Cultural Heritage, Leadership, and Community Service


Chrystal Thornton

Cultural Heritage, Leadership, and Community Service

Community Reinvestment

American Express

American Express recognizes the importance of giving back to their community as part of their charge to contribute to the sustainability of our society. Their Corporate Responsibility arm is focused on supporting diverse communities through visionary nonprofits working in the company’s three main areas of focus: Cultural Heritage, Leadership, and Community Service.

Regarding Cultural Heritage, American Express looks for companies that preserve of highlight important cultural works and historical sites. In terms of Leadership, American Express looks for nonprofits leading the arts, environment, higher education, and social service sectors. Lastly, the company supports organizations that cultivate opportunities for social service for their employees and the community.

Facilities sustainability

Managing environmental footprint

State Street

As a result of the companies’ products and services, State Street has very little impact on the environment. Yet the company is aware that their extensive use of travel is its most detrimental effect on the environment. State Street has taken a systematic approach to raising awareness within their company and community. In 2006, the company developed their Environmental

Management System manual that explains their impact on the environment. The manual provides a mean for all offices throughout the country to manage their environmental impact.

In addition, the manual outlines goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the amount of fossil fuels burned, and to increase current recycling programs.

Green building policies

CB Richard Ellis Group

CB Richard Ellis Group is not new to the idea of sustainability. The company has long been a supporter of philanthropic causes in their community and diversity and inclusion initiatives. Yet,

as the world’s largest real estate services firm the company recognizes its ability to influence

“green” building policies, processes and procedures.


Cultural Heritage, Leadership, and Community Service

Social Finance

Morgan Stanley

Morgan Stanley’s social finance effort leverages its core skills – financial analysis, capital markets intermediation and strategic advisory - and supports clients that produce commercial and social returns, such as microfinance institutions and other “bottom of the pyramid” actors. To date,

Morgan Stanley has intermediated over $250 million of capital to microfinance institutions.


Community Reinvestment

Morgan Stanley provides financial support to innovations in pediatric care; it has enjoyed a successful 30-year relationship with the Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital of New York

Presbyterian, helping to improve medical research and treatment for children in the greater

New York area.


Morgan Stanley focuses on creating and preserving affordable housing, and promoting economic development and opportunity for individuals and neighborhoods in need. Its

Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) strategy emphasizes a double bottom-line approach to community development, taking up initiatives that not only are responsive to community needs but also reflect a profitable and sustainable business model designed to ensure a continued flow of capital for community investment.

3 An example, Artspace Commons, is an affordable, mixeduse project located on a former brown-field site and is the first LEED-certified affordable housing project in Utah.


Goldman Sachs’ ’10,000 Small Businesses’ initiative is a $500 million investment to help create jobs and economic opportunity in the United States. It aims to unlock the growth and job-





creation potential of 10,000 small businesses through greater access to business education, mentors, and networks, and financial capital.


Goldman Sachs’ Community TeamWorks volunteer program allows its employees time away from work to volunteer with a nonprofit organization, and has contributed nearly 134,247 hours to the communities over the past 13 years.


Goldman Sachs also has provided over $114 million since 1999 towards promoting excellence and innovation in education worldwide.


Diversity of employees

Morgan Stanley pursues diversity in every aspect of its business, seeking out women- and minority-owned companies that can meet its business needs. Since 2000, Morgan Stanley has spent, on an average, $137.6 million every year with women- and minority-owned firms.

8 Various magazines and organizations have named Morgan Stanley as one of the top ten preferred employers for women and minority groups. It has consistently been recognized for its commitment to the success of women’s business enterprises.


Goldman Sachs’ “10,000 Women” initiative is a five-year investment to provide 10,000 underserved women around the world with a business and management education, and operates through a network of more than 70 academic and non-profit partners to develop locally relevant coursework for students and to improve the quality and capacity of business education.


Goldman Sachs’ “Supplier Diversity Program” provides minority-owned, women-owned, and service-disabled veteran-owned businesses with the opportunity to compete on a fair and equal basis for Goldman Sachs’ business, and more importantly, giving these businesses the opportunity to expand and grow.

Goldman Sachs has been named as one of the best companies to work in.

o Safe workplace o Higher Education

Morgan Stanley supports and encourages its employees’ desire to pursue formal education through its tuition reimbursement program.









P roduct sustainability

Financing and trading environmental products

Morgan Stanley is one of the most active traders of environmental commodities, Including

European Union Allowances, Verified Emission Reductions, Renewable Energy Certificates and sulfur dioxide. Through its Carbon Offsetting Service, it assists client seeking to become carbon neutral.


Goldman Sachs is committed to act as a market maker in emissions trading (carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide), weather derivatives, renewable energy credits, and other climate related commodities.

Financing of large-scale alternate energy power projects (wind, solar, geothermal)

Morgan Stanley has partnered with the State of California and business and local communitybased organizations to fund solar systems in affordable housing properties in Orange County,



As of EoY2008, Morgan Stanley had over $2 billion invested in such projects throughout t he United States.

In 2008, Morgan Stanley acquired a minority stake in NGEN Partners LLC, a venture capital firm that invests in companies focusing on clean technologies.

Goldman Sachs intends to be a leading U.S. wind energy developer and generator through its recently acquired subsidiary, Horizon Wind Energy, and will make available up to $1 billion to invest in renewable energy and energy efficiency projects.


