File - Ms Stone's Classes

Introduction to
Retail Marketing
Ms. Stone
The Maple Tree is Seaholm’s student-run school store. Students enrolled in Retail Marketing will
take what they learn from class lectures and apply it to a real life situation in The Maple Tree.
Students will further expand their knowledge by completing out of class assignments which will
help create a final report by the end of the trimester. Students must be self-motivated and display
initiative throughout the trimester to be successful. The focus of this course is student-centered
and provides learning activities that allow students to demonstrate their knowledge of marketing
and management concepts as well as learn to effectively operate a small retail business. Once
students complete this course they will then be able to sign up for Retail Management.
Unit #
Introduction to Retailing and the class
Functions and Foundations of Marketing
Economic Concepts
Communication and Interpersonal Communication
Visual Merchandise/Store Layout
Distribution Management
Marketing Research
Marketing Plan
Work in Maple Tree
Finish Project/Work in Maple Tree
Final Exam
Grades will be calculated based on the following areas:
 Introduction Activities
 Training
 Weekly Assignments
 Weekly Checkpoints of Final Project
 Final Exam
Points earned throughout the trimester will be worth 80% of your overall grade. You will earn
another 20% when you complete and turn in your final project.
Shoplifting is a problem for retail stores and that loss is
effectively passed on to consumers in their future purchases. It
is said that the average retail store experiences a shrinkage (or
theft) rate of approximately 8% of gross sales. Of that 8%, over
80% is due to employee theft. Embezzlement is also another
serious problem for retail businesses. Embezzlement is when
an employee takes money from the company without the
permission of the appropriate manager or owner.
The Maple Tree’s school store policy on shoplifting and
embezzlement is as follows:
Any student that is caught shoplifting merchandise or taking money (regardless of the value) shall be
removed from the store setting at once. This action may result in the student being dropped from the
course, receiving a failing grade in the course and/or restriction from store activities and job duties.
A report will be filed with the Birmingham Police Department. The purpose of the report is to provide
the detectives with the information they need to follow up on the theft and press charges where
Any high school student who wishes to test-out of a course in which s/he is not enrolled may do so
by taking the Course Competency Assessment (CCA) for the course. The CCA requirements for
Retail Store Marketing are as follows: successfully complete the final exam project/exam, present
the final project and be able to verbalize specific information when questioned, perform 30 hours
of retail work (paid or nonpaid work and submit a timesheet with owner/supervisor signature,
and complete an experience write- up of your 30 hour retail work.
Please return this signature sheet to Ms Stone. Make sure to keep all course information, grading
and store/classroom policies in your class binder.
STUDENT: I have read the course information, grading, store/classroom policies and employee
handbook. I have also read the Seaholm High School Handbook and am aware of my academic
and behavior expectations as a student in Ms. Stone’s. I will uphold these policies and assume
accountability for my actions.
Student Signature: _________________________________ Date: _____________
Student Name (Printed): ________________________________________________
PARENT/S: My student has discussed with me the course information, grading and
store/classroom policies for Ms. Stone’s class. I understand these policies and procedures and
support my student in their endeavors.
Signature: ________________________________________ Date: _____________
NAME (print): __________________________________________________________ HOUR: _______
I am aware that I may buy items within The Maple Tree on a credit account with the teacher’s
and parent approval. I understand that I am financially responsible for any items I decide to
apply to my credit account. My credit account will not exceed $15.00. I will not allow my credit
account to go past due more than 30 days. All balances on credit accounts must be paid,
regardless of the balance, at least once per month. No credit purchases may be made on the
account by anyone other than the person whose names is on the account. All balances must be
paid in full one week before the end of the trimester and no further purchases may be made one
week prior to the closing of the store for the trimester. By signing below, I am allowing my
student to purchase items at The Maple Tree on credit that will be paid back according to the
terms described above. I am aware that if the balance is unpaid it will become a student fine
through the bookkeeper’s office and will result a course failure until balance is paid in full.
________________________________ _______________________ Student Signature Date
________________________________ _________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date