We are in the process of putting together this current academic year book 2014-15. While this is being put together please read about some of the things we have been up to so far. The last two weeks with year 7 we have been studying algebra. For most of them it was something new and very confusing at first. We introduced it by comparing with arithmetic, showing that it works the same way. They have been taught since they were young the concepts of basic maths, i.e. how to count, and they have just passed another important threshold in their Maths education. Suddenly being asked to deal with letters instead of numbers was difficult to begin with, but it all becomes clearer with practical examples: If I had 3 sweets and I buy 𝑛 more, I will have 3 + 𝑛 sweets. Algebra is just the start of a journey that gives them the skills to solve even more complex problems. Miss O. Pasquet – Maths Department THE HEART OF THE MATTER Year 7 are learning all about internal organs, their function and how they are arranged in the human body. In the photos you can see some eager Year 7 hands investigating just how these organs are arranged in a pig; whose organs are similar in size to those of human beings. Dr. M. Woolley – Science Department youngest in the whole squad! Apart from that, I have learnt a lot at Bristol and techniques I want to show on the football pitch. We played Bristol City and Bristol Rovers. We drew 0-0 with Bristol City and we lost 1-2 with Bristol Rovers. We played good football and held our held for seventy minutes. Unfortunately playing two games on different surfaces proved too much. Tired legs unfortunately lost us the game. I enjoyed the trial a lot. The youth development coach at Bristol is coming to Spain in December and hopefully he'll take some of us there. I love football and I will always love football. It is my dream to become a professional footballer. It was a great experience once again! “ Mrs. S. Shuttleworth – Key Stage 3 Coordinator INTERVIEW WITH A STUDENT: Mr. TOM LAM In this issue we will hear the latest news from Tom Lam, a very promising athlete in the making. Tom has recently been for trials with a professional UK football club, and this is what he had to say about it: “I went to Bristol for trials on the 26th of October. I also went last year in Year 8 but it wasn't as good as this trial. I was the second Edited by: Mr. C. Marchand – Deputy Head of School Year 9 students have been going above and beyond recently and started to take an active role around the school. Students volunteered to help Primary students with the selling of home made cakes during a break time and over 200 Euros was raised. Other Year 9 students also gave up their break times to sell he Poppies to raise money to help families affected by war. More news comes from Year 8: Amalia Estradas is just back from a trip to the UK where she had the chance to audition for “ Britain´s got Talent” television programme. Amalia enjoyed herself and although she did not go through to the next round there is always next year! Amalia was headline news in her local newspaper “ The Birmingham Mail”. (pictured above) We are lucky that we will still be able to hear her as she will singing in a future school assembly. Mrs. Sarah Shuttleworth – Key Stage 3 Coordinator PADEL LESSONS IN YEAR 2 MATHS DAY IS FUN! The Primary School recently celebrated our “Maths is Fun” day. All children, from Early Years to Year 6, enjoyed a variety of different activities throughout all curriculum areas prepared by our enthusiastic teachers. Years 1, 2 and 3 took part in a rotation of activities, one of which was the “Elephant Walk” where the children looked for different ways of arranging colours. Children made numbers with their bodies in their KS1 drama sessions, some children were lucky to work with Mars bars whilst studying fractions (and eating them at the end!) and others investigated the probability of toast landing butter side down. Children in the Early Years class explored quantity and matched shapes, amongst a range of other activities. Older children explored pentominoes and hexominoes, the ancient Chinese tangram puzzles and how many children would be able to fit in a 1 metre square with surprising results. This is just a snap shot of the variety of activities throughout the day. If you ask you children what their maths day was like, hopefully they will answer, “Maths is fun!” Mrs N. de Comarmond – Head of Primary Year 2 had a fantastic time at the Padel club despite the grey skies. All the children got to try out playing padel and tennis. They walked down to and back from the club beautifully and everyone commented on how well behaved they were. Many thanks to the club for providing a tasty snack and drinks as well as their super coaching. Also a big thank you to the parents who came to watch and help. Extract from Thing by Sophie Tonge “The grotesque aroma of the dimly lit room overwhelmed me. I could not keep my equilibrium, how on earth would I have the strength to escape from the grasps of this creature. I took my head out of knees, and then the hot, sticky tears began streaming down my face as I screamed at the horror of this thing. His red, beady eyes glared down towards me, as he gargled salvia and spat it at me. Anguish flooded my body, as I suddenly stammered up and spat back at him. Then before I could even react, everything turned black.