Explicit restrictions on investing or financing ventures that might adversely affect the environment

Goldman Sachs is committed to adopting explicit prohibitions against financing or investing in industrial activity or projects that could convert or degrade a critical natural habitat. It is also committed to finance preservation and light, non-extractive use of forest resources.

It is dedicated to not financing companies or projects colluding with or knowingly engaged in illegal logging or that contravene international environmental agreements.




, pg 4

Facilities sustainability

Managing environmental footprint

Morgan Stanley tracks energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions at our largest office facilities (totaling approximately 7 million square feet) and has committed to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions by 7-10% by 2012, using a 2006 baseline.


Goldman Sachs plans to reduce its indirect greenhouse gas emissions by 7% from its leased and owned offices by 2012, using a 2005 baseline.

16 o Workplace energy conservation

Morgan Stanley’s initiatives include

Installing high efficiency chiller and thermal ice-storage systems, reducing peak energy consumption and permanently shifting peak cooling loads from on-peak hours to off-peak hours.

Purchasing “green” electricity for their London properties, totaling over 125 million kwh per year and avoiding more than 34,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.

Charles Schwab is committed to energy savings in the workplace wherever possible, such as office printing and office lighting.

Recycling and reuse

Goldman Sachs aims to increase its use of recycled and environmentally certified wood, paper and print product, use energy efficient equipment and purchase more organic and sustainably harvested products and supplies.

Charles S chwab’s correspondence with its clients, shareholders and employees is done wherever feasible using recycled paper, and it also encourages recycling its electronics, furniture, and computer equipments.

Paperless work environment

Charles Schwab is committed to a paperless work environment for employees, to promote environmental consciousness, cost reductions, and more streamlined on-line access to documents. Incentives to employees to use public transport, carpools, biking, tele-work opportunities (to reduce employee commuting impact)



, pg 3

Charles Schwab’s Commuter Tax Savings Plan allows employees to pay for public transportation using pre-tax dollars; it also has a Trip Reduction Program to discourage individual car use and to encourage employees’ use of alternate modes of transportation. 17

Green Buildings (facilities)

Morgan Stanley has received U.S. Green Building Council Leadership in Energy and

Environmental Design (LEED) certification for six of its office spaces and call centers in New

York, Ohio, Utah, and Sao Paulo.

Charles Schwab works with property owners and landlords to make its San Francisco buildings

“green” up to and including qualification by the LEED system.

Green building policies

Morgan Stanley makes investments in real estate properties that dedicate land to environmentally sustainable practices and are recognized for environmental efficiency; it has received green building certificates for properties in the Morgan Stanley real estate portfolio across the globe.

Goldman Sachs is committed to developing uniform green building standards for use in the construction and major renovation of their facilities, with LEED Gold certification as the ultimate goal.



Cultural Heritage, Leadership, and Community Service

Western Union – owing to its international scope, Western Union established a foundation in

2001 that set out to benefit the many countries it is involved in. From disaster relief in Asia to job transition programs in Toronto, Canada to educational initiatives in Africa, the Western

Union Foundation has donated over $53 million to 1,800 non-governmental organizations in over 100 countries. In addition to corporate donations, Western Union employees also contribute their time and resources. In 2009, one third of Western Union employees across 41 countries raised a total of $1.2 million, and Western Union began a partnership with Volunteer

Match to help employees find local, year-round opportunities to volunteer. As Western Union continues to define itself in the marketplace, the black-and-yellow logo is making a strong impact in the local and world communities.

Visa – Like other companies in the financial service sector, Visa makes donations to humanitarian organizations both at home and abroad. Disaster relief is a particular focus of

Visa’s. Through contributions to Oxfam and Red Cross, Visa has contributed to victims of cyclones, earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis worldwide – but not all of their contributions go to big name efforts. Visa’s contributions to the local San Francisco Bay Area community demonstrate their efforts to impact those in their own back yard as well.

Ameriprise – **

Product Sustainability

Western Union – since the company does not “manufacture goods… and payment services are performed electronically,” Western Union does not “have a substantial impact on the environment” through its product offerings.

Visa – Like other financial service companies, Visa’s products have little environmental impact.

However, Visa still takes steps to benefit the environment in new ways, and in 2010 bought the carbon offset credits for the Winter Olympics in Vancouver, BC.

Ameriprise –**

Facilities Sustainability

Western Union – With 400,000 agents spread across 200 countries, Western Union can hardly claim to need a sprawling central office to conduct business. Western Union claims to own only

Ameriprise –** three facilities to house the 6,800 support personnel for their field agents, and also leases a few buildings. Within these corporate offices, Western Union has embraced a

Reduce/Recycle/Reuse policy and has gone to some lengths to lower energy usage, save water, recycle and use less paper, and encourage their employees to be environmentally conscious.

Abroad, their local agents “put [their] services in close proximity to many of [their] consumers, alleviating the need for most to travel long distances to complete their transactions, and thereby minimizing greenhouse emissions.” Only Kermit is more naturally green.

Visa – Awarded the Energy Star designation by the EPA for all of their buildings in California and

Denver, Visa is starting to take an environmentally responsible attitude toward their offices.

Already Visa has initiated getting their vendors to commit to environmental sustainability as well as recycling and minimizing their paper usage. But while it seems that Visa is doing the best that it can with the environmental impact of their offices right now, Visa also has several sustainability initiatives in the works.

