a user perspective
Sixth Canadian Edition
Overview of Corporate Financial Accounting
John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. ©2011
Prepared by L. de Grace C.A.
Overview of Corporate Financial
Accounting: an information system in which the
underlying economic conditions of
organizations and individuals are recorded,
summarized, reported, and understood
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Corporate Financial Reporting
Financial statements: reports summarizing a
company’s performance during a particular
Annual report: reports the results of the
company’s activities during the year
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Forms of Organization
Profit-seeking entities
Governing organizations
Service entities
Not-for-profit entities
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Forms of Organization
Sole proprietorships
Limited partnerships
Joint ventures
Crown corporations
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Corporate Financial Reporting
Shareholders’ equity: initial investment in the
business entity in the form of cash or property
Share: document that represents ownership in
the corporation
Shareholders: owners
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Users of Financial
Statement Information
Internal users:
Board of Directors
External users:
Potential investors
Taxing authorities
Other corporations, including
Security analysts
Credit-rating agencies
Labour unions
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Development of Accounting Standards
International Financial Reporting Standards
Set by International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)
in junction with International Organization of Securities
Commissions (IOSCO)
Canadian public companies must adopt IFRS by
January 1, 2011.
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Characteristics of Accounting Information
Predictive value
Confirmatory value
Faithful Representation
Substance over form
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Constraints of Accounting Information
Balance between benefits and cost
Balance between qualitative characteristics
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Business Activities
Financing Activities
Investing Activities
Operating Activities
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Financing Activities
Borrowing money
Repaying loans
Issuing shares
Repurchasing shares
Paying dividends on shares
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Investing Activities
Purchase or sale of property,
plant, and equipment
Investments or sale of
investments in the shares of other
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Operating Activities
Sales to customers
Collections of
amounts owed by
Purchases of
Payments of amounts
owed to suppliers
Payments of expenses
Payments of taxes
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Annual Report
Corporate profile
Message to shareholders
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Board of directors and management
Financial section
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Financial Section Components
Statement of Management’s Responsibility
Auditor’s report
Financial statements
Statement on corporate governance
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Statement of
Management’s Responsibility
Contains a statement by management that it is
responsible for the contents of the annual report
Outlines steps taken to ensure safekeeping of
assets and the practice of ethical and
responsible management
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Independent Auditors’ Report
Independent professional accountants’ opinion
about the fairness of the presentation and
conformity to accounting guidelines
Ethical considerations
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Financial Statements
Statement of Comprehensive Income
Statement of Financial Position
Income Statement; Statement of Earnings
Balance Sheet
Statement of Cash Flows
Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity
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Statement of Comprehensive Income
Describes the revenues and expenses of the
current period
Expenses may also be recognized in a future
ie. Depreciation expense allocates the cost of
equipment over several years of benefits
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Statement of Comprehensive Income
Common items
 Sales
 Other income
 Cost of goods sold
 Selling, general, and administrative expenses
 Amortization, interest, and income tax expenses
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Statement of Financial Position
Financial status of the company at a particular
point in time
Lists what is owned (assets) and what is owed
(liabilities), measuring net worth (shareholders’
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Something that has probable future value that can
be measured
The company can control the benefit from the future
value through ownership or rights to use the assets
The event that gave the company the ownership or
right has already occurred
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Short-term (temporary) investments
Accounts receivable
Prepaid expenses
Capital assets
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Amounts that the company owes to others
Probable future sacrifice of resources: cash,
services, or goods
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Bank indebtedness
Accounts payable
Notes payable
Dividends payable
Accrued liabilities
Taxes payable
Long-term debt
Future income tax
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Assets and liabilities are listed on the balance
sheet in liquidity order
Liquidity: how quickly the company can turn the
asset into cash
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Basic Accounting Equation
Assets = Liabilities + Shareholders’ Equity
Shareholders’ Equity = Assets - Liabilities
(Net Assets)
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Shareholders’ Equity
Value of the shareholders’ interest in the
company as measured by the accounting
Usually composed of at least two accounts:
Share capital
Retained earnings
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Share Capital
Represents the shares that have been issued by
the company
Usually stated at an amount equal to what was
originally paid by investors for the shares
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Retained Earnings
The earnings of the company (as measured on the
Income Statement) that have been kept (retained)
and not paid out in the form of dividends
Change in Retained Earnings = Net Income - Dividends
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Statement of Cash Flows
Measures inflows and outflows of cash during a specific
period of time
• Operating Activities
Financing Activities
All inflows & outflows related to the company’s sale of goods or
Transactions that either generate new funds from investors or
return funds to investor
Investing Activities
Inflows and outflows related to long-term assets
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Notes to the Financial Statements
More detail about specific referenced items
Includes the Summary of Accounting Policies
Includes information about various segments of
the company
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Professional Accounting Organizations
in Canada
Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CAs)
CMA Canada: Certified Management Accountants
Certified General Accountants’ Association of
Canada (CGAs)
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Professional Accounting Organizations
in Canada
Click on one of the links below to find out more on
accounting as a profession:
CMA Canada
CGA Canada
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