Definitions to Learn


7 Organisation and Management

What is organisational structure?

Definitions to Learn

Organisational structure

Chain of command

The levels of management and division of responsibilities within an organisation

The structure in an organisation which allows instructions to be passes down from senior management to lower levels of management

Advantages of job description

People applying for the job could see if they were suitable for the work expected of them

Once in the job, the new employee would know exactly what their duties and responsibilities were

Advantages of an organisation chart

The chart shows how everybody is linked together in the organisation

Every individual can see their own position in the organisation

It shows the links and relationship between different departments within the organisation

Everyone is in a department and this gives them a sense of belonging

Chain of command and span of control

Definitions to Learn

Span of control

Line managers

Staff managers

The number of subordinates working directly under a manager

Have direct responsibility over people below them in the hierarchy of an organisation

Specialists who provide support, information and

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assistance to line managers

Advantages of short chain command

Communication is quicker and more accurate

Top managers are less remote from the lower level of the hierarchy

Spans of control will be wider, it’s an advantage because

 If supervisors have more people to manage, it will encourage managers to delegate more

 There will be less direct control of each worker and they will feel more trusted

The role of management


Setting aims or targets for the future of the organisation

Aims or targets will give the organisation a sense of direction or purpose

A manager must also plan for the resources which will be needed


Tasks must be delegated to others in the organisation

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It is manager’s responsibility to organise people and resources effectively and carefully


Coordinating, which means ‘bringing together’, is very necessary for the business

Senior managers try to make sure that all departments in the organisation work closely together to achieve the business aims


Managers have to make sure that all supervisors and workers are keeping to targets and deadlines

Instructions, guidance and making sure the tasks are carried out is the manager’s responsibility


Managers must evaluate the work to make sure that workers are on target

Managers may have to take some corrective action when certain groups are failing

Without clear and effective management, a business will lack:

A sense of control and direction

Coordination between departments, leading to wastage of effort

Control of employees

Organisation of resources, leading to low output and sales


Definitions to Learn

Delegation The number of subordinates working directly under a manager

Advantages of delegation for the manager

Managers cannot do every job themselves

Managers are less likely to make mistakes if some of the tasks are being performed by their subordinates

Managers can measure the success of their staff more easily

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Advantages of delegation for the subordinate

The work becomes more interesting and rewarding

The employee feels more important and does the job more well

Delegation helps to train workers for more progress in the organisation

Why a manager might not delegate

Reduction in direct control by supervisors

Managers once tasks are done by workers

Increasing trust of workers by supervisors and managers

Make managers feel very insecure

Why having good managers is important

To motive employees

To give guidance and advice to their employees

To inspire their employees

To keep costs under control

To increase profitability of the business


Definitions to Learn

Leadership styles The different approaches to dealing with people when in a higher position

Autocratic leadership Where the manager expects to be in charge of the business

Democratic leadership Gets other employees involved in the decision-making progress

Laissez-faire leadership

Makes the broad objectives of the business, but then the employees are left to make their own decisions

Autocratic leadership

Manager expects to be in charge of the business and to have their orders followed

They’re separate from the employees

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Democratic leadership

Get the other employees involved in the decision-making process

Future plans are discussed before final decision is made

Laissez-faire leadership

French for ‘leave to do’

Employees are left to make their own decisions and organise their own work

The leader has a very limited role to play

Trade unions

Definitions to Learn

Trade union A group of workers who have joined together to ensure their interests are protected

Closed shop All employees must be a member of same trade union

Reasons why workers join a trade union

Strength in numbers

Improved conditions of employment

Improved environment where people work

Improved benefits for members who are not working because they’re sick, retired or made redundant

Improved job satisfaction by encouraging training

Advice and/or financial support if a member thinks that they have been unfairly dismissed or made redundant

Benefits that have been negotiated or provided for union members

Employment where there is a closed shop

Disadvantages of trade union membership

Costs money to be a member

May be required to take industrial action even if they don’t agree

Trade unions seek to

Put forward their views to the media and influence government decisions

Improve communications between workers and management

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