Katie Davies

In the financial sector, a financial company does not have the same impact on the environment, as say, a manufacturing company. Nonetheless, many firms have made great strides in limiting the negative impact they have on the environment. They do this primarily through the reduction of waste, such as energy and disposable materials, both in their own offices, with their partners, and through initiatives with their customers.

Product sustainability

Financing and trading environmental products

BNY Mellon is working closely with suppliers to reduce their impact on the planet through by purchasing and utilizing products and services that reduce harm to the environment. They conduct research that aids them in the development of green investments. To support this venture, they are planning to develop an extensive multimedia marketing plan for employee and client engagement. Similarly,

Capital One offers green products by promoting online acquisition to encourage customers to transition from paper to electronic statements and bill payment.

Facilities sustainability

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

To most positively impact the environment, a company wants to focus first on reduction of resources, reusing the materials at its disposal, and lastly recycle.

Each of the companies examined noted the importance of waste reduction (Franklin Resources,

BNY Mellon, Capital One). This means that companies strive to “go paperless”. Last year,

Capital One established a “Paper Procurement Policy” which included goals to increase the percentage of post-consumer waste. Capital one does this by printing duplex to paperless and by having virtual meetings. BNY Mellon is committed to decreasing paper use and increasing sourcing of post-consumer recycled products. Capital One set a target last year, approved by the

EPA, to reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by 10% over the next five years. This is a part of the EPA's “Climate Leader Program”, which helps companies develop greenhouse gas inventories and aggressive reduction targets.

Franklin Resources speaks about reusing natural resources applies its commitment to reduce, reuse, recycle in all of its operations, including in the cafeterias, work areas, and in the surrounding community. Capital One’s recycling program goes so far as to cover electronic assets, glass, paper, plastic and aluminum.

Employee education is a big part of the financial industry’s sustainability. Knowing this, BNY

Mellon has created educational programs for employees to positively impact the environment.

Incentives to employees to use public transport, carpools, biking, tele-work opportunities

(to reduce employee commuting impact)

Capital One has “Flexible Work Solutions” that let employees work remotely, telecommute or adjust their work schedule to avoid rush-hour and higher emission travel times. Capital One also promotes environmental best practices and green travel options such as ride sharing and shuttle service between campuses to reduce the affects of commuting.

Green Buildings (facilities)

Franklin Resources, Capital One, and BNY Mellon make green renovations to existing properties and seek LEED certification when building or investing in new facilities. By doing this, the companies minimize energy loss by monitoring the air quality and energy usage in order to continuously make improvements. By incorporating green building design into existing and new buildings, these companies are able to track emissions and reduce greenhouse gases.

Franklin Resources uses the regulations as a minimum standard, and monitors itself against those regulations, to make ensure that they are exceeding industry expectations. Both BNY Mellon and Capital one have signed the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), a community of corporations committed to environmental sustainability. This program has committed them to measuring report the environmental impact of their facilities and operations.

Capital One also gets EnergyStar certified, placing them in the top 25 % of building energy performance. Capital one is taking the initiative to procure Renewable Energy Certificates.

They have even managed to establish energy performance standards across their portfolio.


Fidelity National Financial -

Fidelity National Financial (FNF), Inc is one of the nation’s largest title insurance companies. Pablo Wong of Fidelity National Financial, Inc Green Advisory Team states

“Our goal is to expand sustainability practice and to play a bigger role in protecting our natural resources.” FNF encompasses underwriters from Chicago title, Fidelity National

Title, Ticor Title, Security Union Title, Lawyers Title, Commonwealth Title and Alamo

Title. FNF has been on the tract to implement energy saving and environmentally friendly policies.


In late 2009, FNF promised that quarterly statement for the Group 401(k)

Profit Sharing Plan and FNF Employee Stock Purchase Plan quarterly statement will no longer be mailed to employees at home but will be available online. In addition, FNF states it will have state of the art technology available to both customers and title offices and online information to inform employees and members of the public on best practices that better protect natural resources.


In November 2009, FNF launched their Green Title and Settlement Program (GTSP).

GTSP’s mission is to position FNF’s underwriters as “the most eco-friendly title insurance company in the industry.” FNF plans to achieve its objectives through educating it’s employees and the public to live eco-friendly at home and at work; to establish a program where their title and settlement offices can earn “certified green” designations; and to develop sustainable title policy products; such as sustainable title insurance policy endorsement for commercial and residential buildings.


Requirements for a “Certified Green” branch: 21

Utilize existing software/office equipment to reduce paper usage.

1. Solicit email addresses of the principals and parties for each transaction







2. Email/scan all inter-Company communications and supporting documentation

3. Email/scan escrow and title prepared documents to the proper parties

4. Forward additional correspondence received by settlement agent via email to the appropriate parties

5. Utilize any approved online signing software such as DOCUSIGN, AMTRUST,


Educate staff about eco-friendly practices and reducing the printing of documents.

Use eco-friendly office products and cleaning supplies ( company could provide a list of standardized, readily available products ).

Participate in recycling programs (paper, plastic, aluminum).

FNF aims to encourage customers to support sustainability. FNF, through GTSP, further takes steps to challenge its customers to become more eco-friendly. GTSP provides customer information about being a Green Household, Business- Green Practices, Building &

Remodeling- Green Certification Program, Today’s Earth- Updates on environment & key issues and U.S. Green Building Council.


