CIEA Seminar August 2004 Dorji Dhradhul, MoA and O. Hartmann-Fässler, Helvetas Some key figures Official name: Druk Yul (Land of the Thunder Dragon) Monarchy (with democratization and decentralization) Area 47‘000 km2, mountainous terrain, difficult access to many areas, only 16% arable land from 200 masl to >7000 masl (Himalayas); extremes of agroclimatic zones (sub-tropical to alpine) Population 600 000 - 800 000 (various ethnic groups) Language: Dzongkha (Nepali, English) Religions: Bhuddism, Hinduism GDP: ca. 700$ per capita CIEA Seminar August 2004 O. Hartmann-Fässler, Helvetas 2 Natural Resources & Agriculture in Bhutan Ca. 70% under forest cover NRM Sector 34% , Hydropower ca. 10% of GNP Agricultural workforce ca. 75% of population Mostly small farm structures (82% of people < 4ha); subsistence farming, hill agriculture, mixed farming system, almost no mechanization Main crops: rice, maize, potato (wheat, millet, buckwheat, barley) and citrus fruit. For export: cardamom and various fruit Livestock: cattle, yak, goats/sheep, pigs, poultry Overuse (close to settlements) vs. fallow in remote areas CIEA Seminar August 2004 O. Hartmann-Fässler, Helvetas 3 Situation in Education in Bhutan Formal schooling since 35 years Schooling language: English and Dzongkag School enrolment-rate 72% (primary), 46% (overall) Almost no opportunities of further education for early school leavers Limited opportunities for further education after 10/12th class (RGoB) Youth unemployment developing fast Private CIEA Seminar August 2004 sector no prominent employer O. Hartmann-Fässler, Helvetas 4 Rural Learning - on the move.... Before 2000 - very limited options farmers and early school leavers Extension service only/mayor direct source rare trainings, also at Research Centres, not evenly distributed for 10/12 class graduates NRM Sector - NRTI: one standard career, all to join civil service BSc in Natural Science Sherubtse, Curriculum imported from India Since 2000 slowly increasing offers 2000 First technical courses targeted at farmers (Farm Business Training) 2002 Food Inspector Training at NRTI 2003 Royal University of Bhutan => + BSc and MSc NRM At present - new offers being developed! CIEA Seminar August 2004 O. Hartmann-Fässler, Helvetas 5 Rural Learning and Education: Stakeholders and Offers = planned = existing Research 4 Regional Centres Formal Tertiary Education e.g. Natural Resources Training Institute (NRTI) Non-Formal Education Rural Development Extension Training Centre Ministry (national) Refresher/ updating District RNR Centres Apprenticeship Rural Household Farm Business Courses Block RNR Centres Community and Association Leaders CIEA Seminar August 2004 O. Hartmann-Fässler, Helvetas 6 Characteristics of Existing and New Offers Offer Status Mode Farm Business Courses Existing, (De)central review (RDTC) Targeted Employers Min. 8th class pass private Diploma Extension Existing Central (NRTI) 12th class pass RGoB (?) Food Inspectors existing Central (NRTI) 12th class pass RGoB Refresher Courses Existing Central (NRTI) in-service staff BSc Nat. Sciences existing Central (Sherubtse) 12th class pass RGoB Private (?) Apprenticeship (agric) In work Decentr. (RDTC) 8/10th class pass Community, Coop. & Assoc. Leaders In work Decentr. (RDTC) (read and write) Private Coop‘s BSc/MSc NRM In work Central (RUB-NRTI) 12th class pass/ BSc CIEA Seminar August 2004 RGoB (?) private ? O. Hartmann-Fässler 7 Educational Offers NRM Sector Rural Household Private MSc NRM In-service Training Dipl. Food Inspectors BSc Nat. Sci. BSc NRM Life-long Learning Rural Change Agents (Government) Community, Coop. & Association Leaders Diploma Extension School Ariculture Programme CIEA Seminar August 2004 Basic Education Farm Business Training Taining by Extensionists Research C.s Non-farm Income source training Apprenticeship School Ariculture Programme Non-formal Adult Education O. Hartmann-Fässler 8 Offers for Change Agents • Diploma in Extension • Food Inspectors • In-service Training • BSc/MSc CIEA Seminar August 2004 O. Hartmann-Fässler, Helvetas 9 Diploma in Extension (existing) Description Target group: XII class pass (Science), good communication skills 2 years; three specialisations classroom teaching, practicals, block days, blockweeks and field attachment Job prospects: Government extension agents Goal applied technical knowledge and skills in one subject area AND integrated approach (mixed farming system!) high social competences CIEA Seminar August 2004 O. Hartmann-Fässler, Helvetas 10 Diploma in Extension (existing) contd. Identification of Need and Curriculum Development (CD) Need: existing structure of extension service, departmentalization CD: ILO approach: participatory based on job analysis M& E: Tracer Studies (1995, 1998, 2003) Planning and Implementation Sequence of CD (1 y), teaching methodology (3 m) and production of teaching