Academic Integrity -

Academic Integrity Policy (AIP)
Academic and Student Affairs
Fall 2008
Academic Integrity
• Agenda for the session –
ASU Academic Integrity Policy
Code of Ethics
What cheating is
Typical sanctions
Case discussions
All students must be aware of and
adhere to the
ASU Academic Integrity Policy
Web site:
A student in the Ira A. Fulton
School of Engineering is
expected to act in an honest,
ethical and professional manner.
Ethical Responsibility
From NSPE Code of Ethics for Engineers
Engineering is an important and learned profession. As
members of this profession, engineers are expected to
exhibit the highest standards of honesty and integrity.
Engineering has a direct and vital impact on the quality of
life for all people. Accordingly, the services provided by
engineers require honesty, impartiality, fairness, and
equity, and must be dedicated to the protection of the
public health, safety, and welfare. Engineers must
perform under a standard of professional behavior that
requires adherence to the highest principles of ethical
What does being ethical mean?
What is cheating?
Cheating includes…
• Submitting work that is not your own.
• Copying from someone else or someone else helped
you to the point where it is not your work.
• Receiving help when the instructor has indicated
students must work individually (help not authorized
by the instructor)
• Using materials not authorized by the instructor.
• Plagiarizing: not documenting other people’s work.
• Obtaining code from the internet and using it as your
Examples of Cheating Cases
• Receiving assistance from a classmate on
homework or project(when not authorized
by the professor)
• Copying homework, labs or stealing the
• Plagiarism on a project or paper
• Group working together without instructor’s
• Cheating on an exam
Typical Sanctions
for violating the Academic Integrity Policy
1. Zero points for the project, homework
assignment, or exam.
2. Zero points for the project, homework
assignment, or exam and course grade lowered
by one letter grade.
3. E (failing) grade or XE (dishonesty) grade for
the course
4. Disqualification, suspension or expulsion
from the School of Engineering
Case Discussion
• In groups of three or four students discuss Case 1,
2 and 3 provided by your instructor
• Identify a recorder who will take notes for your
• As a group answer the questions associated with
each case
• Your recorder should record the group’s answers
to case questions
• The recorder will then report to the class your
group discussion for each case
Read and discuss Case 1
Handouts in instructor packet
under student handouts
Manny and Bob take home final
• What do you think the professor should do?
• What sanction would you give the students?
• What would your parents think if you
• How would you feel if you were caught
Case 1 Result
• Bob received a grade of E (his first violation of
• Manny received an XE grade and suspension
from ASU for one academic year (his second
violation of AIP)
• An XE grade noted as academic dishonesty was
recorded on the official transcript
• An AIP file will be maintained in the Dean’s
office for six years or until the student graduates
Read and discuss Case 2
Handouts in instructor packet
under student handouts
Case 2
Lisa’s project is not working
• If you were John what would you do?
• If you were Lisa what would you do?
• The student who took the report and used it
as their own was not willing to admit it was
not their work What would you do if you
were the professor?
• What sanctions would you give the two
Case 2 Results
• Instructor could not determine who did what so
both students received an E grade in the
• Typically the student who provides the work
and the student who uses the work are both
sanctioned when an instructor is not able to
determine who did what.
• An AIP file will be maintained in the Dean’s
office for both students for 6 years or until
student graduates.
Read and discuss Case 1
Handouts in instructor packet
under student handouts
Case 3
Graduate Students Plagiarize
• As the professor of the course what would
you do?
• What sanctions would you give the team?
• How do you think the four students felt?
• Should their degrees be removed?
• If you were an employer and you found out
that the student cheated and didn‘t have a
degree what action would you take?
Case 3 Sanctions
• The School of Engineering retracted each
student’s degrees.
• All four students were given an XE grade for the
course. The students appealed the decision, but
the decision was upheld by the Hearing Board and
the Dean’s Designee.
• All four students scrambled to enroll in one course
to complete their degrees as they were currently
employed under the pretense of having a degree.
Why do some students cheat?
“I wanted a higher grade”
“I was very stressed”
“I ran out of time due to work and classes”
“Everyone else does it” ??????
“I need to keep my scholarship”
“I do not wish to repeat this course”
“I thought anything in the internet could be used
without documenting”
• “I thought I could get away with it”
Student Obligation
To be honest
To do your own work
To be ethical
To do what is moral and fair
• Students must adhere to the Academic Integrity
Policy (AIP).
• Students have an ethical obligation to submit their
own work.
• Students need to take reasonable measures to
avoid having their work be copied.
• Violations of the AIP can result in
disqualification, suspension or expulsion from
the School of Engineering.
• Honesty is the best policy.
Summary (Possible Sanctions)
Zero points for the project, homework
assignment, or exam.
Zero points for the project, homework
assignment, or exam and course grade
lowered by one letter grade.
An E (failing) grade or XE (dishonesty)
grade for the course.
Disqualification, suspension or expulsion
from the School of Engineering.
As a Fulton student it is a priority
to act in an honest, ethical and
professional manner.
• Give one example of cheating?
• What is an XE?
• Give an example of a sanction besides an
• Where is the AIP file kept?
• When is the AIP file destroyed?
• Give one reason why a student should not