File - Samantha Ronsick portfolio

Instructional Goal, Performance Objectives, and Tutorial Overview
Samantha Ronsick
March 16, 2015
Professor Christine Nortz
Instructional Goal, Performance Objectives, and Tutorial Overview
Based on the needs analysis for employee accreditation training at University of Phoenix,
the Office of Accreditation has been tasked with creating and implementing a web-based tutorial.
This introductory level training tutorial will help to provide university employees with a
foundation of knowledge on the basics of accreditation as well as minimize accreditation
compliance infractions. For the purposes of this paper, I will define the instructional goal and
corresponding performance objectives and provide a high-level overview of the tutorial.
Instructional Goal
The ‘Orientation to Accreditation’ web-based training tutorial will provide University of
Phoenix employees with a foundation of knowledge on accreditation fundamentals. Upon
completion of the web-based tutorial, employees will be able to distinguish between different
types of accreditation, define accreditation as it relates to higher education institutions, and
identify the appropriate tools and resources available to them at the University of Phoenix.
Performance-Based Objectives
University of Phoenix employees will be tasked with completing the following
performance-based objectives in the ‘Orientation to Accreditation’ web-based training tutorial:
1. Employees will be able to distinguish between different types of accreditation
(institutional, specialized, and national) through comprehensive and interactive online
learning activities. Participants will answer a series of evaluative online questions to
test their knowledge on the required topic areas, achieving a score of 90% or higher in
order to continue in the training tutorial.
2. Employees will be able to analyze and determine correct responses to common
accreditation questions. Participants will observe a series of interactive conversation
scenarios between employees and students and select the appropriate responses or
sources of information to best fit the scenario, achieving a score of 90% or higher in
order to continue in the training tutorial.
3. Employees will be able to identify the appropriate accreditation resources available
to them as well as who to contact for more information with regard to accreditation
questions. Participants will answer a series of evaluative questions to test their
knowledge on the required topic areas, achieving a score of 90% or higher in order to
continue in the training tutorial.
Tutorial Overview
The ‘Orientation to Accreditation’ web-based tutorial will engage participants in a variety
of learning exercises, appealing to a wide range of learning styles and preferences. The target
audience of this training is all University of Phoenix employees. This training will be offered on
an annual basis to all university employees to meet accreditation compliance requirements.
Employees will earn professional development credit for their participation and completion of
the tutorial and required assessment.
Access to the tutorial will require entry of an employee username and password within
the University of Phoenix learning portal. Upon entry, users will be guided to the ‘Home
Navigation Portal’ to access each accreditation subject area within the tutorial for review. Users
will participate in a sequential review of each topic area including a variety of learning exercises
and assessments. Learning exercises will include interactive accreditation conversations, role
play scenarios, links to accreditation resources and job aids, materials for reading and
exploration, and practice quizzes offering formative feedback.
Periodically throughout the web-based training tutorial, opportunities for gathering
formative assessment results will be used to gage learner understanding. Results and feedback
will be provided following the user’s completion of each section in preparation for the end-ofcourse assessment. Once users have successfully completed the tutorial, they will be required to
complete a summative assessment composed of multiple-choice, true-false, matching, and short
answer questions. Participants are required to achieve a score of 90% or higher to pass the test
and receive professional development credits for the training experience.
In conclusion, the ‘Orientation to Accreditation’ web-based tutorial meets a need for
institutionalized accreditation training to educate employees on the topic of accreditation and
minimize employee misrepresentation of information. Through the creation of a defined
instructional goal and corresponding performance objectives, the Office of Accreditation can
work to ensure the web-based tutorial is strategically designed and developed in alignment with
the goals and objectives to help participants meet the required learning outcomes.