Group 6 Operating Agreement Team Members & Roles: Ashley Hughes-Project Manager Austin Chiluski-Research Manger Derek Wiley-Formal Report Manager Jessica Brown-Webpage Manager Taylor Carlberg-Presentation Manager Mission Statement: As a company, Consulteestadors, Inc. has adopted a mission to not only thoroughly answer all questions of our clients, but to also extend said clients’ knowledge of data mining and warehousing in order to augment their company business practices. Assignment Objective: As a team, our objective is to fully complete the assignment in the hopes of accomplishing the same objectives an actual consulting company would. We plan on accomplishing this by completing an efficient amount of research into the topic of data mining. The research will involve finding out exactly what data mining is, is used for, and concerns about it. All of these topics will be researched in the context of businesses. After we complete our research, we will generate a report, website, and video presentation to publicize our findings. All of us have completed research assignments before, but this one asks us to present in a business format the results. As we complete the assignment, we will keep the following concepts in mind: Purpose: develop communication skills related to business practices Meaning to team: generate a know how so that we can use the skills learned from this assignment in future career practices Interpretation of instructions: research data mining in a business context in order to generate a formal report, website, and oral presentation We will research (all in a context related to business) o Data mining definition o Data mining uses o Data mining abuses o Data mining concerns Presentation of Findings: o Formal Report o Website o Video Presentation Equipment Needed: o Computer o Internet o Student website server o Video camera o Video editing program o Group Participation Preparation and Quality: Quality, according to Google is “the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something” and/or “a distinctive attribute or characteristic possessed by someone or something.” A quality submission should have all the required elements, it should go into depth for each part, and include all correct information. The submission must be neat and organized, and there should be obvious effort that was put into it. A submission should be reviewed by the team at least two classes before it is due, to ensure that it includes all the necessary parts and is up to standard with the project. The team should occasionally look at works in progress to make sure we are all on the same page. Also if a team member has questions about his/her part, then the team can also look at works in progress to help out. Best versions of the submission should also be looked at carefully before submitting. Decision Making: As a group, there will be many important decisions that will need to be pertinent to success. Considering that our team members will be dedicating a lot of time and energy to this project as well as others, it is important to us to collectively make decisions that will lead our group to great success in hopes of getting a good grade. Our team has brought our ideas together and decided upon using a democratic process to figuring out different decisions. This is very important to our success as working together is a key part of this project. Without a properly functioning team, we are setting ourselves up for failure. Upon deciding on a consensus/ democratic process, we have deemed that although choices will be made collectively, team roles will have a big impact on what way our votes sway. As the team member assigned to a certain topic, we expect them to have great knowledge on their particular field which will help in finding the best path to take. After meeting together and listening to the team member responsible for that certain area, their thoughts on the best actions in their role areas will be taken into consideration by all team members to ultimately decide with a collective vote among the group. The choice will be decided with a majority rules process and will help to keep our group working as functionally as possible. Work Breakdown Structure: PROJECT REQUIREMENTS Our team has been instructed to design a software consulting website. This part of our project should be accomplished fairly easily although it takes the effort of each individual to create a single team group page. After already completing a web page earlier in the semester, each of our team members should have decent experience as well as a firm grasp of the concept than earlier this year. If any member begins to struggle in this part of the project other members should advise the struggling member to help achieve maximum accuracy and thoroughness for the web page task. Creating a personal biography and a description of ones work experience should be of low difficulty as opposed to linking and posting the web pages collectively which should be low to moderate difficulty. A team member’s description of their group role should be an easy task. Every member should know their role and should be able to talk about their position comfortably amongst their peers. As for the consulting firms name and logo we will meet and discuss the possible choices in class. This part should be decided very quickly, but we will need full cooperation with all members. Photos of yourself for the individual/team web page should be easily accessed and not present a problem due to the fact that all members have Facebook. If they do not have a presentable photograph already another member will make time to assist the individual without one and produce an acceptable photo that meets group standards. For the Operating Agreement assignment everyone in our team should already know their roles for completing the task. We have distributed parts of this Operating Agreement using the point system. Every member is responsible for a minimum of 5 points and a maximum of completing 15 points. Finding three research websites that provide the best information about data mining and warehousing should be a quick task. For this part I’ll recommend using Google scholar or Galileo. Once everyone has access to these sites, finding credible information pertaining to the topics will not be a problem. Kennesaw State University regularly provides the password to Galileo to ensure an ease of access. If a team member struggles with this assignment we will help each other out. ROLES When we assigned project roles to the team members we based the roles on strengths and weaknesses of the member compared to a role. For the Project manager role we elected Ashley Hughes. Ashley is a great communicator and utilizes e-mail and her phone to make sure everyone is aware of their responsibilities. There has already been a meeting time and schedule standard established by her. Ashley has already taken full initiative in making sure all members are aware of their responsibilities and has worked diligently on completing