Wireless Communications and Networks

Antennas & Propagation
Signal Encoding
CSG 250
Spring 2005
Rajmohan Rajaraman
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
An antenna is an electrical conductor or
system of conductors
o Transmission - radiates electromagnetic energy
into space
o Reception - collects electromagnetic energy
from space
In two-way communication, the same
antenna can be used for transmission and
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Radiation Patterns
 Radiation pattern
o Graphical representation of radiation properties of an
o Depicted as two-dimensional cross section
 Beam width (or half-power beam width)
o Measure of directivity of antenna
o Angle within which power radiated is at least half of that
in most preferred direction
 Reception pattern
o Receiving antenna’s equivalent to radiation pattern
 Omnidirectional vs. directional antenna
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Types of Antennas
 Isotropic antenna (idealized)
o Radiates power equally in all directions
 Dipole antennas
o Half-wave dipole antenna (or Hertz antenna)
o Quarter-wave vertical antenna (or Marconi antenna)
 Parabolic Reflective Antenna
o Used for terrestrial microwave and satellite applications
o Larger the diameter, the more tightly directional is the
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Antenna Gain
Antenna gain
o Power output, in a particular direction,
compared to that produced in any direction by
a perfect omnidirectional antenna (isotropic
Expressed in terms of effective area
o Related to physical size and shape of antenna
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Antenna Gain
 Relationship between antenna gain and effective
4f 2 Ae
G = antenna gain
Ae = effective area
f = carrier frequency
c = speed of light (≈ 3 x 108 m/s)
 = carrier wavelength
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Propagation Modes
Ground-wave propagation
Sky-wave propagation
Line-of-sight propagation
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Ground Wave Propagation
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Ground Wave Propagation
Follows contour of the earth
Can Propagate considerable distances
Frequencies up to 2 MHz
o AM radio
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Sky Wave Propagation
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Sky Wave Propagation
 Signal reflected from ionized layer of atmosphere
back down to earth
 Signal can travel a number of hops, back and
forth between ionosphere and earth’s surface
 Reflection effect caused by refraction
 Examples
o Amateur radio
o CB radio
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Line-of-Sight Propagation
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Line-of-Sight Propagation
 Transmitting and receiving antennas must be
within line of sight
o Satellite communication – signal above 30 MHz not
reflected by ionosphere
o Ground communication – antennas within effective line of
site due to refraction
 Refraction – bending of microwaves by the
o Velocity of electromagnetic wave is a function of the
density of the medium
o When wave changes medium, speed changes
o Wave bends at the boundary between mediums
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Line-of-Sight Equations
Optical line of sight
d  3.57 h
Effective, or radio, line of sight
d  3.57 h
• d = distance between antenna and horizon
• h = antenna height (m)
• K = adjustment factor to account for
refraction, rule of thumb K = 4/3
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Line-of-Sight Equations
Maximum distance between two antennas
for LOS propagation:
3.57 h1  h2
• h1 = height of antenna one
• h2 = height of antenna two
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
LOS Wireless Transmission
Attenuation and attenuation distortion
Free space loss
Atmospheric absorption
Thermal noise
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
 Strength of signal falls off with distance over
transmission medium
 Attenuation factors for unguided media:
o Received signal must have sufficient strength so that
circuitry in the receiver can interpret the signal
o Signal must maintain a level sufficiently higher than
noise to be received without error
o Attenuation is greater at higher frequencies, causing
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Free Space Loss
 Free space loss, ideal isotropic antenna
Pt 4d 
4fd 
• Pt = signal power at transmitting antenna
• Pr = signal power at receiving antenna
•  = carrier wavelength
• d = propagation distance between antennas
• c = speed of light (≈ 3 x 108 m/s)
where d and  are in the same units (e.g., meters)
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Free Space Loss
Free space loss equation can be recast:
 4d 
LdB  10 log  20 log 
  
 20 log    20 log d   21.98 dB
 4fd 
 20 log 
  20 log  f   20 log d   147.56 dB
 c 
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Free Space Loss
 Free space loss accounting for gain of antennas
Pt 4  d 
d 
cd 
 2
Gr Gt 
Ar At
f Ar At
Gt = gain of transmitting antenna
Gr = gain of receiving antenna
At = effective area of transmitting antenna
Ar = effective area of receiving antenna
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Free Space Loss
Free space loss accounting for gain of
other antennas can be recast as
LdB  20 log    20 log d   10 log  At Ar 
 20 log  f   20 log d   10 log  At Ar   169.54dB
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Categories of Noise
Thermal Noise
Intermodulation noise
Impulse Noise
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Thermal Noise
