Motor Drives Dr. Nik Rumzi Nik Idris Dept. of Energy Conversion, UTM 2013 Conventional electric drives (variable speed) • Bulky • Inefficient • inflexible Modern electric drives (With power electronic converters) • Small • Efficient • Flexible Electric Drives DC Drives: • • uses DC motors as prime movers Easy to control need variable DC voltage AC Drives: • • uses AC motors as prime movers More difficult to control need variable AC voltage (magnitude and frequency) DC motors and AC motors DC motors: Regular maintenance, heavy, expensive, speed limit Easy control, decouple control of torque and flux AC motors: Less maintenance, light, less expensive, high speed Coupling between torque and flux – variable spatial angle between rotor and stator flux Overview of AC and DC drives Extracted from Boldea & Nasar DC DRIVES DC Machine: • Can be operated as motor • Can be operated as generator Armature terminals Field terminals In basic construction, it consist of 4 terminals: • Armature terminals • Field terminals DC DRIVES DC Motors - 2 pole Rotor Field flux Field circuit produces field flux Stator DC DRIVES DC Motors - 2 pole • Current flowing in armature circuit interact with field winding to produce torque X X X X X DC DRIVES DC Motors - 2 pole • Current flowing in armature circuit interact with field winding to produce torque • Torque produced is proportional to the armature current Torque X X X • The torque will make the rotor to rotate (clockwise) X X Torque • As the rotor rotates, voltage will be induced in the rotor – which is known as the back emf In order to look on how the speed is control on DC motor, we need to model the DC motor with electric circuit DC DRIVES Ra Lf La ia + + Rf if + Vt ea Vf _ _ _ dia vt = Raia + L + Ea dt Te = ktfia Ea = kefw f µ if Electric torque Armature back e.m.f. The flux per pole is proportional to if v f = R f if + L di f dt DC DRIVES • If the field flux comes from permanent magnet, the motor is called the permanent magnet DC motor • For permanent magnet DC motor, the field current CANNOT be controlled, therefore the torque and back e.m.f. can be written as Te = ktia kt is the torque constant • Most of the time, kt = ke Ea = kew ke is the back e.m.f. constant DC DRIVES • Armature circuit: Vt = Raia + L dia + Ea dt • In steady state current will not change with time (dia/dt =0), Vt = R a Ia + Ea • Therefore steady state speed is given by, Vt RaTe = ke kt ke 2 • For the case kt = ke, Vt RaTe = kt kt 2 DC DRIVES Vt RaTe = kt kt 2 • Three possible methods of speed control: • Armature voltage Vt • Field flux • Armature resistance Ra • Control using Ra is seldom used because it is inefficient due to the losses in the external armature resistance DC DRIVES Controlling Vt and if using Controlled Rectifier Controlled Rectifier + 3-phase supply Vt Controlled Rectifier if + Vf − − αt Vt = 3Vl-l p αf cosat Vf = 3Vl-l p cosa f Current if is changed by changing Vf DC DRIVES Controlling Vt using Controlled Rectifier Controlling if using resistance Controlled Rectifier + 3-phase supply Vt if Un-controlled Rectifier Rf + Vf − − Vf = αt Vt = 3Vl-l p cosat 3Vl-l p Current if is changed by changing Rf DC DRIVES Example: A wound stator DC motor which is fed by a 3-phase controlled rectifier has the following parameters: Ra = 1.2 Ω, ktΦ = 0.5 Nm/amp, keΦ = 0.5 V/rad/s The amplitude of the line-line input voltage of the rectifier is 200V. If the motor runs at 1500 RPM, and the armature current is 15 A, calculate the delay angle of the rectifier. What is the torque developed? If the field is reversed and what would happen to the motor? If the current is to be maintained at 15A, what should be the delay angle of the rectifier? DC DRIVES Example: Torque developed is Te= ktIa = 0.5 *15 = 0.5*15 = 7.5 Nm Controlled Rectifier + Vt From DC machine equation, − Vt = R a Ia + Ea where Ra = 1.2 Ω, Ia = 15 A and Ea = keω . αt The given speed is in rotation per minute (RPM) and has to be converted to rad/s. w= N(2p ) 1500(2p ) = =157 rad / s 60 60 Using Vt = 3(200) p \Vt =1.2(15)+ (0.5)157 = 96.5V æ p (96.5) ö o cosat , αt can be calculated as: at = cos ç ÷ = 59.6 è 3(200) ø -1 DC DRIVES Controlled Rectifier Ra + + Vt -78.5V − − αt At the instant the field is reversed, the speed will remain at 1500rpm. The back emf be -78.5V. The DC machine will be operated as a generator. Hence to maintain the current at 15A, \Vt =1.2(15)-(0.5)157 = -60.5V \-60.5 = 3(200) p cos at Þ at = 108.46 o DC DRIVES Controlling Vt using a DC-DC converter DC-DC converter Un-controlled Rectifier 3-phase supply + + VDC Vt − − V DC = 3Vl l Vt is change by changing the duty cyle DC DRIVES Controlling Vt using a DC-DC converter Ra T1 + + D1 3-phase supply V DC = 3Vl l VDC Vt − - ia DC DRIVES Controlling Vt using a DC-DC converter When T1 ON, vt = VDC Ra T1 ia When T1 OFF, D1 will ON and vt = 0 ton + VDC D1 Vt 0 1 Vt = T If ò T 0 = 1 ton ton vt dt = [ t (VDC )] 0 = VDC T T t on T = duty cycle, then, T Vt = VDC The voltage Vt canbe controlled by changing the duty cycle DC DRIVES Example: A permanent magnet DC motor which is fed by a DC-DC converter (BUCK converter) has the following parameters: Ra = 1.2 Ω, kt = 0.5 Nm/amp, ke = 0.5 V/rad/s When the motor runs at a speed of 1200 RPM, the torque developed by the motor is 12Nm. The DC input voltage of the converter is 200V. (i) Calculate the duty cycle of the converter. (ii) If the period of the waveform is 20 s, draw the output voltage waveform of the converter. DC DRIVES Ra T1 ia + D1 Vt - 12Nm of torque is due to Te/kt = 12/0.5 = 24 A of armature current. 