Presentation 1.45 – 3.15 Principles of co

Principles of coproduction in
Recovery Colleges
Rachel Perkins BA, MPhil (Clinical Psychology), PhD, OBE
Senior Consultant, UK Implementing Recovery through Organisational Change
Co-editor Mental Health and Social Inclusion Journal
Member of the UK Equality and Human Rights Commission Disability Committee
Recovery Colleges are
founded on co-production
The bringing together of the
expertise of lived experience and the
expertise of professionals on equal
terms in all aspects of design,
development and delivery
The principle of ‘consumer
involvement’ is widely recognised
within mental health services … but
what do we mean by ‘coproduction’?
Traditional ‘consumer involvement’
Involving ‘them’ in ‘our’ services:
• Consultation: asking for ‘consumer’ opinions on plans or proposals developed by
mental health workers … or offered ‘choice’ between a couple of options
determined by mental health workers
• A customer service approach: asking consumers ‘what do you want?’ … with
mental health workers/services expected to deliver what consumers want ... or
often explaining why they can’t deliver it ‘yes, but ...’
• One or two service consumers on ‘our’ committees, interview panels etc. (no
control over agenda, job descriptions, always in a minority ...)
• ‘Consumers’ seen as undifferentiated - defined only by consumer status not other
skills and attributes they may have
• Outcomes defined by service providers (reduced bed days, throughput, medication
compliance ...)
“Co-production not the same as consultation or the types of
tokenistic participation of people who use services and their carers
which do not result in meaningful power-sharing or change.”
Needham, C (2009) SCIE Research briefing 31: Co-production: an emerging evidence base for adult social care transformation
“Co-production goes well beyond user [consumer] involvement ... It
promotes equal partnership between service workers and those
intended to benefit from their services – pooling different kinds of
knowledge and skill, and working together.”
means designing and delivering public services
in an equal and reciprocal relationship between professionals,
people using services, their families and their neighbours.
Where activities are co-produced in this way, both services and
neighbourhoods become far more effective agents of change.”
New Economics Foundation (2011) In This Together. Building knowledge about co-production
NESTA (2009)The Challenge of Co-production
NESTA (2012) People Powered Health Co-Production Catalogue
• Challenges the conventional model of public services …
‘Product’ delivered to a
‘customer’ from on high
Devolvement of power, choice &
control to people using services,
communities and frontline staff
• Requires a shift in mind-set …
People using services
being seen as ‘burdens on
an overstretched system’
People using services as assets:
the ‘real wealth’ too often
untapped & wasted resources
Consumer and
professional roles in the
design and delivery of
Professionals as
sole service
Professionals and
communities as coplanners
No professional
input into service
Professionals as
sole service
service provision
service provision
but consumers
involved in design
Professionals as
sole service
deliverers of
consumer designed
and consumers/
communities as
Consumer codelivery of
Consumer codelivery of
designed services
communities as
sole deliverers
Consumer delivery
of professionally
designed services
Consumer delivery
of co-designed
consumer run
(Adapted from Carneige Trust (2006) ‘Commission for rural
community development. Beyond Engagement and
participation, user and community co-production of services)
for delivery of
Responsibility for the planning and design of services
There is no one ‘correct’ way of doing co-production … but
there are 6 key principles
(see Boyle et al, 2010; New Economics Foundation 2011; Alakeson, 2013)
1. Recognising people as assets (rather than problems)
Transforming people who use services from passive recipients of services and burdens on
the system into equal partners in designing and delivering services.
2. Building on people’s capabilities (rather than just focusing on their needs)
Altering the delivery model of public services from a deficit approach to one that provides
opportunities to recognise and grow people’s capabilities and actively support them to put
these to use with individuals and communities.
• Lived experience of mental health conditions and the expertise people have gained as
a result is valued
• People who use services have many ‘hidden talents’ other than their experience of
mental health challenges and using services (qualifications, skills, knowledge,
expertise, personal qualities …)
• Moving from a focus on ‘getting rid of problems’ to enabling people to have
opportunities to use and grow their talents and capabilities and put these to use with
other people and in their communities
3. Mutuality and reciprocity (rather than passive consumption of public services)
Offering a range of incentives to engage that enable people to work in reciprocal
relationships with professionals and with each other, where there are mutual
responsibilities and expectations.