FNF understands that the public needs to become more aware of the need to protect our environment.


TD Ameritrade-

TD Ameritrade Asset Management adopted a Sustainable Investing Policy across its operations in Canada and the United States. TD Ameritrade formed TD Asset

Management Global Sustainability Strategy as a global equity approach to invest in companies that contributes to the world’s future sustainability. TD Ameritrade’s mission to use Global Sustainability Strategies as part of its analysis for all investment mandates.

Adding sustainable investment policy to its social and corporate factors builds on TD

Ameritrade’s history of promotion good governance in the companies in which it invests.


TD Ameritrade finds it important to operate in a sustainable manner. TD’s fundamental belief is that in this rapidly changing global economy, companies that manage the risk





and recognize the opportunities relating to environmental and social factors will be winners.


TD Ameritrade approach of using social and global factors in its investment is an interesting outlook on Sustainability. TD Ameritrade’s approach will be beneficial in the long-run as people become more eco-friendly.

If TD Ameritrade follows the Golden Rule: “Those with Gold Rule,” they will be able to immensely influence/regulate business activities that destroy the earth. The details of TD

Ameritrade’s Sustainable Investing Policy have yet to be released since the 2009/2010 shareholder reports have not been made public.

Simon Property Group

Simon Property Group earned awards from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

(EPA) Energy Star Partner of the Year for its ability to manage and reduce greenhouse gas emission at its mall across the United State. SPG has investments in North America,

Europe and Asia. SPG’s main focus is on energy efficiency. David Simon the company’s chairman and CEO is the driving force behind the desire to seek alternative ways to

SPG’s business more eco-friendly while not affecting the comfort or safety of its properties, tenants and customers.


SPG has done various things to improve its energy usage. SGP has invested in energy efficient technology and monitors its properties energy usage. Through their recent installation of a more efficient lighting system- HVAC units- SPG is able to manage energy used through management computer systems in its retail sites. SPG’s other investments include developing efficient storm water management systems to reduce burden on local communities, testing new type of concrete that can improve drainage in parking lots, reducing water use at retail sites and working to increase recycling at all sties by using a single stream recycling.


SPG’s values are captured through the investments it has made at its property. SPG cares about social responsibility, innovation, long-term investments, and use of corporate assets, employee talent, financial soundness, quality of products and services and quality of management.


SPG is a leader in sustainability because it understands the impact it

25 a.






Derrick has on ecosystem, therefore SPG is willing to take risks to make a difference. In 2009,

SPG completed the largest solar installation by a mall owner in the U.S. SPG saw building solar panels as an opportunity to learn valuable lessons as to whether or not solar energy can be sufficient enough to reduce energy produced at plants. As cost for solar instillation reduces, SPG sees solar energy as a cost-effective component to sustainability.


T. Rowe Price

Culture, Leadership, Community Involvement

T. Rowe Price considers their associates their greatest assets. The company focuses on retaining and developing their employees. It is a culture with a sense of shared ownership where creativity and diverse ideas are valued. The overarching goal is to service their clients.


Their leadership team is built around experience with an average of 19 years tenure at T. Rowe

Price. They believe that this will help them to focus on long-term value for their clients.


In addition to offering donations to charitable foundations, T. Rowe Price encourages employees to be involved in their community. They facilitate these activities by providing paid time off to support volunteering. For example, this could be in the form of leadership support for schools and nonprofits, to help their communities.

Product Sustainability

T. Rowe Price’s investment approach is built on fundamental, proprietary research. They emphasize risk-management and discipline strengthened by a seasoned investment team. iii

Risk-management over the long-term lends itself to consideration of environmental and social



risks associated with investments. T. Rowe Price continues to manage risk for the long-term as it has always done, with an ever-changing mix of risks and opportunities.

Overview of Investment Risks considered by T. Rowe Price iv :

Vornado Realty Trust

Culture, Leadership, Community Involvement

Vornado promotes a corporate culture with sustainability at its core. They accomplish this through training and education, resource conservation (water, energy, materials), responsible procurement, promoting mass transit and alternate commuting, and reducing waste.


A key aspect of their approach to sustainability is their efforts to integrate sustainable practices into their business relationships through their contractual documents and agreements. They encourage their tenants to pursue LEED

Product Sustainability

They seek opportunities to leverage their expertise in real estate and their diverse portfolio to explore and test new sustainable technologies in an effort to identify and apply the most effective sustainable practices to bring value to their stakeholders.

Facilities Sustainability

All of Vornado’s new development projects will pursue LEED NC/CS Gold certification or better.

In addition, they try to implement best practices for efficiency, conservation in current buildings.

Wherever possible and practical, Vornado pursues sustainable products for capital upgrades. vii i "Culture." T. Rowe Price. N.p., 2010. Web. 20 Apr. 2010.

<>. ii "Leadership." T. Rowe Price. N.p., 2010. Web. 20 Apr. 2010.


iii "Investment Approach." T. Rowe Price. N.p., 2010. Web. 20 Apr. 2010.

<>. iv "Corporate Responsibility." T. Rowe Price. N.p., 2010. Web. 20 Apr. 2010.

<>. v "Sustainability." Vornado Realty Trust. N.p., 2010. Web. 20 Apr. 2010.