“ Mr. T. Barnett – Head of English HALLOWEEN IN YEAR 2 Mrs S. Adams & Miss A. Symons – Year 2 LAUDE’S FIENDISH WRITING STRIKES AGAIN Congratulations to our winner of the inaugral Laude San Pedro Halloween Writing Competition: Sophie Tonge (Year 12). Chosen from close to one hundred entries, this student’s work showed the right mix of description, tension and horror to impress the judges. A chilling sample is included below. Edited by: Mr. C. Marchand – Deputy Head of School Year 2 had a fantastic time during our Halloween celebrations. Everyone enjoyed showing off their costumes and watching the primary parade. After that we went back to our classes to find them full of magic potions! A witch was there and she needed our help to make the best potion with the biggest bubbles. We all had a straw with a different potion to try out, we soon realised that the potions were made from a base of milk, water or juice. We discovered that the milky potions made the best bubbles as the liquid is thicker than water. Mrs S. Adams & Miss A. Symons – Year 2 BRAVO L´ ARTISTE ! We have many talented children in our school, one of whom is Diana in 3M. Diana wants to be an artist and is inspired by Van Gogh, as you can see by her sunflowers painting. During our Primary assembly, Diana confidently told the school about her passion for painting and art work. She has already sold 1 painting and we are now lucky to be displaying some of her art work in our reception area leading in to KS1. Please be sure to have a look – it really is amazing! Mrs N. de Comarmond – Head of Primary goes into these projects involves learning across a range of curriculum areas and involves a curriculum overlap with other subjects, namely Science, History, Geography and ICT, which is a great way for learning in one subject area to compliment another and allow students to not only see the links between different subjects, but also for them to begin creating their own such links. Some of these projects include: Educational systemsstudents prepare an interview for their teachers and examine various countries´ educational systems! The Dispossessed-developing understanding of the historical context of marginalisation and relating it the present-day society. Film Studies-an exciting look at the beginning of the film industry and how key features in film correspond with those in literature. We look forward to displaying our students´ work on completion of these projects. Miss A. Griffin - English department Mr. D. Maloney – Head of Creative Arts KEY STAGE 4 WATCH OUT DRONES ABOUT! It has been a very busy few weeks in Key Stage 4 it is any wonder students have enough time for their actual lessons. Students across Year’s 10 and 11 have been attending many different charities in order to volunteer and get hands on experience. Many have visited; Triple A, Adana and the Aprona School. In addition to this students have had a very special talk from the DEBRA charity foundation – the students were a testament to the school behaving impeccably and really thinking about the meaning of this charity. REMEMBRANCE DAY RESEARCH SKILLS It has been an exciting start to the second half of the first term in the English department, with a strong focus across all year groups on consolidating students´ directed and independent research skills. Although the outcome will take the form of individual or small group projects, the preparation that On the 11th November, we held a ceremony for Remembrance Day at Laude. Students from our Primary School presented very moving readings to remember the fallen to the whole school. This was followed by a one minute in silence. We Will Remember Them! Edited by: Mr. C. Marchand – Deputy Head of School Whilst the students were enjoying their lunch time, Christiaan Bijlstra from Year 12 brought in his brand new drone (pictured above) to take some fantastic images of the school and surrounding areas for a very exciting project we are working on. The use of this new technology at the school we hope will become common place at events and on new projects. Keep an eye out on the school website and around the school for some of the results from this exciting new project! Mr. C. Smith – Key Stage 4 Coordinator wonderful day! FARM VISIT FOR YEAR 3 Miss C. Middleton – Year 3 KEY STAGE 3 & 4 VOLLEYBALL On Wednesday, Year 3 visited El Pato farm, in Málaga. The weather was kinder to us, as the sun shone for most of the day! The farm is run by a family, with friendly monitors that organised some lovely activities for us, including horse-riding, making clay pots and one of our favourites - feeding the animals! The ducks, goats and chickens were particularly hungry, and the month-old calf was the cutest attraction, enjoying lots of attention from us. The teachers were very proud of the children, as they represented Laude