Revised 3/22/2016 POST-AUCTION: BUYER’S VESTING & CONTRACTS Without Exceptions, the following must be upheld: - Buyer’s MUST be vetted by Call Center Team, and approved with On-Boarding Team before auction, for offer(s) to be considered Buyer’s vesting entity must be APPROVED before auction (all required documents must be received for vesting entities that Buyer may wish to purchase under) Buyer’s Agent must be APPROVED before auction (documents saved w/Buyer’s Bidder profile in Acquire) Once the property contract has been drawn, there shall be NO CHANGES made! Contract must be signed within 24 hours upon receiving the envelope from DocuSign. If contract is not completed, the Buyer’s offer will be rescinded. Once the High Bidder is confirmed, as per the “round up report”, On-boarding Team will be responsible to provide the Buyer’s Vesting information for the contracts. Once this information is provided, Contracts Team will draw the purchase agreement exactly as provided, and send to Buyer for signature via Docusign. Confirming Buyer’s vesting for contracts Buyer must provide the On-boarding Team with the required documents (as outlined below), and contract information at the time vesting is confirmed. This includes, but is not limited to: Buyer’s Agent, Buyer’s Choice Closing, Buyer’s Choice Title, and vesting entity. 1. Vesting Name: Genesis must have the Buyer’s vesting entity documents, in order to draw contracts under the Buyer’s desired vesting. Documents needed are dependent on the entity type that Buyer chooses to purchase under. Entity Buyer Type Corporation Definition and Requirements The most common form of business organization; it is a legal entity which is separate and distinct from its shareholders, who are typically shielded from personal liability for the corporation’s liabilities and debts The following documents are required: · Copy of Articles of Incorporation · List of Shareholders and Officers · Proof of Buyer’s connection to Corporation A type of company, authorized only in certain states, whose owners (aka members) have limited personal liability for the debts and actions of the company. The structure allows small business to gain benefits of corporations while retaining the small business model. Limited Liability Company (LLC) · For both single member and multiple member LLC’s, documentation review must include Articles of Organization or State equivalent AND one of the following: · Operating Agreement, Company Agreement or equivalent document; The agreement provided by the LLC must contain: name of the LLC, names of all members and managers, and who is authorized to sign on behalf of the LLC OR 1|P a g e Revised 3/22/2016 Partnership · The LLC must provide a document signed by all members and managers of the LLC that contains the name of the LLC, names of all members and managers, and who is authorized to sign on behalf of the LLC. A partnership is business enterprise owned by one or more persons and not organized as a corporation. Typically, the partners contribute property, knowledge or activities and share its profit, as specified in a partnership agreement. The following documents are required: Copy of the Partnership Agreement Sole proprietorship Bylaws and/or Operating Agreement naming the sole proprietor. A legal arrangement in which an individual (the grantor) gives fiduciary control of property to a person or institution (the trustee) for the benefit of beneficiaries. Trust The following documents are required: Copy of the trust document is required and includes names of Trustee and Beneficiaries in the event of Trustee’s death and any assignments of the Beneficial interest in the trust. 2. Signer First & Last Name: The individual(s) signing the purchase agreement. a. If the Vesting is a corporation, the signer must be listed as a shareholder/officer within the Articles of Incorporation, or Operating agreement. The name of the signer needs to be written exactly as shown on the entity/operating document(s) provided by the Buyer. i. Example: Operating Agreement shows “John S. Smith” as the managing member, the signer must be “John S. Smith”, not “John Smith” 3. Buyer’s Contact Information: If Buyer’s contact is different than the signer, provide the Contact individual’s name & Email address a. Email Address: this is the email address where the signer will receive the DocuSign contract for signature. If there are more than two signers, please provide both email addresses b. If contract is not signed within 24 hours upon receipt, the Buyer’s offer will be rescinded. 4. Buyer’s Agent: Buyer’s agent must be an approved/verified Genesis Broker Agent. Buyer’s agent will only receive a referral fee if the form is submitted/completed along with the necessary documents at least 24 hours prior to the auction closing. The following information needs to be provided in order for the agent to receive a referral fee: a. Buyer’s Agent Broker Company; Agent Name; Agent Phone; Agent Email; Agent Address b. Referral Fee % and $Amount The referral fee is always 20 % of the Genesis Buyer’s premium, unless otherwise approved by Genesis management c. Buyer’s Agent is required to sign the DocuSign contract. Once Buyer has completed his signature, the agent will then be queued to sign the contract. If contract is not signed within 24 hours upon receipt, the Buyer’s offer will be rescinded. 5. Buyer’s Choice Closing & Title Company: In the event that the Buyer elects to designate their own Closing/Title company for the auction property, the following must be provided at the time vesting is confirmed: a. Company Name; Company Address; Contact Name; Contact Email; Contact Phone 2|P a g e Revised 3/22/2016 Submitting Buyer’s Vesting for Contracts: Data Requirements for the Master Vesting Template 1. Send data to Contracts Team to draw/send contract(s) to Buyer(s). You must use the template provided and ensure that the data is completed with the information available in Acquire. 3|P a g e