<>. vi ibid vii Ibid


Environmental Sustainability


NASDAQ OMX Group is the world’s largest exchange company. The organization is a pioneer in electronic trading and promotes electronic communication. Environmental issues are important to OMX. OMX’s management puts in continuous efforts to reduce the effects on the environment.

OMX recognizes the legitimate interest of all its partners; customers, suppliers, investors and the public in the environmental performance or their company. As a service company their main organizational impact on the environment is the way they run their offices and travel frequency. As a part of the financial world sustainability issues are of great importance for OMX.

Some ways by which OMX reduces the effect on environment

Encouraging and supporting customers willing to integrate environmental considerations into their marketplace.

As a supplier of technology to energy exchanges, OMX strives to make energy markets more efficient to the benefit of the environment.

For example, on March 24, 2010 NASDAQ OMX Welcomed “Arise Wind power” to the

Main Market. Founded in 2006, Arise Wind power is one of Sweden's leading land-based wind power companies. Its business concept is to sell electricity produced by its own land-based wind turbines in southern Sweden. Arise Wind power's goal is to produce 2

TWH environmentally friendly electricity per year by 2014, equivalent to Sweden's total domestic wind power expansion at year-end 2008.

 OMX identifies opportunities to reduce the resources they consume including energy, water and other natural resources, and minimize the amount of waste we produce.

Where practical, they often reuse materials, recycle waste and procure recycled products.

 OMX endeavors to comply with all relevant environmental legislation and regulations.

Moreover they treat these as the minimum standard and seek to exceed expectations wherever possible.

Due to the global nature of their business, OMX employee's travel frequently to meet with customers, partners and colleagues. Prior to booking travel, other tools of communicating such as video conferencing are considered. Environmentally friendly means of travel are always chosen when appropriate.

NASDAQ OMX Group established the NASDAQ Educational foundation, Inc. in 1994.

The Foundation, works towards promoting and providing opportunities through collaborations and initiatives that support and deliver innovative educational programs and charitable activities supportive of The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc.’s Mission. The foundation offers grants to various schools and organizations to promote higher education.

MasterCard worldwide established the MasterCard Foundation in 2006. It is an independent private foundation devoted towards the economic and financial transformation of lives of people in the developing and poor nations across the world.

The foundations vision is to make economy work for everybody. The two main programs

“Microfinance” and “Youth education” strive to meet the foundations goals.


Microfinance provides a significant path to transform the lives of people living in poverty. It enables them to participate in the global economy through access to smallscale loans, savings, insurance and remittances. Microfinance helps millions of poor people to increase their food security, educate their children, grow their businesses and build their assets, while stimulating their local economies. These financial services have also improved the status of women in many societies. Around 10 percent of the 2.6 billion people living on less than $2 a day have access to microfinance. MasterCard foundation’s goal is to expand access and increase the reach of microfinance to improve the quality of life for people of all ages.

Youth Education

Young people represent the world’s present and future workforce - innovators, entrepreneurs, educators, scientists and leaders. Approximately three-fourths of the world’s 1.5 billion young people live in developing countries. These young people need relevant 21st century skills, including the ability to apply knowledge, innovate, solve problems, use technology, and develop entrepreneurial opportunities. MasterCard foundation believes that Investing in their human capital could become the basis for sustained economic and social development.

The Foundation defines the term learning to encompass education that takes place in a variety of settings, in and outside of the formal school system. The foundation is focused on enabling young people to make the school-to-work transition successfully. This includes access to knowledge, skills, networks, and technology to succeed in the global economy. Their program aims to prepare youth to engage in the economy and lead change in their communities.

In assessing potential partnerships, the Foundation ensures that proposals are strategically and philosophically aligned with their program goals. In addition to this, the

Foundation has identified the following as key drivers of success:


Gender Equity

Youth Engagement

Peer-to-Peer Models


The Youth Learning program focuses on the following three areas to:

Enable continued learning

Facilitate connections to markets

Support entrepreneurs

MasterCard Worldwide along with Wal-Mart announced a new, more sustainable payroll program designed to reduce the number of paper paychecks and pay stubs distributed each year to Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club associates in the U.S. In order to benefit both associates and the environment, the electronic pay program will include the deployment of the Money Network , MasterCard Paycard and electronic pay stubs, which will cut down on paper consumption and provide associates easier access to their wages.

The companies believe that Electronic payroll is the right choice for their associates, their companies and the environment as It provides their associates with fast, convenient and safe access to their pay. The program’s ability to reduce paper usage is right in line with their commitment to eliminate waste wherever they can.

MasterCard international corp. has partnered with the Go Green Friends of the environment campaign which offers prepaid cards that can be used for shopping at stores, paying bills, shopping online and also for cash withdrawal from the ATM. The company not only provides the best Prepaid Cards but also offers the buyers a chance to give something back to the environment of the planet. From every enrollment for the Prepaid Card program, the company gives $1 to environmental organizations so that they can create awareness about the dangers of green house emission gases to the environment. With their aim to reach 1 million customers and donate 1 million dollars to the environmental organizations customers can feel good about the fact that they have contributed something to the environment.

Discover Financial services

DFS’s “You Care, We Share” Program encompasses corporate giving, volunteerism and employee giving through two avenues; the Volunteer Recognition Program and the

Employee Giving Program. In 2008, the company and employees donated millions of dollars and provided more than 35,000 hours of volunteer time to more than 3,000 nonprofit organizations.

