Annual Performance Review

Performance Management
Open Information Session
Spring 2009
 Focus of Today’s Session
 Review the enhancements to the
performance review document
 Define the shared responsibility between
employees and supervisors
 Discuss ways to prepare for the
performance review discussion
 Presentation and Revised Forms are
available on-line at
 Please hold questions
 Brief Historical Perspective
Based on recommendations from Performance
Management Work Group (PMWG) the Cabinet and
Board approved significant changes to the performance
review and compensation systems
 Training was held for supervisors and employees in
Spring 2008
 Feedback gathered through:
 Staff Assembly Compensation and Benefits Survey
 Multiple facilitated feedback sessions across the
 Enhancements have been made to the performance
review documents based on this input
 Full implementation targeted for June 2010
 Current Status
 Performance Management Work Group (PMWG)
has been reconvened for FY 2008-2009
 June 2009 annual increases are planned to be
an Across the Board (ATB) increase or an
adjustment to the minimum of the range
(whichever is greater)
 HR now working with the Pilot Groups (120
employees spread over 5 divisions) to go
through a simulated compensation model and
performance reviews
 Path Forward
 Pilot Groups evaluate the amended forms and
compensation model to insure they are functional and a
good fit for our culture
 Feedback from the Pilot Groups will be provided to the
 Recommendations made to the Cabinet in Summer 2009
 Change in Management’s Roles and Responsibilities
 Greater accountability
 On-going assessment and communication of employee
 Greater utilization of Performance Review outcomes
Setting Goals & Expectations
•Define job criteria by which performance will be
measured based on job description
•Establish goals and objectives
•Communicate expectations to employees
•Rework objectives or performance standards, if
Annual Performance Review
Performance Coaching
•GU Performance Review
•Define coaching
•Mistakes to Avoid
•Give effective feedback
•Behavior Based Statements
•Recognize employees’ area of development
•Coach for better performance
 Timeline of Key Months Document (New)
 Overview Document
 Employee Self-Review Document
 Annual Performance Review Document
Performance Review Packet can be found at
 New Document intended to provide timeline by
key months (February – June) for completing
performance review process.
 States Compensation Philosophy
 Outlines the program guidelines.
Enhancements include:
 February 1st – April 15th
 2-4 weeks to complete employee self
 Rating Definitions
 Criteria reviewed by PMWG based on comments
from feedback sessions held throughout campus.
 Enhancements include:
 Self Assessment – 5 to 3 - improvement
opportunity, satisfactory, exceptional
 Added Review Period
 Employee Standards – similar to Supervisor
Review except for Professional Development and
Management and Leadership Responsibilities
 Enhanced definition in goals section
 Criteria reviewed by PMWG based on comments from
feedback sessions held throughout campus.
 Enhancements include:
 Expanded Assessment Rating Options with adding
“N/A” and “.5” intervals
 Performance Criteria – highlighting assess both
Behavior and Competency Based
 Additional Criteria – customize for the position
(goal achievement, process management, quantity
of work)
 Enhanced definition in goals section
 Annual performance reviews are completed
from February 1st – April 15th.
 Prior to review meeting:
 Ask your supervisor for your job description
and self-review document generally 2-4
weeks prior to the performance review
 Ask your supervisor for any specific job
criteria added to the review
 Assess past year’s goals and timelines
 Complete your self-review
 After the review has been administered:
Typically, annual salary increases spreadsheets will
be distributed for approval/signature by Human
Resources to the Area Vice President and should be
returned to Human Resources no later than April
Any employee concerns regarding performance
review content should be addressed between date
of review given and May 15th within the Area Vice
President Division
Final annual increase spreadsheets are provided to
Payroll for loading from Human Resources to
ensure fiscal year effective date.
Annual increases effective June 1st unless otherwise
communicated by the University Cabinet.
 Engage in on-going communication
 Regular meetings
 Weekly email updates
 Project statuses
 Ensure both parties are clear on job
expectations, job description and duties
 Discuss questions and clarify priorities
 Utilize Objective Criteria to
demonstrate success during review
 Using metrics
 Job expectations
 Assess competencies
 Utilize goal statements and progress
made in achieving goals
Create Goals
An effective goal statement provides an
excellent basis for setting and monitoring
progress toward strategically aligned goals
Goals should go beyond an essential job
Goals should be something specific to
focus on for the upcoming year
Use SMART formula (Specific,
Measurable, Agreed Upon, Relevant,
 Complete your self-review
Provide current information on your
 Provide specific examples of what you’ve
done well
 Provide specific examples of what you’d like
to enhance with your work performance
 Prepare what you would like to accomplish
 In addition to completing your self-
 Confirm the time, and the place of the
 Be prepared to discuss specific examples of
behaviors and performance outcomes
 Be receptive to feedback
 Be willing to take ownership to enhance
 Be willing to receive assistance to heighten
 Ask for feedback on what you’re doing well
 Ask for feedback on what to improve
 Ask clarifying questions
 “What else could I have done to improve X?”
 “Do you have any suggestions for me?”
 Discuss what you plan to achieve by the
end of the next review period and ask what
your supervisor expects you to achieve in
this timeframe
 Make sure you finalize SMART goals
 Make your supervisor aware of any issues or
roadblocks you are facing and discuss how
they might be overcome
 Let your supervisor know what you need from
him/her during the next year to be successful
 Discuss your development activities for
the year
 Share progress you have made toward your
own development
 Find out how your supervisor can support
you in accomplishing your development
goals for the year
 Complete the discussion
 Thank your supervisor for his/her feedback
 Recommit yourself to a successful year
 Following the guidelines from this session will
help enhance the performance review discussion
 Employee’s Next Steps:
 Meet with supervisor to receive self-review and
review current job description
 Complete your self-review document
 Participate in review discussion by April 15th
 Upcoming training targeted to further assist you:
 Dealing with Change and Transition (MayJune)
 Please complete the evaluation form
 Email HR via the anonymous email tool
on our website
 Email Heather Murray at or
Gretchen Stoup at