Verbs - Warren County Schools

Weeks 5 and 6
What is a verb?
 Every sentence has a subject and a predicate.
 The subject is ______ or _____ what a sentence is
 The predicate is where the __________ is in the
 Examples:
 Shanna _____ lunch every day.
 The cat ______ milk from a dish.
 My brother ________ basketball.
What does a verb do?
 A verb shows what the subject is, __h____, does, or
Types of Verbs
 We will learn three kinds of verbs:
 Action
 State of Being
 Linking/Helping
Action Verbs
 Action verbs do just what they say. They show
________ in a sentence.
 Can anyone think of some actions?
Action Verbs
 Action can relate to a physical action:
 Jessica mopped to the floor.
 Or, it can relate to a mental action:
 Erin thought about the beach.
Let’s identify the action verbs…
 Bart and Lisa run on the track team.
 The class participated in a spelling bee.
 Ms. Dilsaver eats chocolate.
 Jasper dreams about eating all day long.
 My mother loves flowers.
State of Being Verbs
 We know that action verbs show ________ in a
State of being verbs are a little different.
They don’t show ________, they show what the subject
For example: Ms. Dilsaver is a teacher.
There is no action in this sentence. The verb simply
tells us what the subject is.
State of Being Verbs are also called _________ Verbs.
State of Being Verbs
 Most common states of being verbs are forms of the Be
verb itself:
 Am
 Is
 Are
 Was
 Were
 Being
 Been
State of Being Verbs
 Let’s look at some examples...
 Burt is the gardener’s assistant.
 He seems afraid of the swans.
 One swan looks angry.
 In fact, swans are hungry.
State of Being Verbs
 Here are some other examples of common state of being
 Appear
 Become
 Feel
 Grow
 Look
 Seem
 Remain
 Smell
 Sound
 Stay
 taste
Let’s find the verbs in these sentences. Are
they action of state of being verbs?
We parked and locked our bicycles in the rack at the
2. Many, many resources were available there.
3. I considered several books about wild animals.
4. All of the books looked interesting.
5. Finally, I decided on one about tropical birds.
6. The book described many birds from countries in
Central and South America.
7. I especially liked the photographs in the book.
8. The pictures of the birds are very colorful.
9. Some of the birds’ feathers are pink, orange, red, and
10. I carried the book home in my backpack.
What’s the difference?
 What’s the difference between linking and state of
being verbs?
 There is no difference between the two.
 They are referred to as linking verbs because they link
the ____________ to the ___________ in the sentence.
 Ms. Dilsaver __________ a teacher.
 Ms. Dilsaver is the ______________
 _________ a teacher is the ________________.
Some verbs can function as either linking
verbs or action verbs.
Linking Verbs
The lily pond
smells stagnant.
The gardener felt
Action Verbs
The squirrel
smells its food.
They felt the
tree’s thick leaves.
How to know?
 To help you decide whether one of these verbs is a
linking verb, try substituting is or are for the verb. If
the sentence still makes sense, the verb is probably a
linking verb.
 The pigeons look comical. (The pigeons are comical.)
 The swan’s hiss sounds fierce. (The swan’s hiss is fierce.)
Which of these sentences contains
a linking verb?
A monkey appears from behind a tree. It
appears excited.
 The young deer grew taller. The male deer
grew antlers.
 The koala baby looks cute. It looks for its
 The koala tastes a leaf. Does it taste good?
We smell the eucalyptus tree. It smells
 We feel the tree’s bark. It feels smooth.
Helping Verbs
 We know about action and state of being/linking
Now we need to know about the third kind:
___________ verbs.
A helping verb works with the main verb to help you
understand ________ the action is taking place.
For example: The student ________ using the
The word _______ helps you to understand _______
the action is taking place.
Helping Verbs
 Here are some helping verbs:
 May
 Might
 Must
 Be
 Being
 Been
 Am
 Are
 Is
 Was
Helping Verbs
 Remember!
 Not all sentences will have a helping verb.
 When you see an “-ing” verb such as running be on the
lookout for a helping verb.
 Sometimes words might separate the helping verb from
the main verb.
 For example: The boy could not find his socks.
 What helping verbs could we replace “could” with to
change the tense?
Helping Verbs
 A sentence may contain up to _______ helping verbs
along with the main verb.
 Think, pair, share: Think of a sentence using as many
helping verbs as you can. Then share with a partner.
 For example:
 The dog _________________________chasing the cat.
Let’s find the helping verbs.
 I will watch my little brother.
 She was eating an apple.
 The elephant must have been sleeping.
 I could not have learned this without your
 Students will always do their homework.
 What are adjectives?
 Adjectives describe (or modify) nouns, pronouns.
 Here are some example:
 It was a ______________ day.
 The girl was very _____________.
 My ___________ friends are coming over.
 Adjectives usually come before the noun or pronouns
they are describing.
 The pretty girl, The funny boy, The white house, etc.
 Sometimes adjectives can be after linking verbs and
still describe the subject.
 For example: The girl is pretty.
 The boy was funny.
 The house used to be white.
 You can use more than one adjective to describe a
noun or pronoun.
 It was a rainy, dark, and gloomy day.
 The house was beautiful and large.
Let’s find the adjectives in the
following sentences.
 The yellow flower was blooming in the large
 Three students ate juicy hamburgers.
 The shoes were dirty.
 My candle is glowing.
 I love the smell of freshly baked chocolaty
 What are adverbs?
 Adverbs describe (or modify) verbs, adjectives, and
other adverbs.
 We will look at examples of each.
Adverbs describing verbs
 Many times, adverbs answer the question of ‘how’ in a
 How was she eating?
She was eating quickly.
 How was the question answered?
He answered the question incorrectly.
 Notice the adverbs end in the suffix –ly. This is
common amongst adverbs, but not for all of them.
Adverbs describing adjectives
 Adverbs that describe adjectives usually indicate a
degree of something.
 It was very hot.
 It was slightly burned .
 It was moderately cold.
 Notice the adverbs come after the linking verb and
before the adjective they are describing.
Adverbs describing other adverbs
 Adverbs can also describe other adverbs.
 I was trying really hard not to laugh.
 Really is describing hard, and hard is describing how
you were trying.
Something to Remember...
 Unlike adjectives, adverbs can come both ________and
________ verbs they are describing!
 Let’s find the adverbs...
 She was hungrily eating the stew.
 The boy yelled loudly across the room.
 I am very well today.
 The time is quickly approaching.
Some words have both adjectives
and adverb forms
Happy kids
Smooth rock
Good day
Efficient workers
Casual dress
Quick meeting
Hopeful children
Real butter
Slow car
Playing happily
Running smoothly
Eating well
Working efficiently
Dressing casually
Talking quickly
Waiting hopefully
Really hot
Moving slowly
Comparative and Superlative
 Most adverbs and adjectives also have a comparative
and superlative form.
Comparative Superlative
More exciting Most exciting
Less careful
Least careful
Creating Sentences
 Think, pair, share: Consider the following simple
forms of the adjectives and adverbs: cold, fun, happily.
 Come up with two sentences for each word (one using
and comparative and one using a superlative).
 You should have six sentences in all.