fabulously, with excellent listening and wonderful manners! We all thoroughly enjoyed the day, and some of us even enjoyed a nice sleep on our long journey home! When asked this morning, all the children said that they had had a are its effects on the body’s metabolic rate. It enhances your energy level which improves students overall physical and mental performance. Volleyball also improves hand-eye coordination and strengthens and develops fast reflexes. As with any type of physical activity, volleyball improves mental health and enhances the health of the bones and joints. Mrs. S. Fowler Barley - P.E. Department “VOCABULARIO” IN YEAR 3 Students have been constantly running, jumping, diving, swinging their arms and bending their knees. Learning and improving their skills and techniques then applying these into a game situation. Volleyball offers all the lessons of team sports at a young age. Students need to work as a team, whether playing doubles or six players, and if you don’t work together, you lose! Students learn the benefits of encouraging teammates and working together to improve. The physical activities involved in playing volleyball will strengthen the upper body, arms and shoulders as well as the muscles of the thighs and lower legs. Playing volleyball also tones and strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Improved circulation circulates more blood, oxygen and nutrients throughout the body, improving the body’s functions and your overall health and well-being reducing the risks of hypertension, heart disease and diabetes. Other benefits of playing volleyball Edited by: Mr. C. Marchand – Deputy Head of School In their Spanish class, the Year 3 students have been learning vocabulary related to the school. We have being describing our school and our Spanish classroom. Children have even designed and described what their perfect school would look like, but what they all agreed was how much they loved their school, Laude! They have also had lots of fun playing a game to test each other´s knowledge about vocabulary related to the classroom. Well done, Year 3, you have done a great job! Mrs. N. Sánchez - SSL Primary. LAUDE INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE IN VOGUE! A photograph of Laude International College has been selected to appear on the Vogue Italia portfolio of our very talented Irene Sekulic. You can access the photograph and more works by Irene Irene by clicking on the year 8M took part in an international ballet concurs named "The Youth America Grand Prix 2015". The YAGP became the largest student scholarship competition in the world. From October the 31st till November the 2nd Anna and Sonya participated with 4 other girls from the School of Russian Ballet in the European semi-final in the "Andre Malraux Theater" in Paris. Among more than hundred participating groups in their category they had an incredible good performance and ended up in the top 10 and qualified for the finals which will take place in New York between the 10th and the 15th of April 2015. By: Sonya Hopman – Year 8M following link: http://www.vogue.it/photovogue /Portfolio/f26018ba-6caf-4fbe-809a14580831c0e6/Image Mr. D. Maloney – Head of Creative Arts Mrs. I. Sekulic – Creative Arts Department RECYCLED HALLOWEEN ARTWORK LAUDE GIRLS AT « L´ÉCOLE DU BALLET DE L´OPÉRA DE PARIS » Creativity, knowledge and responsibility, or how Art can be both fun and of useful to society: On November the 2nd Anna Guseva from year 7M and Sonya Hopman from obvious to our students how everyday life objects which we normally dispose of, could be recycled for that purpose. One has to forget the primary use of any given object and see it in anew light, considering its colour, shape and texture. All kind of boxes, newspapers, old clothes, and magazines were used to create a very original set of Halloween decorations. A buffet of monstrous cakes, a body part shop for zombies, and sinister cemetery artefacts were on display in the school hall during Halloween week. Throughout this Project, students have learnt to work collaboratively and to stimulate their creativity. Congratulations to all students involved for a job very well done! For ESO students, our first Art Project has been quite a challenge! Their mission: to create Halloween decorations using only recycled materials! It was not immediately Edited by: Mr. C. Marchand – Deputy Head of School WELCOME TO OXFORD MR PAEZ! Dear Parents & Students, all staff at Laude San Pedro join me to wish you a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year! Mr. C. Marchand – Deputy Head of School Year 10 and 11 are busy leading and organizing the Laude Charity Gala which will be held at the school on Thursday 19th February starting at 7pm. They have been instrumental in organising; music, dance, a luxury auction, a fashion show by Elle Morgan and food from Masala restaurants. In addition to this they have been busy with the marketing and promotion of the event. Tickets are now on sale from our Key Stage 4 students and reception every day. Tickets are priced at 5 Euros and are selling incredibly