DIRECTIONS: For this assignment, you can work individually OR pair up with one other
student in the class. You must pick a dictator from either current times or times past. You must
choose from the list of dictators included in these instructions. There will be NO REPEATS.
We do not want to be repeating information over and over again to the class. Once you have
your dictator, you must prepare a 5-minute presentation about your dictator. The presentation
will have the following elements:
Written Section - Background information about your dictator. MUST BE TYPED. For
each question, you must expand your answer:
o When/where was your dictator born? (5 points)
o What type of family was your dictator born into? (5 points)
o What was going in the world during that time? (10 points)
o How did your dictator rise to power? (15 points)
o How long did your dictator rule? (5 points)
o What were some of the laws/policies/acts that your dictator put into effect?
(15 points)
o What would you say is the biggest event that occurred due to your dictator?
(15 points)
o How did your dictator lose power? (10 points)
o When/how did your dictator die? (10 points)
o At LEAST one other interesting fact about your dictator. (10 pts.)
***Your visual aid should display MOST or ALL of the information included in your
Written Section
Works Cited (15 points): For this portion you need to have 2 sources listed in MLA
format. Refer to your CAHSEE notes to help you with how it should look!!!
Visual Aid (30 points)—The visual aid may be a tri-fold posterboard or PowerPoint
presentation that teaches the class about your dictator. It should include all or most of the
information you are going to be researching.
Presentation Criteria:
o Speaks clearly so the class can understand (10 points)
o Maintains eye contact with the class (5 points)
Prepared Persuasive Speech (40 points) – Imagine your dictator has suddenly been placed
in a democratic election. You need to write a speech from the point of view of a concerned
voter who either wants the dictator to be re-elected or someone who is extremely opposed
to the dictator staying in power. This speech needs to show evidence to support your claim
and use at least 3 of the persuasive techniques that have been discussed in your English
class. Possible techniques include:
Total Project Points: _______ pts.
Project DUE date:
Next class period, there will be a DICTATOR DRAFT. You will be able to choose which dictator you are
going to be doing your project on based on the order in which your name is called. Dictators to choose
Kim Jong-Il
Fidel Castro
Joseph Stalin
Mao Zedong
Vladimir Lenin
Pol Pot
King Leopold II
Saddam Hussein
Czar Nicholas II
Anwar Sadat
Gamal Abdel Nasser
Idi Amin
Adolf Hitler
Robert Mugabe
Hosni Mubarak
Paul Kagame
Porfirio Diaz
Augusto Pinochet
Raul Castro
Napoleon Bonaparte
Francisco Franco
Peter the Great
Mommar Khadafi
Marc Antony
Ferdinand Marcos
Benito Mussolini
Joseph Tito
Ayatollah Khomeini
Juan Peron
Hugo Chavez
Slobodan Milosevic
Omar al-Bashir