Famous Person Powerpoint

Famous Person PowerPoint
You will be designing a PowerPoint presentation of a famous person in world
history that shows your understanding of the impact this person made.
ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How did (enter the selected famous person) influence his or
her society? (You should alter this question to fit the appropriate historical context)
Your presentation must contain:
a. Historical Context - The date as well as what is going on during that time
b. The place (country) the person is from or is connected with
c. What is the background of this person in relevance to what they
accomplished – It might be important to mention their values, education,
religion, profession etc
Why is this person in the history books? What did they accomplish?
What are some famous remarks / written words of this person?
Did they ever write a book? If so, what was it and what was it about?
How did they make an impact on their country or the world?
How is this person connected to the larger picture, why is this person still
exciting? Why do we still learn about this historical figure?
a. Explain how successful they were in this accomplishment
b. Finish the sentence: If x was alive today, (s)he would….
Beyond the above content your power point must contain:
1. An image of your person (this can be a photo, painting, sculpture, etc.)
2. Three short quotes – that capture who the person is – make sure that after each
quote you explain its meaning in your own words
Website used for this assignment: http://backend.teachingmatters.org
PowerPoint requirements:
1. At least 15 slides (including title and works cited page)
2. Title page created in Photoshop (Save for web before inserting into
3. Table of contents slide
4. Action button on every slide to return to the table of contents
5. At least 7 images
6. Last slide should be a works cited page.
7. Custom Animation on every slide (Slideshow – custom animation)
8. Slide Transitions on every slide (Slideshow – slide transitions)
Power Point Suggestions:
Research your person on the computer
Outline the content for your slides on paper
3- When creating your power point – Remember that background color is
important and subliminal – they should not be all one color, try to think about an
essay – each new paragraph is indented, or an outline – each section gets a new
roman numeral, same is applied to power point – Every time there is a new
category you are addressing – the color of the background should change
4- KISS –otherwise known as Keep it Simple Silly –Less is better – There
should not be that much text on a page – otherwise when you present you will be
reading it and not presenting it.
5- Keep your font simple as well. Make it easy to read and make sure the color
contrasts with the background so that it is easy to read
6- Stay away from the fancy flying words – they detract from your presentation
– people are too busy admiring the spiraling effect and they are not focusing on
your point.
Website used for this assignment: http://backend.teachingmatters.org