quickly so get yours today to avoid disappointment. In addition to buying tickets you can support our two fantastic charities; L’Aladim and Fundacion Scariolo by sponsoring the event. Please email gala2015@laudesanpedro.com for more information. We would like to give a big thank you to Nicole King from RTV Marbella and Marbella Family Fun for a great collaboration. We will be appearing on the Mi Marbella radio show in the coming weeks so tune into 107.6 from 3.30-5.30 every day to hear more about the Laude Charity Gala and other fantastic Laude initiatives. Mr. C Smith - KS 4 Coordinator Edited by: Mr. C. Marchand – Deputy Head of School Many congratulations to Álvaro Páez, who has been accepted to study Mathematics at Oxford University (Magdalen College). The competition for entry is as tough as it gets, and we are immensely proud of his achievements. Mr C. Marchand- Deputy Head of School CHARITY WORK AT LAUDE We would like to congratulate all Key Stage 4 students that took part in the DEBRA and FNAC charity event over the Christmas period. The Year 10 and 11 students helped raise 10,000 Euros for DEBRA, a fantastic achievement, well done Key Stage 4! Also, Laude San Pedro raised an outstanding 2040 Euros for “Save the Children” thanks to our sponsored run prior to Christmas. Thank you to all of our students and to all the parents who joined us for this event! Mr. C. Smith – KS4 Coordinator FEEDING OUR COMMUNITY we managed to collect 13 boxes full of non-perishable foods to send to our friends at the Emaus foundation. Thank you so much to all those who donated – you have made a huge difference to many families across Málaga! After seeing the generosity of our students and families, I for one am immensely proud to belong to Laude School. Miss C. Gaukrodger – Head of Science LAUDE CHRISTMAS SWIM This term, as part of our new Vertical Tutor Group programme, Secondary students have been organising food donations for a local charity. The chosen charity is Emaus which operates 6 ‘comedores sociales’ (soup kitchens) in the Málaga region. The aim of this campaign was to raise awareness across our school community of the plight that local families are facing on a daily basis to provide food in the home. According to a recent article in the newspaper “Sur in English” there are 2.5 million children at risk of poverty in Spain - 1.5 million of these children live in Andalucía! Volunteer workers at the soup kitchen in Estepona explained how a key need is food that can be used for school packedlunches, so families can send their children to school knowing they will have a proper meal. I am pleased to report that after a huge effort from many students and teachers On Tuesday the 16th of December 2014 these courageous students in our 6th Form (and Dr.Woolley!) bravely took part in a Christmas Swim in order to raise money for our school charity. Thanks to all the generous sponsors out there, we managed to raise €200 this Christmas! This is a huge accomplishment and everyone who participated should be very proud. Huge thanks to all the teachers and students who helped to make this event happen. Who knows, perhaps this could become a tradition at Laude for all future 6th Formers crazy enough to braze the freezing waters?! Sophie Day – Year 12 student Edited by: Mr. C. Marchand – Deputy Head of School LIBERTÉ D´EXPRESSION It was a special day, this 8th of January. As many French people, I was wearing a badge “Je suis Charlie”. As the year 7 students were entering the classroom, questions started to raise: “Miss, you are not Charlie!?” “Did you change your name?”… I was pleased that, after the long Christmas holidays, they still remembered what “je suis” meant. But I needed to explain to them why I was wearing this and what happened in France the previous day, as far as I knew of course. They are young girls and boys, therefore I had to simplify the story so that they could understand. I told them that some of these cartoonists were part of my childhood, that they also drew cartoons and comics, that they were expressing themselves through very tough drawings and acid humour in a satirical newspaper called “Charlie Hebdo”, that they were making fun of every political and religious side, that some policemen and other people of the building were also killed in the terrorist attack, that it is important for new generations to respect the opinion of others and that journalists all over the world do a difficult job to inform us through photos, articles, interviews, drawings, serious ness or humour, and that this freedom of expression always has to be respected. Miss O. Pasquet – MFL Department JAKE JACKSON: FOOTBALL HIGHLIGHTS Laude San Pedro is proud to bring to you the latest news from the football world where Jake Jackson is going from one success to another, showing himself off as a pillar of his team, instrumental in their current success. Jake scored against Malaga on Sunday; His team drew at home with Sevilla and won away at Cadiz. Jake and his team played against the league’s top four in eight days so these are great results! Mr. C. Marchand – Subdirector del