4. Shared roles: blurring distinctions between producers and consumers (with
consumers being actively involved in producing outcomes)
Dissolving distinctions between professionals and recipients, and between producers
and consumers of services, by reconfiguring the way services are developed and
• Staff and consumers working together
• Moving beyond ‘them’ and ‘us’ to ‘we’
• Moving beyond consumers saying what they want and staff being expected to
deliver it
• Sharing responsibility for delivery as well as deciding what should be delivered
4. Peer and community networks (that complement bilateral relationships between
professionals and consumers)
Engaging peer and personal networks alongside professionals as the best way of building
knowledge and supporting change.
6. Facilitating rather than just delivering services
Enabling public service agencies to become catalysts and facilitators of change rather
than sole providers of services themselves.
• Widening the resource base
• Shifting from ‘delivering services’ to supporting things to happen
• Services cannot fix people but hey can support people in their journey of rebuilding
their life … recognising and using their own resources and resourcefulness and the
resources available to them in their networks and communities
• Catalysts to development of networks and supports ...
Example of co-production in practice
Establishing the first Recovery College in the UK
Initial development
3 consumers and two mental health workers starting with a blank sheet of paper
Consumers selected for the skills and interests they brought - as well as lived
experience of mental health problems and using services: all had training experience,
one expert in project design, sales experience …
Shared responsibility for:
– Research
– Sounding out opinions of stakeholders
– Setting up a steering group (including agreeing who we needed to be on it)
– Actually writing the proposal
– Presenting at the Board
– Finding venue(s)
Established a development group to make things happen (consumers and mental
health workers/managers equally represented) - established links with other potential
partners and people who might contribute to courses (NGOs, police, community
organisations, housing providers, job centres, colleges …)
• Advertising for mental health workers, consumers, relatives/friends who may
be interested in being involved
• Prospective staff and peer trainers did 4 day ‘introduction to recovery’ course
(8 consumers, 2 relatives, 8 staff)
• Meeting to decide what initial courses should be provided (what research
showed people wanted, what skills we had in the room)
• Developed guidelines for course development (aims, objectives, session plan
• Established a course development panel
• Divided up the task - pairs/small groups went off and developed courses
e.g. ‘understanding self-harm course’ development group:
– consumer who self-harmed … and also had a PhD in self-harm
– a social worker
• Design of prospectus … and decisions about where it should be distributed
• Working out who would deliver initial courses
• Design of environment and development of a library (one carer had contacts
with a number of publishers and helped us to get many self-help books free!)
• Dealing with disagreements
– can (and should) present different points of view
– discussion with course development group
• All peer and staff trainers did ‘train the trainers’ course
• Selection of trainers (peer and staff selection panel) … not everyone who
volunteered had the skills but could often make different contributions in line
with their skills
Not possible for everyone to do everything: divided up tasks on the basis
of skills - some led by a mental health worker some by a consumer
Aim: to utilise all the skills available not just expertise in of providing/using
mental health services but all the other talents available
A variety of levels:
Small development group to actually get it done (co-led by peer and mental
health manager) -
Larger steering group to gain broader representation/buy in and involve all
partners/interested parties
Consultation events to gain broader views on specific issues
Co-production is an ongoing process: using feedback to improve courses,
design new ones (if a student makes suggestions they are usually asked whether they
want to participate in the co-production of changes/additional courses)
Not possible to get everyone you might eventually want involved at
the start but must be coproduced from the outset: begin with a coalition
of the willing (lived experience/professional experience) and over time work to fill the
1. Recognising people as assets • Peer trainers: expertise of lived experience and
(rather than problems)
other skills and assets
• Peers using other skills in all areas of recovery
college (marketing, library, material design etc.)
2. Building on people’s
capabilities (rather than just
focusing on their needs)
• Range of skills of consumers recognised: focus on
what person can do and how they can contribute in
different roles
• Participative learning - expertise of students as well
as expertise of trainers
• Using community resources - housing associations,
job centres etc.
3. Mutuality and reciprocity
• Shared responsibility for all aspects of design and
(rather than passive
consumption of public services) • Shared learning and students sharing expertise
with each other
4. Peer and community
networks (that complement
bilateral relationships between
professionals and consumers)
• Peer support from peer trainers
• Peer support from fellow students - building
knowledge together by learning from each other
• Naturally occurring networks outside: courses co-
produced with housing providers, employment
providers, colleges …
• Blurring distinctions as providers across whole
5. Shared roles: blurring
operation, including peer and mental health
distinctions between producers
trainers - same job descriptions, same training
and consumers (with
consumers being actively
• Blurring distinctions as students: consumers,
involved in producing
mental health workers, carers, community
members working together
6. Facilitating change rather
than just delivering services
• Trainers as facilitators not instructors - enabling
students to recognise and develop their own
• Sharing of expertise and knowledge among
Co-production of all facets of development,
design, delivery and review
• Initial proposals, business case, presentations, obtaining approval (consumers and their
relatives often much more persuasive advocates when it came to getting funding!)