1200 RPM is equivalent to: N (2 ) 1200 (2 ) = = = 125 .67 rad / s 60 60 Hence the back e.m.f., Ea = 125.67 *0.5 = 62.83V From the motor equation, we can calculate the terminal voltage Vt = Ra I a + Ea = (1.2)24 + 62.83 = 91.63V Since Vt = VDC = Vt 91.63 = = 0.46 VDC 200 DC DRIVES 9.2s 200V 0 20 s = ton = 0.46 ton = 0.46 (20 10 6 ) = 9.2s T AC DRIVES • In modern AC drive systems, the speed of the AC motor is controlled by controlling: (i) Magnitude of the applied voltage (ii) Frequency of the applied voltage • Magnitude and frequency of the AC motor can be controlled by using power electronic converters • There are two most widely used inverter control technique: (i) Six-step voltage source inverter (ii) PWM voltage source inverter AC DRIVES (i) Six-step voltage source inverter (assuming available source is 3-phase supply) Controlled Rectifier 3-phase VSI Variable DC a + 3-phase supply b Vdc _ Amplitude control A c Frequency control f AC motor AC DRIVES (i) Six-step voltage source inverter (assuming available source is 3-phase supply) With the correct switching signals to the VSI, the following voltages can be obtained: Vdc 2 Vdc 3 line-line voltage phase voltage AC DRIVES (i) Six-step voltage source inverter (assuming available source is 3-phase supply) A1 A2 Example of amplitude control A1 < A2 < A3 A3 AC DRIVES (i) Six-step voltage source inverter (assuming available source is 3-phase supply) 1/f1 1/f2 1/f3 Example of frequency control f1> f2 > f3 AC DRIVES (ii) PWM voltage source inverter (assuming available source is 3-phase supply) Controlled Rectifier 3-phase VSI Fixed DC a + 3-phase supply b Vdc _ c Frequency and amplitude control A, f AC motor AC DRIVES (ii) PWM voltage source inverter (assuming available source is 3-phase supply) With the correct switching signals to the VSI, the following voltages can be obtained: line-line voltage phase voltage AC DRIVES (ii) PWM voltage source inverter (assuming available source is 3-phase supply) Variable amplitude AC DRIVES (ii) PWM voltage source inverter (assuming available source is 3-phase supply) Variable frequency AC DRIVES (ii) PWM voltage source inverter (assuming available source is 3-phase supply) Variable frequency INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES a 120o Construction of induction machine 120o c’ b’ c b a’ 120o Stator – 3-phase winding Rotor – squirrel cage / wound INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES Single N turn coil carrying current i Spans 180o elec Permeability of iron >> o → all MMF drop appear in airgap a a ’ Ni / 2 - -Ni / 2 -/2 /2 INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES Distributed winding – coils are distributed in several slots Nc for each slot (3Nci)/2 (Nci)/2 - -/2 /2 INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES Phase a – sinusoidal distributed winding Air–gap mmf F() 2 INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES • Sinusoidal winding for each phase produces space sinusoidal MMF and flux • Sinusoidal current excitation (with frequency s) in a phase produces space sinusoidal standing wave MMF • Combination of 3 standing waves resulted in MMF wave rotating at: 2 s = 2f p p – number of poles f – supply frequency INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES • Rotating flux induced: emf in stator winding (known as back emf) Emf in rotor winding Rotor flux rotating at synchronous frequency • Rotor current interact with flux producing torque • Rotor ALWAYS rotate at frequency less than synchronous, i.e. at slip speed (or slip frequency): sl = s – r • Ratio between slip speed and synchronous speed known as slip s= s r s INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES Stator voltage equation: Vs = Rs Is + j(2f)LlsIs + Eag Eag – airgap voltage or back emf Eag = k f ag Rotor voltage equation: Er = Rr Ir + js(2f)Llr Er – induced emf in rotor circuit Er /s = (Rr / s) Ir + j(2f)Llr INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES Rs + Per–phase equivalent circuit Llr Lls + Is Vs – Rs – Rr – Lls – Llr – Lm – s– Im Lm Eag – stator winding resistance rotor winding resistance stator leakage inductance rotor leakage inductance mutual inductance slip Ir + Er/s – Rr/s INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES Per–phase equivalent circuit We know Eg and Er related by Er s = Eg a Where a is the winding turn ratio The rotor parameters referred to