Colegio LONG LIVE THE GEEKS! At one second after the bang, the first protons and neutrons were formed that make up the matter that now makes up our earth and solar system, which we are all very familiar with. Not only have they studied this model but also the energy mass equivalence that has been characterised through Einstein’s famous E=MC2 equation, as well as an introduction to quantum field theory as applied to the four fundamental forces of the universe, culminating in the Higgs hypothesis with the Higgs field and the famous Higgs boson which according to the model; is responsible for mass. Dr. M. S. Woolley – Science Department SHAKESPEARE: FROM STAGE TO PAGE This week our Year 9 English students have been exploring the life and works of William Shakespeare. The students showed great enthusiasm for this research project and created some very impressive presentations ranging from the ruthless and ambitious Macbeth to the revenge-fuelled Hamlet. Students explored the plot, characters and themes of some of Shakespeare´s classics. The group will be spending the next few weeks getting to know the characters of Romeo and Juliet, culminating in a piece of drama in It is not often that you get the chance to study the very fabric of the universe which they will become the stars of the show! at school, but that is precisely what Year 13 A level physics have recently been doing as part of their A level physics course. The standard model of particle physics creates the 12 standard fundamental particles of the 3 generations of matter that came into being less than a millisecond after the big bang and the birth of the Universe. Miss A. Moody Department Edited by: Mr. C. Marchand – Deputy Head of School – English BUSINESS PICTIONARY Every teacher's conundrum is trying to facilitate effective learning whilst at the same time, engaging and enthusing young people. However, 'having fun' in class isn't always as tricky as it seems, especially when you turn the subject into a game! The students and I decided that Business Studies Pictionary was a great way to end the term on a positive note. This involved the students drawing out pictures on the white board which related to business terms they'd studied, and the teams sat down needed to guess the term. This was a very effective way for me to assess whether they'd learned these terms (you can't possibly draw something you don't understand!) and a very fun way for the students to compound what they'd studied. I was impressed by their drawing abilities too! Miss A. Garcia – Humanities Department U/13 FOOTBALL & BASKETBALL TOURNAMENTS HOSTED BY LAUDE The Inter Schools’ U/13 boys’ and girls’ football and basketball tournaments were hosted by Laude San Pedro International College in two consecutive weeks. All our players showed superb team effort and great skills in the games played. The girls showed commitment to each other and confidently demonstrated the strategies and tactics which they had been practicing in PE lessons. The boys’ matches were equally spectacular to watch. The matches were very close indeed, some games were won, some were lost and a few deadlocks too. A special mention goes to Marko Mutadavzc for a brilliant performance and successful captaining of the basketball team; to Amalia Estradas and Eva Marcus for scoring some incredible goals in the football match against Swans and to Lois Burrell for showing great agility and quick thinking whilst commanding her penalty box. Miss O. Garcia – Head of PE PUBLIC SPEAKING IN YEAR 1 Year 1B had lots of fun in their Public Speaking lesson this week. The children were very excited to talk about the item they had chosen to bring in. Cosmo collects natural stones and gem and brought in his collection to show the children. He shared lots of interesting information about where he found them, some he found when walking on the beach. We all decided to look very carefully when we next went to the beach in case we were lucky enough to find some as beautiful as these. Nicolas brought in his Buzz Light Year action toy. Nicolas told us that the Toy Story films are one of his favourites. The children enjoyed hearing about all the games and adventures Nicolas has with Buzz, sometimes Nicolas play Space Adventures and he said one day he would like to travel in space and visit the moon. We all said we hoped he would be luckily enough to fulfill his dreams. Mrs S. Briggs – KS1 Coordinator Edited by: Mr. C. Marchand – Deputy Head of School BABA YAGA IN YEAR 2 Children in Year 2 have been inspired by the traditional story, Baba Yaga, to draw Baba Yaga, the witch, in all her gory glory. They especially liked the fact that she eats the strange creatures that inhabit her long, white hair and that she collects the green mucus that drips from her crooked nose in a bucket to eat when there are no juicy children to be had for her supper. Eugh! Mrs A. Symons – Year 2 SUPERHEROES ARE NOTHING WITHOUT MATHS! Year 8 Set 1 have been helping a Super Hero, Spiderman, with their knowledge of Locus. “ A locus, in mathematics, can be defined as a set of points which share a common property or