• Operational policy
• Design of prospectus and other materials
• Selection of staff
• Layout of venue - posters etc.
• Practicalities of organisation, administration, venues etc.
• Setting up data base and web site
• Development of the library
• Personal tutors
• Individual learning plans
• Evaluation and quality assurance
• Publicity, communications, branding and marketing
• Student handbook
• Business meetings
• Course development board
Co-production means doing things differently
• From consultation – to working together to understand constraints and define
• From asking ‘consumer opinions’ on proposals to working together to develop the
proposals in the first place – starting from a blank sheet of paper
• From professionals taking responsibility for providing what service consumers want
to shared responsibility for design and delivery
• From token representation to equal partnership
• From service defined outcomes to consumer defined outcomes
• From ‘consumers’ as an undifferentiated mass to recognition of range of assets,
talents and resources - the untapped wealth in our services
From ‘them’ and ‘us’ to ‘we’
From ‘yes, but ...’ to ‘yes, how ...’
Co-production is not easy …
• For staff and service users it means major changes: moving from
the ‘trenches’ of ‘them’ and ‘us’ to the ‘no man’s land’ in between
– Mental health workers have to accept that ‘the experts don’t always know
– Consumers have to accept responsibility not only for saying what should
be done but also for delivering it
– Moving beyond criticism of each other to recognising each other’s
strengths and contribution
• Working out new relationships takes time and effort!
But co-production can transform services
and transform lives:
Sue Williams’, Senior Peer Trainer (2012)
From burden to asset
“A report written about me in 2010 started with the words ‘Ms Williams is a very
vulnerable woman with many complex needs’ … but as a result of co-production I have
been transformed from a burden to an asset! …This transformation has been amazing not only do others now have radically altered perceptions of me, my own self-perception
has changed radically from difficult, dependent patient to contributing, highly valued
colleague. This transformation feels almost magical … How did that happen?
Well an important way was being asked to … use my lived experience - and other skills to co-develop policy, provision and training. I am on a steering committee and I coproduce and co-facilitate training at the Recovery College, as well as working as a peer
support worker in a ward. In all these settings I have moved from being a passive and
unhappy recipient and survivor of services to a thriving and valued colleague.”
Engaging peer and personal networks
“As recently as 2010 the only adults I had contact with were within ‘services’. The
long list of ‘helping’ professionals included psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses,
therapists, social workers, family workers and lawyers. My diary was full of
appointments with them all.
More recently, through co-production my social network has changed dramatically …
I got involved with all sorts of people in different capacities through peer support
training and groups, in policy and provision meetings and at the recovery college. I
addressed the debts that were dragging me down with help from the CAB, I have
become a parent Governor at my children’s school – an important achievement
considering that throughout 2010 I was in the family court every fortnight where my
ability to be a good enough mother to my children was being scrutinised. I no longer
have a social worker, or a CPN – I have sole care of my children, I have friends and
colleagues and an active role in my community.”
Shared roles: blurring distinctions between producers and consumers
“I moved from only having contact with professionals as a patient in their services to
working alongside those same staff who once treated me . Initially I thought this might be
a difficult position for both myself and those who have worked with me and was worried
about how they might respond. What I experienced was a delighted response from staff
who without exception all said how great it was to have me as part of their team. Some
commented that it was rare and rewarding for them to see users of their service when
they were well and this gave them a more positive view of the reality of recovery.
There is no sense of ‘them and us’ and I feel that the unique perspective that I brought
having been a patient on the ward … was genuinely appreciated. I saw how perceptions
and stereotypes relating to mental health could be transformed by having someone that
used to be a patient on the ward working there. More than one member of staff and a
number of patients have said “I can’t believe that you were ever on the ward.” Many
said in different ways that they were personally inspired having seen it was possible. I
know where they are coming from because two years ago I could not have even
imagined it was possible!”
Discussion in groups:
• Who might need to be involved in co-producing a Recovery College
• How would you ensure you get all the skills you require?
• How might you actually go about working together?
• What resources do you have locally that you could build on?
• What would the first steps be?