Thermal noise due to agitation of electrons
Present in all electronic devices and
transmission media
Cannot be eliminated
Function of temperature
Particularly significant for satellite
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Thermal Noise
Amount of thermal noise to be found in a
bandwidth of 1Hz in any device or
conductor is:
N 0  kT W/Hz 
• N0 = noise power density in watts per 1 Hz of
• k = Boltzmann's constant = 1.3803 x 10-23 J/K
• T = temperature, in kelvins (absolute temperature)
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Thermal Noise
 Noise is assumed to be independent of frequency
 Thermal noise present in a bandwidth of B Hertz
(in watts):
N  kTB
or, in decibel-watts
N  10 log k  10 log T  10 log B
 228.6 dBW  10 log T  10 log B
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Noise Terminology
 Intermodulation noise – occurs if signals with
different frequencies share the same medium
o Interference caused by a signal produced at a
frequency that is the sum or difference of original
 Crosstalk – unwanted coupling between signal
 Impulse noise – irregular pulses or noise
o Short duration and of relatively high amplitude
o Caused by external electromagnetic disturbances, or
faults and flaws in the communications system
o Primary source of error for digital data transmission
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Expression Eb/N0
 Ratio of signal energy per bit to noise power
density per Hertz
Eb S / R
 The bit error rate for digital data is a function of
o Given a value for Eb/N0 to achieve a desired error rate,
parameters of this formula can be selected
o As bit rate R increases, transmitted signal power must
increase to maintain required Eb/N0
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Other Impairments
Atmospheric absorption – water vapor and
oxygen contribute to attenuation
Multipath – obstacles reflect signals so that
multiple copies with varying delays are
Refraction – bending of radio waves as
they propagate through the atmosphere
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Multipath Propagation
 Reflection - occurs when signal encounters a
surface that is large relative to the wavelength of
the signal
 Diffraction - occurs at the edge of an
impenetrable body that is large compared to
wavelength of radio wave
 Scattering – occurs when incoming signal hits an
object whose size is in the order of the
wavelength of the signal or less
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Effects of Multipath Propagation
Multiple copies of a signal may arrive at
different phases
o If phases add destructively, the signal level
relative to noise declines, making detection
more difficult
Intersymbol interference (ISI)
o One or more delayed copies of a pulse may
arrive at the same time as the primary pulse
for a subsequent bit
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Time variation of received signal power
caused by changes in the transmission
medium or path(s)
In a fixed environment:
o Changes in atmospheric conditions
In a mobile environment:
o Multipath propagation
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Types of Fading
 Fast fading
 Slow fading
 Flat fading
 Selective fading
 Rayleigh fading
 Rician fading
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Error Compensation Mechanisms
Forward error correction
Adaptive equalization
Diversity techniques
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Forward Error Correction
 Transmitter adds error-correcting code to data
o Code is a function of the data bits
 Receiver calculates error-correcting code from
incoming data bits
o If calculated code matches incoming code, no error
o If error-correcting codes don’t match, receiver attempts
to determine bits in error and correct
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Adaptive Equalization
 Can be applied to transmissions that carry analog
or digital information
o Analog voice or video
o Digital data, digitized voice or video
 Used to combat intersymbol interference
 Involves gathering dispersed symbol energy back
into its original time interval
 Techniques
o Lumped analog circuits
o Sophisticated digital signal processing algorithms
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Diversity Techniques
 Space diversity:
o Use multiple nearby antennas and combine received
signals to obtain the desired signal
o Use collocated multiple directional antennas
 Frequency diversity:
o Spreading out signal over a larger frequency bandwidth
o Spread spectrum
 Time diversity:
o Noise often occurs in bursts
o Spreading the data out over time spreads the errors and
hence allows FEC techniques to work well
o Interleaving
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Signal Encoding Techniques
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Reasons for Choosing Encoding
Digital data, digital signal
o Equipment less complex and expensive than
digital-to-analog modulation equipment
Analog data, digital signal
o Permits use of modern digital transmission and
switching equipment
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Reasons for Choosing Encoding
Digital data, analog signal
o Some transmission media will only propagate
analog signals
o E.g., unguided media
Analog data, analog signal
o Analog data in electrical form can be
transmitted easily and cheaply
o Done with voice transmission over voice-grade
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Signal Encoding Criteria
 What determines how successful a receiver will be
in interpreting an incoming signal?
