2011-12 Battle of the Books

Battle of the Books
It's your worst nightmare or
your favorite secret fantasy:
You and your friends are
suddenly trapped in the
world of a dangerous comic
book adventure. Malice: You
Can't Escape, tells the story
of the reality plunge of Seth,
Kady, and Luke.
It's hard not to notice Terra Cooper.
She's tall, blond, and has an enviable
body. But with one turn of her cheek,
all people notice is her unmistakably
"flawed" face. Terra secretly plans to
leave her stifling small town in the
Northwest and escape to an East
Coast college, but gets pushed offcourse by her controlling father. When
an unexpected collision puts Terra
directly in Jacob's path, the handsome
but quirky Goth boy immediately
challenges her assumptions about
herself and her life, and she is forced in
yet another direction. With her
carefully laid plans disrupted, will Terra
be able to find her true path?
The mysterious Mr. Socrates rescues
Modo, a child in a traveling freak show.
Modo is a hunchback with an amazing
ability to transform his appearance, and
Mr. Socrates raises him in isolation as an
agent for the Permanent Association, a
spy agency behind Brittania’s efforts to
rule the empire. At 14, Modo is left on the
streets of London to fend for himself.
When he encounters Octavia Milkweed,
another Association agent, the two
uncover a plot by the Clockword Guild
behind the murders of important men.
Furthermore, a mad scientist is turning
orphan children into automatons to
further the goals of the Guild. Modo and
Octavia journey deep into the tunnels
under London and discover a terrifying
plot against the British government. It’s up
to them to save their country.
It is the summer of 1950–and at the
once-grand mansion of Buckshaw,
young Flavia de Luce, an aspiring
chemist with a passion for poison, is
intrigued by a series of inexplicable
events: A dead bird is found on the
doorstep, a postage stamp bizarrely
pinned to its beak. Then, hours later,
Flavia finds a man lying in the
cucumber patch and watches him as
he takes his dying breath. For Flavia,
who is both appalled and delighted,
life begins in earnest when murder
comes to Buckshaw. “I wish I could
say I was afraid, but I wasn’t. Quite
the contrary. This was by far the
most interesting thing that had ever
happened to me in my entire life.”
Set in an alternate version of the
First World War, on the eve of
World War I, conflicts in Europe are
coming to a bloody boil. On every
side, governments are frantically
arming themselves with new
weaponry and sorting out likely
friends and foes. On the whole
continent, perhaps the oddest
pairing of all is the makeshift
alliance bred in danger between
Aleksandar Ferdinand, fugitive
prince of the Austro-Hungarian
Empire, and Deryn Sharp, a daring
British airwoman disguised as a
boy. Both have secrets that they
must conceal and now face dangers
of literally global proportions.
When it happened, Miguel was
sent to Juvi. The judge gave him a
year in a group home—said he had
to write in a journal so some
counselor could try to figure out
how he thinks. The judge had no
idea that he actually did Miguel a
favor. Ever since it happened, his
mom can’t even look at him in the
face. Any home besides his would
be a better place to live.
But Miguel didn’t bet on meeting
Rondell or Mong or on any of what
happened after they broke out. He
only thought about Mexico and
getting to the border to where he
could start over. Forget his mom.
Forget his brother. Forget himself.
Life usually doesn’t work out how
you think it will, though. And most
of the time, running away is the
quickest path right back to what
you’re running from.
The world is changing: the
government has seized control of
every aspect of society, and now,
kids are disappearing. For 15-yearold Wisty and her older brother
Whit, life turns upside down when
they are torn from their parents
one night and slammed into a
secret prison for no reason they
can comprehend. The New Order,
as it is known, is clearly trying to
suppress Life, Liberty, and the
Pursuit of Being a Normal
Teenager. But while trapped in this
totalitarian nightmare, Wisty and
Whit discover they have incredible
powers they'd never dreamed of.
Can this newly minted witch and
wizard master their skills in time to
save themselves, their parents-and maybe the world?
Eff was born a thirteenth child.
Her twin brother, Lan, is the
seventh son of a seventh son.