Volunteer Recognition Program

Volunteerism is a core value at Discover. The company supports and encourages employees to be involved in their communities. Last year, nearly 50% of all of their employees supported this value by participating in our two signature programs, the

Volunteer Recognition Program and Discover cares month.

The Volunteer Recognition Program rewards employees’ volunteer efforts with more than 100 donations to local and national organizations reaching organizations like the

Columbus Metropolitan Library Foundation and Boys & Girls Scout troops across the country.

The company launched its first annual Discover Cares Month in September, 2008, and more than 4,000 employees volunteered thousands of hours to organizations across the country including beautification projects and mentoring at local schools, building playgrounds, donating to local food pantries and building a home for Habitat for


DFS launched its biodegradable discover card in December, 2008. The biodegradable

Discover Card is made of biodegradable PVC, a substance that allows 99 percent of the

card plastic to be safely absorbed when exposed to landfill conditions. The card plastic begins to break down in soil, water, compost or wherever microorganisms are present and fully degrades within five years. The biodegradable card can be identified by the biodegradable symbol that will be visible on the back of the card.

DFS Believes that the biodegradable Discover Card is another way for environmentally conscious consumers to do their part to help protect our planet. Discover Card also offers card members an additional opportunity to help the environment by enrolling in paperless statements. In 2008, Discover Card sent nearly 14 million paperless statements, which has helped save more than an estimated 4.6 million pounds of paper.


Gaurav Kohli

Ernst & Young

Cultural Heritage, Leadership, and Community Service

At Ernst & Young, employees across the globe are encouraged to collaborate with nonprofit organizations to serve the community. Sustainability at the firm spans all those aspects that are related to social welfare including: environment, nutrition, education, community health and sustainable businesses.

For instance, in India, the firm has partnered with several non-profit organizations to promote learning in rural areas and help small businesses in attaining long-term sustainability. Moreover, the company has a high level of commitment to various food and health programs for the society.

Facilities sustainability

In the United States, more than 500 employees over the past 6 years have joined the grassroots EcoCare 1 network to increase awareness of ways to be more environmentally friendly. The EcoCare network's successes include initiatives around recycling, waste reduction, environmentally friendly procurement practices, and community activities that promote a better environment.

Product sustainability

From a business point of view, Ernst & Young has a dedicated service line to help companies navigate challenges in carbon emissions, clean technologies and regulatory compliance to environmental policies.

J.P. Morgan

In a recent study conducted by Accenture 2 , J.P. Morgan's sustainability practices extend from helping clients navigate environmental markets, to extending the rewards of entrepreneurship through microfinance, to improving the quality of life for the communities in which it operates.

While there have been a number of sustainability initiatives under-taken by the I investment banking giant, a few of them deem a special mention:

Product sustainability

In April 2005, J.P. Morgan adopted the Equator Principles that provide standards by which financial institutions can assess the social and environmental impact of their investments and project-financing activities.

The company’s Environmental Markets business provides carbon-trading expertise to clients with support ranging from project development through to sales, as well as support through ClimateCare, a risk-management company acquired by J.P. Morgan in

March 2008.

Cultural Heritage, Leadership, and Community Service

The Investment Bank launched an initiative called "Team IB" to encourage and support employees involved in the community. They have also launched a number of programs that match their employees to short term volunteer opportunities in the microfinance sector. For example, through its Social Sector Finance unit, the bank has partnered with microfinance and entrepreneurship organizations Grameen Foundation, and

TechnoServe to engage employees in the firm’s efforts. In 2008, the firm partnered with the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation to bring awareness to rural microfinance programs in China’s Huai’an County.

Another way the company has ensured a consistent commitment to sustainability objectives is to through the JPMorgan Chase Foundation The foundation garners more than $110 million in annual donations and supports programs in 33 countries in which the firm operates. In 2006, the foundation developed new goals: to increase the philanthropic impact and visibility of its grant portfolio and facilitate greater employee involvement in the communities where the firm operates.


UBS has institutionalized several initiatives 3 to address the issue of sustainability:

Product sustainability

Specific sector guidelines cover industry sectors that have a high potential for environmental and social risk including chemicals, oil and gas, utilities, infrastructure, forestry products and biofuels and metals and mining. These guidelines summarize industry standards for dealing with these issues in the various life cycles of the sector.

Responsible supply chain guideline provides group-wide guidance for identifying, assessing and monitoring supplier practices in the areas of human and labor rights, the environment and corruption. Standard for energy efficiency has been adopted to improve energy efficiency in fields such as building operation, replacement investments and rehabilitations. The standard sets energy efficiency target values, for example for heating boilers, chillers and heat pump systems as well as for glazing, facades and lighting.

Facilities sustainability

UBS launched a climate change strategy in 2006. The bank is committed to its goal of reducing the CO2 emissions by 40% below 2004 levels by 2012.

Cultural Heritage, Leadership, and Community Service

Through a well-established community affairs program, UBS, together with its employees, seeks to enhance the well-being of the local communities in which it is active.



CSR Press Release, Jan 18, 2008


Case Study by Accenture, August 2009


Information taken from



Invesco is an independent investment management company that is founded in 1935 with headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. Throughout more than 70 years of operating, the company has achieved great success not only in terms of financial management but also in terms of environmental sustainability. In 2007, Invesco generated $673.6 million and has total employees of nearly 5,500 people. As one of the largest independent global investment managers, Invesco Ltd. is dedicated to helping people worldwide build their financial security.

