Welcome to our Solar System! Today we are going on a scavenger hunt to learn the basic parts that make up our Solar System including the nine planets and our largest star the sun. Follow the links next to the pictures of each planet by holding down the CTRL key and clicking on the blue link. Let’s begin at the largest star: THE SUN: http://www.ducksters.com/science/sun.php 1. How many of the planets in our solar system orbit around the sun? 2. The sun is located where in our solar system? Now let’s take a look at the next planet closest to the sun: MERCURY: http://www.factsmonk.com/mercury_facts_kids 3. How many moons does Mercury have? 4. During the day, what is the average temperature of Mercury? During the night? In Roman mythology the planet Venus was known as the goddess of love and beauty. VENUS http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rlz=1R2ADRA_enUS351 &q=facts+about+venus+for+kids&aq=f&oq=&aqi 5. Why is it difficult for modern science to study the planet Venus? 6. Why is Venus known as the “Sister Planet” to Earth? Which planet is “evil”? The next planet we are very familiar with and is a place we like to call home. EARTH http://www.frontiernet.net/~kidpower/earth.html 7. How many year(s) does it take for Earth to orbit the sun? 8. How long does it take the planet to rotate a full turn on its axis (tilted side)? This planet is known as the Red Planet and similar to Earth. MARS http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/profile.cfm?Object=Mars&Displ ay=Kids 9. How many seasons does Mars have? How long do they last compared to Earth’s seasons? 10. Humans have never walked Earth’s surface but recently scientists have sent out robot geologists to look for what on Mars? The planet fifth from our sun and largest of the nine planets is JUPITER http://kids.nineplanets.org/jupiter.htm 11. What kind of surface does Jupiter have? Is it a solid, liquid, or gas? 12. What is Jupiter’s Great Red Spot? This planet is famous for its rings which sit tilted on its side. SATURN http://www.kidscosmos.org/kid-stuff/saturnfacts.html 13. What are Saturn’s rings made out of? 14. How many moons does Saturn have that we know of today? The next planet is very unusual and sits on its side. URANUS http://coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu/cosmic_kids/AskKids/uranus.sht ml 15. Is Uranus really tiled on its side? Why do astronomers think that? 16. Why is Uranus blue? We are familiar with the name of this next planet, which originally came from Roman Mythology God of the Sea. NEPTUNE http://www.astronomy-for-kidsonline.com/planetneptune.html 17. How big was the ‘massive’ storm that scientist found on Neptune? What did they name the storm? 18. Neptune looks like the twin on which planet? The last and smallest planet in our Solar System is PLUTO http://www.kidsastronomy.com/pluto.htm 19. Why did scientist change Pluto from being a planet to a dwarf planet? 20. Why is Pluto and its moon Charon called a double system? Our solar system has recently changed from nine planets to eight because of Pluto’s small size. Here is a picture of all the planets together in alignment with the sun! Which planet is your favorite?