This means he's supposed to
possess amazing talent -- and
she's supposed to bring only
bad things to her family and her
town. Undeterred, her family
moves to the frontier, where
her father will be a professor of
magic at a school perilously
close to the magical divide that
separates settlers from the
beasts of the wild.
There was a curse.
There was a girl.
And in the end, there was a grave.
Lena Duchannes is unlike anyone the
small Southern town of Gatlin has ever
seen, and she's struggling to conceal her
power and a curse that has haunted her
family for generations. But even within
the overgrown gardens, murky swamps
and crumbling graveyards of the
forgotten South, a secret cannot stay
hidden forever.
Ethan Wate, who has been counting the
months until he can escape from Gatlin,
is haunted by dreams of a beautiful girl
he has never met. When Lena moves
into the town's oldest and most
infamous plantation, Ethan is
inexplicably drawn to her and
determined to uncover the connection
between them.
In a town with no surprises, one secret
could change everything.
Grace has spent years watching
the wolves in the woods behind
her house. One yellow-eyed
wolf -- her wolf -- watches back.
He feels deeply familiar to her,
but she doesn't know why. Sam
has lived two lives. As a wolf, he
keeps the silent company of the
girl he loves. And then, for a
short time each year, he is
human, never daring to talk to
Grace . . . until now. For Grace
and Sam, love has always been
at a distance. But once spoken,
it cannot be denied.
For Nora Grey, romance was not part
of the plan. She's never been
particularly attracted to the boys at her
school, no matter how much her best
friend, Vee, pushes them at her. Not
until Patch came along.
Patch seems to be everywhere she is,
and to know more about her than her
closest friends. She can't decide
whether she should fall into his arms or
run and hide. And when she tries to
seek some answers, she finds herself
near a truth that is way more
unsettling than anything Patch makes
her feel.
For Nora is right in the middle of an
ancient battle between the immortal
and those that have fallen - and, when
it comes to choosing sides, the wrong
choice will cost her life.
Strange things are happening
in Skeleton Creek . . . and Ryan
and Sarah are trying to get to
the heart of it. But after an
eerie accident leaves Ryan
housebound and forbidden to
see Sarah, their investigation
takes two tracks: Ryan records
everything in his journal, while
Sarah uses her videocam to
search things out. . .and then
email the clips for Ryan to see.
Rose is one of twelve
princesses forced to
dance through the
night in an
underground palace.
The key to breaking the
spell lies in magic
knitting needles, an
invisibility cloak, and—
of course—true love.
In a single moment,
everything changes.
Seventeen year- old Mia
has no memory of the
accident; she can only
recall riding along the
snow-wet Oregon road
with her family. Then, in
a blink, she finds herself
watching as her own
damaged body is taken
from the wreck...
Auden gets a chance to
recapture the carefree
teen life she missed while
her parents were going
through a divorce when
she goes to spend the
summer with her dad and
his new family in a
charming beach town and
meets fellow insomniac
Eli, an intriguing loner
fighting demons of his
Matt Gratton and his two best
friends, Sean and Coop, always set
themselves a summer-time goal.
This year’s? To see a real-live naked
girl for the first time. As far as Matt
is concerned, they’d have better
luck finding the lost city of Atlantis.
But seeing a girl in the buff starts to
seem like child’s play compared to
the other summertime goal Matt
sets for himself: to swim the 100yard butterfly (the hardest stroke
known to God or man) in order to
impress Kelly West, the hot new
girl. So what if he can’t manage a
single lap, let alone four? He’s got
the whole summer to perfect his
technique. What could possibly go
When Thomas wakes up in the lift, the
only thing he can remember is his first
name. His memory is blank. But he’s not
alone. When the lift’s doors open,
Thomas finds himself surrounded by
kids who welcome him to the Glade—a
large, open expanse surrounded by
stone walls. Just like Thomas, the
Gladers don’t know why or how they
got to the Glade. All they know is that
every morning the stone doors to the
maze that surrounds them have
opened. Every night they’ve closed
tight. And every 30 days a new boy has
been delivered in the lift.