Operating principally through the Invesco Aim, Invesco Trimark, Atlantic Trust, Invesco, Ivesco

Perpetual, Invesco Power Shares and WLRoss&Co. brands, Invesco Ltd. strives to deliver outstanding performance and service across a comprehensive range of investment products for individuals and institutions around the world. And in 2009, according to Business Week’s green ranking list, Invesco was ranked number 10 among 29 companies in financial services industry and 500 companies in general respectively. Those numbers prove great effort of Invesco in making sustainability as its strategic business plan.

Invesco is highly committed to responsible corporate citizenship, which can be shown in its relationship with customers, with communities and in its effort of supporting the environment.

In terms of building relationship with customers, Invesco highlighted the importance of being ethical and trustworthy provider of investment services to customers. The 18 pages of code of conducts which emphasize their passion about clients’ success, high integrity and team work can prove Invesco’s belief in building a long-term relationship with customers through mutual benefits and trust. Furthermore, putting customer relationship as a strategic value is a long-term move for Invesco in differentiating with its competitors, which is a factor of sustainability.

Speaking of investing in communities, Invesco has been a leading company in this field. The company encourages its company to engage in the growth and development of the communities in which they live and work. Invesco team has done a tremendous job in supporting local and international programs for the arts, education, sports, the environment and charitable organization. For example, Invesco Trimark is a national partner for Big Brothers Big

Sisters of Canada and the annual Bowl for Kids' Sake event. Employees participate in these programs and other charitable activities year round, including Habitat for Humanity builds, Play

Day and Jeans Days. Besides, other Invesco branches are recognized for their strong commitment to fund-raising, charity run and donation activities.

Another aspect of sustainability that Invesco focused on is supporting the environment. Across the globe, Invesco has been worked hard to implement programs that recycle paper and other waste, reduce consumption of natural resources and conserve energy. Moreover, the company also encourages the use of public transportation. Interestingly, protecting environment has been become an important part of the way Inveso does business with Environmental

Management Policy. These efforts demonstrate that Invesco is committed to continuous improvement in environmental management.



Moody’s Corporation was set up in 1909 in New York City as a financial research and analysis on commercial and government entities. Throughout it’s over 100 years of operating; the company has become a trust-worthy agency for credit ratings. Furthermore, the company is also known as one of leading companies in financial services industry to focus on environmental development which can be reflected through its policies and services. In 2009, the company was ranked 11 th on Green Ranking list for companies within its industry with high environmental impact score, green policies and performance score.


NYSE Euronext

NYSE Euronext, Inc is a Euro-American for profit corporation that operates multiple securities exchanges which possesses Euronext, New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and NYSE Arca. The company was recently established in 2007 with the merger between Euronext and NYSE. In terms of financial performance, the company has now declared a loss of $738 million and a total employee of 3,760 people. Within the financial services industry, the company is hailed with its 12 th ranking on Green Ranking list conducted by Business Week. Its effort for sustainability has been proven most clearly through strategic investment in new data centers and in BlueNext, the company’s Europe-based carbon trading platform.

The innovative market solution BlueNext has helped NYSE Euronext to become one of the world’s leading exchanges for environmental trading. It was a very innovative market solution, which leverages economic incentive to achieve emissions reductions. With BlueNext, the company wishes to set a benchmark for environmental markets with diverse products and services. The main reason for the success of BlueNext is the company’s focus on “going green” policy.

At Euronext, the management board does not only focus on maximizing ROI but also emphasizes on doing business environmentally. And they did succeed on both goals. The company always tries to provide an opportunity for NYSE-listed users and others to collaborate to share insights and move forward with their “green” initiatives. Recently, NYSE Euronext has been become the partner with the

Yale Chief Executive Leadership Institute to host the Green Summit which commemorates Earth Day by bringing together a diverse group of thought leaders to promote ideas on how to grow “green” businesses, empower communities and shapes the economy to make the world a better place for future generations.

Currently, BlueNext is looking to expand its environmental trading beyond Europe, targeting the U.S and

China, where carbon emissions market has been growing at exponential rate. At the first-ever U.S.-China

Low Carbon Conference, which took place in New York last fall, BlueNext announced a global partnership with the China Beijing Environment Exchange, or CBEEX, the first state-level Chinese environmental trading platform, to develop the first voluntary system to limit emissions in China, the

world’s largest market for CDM projects. Earlier, in June, BlueNext announced that it had signed an agreement with CBEEX to establish an international global platform for CDM projects. BlueNext is also meeting the growing demand from institutions and investors for innovative new products. Chauvancy and Rapin point to the January 2010 launch, in conjunction with Citigroupof the first-ever auction of

Emission Reduction Units, or ERUs, which are offsets Annex I (developed) countries can earn by investing in emissions-reduction projects in other Annex I countries. Another innovation is a strategic partnership with global financial information services provider Markit that allows BlueNext to create environmental indexes and related products. These above strategic moves have shown NYSE Euronext’s ambition to become a global reference for the environmental marketplace.