o Signal-to-noise ratio
o Data rate
o Bandwidth
 An increase in data rate increases bit error rate
 An increase in SNR decreases bit error rate
 An increase in bandwidth allows an increase in
data rate
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Comparing Encoding Schemes
 Signal spectrum
o With lack of high-frequency components, less bandwidth
o With no dc component, ac coupling via transformer
o Transfer function of a channel is worse near band edges
 Clocking
o Ease of determining beginning and end of each bit
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Comparing Encoding Schemes
 Signal interference and noise immunity
o Performance in the presence of noise
 Cost and complexity
o The higher the signal rate to achieve a given data rate,
the greater the cost
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Digital Data to Analog Signals
Amplitude-shift keying (ASK)
o Amplitude difference of carrier frequency
Frequency-shift keying (FSK)
o Frequency difference near carrier frequency
Phase-shift keying (PSK)
o Phase of carrier signal shifted
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Amplitude-Shift Keying
 One binary digit represented by presence of
carrier, at constant amplitude
 Other binary digit represented by absence of
s t   
A cos2f ct 
binary 1
binary 0
• where the carrier signal is Acos(2πfct)
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Amplitude-Shift Keying
Susceptible to sudden gain changes
Inefficient modulation technique
On voice-grade lines, used up to 1200 bps
Used to transmit digital data over optical
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Binary Frequency-Shift Keying
 Two binary digits represented by two different
frequencies near the carrier frequency
s t   
A cos2f1t 
A cos2f 2t 
binary 1
binary 0
• where f1 and f2 are offset from carrier frequency fc by equal
but opposite amounts
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Binary Frequency-Shift Keying
Less susceptible to error than ASK
On voice-grade lines, used up to 1200bps
Used for high-frequency (3 to 30 MHz)
radio transmission
Can be used at higher frequencies on LANs
that use coaxial cable
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Multiple Frequency-Shift Keying
 More than two frequencies are used
 More bandwidth efficient but more susceptible to
si t   A cos 2f i t
1 i  M
f i = f c + (2i – 1 – M)f d
f c = the carrier frequency
f d = the difference frequency
M = number of different signal elements = 2
L = number of bits per signal element
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Multiple Frequency-Shift Keying
 To match data rate of input bit stream,
each output signal element is held for:
Ts=LT seconds
where T is the bit period (data rate = 1/T)
 So, one signal element encodes L bits
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Multiple Frequency-Shift Keying
Total bandwidth required
Minimum frequency separation required
Therefore, modulator requires a bandwidth
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Multiple Frequency-Shift Keying
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Phase-Shift Keying (PSK)
Two-level PSK (BPSK)
o Uses two phases to represent binary digits
binary 1
 A cos2f ct 
s t   
binary 0
 A cos2f ct   
 A cos2f ct 
 A cos2f ct 
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
binary 1
binary 0
Phase-Shift Keying (PSK)
Differential PSK (DPSK)
o Phase shift with reference to previous bit
• Binary 0 – signal burst of same phase as previous
signal burst
• Binary 1 – signal burst of opposite phase to previous
signal burst
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Phase-Shift Keying (PSK)
Four-level PSK (QPSK)
o Each element represents more than one bit
st   
A cos 2f c t  
3 
A cos 2f c t 
4 
3 
A cos 2f c t  
4 
A cos 2f c t  
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Phase-Shift Keying (PSK)
 Multilevel PSK
o Using multiple phase angles with each angle having
more than one amplitude, multiple signals elements can
be achieved
D 
L log 2 M
D = modulation rate, baud
R = data rate, bps
M = number of different signal elements = 2L
L = number of bits per signal element
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Bandwidth of modulated signal (BT)
• R = bit rate
• 0 < r < 1; related to how signal is filtered
• DF = f2-fc=fc-f1