the Operating Agreement. For the Web Manager role we elected Jessica Brown. Jessica let her skills required for this role known to other members. She has worked on designing web pages before. The web page layout should be accomplished by her quite easily and with little to no obstacles. If she finds herself in a jam, Ashley has expressed her ability to assist Jessica when need be. Jessica already knows how and where to find a web page template with which to work. Once this is created all members will meet with her simultaneously and begin working on our own web pages with the same layout that Jessica has provided. The Research Coordinator responsibility was accepted by Austin. This job requires extensive online and library research to provide the highest grade of research that is up to par with group standards. Austin will be in charge of making sure that all resources are credible and relevant to the assignment. If a team member submits work to me that is an unacceptable resource he will have to make adjustments to their work and spend time to find a more appropriate alternative. Austin’s work will mostly be conducted at the university’s library or at home. All members must do their own research ultimately but can seek council if need be. At the end of a member’s research Austin will check the authenticity of their citations and references to ensure a maximum output of credibility. Our Presentation Coordinator is Taylor. His role is to choose when and where we will film for our research presentation. Taylor is also involved in the editing of the presentation. This role will require Taylor to express his role as a group leader. All group members are already aware that they must take part in the filming presentation and have their own original speaking roles. The formal report is a major part of the whole team assignment. We needed someone who is good with Microsoft Word and can communicate well amongst the Research Coordinator. Derek was chosen for this role. Creating an outline with research provided by Austin will be one of the first priorities taken by Derek. The Research Coordinator must provide Derek with all the information that he needs and will work with him as much as he can to ensure team success. The Formal Report Coordinator will also be putting together sections of the written report submitted by other team members. Being strong communicator and talented report manager, Derek holds this role. Attendance Policy/ Schedule: Based on the free time of each member, we have collectively decided that Monday and Wednesdays will be our meeting days. On these days, we will meet between three to five o’clock depending on how much needs to get done. At the very least we will meet on one of those days for at least thirty minutes to catch up and bring all of our research together. Along with these meeting times outside of school, our team will use our in class time wisely to gain an advantage with this little bit of extra time. As this project can mostly be done by ourselves, we plan to use most of our free time to work on our assigned topics. Since we will be working very hard on this project, we feel that every team member should have equal contributions and no room for slackers will be tolerated. On our assigned meeting days we will all be present with reasonable excuses acceptable. All team members will be held accountable and if slacking is present, the teacher will be notified or these actions will be presented on our team member analysis worksheet. As a group, we have decided to set a strict guideline on all of the due dates along with due dates assigned by the teacher. To use our time effectively, at least one to two class days prior to class due dates, all members will turn in their independent work to the team member in charge of that particular that role. This will be done to give the role member responsible proper time to revise and put the work together as they see fit. After this process, before the due date our group will meet and go over the project to make any further corrections that are needed. This team work will effectively put our team in properly functioning roles and ease the process of turning in our assignments. Each section of the assignment is due to the related manager one week before the assignment is due. Then, the related manager must have the final draft finished by the class before the due date so that the team can look over it together and make suggestions/changes as needed. The internal and overall due dates for each assignment are as follows: Assignment Date due to Manager Date due to Team Date due to Professor Webpage Sunday, October 20th Friday, October 25th Team Progress Report Sunday, November 3rd Partner Team Submission Sunday, November 10th Wednesday, October 23rd Wednesday, November 6th Wednesday, November 13th Partner Team Review Weekend of November 16th (group effort-we will split sections to review) Formal Report Wednesday, November 13th Wednesday, November 27th (have script ready by this date) Presentation Weekend of November 16th (we will get together and revise/go over revisions as a group) Sunday, November 17th Friday, November 29th (we need to record the weekend of this date) Friday, November 8th Friday, November 15th (our copy due to partner-team 15) Monday, November 18th (team’s revised copy due to partnerteam 15) Wednesday, November 20th Wednesday, December 4th Non Performance: While working on the project, we understand that everyone has other obligations and other things going on in their lives. For this project, we need everyone’s contributions and attention to their parts as well as others. If no effort is given from a team member or if communication is lost between someone on the team, we will send out and email/text first just to get in touch and see if they are still in class/still a part of the project. If we still haven’t heard anything, we will send out another email including Professor Perry, and after that if there is still no response, we will ask to have that team member removed from the group. If a team member stays in communication but just doesn’t meet the standards of completing the assignments or their quality of work isn’t up to par with everyone else’s, we will politely tell them that we need more effort and help them if they need it. If the effort is still missing, then we will try to distribute the unfinished parts or the part of the project that still needs work to the other team mates and give that person a lower score on the team member rating at the end of the project. Positive/Negative reinforcement will be used throughout the project. If a team member is active, turns in their assignments and is helpful throughout the project, we will do our best to acknowledge it and praise it the best we way we can. If a team member is not active or is turning in unfinished/under-par work then we will let them know we need more effort or their team member rating will be lower. We will do this so it is not a shock to them in the end when they get a lower score.