satisfy a certain condition.” The students applied their mathematical skills to help plan a safe way for Spiderman to capture one of his enemies and rescue hostages without being seen. Students had to convert the measurements given to allow them to accurately draw a scale diagram and then mark off the areas which Spiderman needed to avoid. This fun task involved a lot of maths, from scaling measurements, converting units, ratios, constructing accurate triangles and circles. Some students then went on to an extension where they had to protect Laude Exams from intruders and include the cost of CCTV cameras and security guards. Mrs S. Shuttleworth – Maths Department when starting a new business, I thought it might be a good idea to bring in someone who has started their own business. This would give the students some context to their ideas, an authentic business perspective and some much needed constructive feedback for their ideas. I invited a business man from London, who started his own business in Gibraltar, working in American real estate and finding properties for investors. He was an instant success with the students as he discussed, in length, their business plans and ideas explaining the viability of each plan and identifying areas for thought and change. The students were fascinated by his advice, knowledge and experience and remained engaged for the entire session. Miss A. Garcia – Humanities Department “Today we went to La Quinta Golf for the morning. I had played Golf before so i was looking forward to this day. It is a very good sport but it is also difficult for me. I do not find it easy to play but tried hard. When i missed the ball or it went in a different direction to where i was aiming it, it was funny!” By: Kike Pozón In February we have the Charity Gala and again Year 9 students have volunteered for jobs to help out, such as selling raffle tickets and working as “runners” on the evening. I am sure it will be even better than last year and we look forward to seeing you there. Mrs S. Shuttleworth - KS3 Coordinator. KS3 students have a busy tem ahead The Year 9 students are really getting in to helping people, especially volunteering for all jobs. LAUDE SHARES THE PAIN OF THE FRENCH NATION This week in 2º Bachillerato, we have inevitably been following and sharing the pain that the French people suffered several days ago. And as citizens in a free and democratic country, we endorse what renowned Nobel Laureate, Mario Vargas Llosa, recently wrote in an important Spanish newspaper. I have included parts of his article for your consideration: SUCCESSFUL START-UP VISITS LAUDE After a period of learning about business plans and their importance will have a taster day. A number of the students already play this game and so hopefully we will have a budding Sergio Garcia or Annika Sorenstam amongst them. The Europeans have excelled in the Ryder Cup in the past few years. This what Kike Pozón in Year 9 said about the day: This week they were in for a treat because they went to La Quinta Golf club for a morning, where they Edited by: Mr. C. Marchand – Deputy Head of School “I think that what happened in Paris is not only a horrible incident whose cruelty and savagery not only makes your hair stand on end but is also an escalation in terror (.....) The murder of practically all of the editorial staff of the Charlie Hebdo magazine has an even more important meaning: the fact that they expect the Western culture, the birthplace of freedom, democracy and human rights, to renounce its use of these values; to begin the use of censorship, to limit the freedom of expression, to establish a list of forbidden topics, that is, to give up one of the most fundamental principles of freedom: the right to criticise (.....). We have to make an effort to prevent this from happening and that Europe be destroyed by its enemies as well as by those who pretend to defend her through various forms of intolerance and fanaticism (.......) That is why, this tragic event that France is suffering is a tragedy that affects all free men and women of this world and it’s why we should repeat, as millions of frenchmen do every day: “Je suis Charlie Hebdo” / “I am Charlie Hebdo”. In Year 3 we are learning about the weather and how it is different around the world. This week we were talking about the weather elements: the wind, the rain, the snow, the fog... and how in some countries, these elements can be very extreme., such as, the Monsoon. Some places such as the Caribbean, the South of Asia, Central America and Madagascar only have two seasons: the rainy one in summer (Wet season) and the dry one in winter (Dry season). When the Monsoon arrives, it brings strong winds and rain, causing floods. The children were fascinated to learn how the weather is so different around the world. They also enjoyed comparing the weather here where we live, to other parts of the world. Well done, Year 3. We have learnt a lot form each other. Mrs N. Sanchez – Primary MFL Department Mrs. L. Zambrano – Spanish Department MONSOON IN YEAR 3 Edited by: Mr. C. Marchand – Deputy Head of School