materials (3 m) First batch 1992 Continuous upgrading of teachers Major adjustments: entry criteria (X to XII class pass), integration of new contents based on tracer studies (computer science...) CIEA Seminar August 2004 O. Hartmann-Fässler, Helvetas 11 Diploma Extension (existing) contd. Lessons learnt Participatory CD - long, intensive, but pays back! Integrated approach dependent on structure at central level! Tracer Studies - methodology; act on findings and publish actions! Curriculum constant need for adaptation and review –institutionalize! Student follow-up crucial, but difficult Issues / Upcoming Challenges Saturation of market Functions of extensionists in light of decentralized planning 12 class pass–motivation to work with farmers? Need for flexible careers – credits? NRTI – member college of Royal University of Bhutan CIEA Seminar August 2004 O. Hartmann-Fässler, Helvetas 13 In-service Trainings (existing) Description Target group: selected in-service staff 7-30d; classroom teaching, practicals, often ToT approach collaboration with external experts Goal (in)directly refresh & update knowledge and skills of extension staff Opportunities for NRTI teaching staff Identification of Need and Curriculum Development (CD) Needs Refresher: jointly by NRTI and MoA - from field Need Updating: = f (new technologies, new policies and acts) CD: NRTI i. collaboration with clients CIEA Seminar August 2004 O. Hartmann-Fässler, Helvetas 14 In-service Trainings (existing) Planning and Implementation Yearly plan of action, (often) adhoc Issues/Challenges Donor driven?! Participant selection: criteria? Motivation? Lessons learnt Formalize/institutionalize integration of new topics! CIEA Seminar August 2004 O. Hartmann-Fässler, Helvetas 15 BSc and MSc (planned) Goal In-country higher education Prepare students for higher level jobs in government service and private sector (industry, and ?) Proposed Structure Duration as per international standards 12th class pass, science background (diploma?) Flexible structures, various career prospects (core subjects, specific subjects and subjects of choice) CIEA Seminar August 2004 O. Hartmann-Fässler, Helvetas 16 BSc and MSc (planned) Identification Need & Curriculum Development (CD) Need: stakeholders from Government and private sector (profiles, numbers needed) CD: participatory, similar diploma course NRTI Planning and implementation BSc to start in July 2006 Additional infrastructure and HRD needs Challenges/Issues and open Questions Clarification on future functions of graduates as base! Streamline qualifications with TORs CIEA Seminar August 2004 O. Hartmann-Fässler, Helvetas 17 Offers for Rural Households • Non-farm activity courses • Extension Offers by Extensionists • Farm Business Courses • Agricultural Apprenticeship • Cooperative & Assoc. Leaders CIEA Seminar August 2004 O. Hartmann-Fässler, Helvetas 18 Extension Offers by Extensionists Infrastructure: Block Extension agents (agriculture, livestock, forestry) Block Extension Centers (RNR, agriculture, livestock) Research Centers/sub centers Methods/Avenues: Farm visits by extension agents Meetings Trainings Demonstration (on farm trials) Study visits/exchange visits Exhibitions & shows CIEA Seminar August 2004 Dorji Dhradhul, MoA 19 Extension Offers by Extensionists Goal To give the farmers the opportunity to learn about new technologies (knowledge and skills) prymarily for enhancing their income through increase in farm productivity and indrectly to enhance their overall knowledge and skills level Identification of Need and Curriculum Development (CD) Geog Planning Process (participatory), Based on Plan document ( 9 FYP) adhoc offers from different projects /agencies CIEA Seminar August 2004 Dorji Dhradhul, MoA 20 Extension Offers by Extensionists Planning and implementation: RNR extension agents (supported by District , regional & central staff), central agencies Participation by nomination (not based on needs and interest) Sometimes voluntary (need based) Challenges /Issues Needs identification more participatory Feedback mechanism in curriculum development Participatant selction/identificatiopn Incentives for participation (DSA) Target oriented Guidelines on standards to be developed CIEA Seminar August 2004 Dorji Dhradhul, MoA 21 Farm Business Courses (existing, review needed) Description Target Group: min. 18y, min. Class VI, land resources, farming experiences, project concept 2 weeks - 3 month; various subjects; emphasis on practical skills, including farm management and economics Goal Enable interested farmers to gain technical and entrepreneurial knowledge and skills for income generating activities (farm businesses) CIEA Seminar August 2004 O. Hartmann-Fässler, Helvetas 22 Farm Business Courses (existing, review needed) Modules of Farm Business Courses • Vegetable production • Mushroom production • Nursery farming • Piggery • Poultry Production • Dairy Husbandry • Bee Keeping • Fishery • Forest Harvesting (Chain saw) •Cultivation of Medicinal Plants •Essential Oil Production CIEA Seminar August 2004 O. Hartmann-Fässler, Helvetas 23 Farm Business Courses (existing, review needed) Identification of Need, Curriculum Development (CD) Need: brainstorming (NRTI, MoA) CD: NRTI teaching staff, external experts Planning and implementation Start-up at NRTI, handing over to RDT (Rural Development Training Centre ) CIEA Seminar August 2004 O. Hartmann-Fässler, Helvetas 24 Farm Business Courses (existing, review needed) Challenges /Issues Effective (and cost efficient) distribution of information An-alphabets – excluded? If include? Teaching material! Decentralization of training Interest in content vs. income from training! Need/possibilities to combine with other non-NRM offers (handicraft, vocational trg?) Lessons Learnt Need for access to investment credit Need for technical support after course (who? How?) Entrepreneurship, Economics, Market orientation mainstreaming in teaching staff and extensionists for decentralised provision of courses CIEA Seminar August 2004 O. Hartmann-Fässler, Helvetas 25 Agricultural Apprenticeship (in work) Goal To provide farmers with knowledge and skills on sustainable and viable production farm managmeent To improve income and living conditions of farmers To make life in rural areas more attractive Suggested Structure 2 years; practical work on progressive farm, theoretical and practical inputs in blocks, tailored to needs, flexible Target Group: min. Class VIII, reading and writing CIEA Seminar August 2004 O. Hartmann-Fässler, Helvetas 26 Agricultural Apprenticeship (in work) Identification of Need and Curriculum Development (CD) Need = f (rural-urban migration, subsistence farming) CD: skill-based, with stakeholders, tailor to regional differences Planning and implementation Pilot batch with progressive farmers and first group of students On the job training of „Master-farmers“ Challenges/ Issues/Open Questions Inhomogeneous groups (level of schooling) Multitude of needs - different agro-climatic zones Selection of Masterfarmers Small structures vs. Idea of „Masterfarmer“ (work-load) Financial incentives for „Masterfarmers“? Distances vs. timing of practical/theoretical inputs Combine with other non-NRM offers (handicraft, vocational trg)? CIEA Seminar August 2004 O. Hartmann-Fässler, Helvetas 27 Major Issues and Possible Solutions Training DSA as income source and main motivation for participation => no DSA, training/lodging and travel free of cost Neglecting of trans-sectoral issues => coordinating body; proactive inclusion of trans-sectoral issues in all trainings Variety of agro-climatic zones => varying farming systems/practices => self-contained course modules; core modules plus optional/choice modules Decentralized training vs. Difficult logistics and quality insurance => M&E group to constantly evaluate quality of trainings Need for conducive framework for use/implementation of course content follow-up of students for provision of technical support facilitate access to funds careful selection of candidates and/or strict adherence to entry criteria Provide links with non-agri offers (e.g. Taxi driving) with potential for income generation. CIEA Seminar August 2004 O. Hartmann-Fässler 29 Conclusions – for discussion Rural Learning can benefit rural population indirectly (through change agents) or directly has to provide life-long learning opportunities for both change agents and rural households (not same offers BUT interlinked and interdependent) = need for coordination for change agents can be centrally offered, long-term and throughout the year. for private households, most training must be locally/decentrally offered, as short-term/evening courses and during less busy times of year. Participatory need analysis and curriculum develpment is best for all trainings, however, can be difficult due to lack of time, interest/knowledge of farmers/rural communities or due to logistic problems. CIEA Seminar August 2004 O. Hartmann-Fässler 30 **** The END **** Thank you for your attention! Tashi Delek! CIEA Seminar August 2004 O. Hartmann-Fässler 31 Questions for Group Work 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Look at the overview of learning offers in the rural area in Bhutan. What (kind of) offers are missing? Do you agree on the distinction between offers for learning agents (indirect) and rural households (direct)? Why? How do the recommendations and conclusions given coincide with your experience? Where do you disagree? Why? What additional recommendations/conclusions would you draw? Do a SWOT analysis for both the apprenticeship and the degree level courses (BSc/MSc) and add any recommendation to improve the suggested structure etc. CIEA Seminar August 2004 O. Hartmann-Fässler 32