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Bandwidth of modulated signal (BT)
 1 r 
1 r 
 R
BT  
 R  
 L 
 log 2 M 
 1  r M 
 R
BT  
 log 2 M 
• L = number of bits encoded per signal element
• M = number of different signal elements
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
QAM is a combination of ASK and PSK
o Two different signals sent simultaneously on
the same carrier frequency
st   d1 t cos 2f ct  d 2 t sin 2f ct
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
Analog Data to Analog Signal
Modulation of digital signals
o When only analog transmission facilities are
available, digital to analog conversion required
Modulation of analog signals
o A higher frequency may be needed for effective
o Modulation permits frequency division
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Mopdulation Techniques
Amplitude modulation (AM)
Angle modulation
o Frequency modulation (FM)
o Phase modulation (PM)
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Amplitude Modulation
Amplitude Modulation
st   1 na xt cos 2f ct
• cos2fct = carrier
• x(t) = input signal
• na = modulation index (< 1)
– Ratio of amplitude of input signal to carrier
o a.k.a double sideband transmitted carrier
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Amplitude Modulation
Transmitted power
 na 2 
Pt  Pc 1 
• Pt = total transmitted power in s(t)
• Pc = transmitted power in carrier
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Single Sideband (SSB)
 Variant of AM is single sideband (SSB)
o Sends only one sideband
o Eliminates other sideband and carrier
 Advantages
o Only half the bandwidth is required
o Less power is required
 Disadvantages
o Suppressed carrier can’t be used for synchronization
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Angle Modulation
Angle modulation
st   Ac cos2f ct   t 
Phase modulation
o Phase is proportional to modulating signal
 t   n p mt 
• np = phase modulation index
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Angle Modulation
Frequency modulation
o Derivative of the phase is proportional to
modulating signal
 ' t   n f mt 
• nf = frequency modulation index
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Angle Modulation
Compared to AM, FM and PM result in a
signal whose bandwidth:
o is also centered at fc
o but has a magnitude that is much different
Thus, FM and PM require greater
bandwidth than AM
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Angle Modulation
Carson’s rule
BT  2  1B
 n p Am
   F n f Am
 B
The formula for FM becomes
BT  2F  2B
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
for PM
for FM
Analog Data to Digital Signal
Digitization: Often analog data are
converted to digital form
Once analog data have been converted to
digital signals, the digital data:
o can be transmitted using NRZ-L
o can be encoded as a digital signal using a code
other than NRZ-L
o can be converted to an analog signal, using
previously discussed techniques
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Analog data to digital signal
Pulse code modulation (PCM)
Delta modulation (DM)
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Pulse Code Modulation
Based on the sampling theorem
Each analog sample is assigned a binary
o Analog samples are referred to as pulse
amplitude modulation (PAM) samples
The digital signal consists of block of n
bits, where each n-bit number is the
amplitude of a PCM pulse
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Pulse Code Modulation
By quantizing the PAM pulse, original
signal is only approximated
Leads to quantizing noise
Signal-to-noise ratio for quantizing noise
SNR dB  20 log 2 n  1.76 dB  6.02n  1.76 dB
Thus, each additional bit increases SNR by
6 dB, or a factor of 4
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Delta Modulation
Analog input is approximated by staircase
o Moves up or down by one quantization level ()
at each sampling interval
The bit stream approximates derivative of
analog signal (rather than amplitude)
o 1 is generated if function goes up
o 0 otherwise
Wireless Networks Spring 2005
Delta Modulation
Delta Modulation
Two important parameters
o Size of step assigned to each binary digit ()
o Sampling rate
Accuracy improved by increasing sampling
o However, this increases the data rate
Advantage of DM over PCM is the simplicity
of its implementation
Wireless Networks Spring 2005