Serbia IPA Cross-border Programme, CCI Number

Bulgaria – Serbia IPA Cross-border Programme,
CCI Number 2007CB16IPO006
The Beekeeping as an Alternative to the Unemployment And
a Steady Base for a Sustainable Development in the
Bulgarian-Serbian Cross-Border Region
Project № 2007CB16IPO006-2011-2-96
Савез пољопривредних инжењера
и техничара Србије
The project is co-funded by EU trough the Bulgaria–Serbia IPA Cross-border Programme
Aims of the study:
• Overview of the legislation regulating the environmental
protection and biodiversity in EU and Serbia with a focus on
melliferous flora;
• Identification of the protected areas (parks of nature)and
specifics of their melliferous flora;
• Classification of the melliferous flora of Niš and Pirot district
with evaluation of nectar and pollen production;
• Considerations and recommendations for the development of
organic beekeeping in the Niš and Pirot district.
Basic strategical documents in protection of nature in Serbia:
• Стратегија биолошке разноврсности Р. Србије за период од 2011. до
2018. године;
• National programme for environmental protection
• Spatial plan for the Republic of Serbia 2010.-2020.;
• National strategy for the sustainable development.
Strategies that are applied on regional or municipal level
Area of the Nis and Pirot District emphasizes the exceptional biodiversity.
On the territory of Nis District protected areas cover 158.694 ha.
Nature Park Sićevačka klisura - a landscape of exceptional biodiversity and
habitat of endemic and rare species of plants and animals (Ramonda serbica –,
Ramonda nataliae, Salvia officinalis – sage, Syringa vulgaris– lilac, Cotinus coggygria –
smoke tree)
Ramonda serbica
Salvia officinalis
On the territory of the Pirot District protected areas cover 53.864 ha.
Nature Park Stara Planina - a landscape of exceptional biodiversity and habitat
of endemic and rare species of plants and animals.
Stara planina is habitat for 119 species of plants and 51 species of moss, which
represents 34% of the total fund of flora Serbia.
The territory of Nis and Pirot district is very favorable for
the development of beekeeping.
Floristic analysis showed that in this area very rich
melliferous flora is developing, consisting of over 1.000
species of plants, which is more than 55% of the total
number of species of melliferous flora of Serbia.
Early spring melliferous plants
• develops in the meadows and woods in late winter (in
February) and early spring (March) and consists of hazel,
dogwood, willow, poplar, snowdrop, saffron, violets,
anemones, coltsfoot, dead nettle, primrose ...
Dead nettle
Saffron (Crocus sp.) is a significant melliferous plant that provides nectar and
pollen in the sensitive part of the year, at the turn winter into spring.
Species Crocus veluchensis grow widespread only in the Balkans .
Fruit melliferous species are very important for the development
of bee colonies.
Latespring melliferous plants
The most important honey plant in our country is the acacia.
Earlysummer melliferous plants
Very important melliferous plant is lime.
Summer melliferous plants
Different meadow, weeds and herbs bloom in the summer.
The most important are bonito, thistle, clover, chicory, thyme, oregano and
many weed species such as white basil, betony, vetches.
Significant honey plants are grown plants such as pumpkin, cucumber,
sunflower and corn (provides only pollen).
Important medicinal plants are sage, mint, lemon balm, yarrow, chicory,
marigold ...
Meadow sage
Latesummer melliferous plants
Buckwheat is an excellent melliferous species that can be used as a cereal.
Beekeepers of the Nis and Pirot district well recognized
melliferous species as well as the timing of their flowering.
Results of the questionnaire
The teritorry of the Nis and Pirot districts highlights the exceptional biodiversity
of plant and animal species.
This area is inhabited by about 1.000 different melliferous species.
Large areas under acacia trees develop in Nis District and rich meadows in Nis
and Pirot districts.
Fruit species represent a significant melliferous species.
Area of the Nis and Pirot districts is extremely favorable for the development of
beekeeping, especially organic.
There is a need for creation of the phenological maps of flowering time, which
are a prerequisite for the formation of the cadastre of bee pastures of this area.
Stimulate beekeepers to follow flowering of the melliferous species in order to
create a map of phenological flowering, which are a prerequisite for the
formation of the cadastre of bee pastures in this area.
Improving existing bee pastures with:
• sustainable use and conservation of natural habitats of melliferous plants,
such as forest and meadow-pasture ecosystems;
• sowing of crop melliferous plants and herbs as well as planting of the
melliferous trees and shrubs.
Stimulate beekeepers to grow buckwheat, exceptional plant species used as
cereal and in addition an excellent melliferous plant that bloom in the period
of year when there is no other honeybee pasture.
This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union throughthe
Cross-Border Programme CCI No 2007CB16IPO006. The contents of this publication are the
sole responsibility of Beekeepers Association “Kovanluk” and can in no way be taken to reflect
the views of the European Union or the Managing Authority of the Programme