Ready for College MODULE 10: SET TING YOUR GOALS Agenda • Welcome and introductions • How can setting goals help you? • Setting S-M-A-R-T goals • Short-term goals vs. long-term goals • ACTIVITY: Setting your goals • College Planning Checklist • Summary and wrap-up Welcome and introductions Setting Goals HOW CAN SET TING GOALS HELP YOU? What is a goal? What is a goal? What is an example of a goal? What is a goal? A goal is defined as “the object of a person’s ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.” What is a goal? An example: Amber wants to attend law school after graduating from Stanford University. Setting Goals Setting goals is important because: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Goals guide and direct behavior. Goals provide clarity. Goals provide challenges and standards. Goals reflect what the goal setter considers important. Goals help improve performance. Goals increase the motivation to achieve. Goals can improve your self-confidence, and satisfaction in accomplishing something. ◦ Goals can help decrease negative attitudes. Source: Organizational Behavior 6th Edition (1992) Setting SMART goals Setting SMART Goals Setting SMART goals can insure that you are more likely to achieve your goal. It is easier to hold yourself accountable to complete a goal when it is a SMART goal. Setting SMART Goals An example: In the next six weeks grading period, I will make at least a B on all my math tests and at least an A on my homework assignments. Setting Goals SHORT-TERM GOALS VERSUS LONG -TERM GOALS Short term vs. long term goals Short-term goals = 1 year or less Long-term goals = 3 to 5 years Make a plan to stay on track Activity SET TING YOUR OWN GOALS Setting Your Own Goals Take a moment to think about your short-term and long-term goals. Use the Goals Setting Worksheet to write down three short-term and three long-term goals. At least one of each should be an educational/career goal (i.e. major, career path, GPA) and at least one should be a personal goal (i.e. run a 5K, study more, learn to cook, take a photography class). Write down the first steps you will take to work on these goals and include three ways a college education can help you accomplish these goals. Remember to write SMART goals. Setting Your Own Goals Setting Your Own Goals How can you hold yourself accountable to accomplish your goals? College Planning Checklist College Planning Checklist Seniors/High School Graduates ◦ Send in your final transcript to your college ◦ Attend orientation and register for your classes ◦ Find out when you have to move-in to your residence hall and when classes start ◦ Contact student leaders of clubs and organizations you would like to join Freshman to Juniors ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Prepare for admissions exams by using a study guide such as Khan Academy Participate in a summer camp Start preparing a college checklist for the fall Visit a college or university Questions and comments IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS MODULE, CONTACT HINOJOSACONSULTING@GMAIL.COM