Nima Sherpa

Cultural Heritage, Leadership, and Community Service

Social Finance

US Bank enjoys a close partnership with hundreds of organizations across our 24 states in the

US. The bank has developed affordable housing projects and provided extensive training and education to small business, consumers and first time homebuyers. US Bank has also been a leader in providing financial support to national and regional equity funds, as well as actively investing in Low-Income Housing Tax Credits projects to further energize the creation of affordable housing units.

US Bank lends to community development and is responsive to loans identified in needs of bank’s various assessment areas. Company made more than $3.1 billion in community development loans to various assessment areas.

US Bank is also a pioneer in affordable housing in neighborhoods comprised of low and moderate income individuals and families. US Bank has invested in small business loans and investments to support organizations that establish business and create jobs within low and moderate income neighborhoods. US Bank intends to provide tools and resources to help communities to grow and thrive through independent economic policies.

Wells Fargo worked closely with the US Treasury and the Department of Housing and Urban

Development to deliver solutions that helped more than 3 million consumers to avert foreclosure between July 2007 and December 2008. The bank helped troubled consumers to avoid foreclosure through refinancing, reducing payments, short sales, reduce interest rates and in some markets reduced principal. During the economic downturn the bank worked very closely with real estate agents and nonprofit agencies and city officials to sell foreclosed properties at significant discount to first time home buyers.

Wells Fargo has provided more than $5 billion in financing to environmentally beneficial businesses. $1.6 billion of the funds were lent to support wind and solar energy projects and more than $3 billion to support development of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental

Design (LEED) certified “green” buildings. The company also donated $750,000 to support nonprofit organizations that focus on renewable energy, greener buildings and sustainable agriculture.

Community Reinvestment

US Bank’s branch network is accessible to geographies and individuals of different incomes, and the same products and services are offered at each of the branches.

Wells Fargo donated $41 million in grants to Habitat for Humanity to build housing for low income families over the past 15 years. Wells Fargo team members have contributed more than five million volunteer hours to build or renovate 3,000 homes.


Wells Fargo encourages its employees to devote volunteering hours to devote to community development programs. In 2008 1.4 million volunteer hours were contributed by team members in all 50 states to community projects which at a rate of $19.51 per volunteer hour totals $27.3 million.

Sallie Mae Fund encourages employees to devote time to community development programs.

Sallie Mae contributed $18.6 million to nonprofit organizations through employee contribution programs.

Sallie Mae employees are very active in charity events such as Lance Armstrong’s LiveStrong

Challenge for Cancer awareness and Relay for Life to support American Cancer Society. The company encourages its employees to improve their communities with donations of their time, talent and money which is very evident from the all the charitable activities the company has conducted throughout the years.

Diversity of employees

Diversity of employees is very well fostered at Wells Fargo. The company intends to take full advantage of diverse team members’ thinking, creativity and multiple perspectives to respond to changing customer needs. The diverse workforce helps the company understand its customers’ needs better, give customers and communities superior service. DivesityInc ranked Wells Fargo

#31 among the nations’ top companies for diversity.

Higher Education

“National Teach Children to Save Day” is an educational day to teach high school students about money management issues. US Bank employee volunteers to more than 15,750 students on the day give to give instructive lesions in basic savings and money management. This initiative helps students to be aware about financial issues that can have a positive impact on them later.

US Bank is also very active in the educating adults in finance. US invests in educating individuals on how to access funds and credit, how to establish a positive financial history, and the importance of saving and managing money.

Sallie Mae (SLM) has helped more than 21 million Americans achieve a college education. The company believes higher education should be in everyone’s reach regardless of the financial background of the students. In recognition of providing financial aid to needy students and families, Sallie Mae also received the prestigious Ron Brown Award for Corporate Leadership.

The Sallie Mae Fund, a charitable fund sponsored by Sallie Mae, invests in making higher education more accessible for American students and prepare families save for college investment. The Fund has contributed more than $121 million to needy students since its inception. Sallie Mae also established a donor advised fund at The Community Foundation for the

National Capital Region in 1992 to initiate scholarships, volunteerism and community service.

Sallie Mae’s Kids2college program educates middle school students about different careers and importance of being college ready. Middle school is an important time period for educating students about being passionate for college. Kids2College conducts the education programs to expose low income minority sixth grade students to the importance of college education required for different career tracks.

Facilities sustainability

Managing environmental footprint

Wells Fargo was the first company to earn LEED Silver volume certification. Wells Fargo uses

LEED certification in the design and construction of banking stores which use at 20 percent less energy and 40 percent less water than conventional buildings of the same type. The bank has also instituted a program called “Turn It Off” that educates its employees to reduce energy use 6 to 9 percent at each of the facilities. The firm currently has 22 Green Teams – grassroots team member networks that promote environmental stewardship within the company. The Green

Teams are dedicated for supporting a cleaner and safer work environment.

Paperless work environment

US Bancorp utilizes a centrally-managed process that uses a select group of approved commercial printing companies. Printing sales and marketing materials this process reduces cost and improves quality and service. Through this process US Bank intends to decrease its use of post consumer waste recycled content paper.

Incentives to employees to use public transport, carpools, biking, tele-work opportunities (to reduce employee commuting impact)

Green Buildings (facilities)-

US Bank has established a goal to invest $1 billion in environmentally beneficial, profitable business opportunities by 2015. US Bank has already invested more than the designated target.

US Bank has invested in loans to renewable energy projects, LEEDS certified construction, energy efficient upgrades in low income housing projects etc. US bank intends to be the leader in lending/investments in the future.