stator are: Rr ' L lr ' Ir = a (Ir ' ) , R r = 2 , L lr = 2 a a rotor voltage equation becomes Eg = (Rr’ / s) Ir’ + j(2f)Llr’ Ir’ INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES Rs Per–phase equivalent circuit Is Llr’ Lls + + Vs – Rs – Rr’ – Lls – Llr’ – Lm – Ir ’ – Ir’ Lm Im Eag – stator winding resistance rotor winding resistance referred to stator stator leakage inductance rotor leakage inductance referred to stator mutual inductance rotor current referred to stator Rr’/s INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES Power and Torque Power is transferred from stator to rotor via air–gap, known as airgap power Pag = 3Ir' 2 Rr ' = s 3Ir' 2R r ' + Lost in rotor winding 3Ir' 2 Rr ' 1 s s Converted to mechanical power = (1–s)Pag INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES Power and Torque Mechanical power, Pm = Tem r But, ss = s - r r = (1-s)s Pag = Tem s Pag 3Ir' 2R r ' Tem = = s ss Therefore torque is given by: Vs2 3R r ' Tem = 2 ss Rr ' 2 Rs + + X ls + X lr ' s INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES Power and Torque Tem sm = Pull out Torque (Tmax) Tmax Trated s 1 0 sm rated s 0 Rr R s + X ls + X lr 2 2 Vs2 3 = ss R R 2 + X + X 2 s ls lr s r INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES Speed Control of IM Control of induction machine based on steady-state model (per phase steadystate equivalent circuit) is known as scalar control Rs Is Llr’ Lls + + Vs – Ir’ Lm Im Eag – Rr’/s INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES Speed Control of IM Te Pull out Torque (Tmax) Te Intersection point (Te=TL) determines the steady –state speed TL s sm rotor s r INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES Speed Control of IM Given a load T– characteristic, the steady-state speed can be changed by altering the T– of the motor: Pole changing Synchronous speed change with no. of poles Discrete step change in speed Variable voltage (amplitude), variable frequency Using power electronics converter Operated at low slip frequency Variable voltage (amplitude), frequency fixed E.g. using transformer or triac Slip becomes high as voltage reduced – low efficiency INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES Speed Control of IM Variable voltage, fixed frequency 600 Low speed high slip 500 Therefore, low efficiency at low speed Torque 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 w (rad/s) 100 120 140 160 INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES Speed Control of IM Variable voltage, variable frequency T-ω characteristic of IM when air-gap is kept constant: 900 800 50Hz 700 30Hz Torque 600 500 10Hz 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES Speed Control of IM Variable voltage, variable frequency How do we keep air-gap flux constant? Eag = k f ag At high speed, Eag ≈ Vs \fag = E ag f V = constant f • Speed is adjusted by varying f - maintaining V/f constant to avoid flux saturation • This method is known as Constant V/f (or V/Hz) method INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES Speed Control of IM Variable voltage, variable frequency Constant V/Hz – open-loop Vs Vrated frated f INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES Speed Control of IM Variable voltage, variable frequency Constant V/Hz – open-loop Rectifier 3-phase supply VSI IM C f Ramp s* + V Pulse Width Modulator rate limiter is needed to ensure the slip change within allowable range (e.g. rated value) INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES Speed Control of IM Variable voltage, variable frequency A 4–pole, 3-phase, 50 Hz IM has a rated torque and speed of 20 Nm and 1450 rpm respectively. The motor is supplied by a 3-phase inverter using a constant V/f control method. It is used to drive a load with TL– characteristic given by TL = K2. The load torque demand is such that it equals the rated torque of the motor at the rated motor speed and frequency. i) Find the constant K in the TL– characteristic of the load. ii) What are the synchronous and motor speed at a load torque of 15Nm? INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES Speed Control of IM Variable voltage, variable frequency A 4-pole 3-phase induction motor has the following ratings: 330V, 50Hz, 1450 rpm The motor is fed by a 3-phase VSI with constant V/f control strategy. The input 3-phase voltage to the VSI is 415V. The load which is coupled to the induction motor has a T- ω characteristic given by TL= 0.0015ω2 , such that the motor is operated at its rated speed, when the torque is at its rated value. i) If the motor is operated at 1000 rpm, what should be the applied phase voltage (fundamental amplitude and frequency) fed to the IM? If the speed to be increased to 1600 rpm, what should be the amplitude of the fundamental phase voltage? i) If the starting torque of 60 Nm is required, what should be the amplitude and frequency of the fundamental component initially applied to the induction motor during start-up ?