Thomas was expected. But the next
day, a girl is sent up—the first girl to
ever arrive in the Glade. And more
surprising yet is the message she
Thomas might be more important than
he could ever guess. If only he could
unlock the dark secrets buried within his
In Mary's world there are simple
truths. The Sisterhood always knows
best. The Guardians will protect and
serve. The Unconsecrated will never
relent. And you must always mind the
fence that surrounds the village; the
fence that protects the village from
the Forest of Hands and Teeth. But,
slowly, Mary’s truths are failing her.
She’s learning things she never
wanted to know about the Sisterhood
and its secrets, and the Guardians and
their power, and about the
Unconsecrated and their
relentlessness. When the fence is
breached and her world is thrown into
chaos, she must choose between her
village and her future—between the
one she loves and the one who loves
her. And she must face the truth
about the Forest of Hands and Teeth.
Could there be life outside a world
surrounded in so much death?
All 16-year-old Cameron wants is to
get through high school—and life
in general—with a minimum of
effort. It’s not a lot to ask. But
that’s before he’s given some bad
news: he’s sick and he’s going to
die. Which totally sucks. Hope
arrives in the winged form of
Dulcie, a loopy punk angel/possible
hallucination with a bad sugar
habit. She tells Cam there is a
cure—if he’s willing to go in search
of it. With the help of a deathobsessed, video-gaming dwarf and
a yard gnome, Cam sets off on the
mother of all road trips through a
twisted America into the heart of
what matters most.
Furnace Penitentiary is the world’s most
secure prison for young offenders,
buried a mile beneath the earth’s
surface. Alex Sawyer is the “new fish.”
Convicted of a murder he didn’t
commit, sentenced to life without
parole, he knows he has two choices:
find a way out, or resign himself to
death in the darkness at the bottom of
the world. Except in Furnace, death is
the least of his worries. The prison is a
place of pure evil, where inhuman
creatures in gas masks stalk the
corridors at night, where giants in black
suits drag screaming inmates into the
shadows, where deformed beasts can
be heard howling from the blooddrenched tunnels below.
Escape is Alex’s only option. But it’s not
just about saving his own skin. The
more he discovers, the more he
understands that he is going to have to
do whatever it takes to expose this
nightmare hidden from the eyes of the
These are the secrets I have kept. This is the
trust I never betrayed. But he is dead now
and has been for nearly ninety years, the
one who gave me his trust, the one for
whom I kept these secrets. The one who
saved me . . . and the one who cursed me.
So starts the diary of Will Henry,
orphan and assistant to a doctor with a
most unusual specialty: monster
hunting. In the short time he has lived
with the doctor, Will has grown
accustomed to his late night callers and
dangerous business. But when one
visitor comes with the body of a young
girl and the monster that was feeding
on her, Will's world is about to change
forever. The doctor has discovered a
baby Anthropophagi--a headless
monster that feeds through the
mouthfuls of teeth in its chest--and it
signals a growing number of
Anthropophagi. Now, Will and the
doctor must face the horror
threatening to overtake and consume
our world before it is too late.
Growing up in a world of wealth
and pastel-tinted entitlement,
fifteen-year-old Carly has always
relied on the constancy - and
authenticity - of her sister, Anna.
But when fourteen-year-old Anna
turns plastic-perfect-pretty over
the course of a single summer,
everything starts to change. And
there are boys involved,
complicating things as boys always
do. With warmth, insight, and an
unparalleled gift for finding humor
even in stormy situations, the story
dives into the tumultuous waters
of sisterhood and shows that even
very different sisters can learn to
help each other stay afloat.
Think vampires are romantic, sexy, and
powerful? Think again. Vampires are
dead. And unless they want to end up
staked, they have to give up fanging
people, admit their addiction, join a
support group, and reform themselves.
Nina Harrison, fanged at fifteen and
still living with her mother, hates the
Reformed Vampire Support Group
meetings every Tuesday night. Even if
she does appreciate Dave, who was in
a punk band when he was alive,
nothing exciting ever happens. That is,
until one of group members is
mysteriously destroyed by a silver
bullet. With Nina (determined to prove
that vamps aren't useless or weak) and
Dave (secretly in love with Nina) at the
helm, the misfit vampires soon band
together to track down the hunter,
save a werewolf, and keep the world
safe from the likes of themselves.