Dihybrid Crosses Homework Dihybrid Crosses Popcorn reading: The first two pages of the handout, telling the story of the Morgan fruit fly experiments. Dihybrid Crosses So you know how to figure out the likelihood of having a blue-eyed baby. And you know how to figure out the likelihood of having a baby with a hitchhiker’s thumb. But what if you want to know the likelihood of having a brown-eyed baby with a hitchhiker’s thumb? A blue-eyed baby with a normal thumb? Dihybrid Cross For two genes that are on different chromosomes, we can do a dihybrid cross. (Di=two) (Scientists can do very large complicated crosses, but two is the largest one we’ll do.) The essential difference is that figuring out gametes has a bit of a trick to it. At each table, please tear a piece of paper out of a notebook, and then tear it into four strips of roughly equal size. Dihybrid Crosses Suppose that a person is heterozygous for eye color (Bb). One one chromosome #1, they have the B allele. On the other chromosome #1, they have the b allele. – Write B on one strip, and b on another. This person is also heterozygous for hitchhiker’s thumb. – Write H on the third strip, and h on the fourth. These are their chromosomes in a diploid cell. Dihybrid Crosses When they make gametes, each gamete will get just one from each pair of homologous chromosomes. – Make different gametes. Each gamete should have just one B/b chromosome, and just one H/h chromosome. Be prepared to answer: • How many possible combinations are there? • What are the genotypes of those possible alleles? Dihybrid Crosses This person’s genotype is BbHh A gamete from a person who is Bb will have either B or b. And a gamete from a person who is Hh will have either H or h. This is the same situation. Dihybrid Crosses This person’s genotype is BbHh BH Dihybrid Crosses This person’s genotype is BbHh BH Bh Dihybrid Crosses This person’s genotype is BbHh BH Bh bH Dihybrid Crosses This person’s genotype is BbHh BH Bh bH bh Of the four gametes, how many have B? How many have b? H? h? Dihybrid Crosses This person’s genotype is BbHh BH Bh bH bh Notice that we keep the genes in the same order, regardless of capitalization. For example, bH. Dihybrid Crosses Now practice figuring out the four possible gametes from this genotype: JJYy – Note, some of them may be the same as each other. Dihybrid Crosses JJYy = – JY JY JY Jy Another practice problem, figure out the four gametes for: – ttGg Dihybrid Crosses ttGg = – tG tG tG tg You set a dihybrid cross up exactly like a monohybrid cross, only now there are four gametes per parent rather than just two. Example: A cross between IiLL and iill.