Optimizing Positive Student Behavior

“No Excuses”
Sharmayn Hollinger
EDU 615 Motivational Theory
Fall 2012
University of New England
It is easy for everyone to make
excuses in all areas of our lives. It
is when we stop making excuses
that we truly reach our potential
and supersede our beliefs in
Video retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obdd31Q9PqA
• By adopting a “No Excuse” policy in your school you are accepting a philosophy that all students
CAN achieve at high levels.
We have adopted a ‘No Excuse’ philosophy.
We expect all students to achieve at high levels.
It is easy to come up with excuses for not doing something and it is
even easier for people to come up with excuses for their negative
behaviour. By adopting a no excuse policy and the fundamental belief
that all students can and will achieve at high levels not only places
ownership for bad behavior onto the student it also sets up a child for
success not matter what life they come from and what they bring to
their learning environment.
As a teacher it is our job to model the behavior we wish to see our student exude.
In our role as educators there are behaviors that we must exude and beliefs we
must adhere to. These are described as non negotiables they are not to be
altered or diverged from. All educators must stand by these non negotiables.
When instilling and modelling positive behaviour
Every child deserves and
must be treated with
respect. We cannot control
the lives they live outside our
building but we can control
the life they live inside our
A safe and nurturing environment to
grow and thrive- No Excuses and no
exceptions, this is not negotiable!
In order for students to reach their full potential they need
to be in a safe, supportive, and nurturing environment
where they feel safe to take risks make mistakes and be
accepted for who they are.
No Excuses, no exceptions, not
(Intervention First/Assessment Of/As/For
Learning/Collaborative Culture)
Start off by having staff come together and decide on a common language to be used
throughout the school. Consistency and structure are key! Clear outline of what is
expected of students!
Not only has it been stated in research the proof is alive in our building!!
The following slides is how our small school with the big heart has come
together to minimize student behavior issues and optimize learning time!
Provide students with:
School and
• Safe, welcoming, and
comforting environment
inclusive to optimized learning
• Common language and
expectations amongst staff.
• Support and acceptance of
who they are.
The behavior you model to students matter.
Image Retrieved from
Image retrieved from
Your behavior must exude the behavior you wish the children to show.
No child in an educational setting deserves to be yelled at, belittled,
or treated in a condescending manner.
Our entire staff:
• Models behaviour
• Inclusive practices- all
students are an important
• Has clear expectations and
part of the classroom
• Structured atmosphere
• Consistently follows
• Does not accept excuses
• Adheres to school wide
• Does not give excuses
“codes of conduct”
• Expects that all students WILL
• Provides a safe environment
ACHIEVE at high levels
for all learners
Effective teachers typically have specific characteristics in
common-- positive expectations for student success- Harry Wong
Self Control
• Clearly discuss with students expectations
• Brainstorm together what each virtue looks like, sounds like
and feels like
• Model the virtue
• Reinforce positive expression of the virtue
• Place ownership of behavior on the individual
• Tier one- strategies are
utilized by the classroom
• Tier two- collaboration
with teachers and
support staff to
implement and utilize
• Tier Three- after other
avenues have been
exhausted and behavior
is an ongoing concern,
and many strategies
have been drained the
school team takes the
concerns to the school
based consultant team
for further assistance
and guidance.
No excuses
Non Negotiables
Seven Virtues
Tiered Intervention
Carter, Samuel C.,(2000) No Excuses Lessons from 21 High-Performing, High-Poverty Schools.
Retrieved from
Government of Manitoba.,(2012) Classroom Behavioural Strategies and Interventions. Retrieved
from http://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/specedu/fas/pdf/5.pdf.
PBIS.Org ., (2012) Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. Retrieved from
Wong, Harry K.; (2007) Professional Reference for Teachers: The Well Managed Classroom.
Retrieved fromhttp://go.hrw.com/resources/go_sc/gen/HSTPR034.PDF.
The 21st Century Learning Initiative.,(2012) Born To Learn. Retrieved from http://www.bornto-learn.org/home/blog/we-learn-through-modelling-behaviour/.