Day 3 - MrQGenocide

Day 3
Rwanda 1960s-1970s
Paul Kagame 2000-Present T
Juvenal Habyarimana 74-1994 H
Gregoire Kayibanda 1960-1973 H
King Kigeli 1959-1960 T
King Mutara 1931-1959 T
King Yuhi 1896-1931 T
WWI 1917
Berlin Conference 1884
59-61 Social Revolution
1. Led by Kayibanda leader of PARMEHUTU
2. In 1957 UNAR wanted monarchist party,
calling for immediate self-government from
3. Hutu Manifesto demands political power
4. Belgium and Hutu align with Kigeri to place
Tutsis in charge.
5. Compared to Holocaust, Armenia and
Cambodia this event would be comparable
Hutu in Tutsis out
Gregoire Kayibanda as Leader
1959 Social Revolution
First Hutu in power
Shows favoritism
Juvenal Habyarimana
Leads MRND and removes
Kayibanda from power
early 1970s
In power from 1972-1994
Will he advocate for a
Rwanda for Hutu or a
Rwanda for Rwandans?
Hutu Groups
In June 1957, they formed the Hutu Social
Movement, which, in 1959, became the Party
of the Hutu Emancipation Movement (Parti du
Mouvement de l'Emancipation Hutu—
Parmehutu). Parmehutu thereupon set a
policy of ending Tutsi rule and abolishing the
feudal system.
Hutu Groups
In 1975, President Habyarimana founded and
became party president of the National
Revolutionary Movement for Development
(Mouvement Révolutionnaire Nationale pour
le Développement—MRND), which became
the nation's only legal party.
Hutu Groups
Coalition for the Defense of the Republic
(CDR). The latter, headed by Martin Bucyana,
was charged with provoking the 1994
Hutu Groups
Parmehutu: Created in 1957 with help of Christian missionaries.
Creates Hutu Manifesto suggesting a governmental change. This is the
first Hutu group to gain power.
MRND: Controls Rwandan politics by removing Kayibanda from power.
Group led by Habyarimana and in power until the genocide was stopped
by the RPF.
CDR: 1990 Hutu right organization believing no peace with Tutsi can
ever be made. Educated and training of Interhamwe.
Interhamwe Militia group consisting of young adults. Responsible for
killings on the ground.
FAR: Rwandan armed forces was the Rwandan military. Trained by
Belgium and France.
Tutsi Groups
The Rwanda National Union Party (Union
Nationale Rwandaise—UNAR), founded in
September 1959 by Prosper Bwanakweli and
backed by the mwami, was the leading
monarchist party, calling for immediate selfgovernment and independence under a
hereditary (Tutsi) constitutional monarchy.
Tutsi Groups
The Tutsi refugee intelligentsia set up the
region's first political refugee organization, the
Rwandese Alliance for National Unity (RANU),
to discuss the possible return to Rwanda.
Rwandan Patriotic Army (RPA), the armed
wing of the RPF, deserted their posts in the
Ugandan army and invaded northern Rwanda.
Tutsi Groups
Patriotic Front of Rwanda abbreviated as RPF is
the current ruling political party of Rwanda,
led by President Paul Kagame.
Tutsi Groups
RANU: Created in 1979 by exiled Tutsis trying to
return to Rwanda. Group created in Uganda. Rwandan
alliance for national unity in Uganda. Group consists
of intellectuals.
RPA: Rwandan Patriotic Army. A Tutsi army in
Uganda that wants to return to Rwanda after being
kicked out of Rwanda in 1959.
RPF: Rwandan Patriotic Front created when RANU
and RPA merge. The same organization to attack
Rwanda in the early 90s. Credited for ending the
genocide and removing Hutus from power.
Hutus kill Tutsi in 1994
Tutsi kill Hutu in 1972
What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore-And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over-like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?
Female prime
minister after
MR. H plane crash April 6, 1994 she was killed April 7th
According to the Bagosora Trial Judgment, “Shortly
before noon, soldiers discovered Mme
Uwilingiyimana in her hiding place. Other soldiers in
the area heard the applause and shouts of joy and
knew that she had been captured. She came out
quickly and without struggle, apparently because she
wanted to protect her children who were hiding in
the same area. She tried to persuade the soldiers to
take her to the military camp. A small group, including
some from southern Rwanda, were willing to do so.
Others refused and wanted to execute her
immediately. Captain [Jean Morgan] Hategekimana
reportedly arrived and gave the order to kill her on
the spot. A lieutenant of the National Police, who was
in training to become a judicial officer, shot the prime
minister, blowing away the left half of her face.
Witnesses who came to the house soon after found
her nearly naked body on the terrace and carried it
into the house. Another witness who passed an hour
or so later found that her dressing gown had been
thrown up over her upper body and that a beer bottle
had been shoved into her vagina.”
Théoneste Bagosora
Established Interhamwe
Military officer
Assumed power of Rwanda after Madame Agathe
was assassinated
Refused to stop the killing of Tutsis until the RPF
stopped attacking Rwanda