of Internet and multimedia enabled smartphones marketed by Apple Inc. The first iPhone was unveiled by Steve Jobs, then CEO of Apple, on January 9, 2007, and released on June 29, 2007. Transportation- Ground The transportation in the U.S. is known for its great amount of cars. There are 250 million registered cars in the U.S, while there are 320 million people in the U.S. Transportation- Air The Wright brothers, Wilbur and Orville Wright of Dayton, Ohio, made the first powered and sustained airplane flights under control of the pilot in the Wright Flyer I on December 17, 1903 in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. The U.S. is a big country, therefore planes are essential for travelers. U.S. has the most frequent flyers among the world. Media- Facebook Facebook was created by a Harvard undergraduate student in the U.S in 2004. Nowadays it has become the most visited website beside search engines. People post statuses, images, videos and share things they saw on website with whoever they want on Facebook. Facebook created a way to social online. The creation of Google was a huge success. With Google, people will no longer have to go through databases on hard copies. All we need to do is to type in the keyword, and then Google will start looking for matches within a very short period of time. You can search databases, images, video, news, or even receive and send mails with Google. Religion Affiliation Percentage (%) of U.S. population Christian 78.5% Evangelical Protestant 26.3% Catholic 23.9% Mainline Protestant 18.1% Black Church 6.9% Mormon 1.7% Jehovah's Witness 0.7% Eastern Orthodox 0.6% Other Christian (e.g. Patriotic Christian) 0.3% Unaffiliated 16.1% Nothing in particular 12.1% Agnostic 2.4% Atheist 1.6% Non-Christian religions 4.6% Jewish 1.7% Buddhist 0.7% Muslim 0.6% Hindu 0.4% Other 1.2% Don't know/refused answer 0.8% • There are many different religions in the U.S. • Most of the people are Christians, while some are unaffiliated, and only few immigrants belong to the NonChristian religions. Regions The U.S. is commonly divided into four regions: The west region, the Midwest region, the Northeast region, and the South region. Dialects There are four main dialects in the U.S, Northern dialect, Southern dialect, Texan dialect and Western dialect. Self expressive values The U.S. is quite a diverse country. There are many people there from difference countries, with different races, carrying different cultures. Therefore as a big society, the U.S. consists a lot of different cultures.